This girl was born very beautiful originally. Although she is still a bit green, her little face is also very lovely. If the full score is [-]%, this girl will be [-]%, and she will grow up in the future Open and add some more.

Ichigo looked at Hu Yu, smiled slightly and said, "When you grow up."

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, the little girl was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and her hair suddenly exploded.

"I'm not too young! Daddy said I've grown up, and I'm sixteen, and I'm going to be seventeen soon! Li Erya in the city is the same age as me, and they're already married!"

There is some truth to what Hu Yu said. In this different world, there are many people who get married at the age of [-] or [-] in ordinary families.

Some even became mothers at the age of [-], and only children of a family like her would stay at night. Moreover, her Hu family was a cultivator family, so their lifespan was naturally longer than that of ordinary people.

Hearing Hu Yu's words at this time, Ichigo was slightly taken aback, as if he did not expect the girl to answer him like this.Ichigo came from that blue planet, where sixteen was still a girl, and she was the most beautiful age for a girl.

Thinking of this, Ichigo touched Hu Yu's hair, then raised his hand slightly, placed it several inches above Hu Yu's head, and said, "When you grow to this height, you will almost grow up. ."

In fact, although this girl Hu Yu is only sixteen years old, she is taller than girls of the same age.Even compared to her cousin Hu Yue'er, she is about the same in height.

Seeing the height of Yihu ratio now, Hu Yu frowned in frustration and said, "This is too high, I guess it won't grow!"

Hu Yu's slightly wrinkled brow looked even more cute.For some reason, her mood swings seem to be a bit severe today.And the girl didn't even notice that her emotions today seemed a little wrong.

On the sky full of sunshine, there is an endless sea of ​​stars, and the red star hanging in the sky seems to be beating slightly for no reason at this moment... ..

Chapter 373 Leave

"Big brother, how strong is your strength?" The little girl Hu Yu asked with her head raised.Hearing this, Ichigo just touched her head, compared it with his hands, and stopped at a position about a head higher than her, "It's probably that high."

Hu Yu wrinkled her nose when she heard the words: "Hmph, I don't believe it! Big brother, you are a good person, but you are also a bad person, so you know how to lie!"

The two of them laughed, but the surrounding Hu family members did not dare to let go of the atmosphere. Some people really couldn't stand the atmosphere, but they didn't dare to say anything. They couldn't help shaking their hands. on the ground!

When Ichihu heard the voice, she just glanced at it slightly, but Hu Yu was a little nervous. She was afraid that Ichigo would get angry, so she hurriedly said: "Big brother, can you spare my clan? And my sister, she People are still very good! Can you let them go?"

Who said that this girl Hu Yu is really just a simple little girl. She grew up in that kind of family power since she was a child. Although she was cared for since she was a child, she has not experienced much darkness.

But some things don't need to be studied deliberately. In that kind of environment, the little girl has already seen a lot of things that you are fighting for.

Hu Yu understood that her sister had already angered Ichigo, and Ichigo probably didn't like her own clansmen [-]% of the time.

But Ichigo's strength is really formidable, and Hu Yu's clansmen are naturally impossible to be Ichigo's opponents.Hu Yu believes that the only one who can save them now is himself!

At this time, as Hu Yu said these words, Ichigo's eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't say anything.Yes, in this world of the weak, is it really possible to have that kind of little girl who is completely ignorant of the world?

In this man-eating world, are there really people who don't understand anything?Certainly not.Who said that this girl Hu Yu doesn't know the world?Who said she was stupid?From Ichigo's point of view, this girl is probably smarter than many people.At least, Hu Yueer over there is absolutely incomparable!

Seeing that Ichigo didn't speak, Hu Yu was also a little nervous. For a while, he didn't know what to say. He just bit his lip tightly, looking a little aggrieved, and lowered his head, as if he didn't dare to talk to Ichigo again. look at each other.

However, after waiting for a long time, there was no response. Hu Yu couldn't help but panic, and raised his head slightly, but at this moment, where is the figure of Ichigo in front of her?

Looking up again, Hu Yu found that Ichigo's figure was more than ten feet away from her at some point. Looking at it now, Hu Yu could only see Ichigo's back!

I saw Ichigo with his back on his back and raised his hand gently, and then he didn't see any other movements, and the bodies of He Dao and the Qi family's son Qi Yun suddenly burst into flames!

This flame is probably not a common fire, and the two corpses were burned to the ground in just a moment.

Not a single bit of ashes were left, Ichigo's figure was followed by a few flashes, and the whole person disappeared into the trees like a dream, blocked by the endless dense forest, as if it had never appeared. similar.

Hu Yu just stared blankly. She didn't expect that after she said this request, Ichigo left without leaving a word!

At this moment, she only felt that something was missing in her heart, she just stared blankly at the direction where Ichigo disappeared, only feeling that her vision was slightly blurred.

Moreover, the previous experiences also seemed to be a dream, just like the figure of the same guard leaving, making people unable to grasp.Hu Yu couldn't help but think, is he mad at me...

As for Hu Yue'er, she finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Ichigo leave.

call!The terrifying young man has finally left. At this moment, the remaining members of the Hu family are here, apart from Hu Yueer and Hu Yu, there are four young people, and of course the one who has been abolished and cultivated He lying on the ground. uncle.

At this moment, everyone except Hu Yu breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, they no longer had to face that terrifying young man. The flames that rose from the corpses of He Dao and Qi Yun were just too weird. There was no clue how the flames were ignited.

Even among the Hu family members who were present, several masters who already had foundation-building cultivation didn't see what method Ichigo used.They couldn't help but feel fear in their hearts, that young man was really too terrifying.

I'm afraid that if Ichigo wants to kill them, it doesn't need any effort at all. If the flame just now really burns at them, they will definitely be unable to resist.

At this moment, Yihu left, and the four young people of the Hu family, except Hu Yueer and Hu Yu, slumped on the ground all of a sudden, their backs were drenched in cold sweat, and their legs were already soft.

They just held their breath, but this time they can't hold it anymore, and finally they don't have to hold it anymore!

The four young people sat on the ground, and the cold sweat on their foreheads kept falling. The four of them looked at each other. Originally, they should have lost each other, but now they have no strength to speak.

Hu Yue'er was also a little stunned, but she had learned her temperament early, and she was just a little stunned at the moment, did Ichigo just leave?

Just letting go of yourself and the Hu family?Just because of a word from my sister?It's all just like a dream.

And Ichigo is really weird. If he says he kills, he kills him, if he says he lets go, and if he says he goes, he leaves. It's really weird!

At this moment, Hu Yue'er can't say what her mood is. It's a bit complicated. Ichigo's existence is too dazzling. Such talent and strength are definitely Tianjiao.

Originally, she should have hated Ichigo to the core. He shamed himself several times, and even killed his own people.

She should have wished to eat his flesh and drink his blood, but now, for some reason, Hu Yueer couldn't hate it.

After being stunned for a while, Hu Yueer's eyes turned to her cousin again, only to see Hu Yu still standing there, motionless, like a sculpture.

The originally agile big eyes were a little lost at the moment, and even the pretty face showed a bit of pale color.

Seeing Hu Yu's appearance, Hu Yue'er couldn't help but hurt her heart and sighed leisurely, alas!Silly girl.She walked over quietly, didn't speak, just stroked Hu Yu's head with her hand, and said, "Silly girl, they have left."

Hu Yu heard that as if she had found support, hugged her sister, and for some reason, she couldn't help crying.

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