"That's right." Nodding, Ichigo responded to Lucy immediately.

Hearing the current conversation between Ichigo and Lucy made Kagura want to find out more.At that moment, looking at Ichigo, Kagura said without hesitation, "Of course. Ichigo Kurosaki, I also want to see, what exactly did you see?"

"In that case, Kagura, hold my hand." Hearing Kagura's words, the next second, he first let go of Lucy's right hand, and when Ichigo turned to stretch out his hand towards Kagura, As usual, he opened his mouth and signaled.

"..." Watching Ichigo stretch out his palm, Kagura was silent for a while, then remembered that Ichigo was holding Lucy's right hand before, so he no longer hesitated, and Kagura then reached out With his white right hand, the palm of his hand down lightly rested on Ichigo's palm that was flat in front of him. ..

Chapter [-] Destination, the gate of Hades!

The next moment, he folded his hand and grasped Kagura's right hand, and Ichigo simultaneously transmitted a strand of his spiritual power output to Kagura.And after Ichigo transferred his spiritual power to Kagura, a faint blue light appeared in front of Kagura's eyes.At the same time, a picture reflecting the interior of the Hades Gate Guild appeared directly in Kagura's mind.

At the moment, "see" to the internal structure and decoration of the Gate of Hades Guild, Kagura first paused, and then began to investigate carefully when his expression was slightly condensed.Kagura has long wanted to find out about this dark guild gate to the underworld that can destroy the Magic Council in one fell swoop.

Of course, since Ichigo has already expanded the detectable range to the extent that the entire Gate of Hades Guild is fully included, Kagura can now easily see the entire Dark Guild of the Gate of Hades.It was like standing in the sky looking down at the Gate of Hades, the Dark Guild. It only took less than a minute. How many members are there in the Gate of Hades guild? What is the internal structure of the entire Gate of Hades? These Kagura It's all "under the eyes" without any omission.

However, at this moment, Kagura, who was originally observing the internal environment of the Gate of Hades Guild, suddenly frowned tightly.

"...That guy, it's Gerald..." His eyes narrowed slightly, and after a while, he murmured, and Kagura then whispered such words.

"Well, it's indeed Gerald. It seems that after destroying the Magic Council, the members of the Gate of Hades also took Geral, who was imprisoned in the Magic Council's prison, to their guild." Naturally, God Ichigo was able to "see" clearly what he saw.At the moment, I captured the picture that reflected in my mind, the man wearing a wide blue robe with black and strange lines on half of his face, said in a flat voice as soon as he was guarding.

"...I'm going to kill him." At this moment, the aura of his body became cold and fierce.After a long while, he pulled out the jade hand from Ichigo's palm, and when Kagura raised his hand and put it on the hilt of her sheathed taodao hanging from her waist, she said in an indifferent voice.

"Kagura, even if you want to kill Gerald, do you know the exact location of the gate of the Dark Guild's Hades?" After all, Gerald was the culprit who killed Simon, so Kagura would move strongly at this time. Killing the heart is also a forgivable thing.Then in the next moment, looking at Kagura with a cold face as usual, Ichigo continued to speak, and asked Kagura such words lightly.

"..." Ichigo's question made Kagura fall into silence for a while.Indeed, Kagura just "see" the internal environment of the Gate of Hades Guild with the help of Ichigo just now. Kagura really doesn't know the exact location of the Gate of Hades at the moment.But immediately, Kagura thought that since Ichigo could detect the internal situation of the gate of Hades through such a miraculous method, it must not be difficult for Ichigo to determine the location of the gate of Hades.Immediately afterwards, Kagura, who had such an idea, turned his attention to Ichigo.

At that moment, facing Kagura's gaze towards her, Ichigo could read what Kagura wanted to say next just from the look in her eyes.Therefore, in the next second, before Kagura could speak, Ichigo smiled clearly and said, "Kagura, I know what you want to say now. Do you think that you want to rely on my ability? It is not difficult to find the location of the gate of Hades?"

What Ichigo said, Kagura didn't say anything more, and just looked at Ichigo and nodded silently.Seeing Kagura nodding, Ichigo then said: "Of course, it's not difficult for me to find the location of the gate of Hades. But, Kagura, I won't bring it with me right away. You went to the gate of Hades."

"...Why?" Kagura couldn't help frowning again at Ichigo's words, and then asked aloud while staring at Ichigo.

"Kagura, I haven't seen Erza for seven years. You should have a lot of things to say to her now, right?" Looking at Kagura, Kagura opened his mouth and said something that made Kagura so happy. With a stunned expression on his face, he said, "So, Kagura, after you talk to Erza, we will set off for the gate of Hades."

"...Well, thank you." I didn't expect Ichigo to think of himself like this, so Kagura couldn't help being silent for a long time. When he softened his tone, he thanked Ichigo softly.


The next day, early in the morning.

With Erza, Tia, and Kagura three daughters, Ichigo approached the location of his spiritual power line entangled in the jackal's soul.Since the purpose of going at this time is only to deal with the gate of the underworld who dares to challenge things first, it is absolutely more than enough even if only Ichigo is going.Therefore, apart from Kagura, who walked with the purpose of killing Gerald, Ichigo did not bring all the girls in the Zantsuki Guild with him this time, but only let Erza and Tia be together. The woman follows her.As for Miliana, who had previously followed Kagura to the Zhanyue Guild, Kagura had her go back to the Mermaid Heel Guild first.

After a while, Ichigo brought Kagura, Erza, and Tia three daughters straight to the main entrance of the Gate of Hades Guild.Standing in front of the main gate of the Gate of Hades Guild in such a grand manner, at this moment, Ichigo's fingertips are already gathering blazing white rays of light with arcs.

"Fourth of Destruction: Bai Lei!" In the next second, he opened his mouth and shouted, and with Ichigo's low shout, a dazzling white thunderbolt was immediately released through Ichigo's fingertips. The front door of the Gate of Hades Guild in front was directly blasted open!And the reason why I wanted to smash the gate of the Gate of Hades in one fell swoop when I came here is because Ichigo is confident enough to just clean up some demons in the book of Jerf. This is really simple. But one thing.Therefore, Ichigo does not need to sneak into the Hades Gate Guild carefully at all, and attacking directly is the best choice for Ichigo!

At the same time, the sound and movement of Ichigo smashing the gate of the Gate of Hades Guild also caught the attention of all the members of the Gate of Hades Guild.It was also at this juncture that when the demon members inside the gate of Hades rushed towards the smashed main entrance, Ichigo had swaggered into the gate of Hades with Erusa, Tia, and Kagura. within the guild. ..

Chapter [-]: Meeting Minerba

"Brother Ichigo?!" It wasn't long before Ichigo brought Ersha's three daughters into the Gate of Hades Guild. In the next second, a slightly surprised voice rang out, attracting a lot of attention. care.

Looking at Xunsheng, the two women Minerba and Yukino first came into sight.Seeing them, Ichigo froze first, then asked when Minerba brought Xuenuo to him, "How come you two are in the gate of the dark guild Hades?"

"That's right, Brother Ichigo." Looking at Ichigo, Minieba opened her lips lightly and explained, "I recently found out the location of the Gate of Hades Guild, so I brought Xuenai to the front this time. Come here to investigate the situation. After all, for regular guilds, the existence of the gate of the dark guild can be said to be the public enemy of all regular guilds. But what I didn’t expect is that I can meet you here, Ichigo.”

"Brother Ichigo, did you come here specially because you found the location of the gate to the underworld of the dark guild?" In Minerba, thinking about it, since even yourself can find the gate of the dark guild underworld Where the door is, then for Ichigo, this is even less of a problem.Then, she was not overly surprised that she would meet Ichigo in this Hades Gate guild, and Minerba asked softly while watching Ichigo.

"Well, it can be said that I came here specially to deal with the dark guild, the Gate of Hades." When Minerba's voice fell, Ichigo turned to nod and responded in this way. .It was also at this time that Xuenai spoke while her eyebrows were frowning slightly.

"However, even if you came here specially to deal with the gate of the underworld, it would be too reckless to break in like this, right?" First, she turned to Meimei and glanced at the underworld that was smashed by Ichigo. At the main entrance of Zhimen Guild, Xuenai then said such words between the tender lips.Previously, the reason why Yukino and Minieba were able to sneak into the gate of the underworld guild silently was all because of Minerba's magical space magic, but now, Ichigo actually sneaked in half a minute. It didn't mean anything, just broke through the door like this, which is something that Yukino couldn't understand.

"Are you reckless? Xuenai, the reason why you think so is just because you think it is a tricky thing to deal with the dark guild, the Gate of Hades?" Xuenai's words are not unreasonable, but they are only aimed at the strength and the guild of the Gate of Hades. Those whose internal members are equal to or weaker than the demon members within the Gate of Hades.For Ichigo, who is far superior to the overall strength of the Gate of Hades, there is no such thing as "reckless".At the next moment, while looking at Xuenuo with a faint smile, Ichigo continued, "But I'm different, I'm sure I can easily deal with all the members of the Gate of Hades Guild. If that's the case, why do I still Do you want to sneak into something superfluous?"

"Xue Nao, you don't need to doubt what Brother Ichigo said. I believe that Brother Ichigo can definitely deal with all the members of the Gate of Hades Guild with ease." Followed by, Minerba said when her expression was calm. If so.Although she did not deliberately accentuate her tone, anyone could hear the boundless confidence in Ichigo that Minieba revealed when she spoke.Years ago, when Minieba was rescued by Ichigo in that forest, Minieba had an unwavering trust in Ichigo from beginning to end.It was for this reason that he had become increasingly vigilant because of the explosion at the main entrance of the Gate of Hades Guild. At this time, when he learned that this was what Ichigo did, Minerba's heart calmed down almost immediately.

"...But, this time we are facing a dark guild that can destroy the Magic Council in one fell swoop. No matter how confident you are, you should be careful, right?" I have never seen my eldest lady be so "blind" When she believed in a person, Xuenai couldn't help frowning more and more, and then she opened her mouth and muttered.

"It's just destroying the Magic Council. Although it sounds bluffing, it's actually nothing." At this moment, after listening to Yukino's words, Tia, who was standing beside Ichigo, spoke.As a former member of the Magic Council, Tia is absolutely qualified to speak on this matter, "As far as I know, including the new chairman of the Magic Council, Guran Doma, because of the magic wizard power incident And the overall strength of the reorganized Magic Council is not as good as before. So it will be destroyed by the Dark Guild's Gate of Hades, that's no surprise."

"..." Tia's words made Xuenai fall into a short silence.It was also at this time that the internal members of the Gate of Hades Guild finally rushed to the main entrance of the Gate of Hades after hearing the sound of the explosion.When I saw Ichigo for the first time, these internal members of the Gate of Hades Guild: the demon in the book of Jeff, who usually appeared in human form, was Qi Qidong and stood opposite Ichigo.The president of the Zhanyue Guild, Ichigo Kurosaki, of course, the demon members within the Gate of Hades Guild already knew about the existence and identity of Ichigo.As early as a few years ago, when Ichigo stepped on the head of the demon Daliola with one foot, the existence of Ichigo attracted the special attention of the dark guild, the Gate of Hades.

"Ichigo Kurosaki, the president of the Zhanyue Guild? I know most of your deeds, and I have also conducted a certain analysis of your behavior. It's just that you will so blatantly attack my Hades this time. I was a little surprised." Immediately after, when the demon members inside the gate of Hades all came to the opposite side of Ichigo, a man wearing a light blue long with black stripes The black-haired man with brown-orange eyes and clothes then looked at Ichigo, and said such words in a calm voice.

"What's so surprising? Your Gate of Hades guild is not a powerful dark guild, do you need me to be careful?" He faintly looked at the black-haired man who was standing in front of him at this moment, and his essence was undoubtedly a demon. Hu turned to a slight smile and replied calmly.

If Ichigo's disdain was so obvious, the black-haired man's expression turned gloomy for a moment.It was also at this time, standing beside Ichigo, Kagura suddenly opened his mouth to Ichigo: "Kurosaki Ichigo, that guy Gerald is not here, I'm going to look elsewhere."

He glanced around and didn't see Gerald's existence. Kagura, who came to the gate of Hades for the purpose of killing Gerald, couldn't wait any longer, so he told Ichigo at this moment. said so. ..

Chapter [-] Take your head from ten meters away!

"Okay. I had an overview of the entire dark guild's gate to the underworld before. I think Kagura, you should be able to find Gerald's location soon, right?" As for Kagura's strength, Ichigo is actually quite good. Confidence.After all, Kagura's saber: this tachi, now hanging from Kagura's waist, is not afraid of Daitian. Even if Kagura holds it out of its sheath, it can exert great power, let alone when the sword is unsheathed. .Then he didn't come to impose more restrictions on Kagura, and Ichigo said so when he nodded to Kagura and agreed.

"Yeah." As Ichigo said, he knew the details of the interior of the Gate of Hades guild earlier, so it was not difficult for Kagura to find Gerald now.Then in the next moment, he nodded towards Ichigo in response, and Kagura wanted to speed up and leave the place.

"Kagura, even if your strength is not weak, you'd better be careful to deal with that guy from Gerald." And just as Kagura was about to leave, Ichigo spoke up again. .Before, in the Zhanyue Guild, through the connection of No. [-] Binding Road, I saw that half of the face of Gerald in this Hades Gate Guild was covered with black and strange lines. Ichigo already knew that Gerald must have undergone a transformation to make himself semi-demon.Therefore, to face Gerald, who has become a transforming demon, even if Kagura is strong, he may not be able to win, so Ichigo has such an exhortation to Kagura.

"...Well, I'll be careful." Ichigo's words made Kagura, who had originally wanted to fly away from the spot like an arrow from a string, couldn't help but stunned.The next second, she turned to Meimu and stared at Yihu for a while, and then Kagura nodded in response, and then her figure flashed away from the place.

"...Brother Ichigo, I'll follow and take a look." At that moment, watching Kagura's fast-leaving back, Erza couldn't help frowning, and then, when she looked at Ichigo, her tender lips spoke softly.There was a battle with Gerald on the top of the Tower of Paradise, so Erza also had a certain understanding of Gerald's celestial magic.Not worried that Kagura was going to deal with Gerald alone this time, Erza immediately thought of going with Kagura.

"Well, Erza, it will be much safer with you to follow Kagura." Not to mention other things, just the armor that Erza possesses made by Bengyu can already ensure Erza's absolute safety.Then, without rejecting it, Ichigo turned to look at Erza and nodded in response.

At that moment, with Ichigo's consent, Erza stopped waiting, and immediately chased after Kagura when she instantly picked up her speed.

However, in the face of Kagura and Erza's departure in tandem, the members of the Gate of Hades opposite: Will the demons in the Book of Jerf be indifferent?Of course not.Immediately, when Kagura and Erza left one after the other, standing behind the black-haired man on the opposite side, several demons in the Book of Jerph were already turning around, ready to chase Kagura and Ai. Luca is gone!

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