"The Sixty-One Binding Path: The Six-Zhang Light Prison!" And the turning movements of the demons standing behind the black-haired man naturally couldn't escape Ichigo's eyes.The next moment, when the few demons were about to chase Kagura and Erza away, Ichigo suddenly raised his hand and stretched out his index finger, and then he opened his mouth with a low drink while his eyes were indifferent.

Immediately, when Ichigo let out a low drink, the demons who were about to leave and chase after Erza and Kagura, instantly appeared six dazzling golden light flakes around their waists. Then, when they gathered together, they firmly imprisoned the demons one by one!

"What... what's going on?! What kind of weird trick is this?!..." Being restrained by the six-zhang light prison, the demons were completely unable to move.After struggling tentatively for a few times to no avail, the demons began to exclaim in surprise when their expressions were horrified.

As for the black-haired man who was standing in front of him, when he saw the appearance of the demons being trapped by the six-zhang light prison, his gaze couldn't help but condense for a moment.Seeing that Ichigo had completely restrained several not weak demon members of his Gate of Hades Guild with just one finger, this made the black-haired man shed a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead. Finally, I began to truly fear Ichigo's strength.

"Looking at how you stand at the forefront, it's obvious that you are the leader of the Gate of Hades Guild, right?" After using the Liuzhang Light Prison to restrict the movements of the demons, the next second, he looked at him lightly. To the black-haired man who was standing at the forefront of the demons on the opposite side, Ichigo spoke in an indifferent tone.

"Don't dare to be. Although I am the King of Hades, I, Mardo Gil, are only the second-in-command of the Gate of Hades. The president of the Gate of Hades Guild is not me." Because of other things, in the face of Ichigo's words, this self-proclaimed demon, Mardo Gil, actually said "humbly" that he was not the president of the Gate of Hades Guild.

"That's it, that's really a pity." Hearing Mardo Gil's response, the next second, while shaking his head slightly, Ichigo said something that made Mardo Gil's face stiffen. , "Killing you, the second-in-command of the Underworld Gate Guild, who is in the deputy position, always feels like there is no sense of accomplishment."

"...Kurosaki Ichigo, are you really that sure that you can kill me?" With cold eyes, Mardo Gill stared at Ichigo coldly, and said word by word.Mardo Gil has enough confidence in his own skyrocketing strength after demonization, so now he will not flinch when facing Ichigo who can restrain several demons and make them unable to move with one shot .

However, what Maldo Gil couldn't have imagined was that even if Jerf, who created him, came in person, his strength was far from that of Ichigo.Therefore, now against Ichigo, the defeat of Mardo Gil is an inevitable end!

"Of course. Mardo Gil, do you believe that I can take your head from ten meters away now?" At the moment, he still looked at Mardo Gil's cold gaze towards him, and Ichigo immediately He opened his mouth and uttered such a word that was a shame for Mardo Gil! ..

Chapter [-]: The Death of Mardo Gil

For a long time, Mardo Gill has been extremely contempt for human beings.Therefore, at this time, the human being he had originally despised said that he would take his head from ten meters away, even if it was Ichigo, whose strength made Mardo Gill feel fearful, when he said such words at this moment, he immediately made Mardo Gill feel afraid. Out of anger.

"...Hehe, very good. Ichigo Kurosaki, I always thought that my emotions would hinder my thinking, so I completely abandoned my joy, anger, sadness, and joy. But now, you actually made me feel it, anger What does it feel like..." The aura all over his body began to become extremely manic.At the moment, staring at Ichigo coldly, Mardo Gill said this, and from behind him, a pair of completely dark demon wings suddenly grew out of thin air!

"At your level, you claim to have given up on emotions and sorrows? Stop pretending..." Looking at Mardo Gil, who became angry just after being provoked a little by himself, he listened to his pretentious words. It's just a joke in an ear protector.Then in the next moment, when the voice spoke indifferently, Ichigo suddenly disappeared in place!

"I'm not like you, the sad guy who only talks big words. I will take your head from ten meters away, and I will do it..." When the next second appeared, Ichigo was already in Marr. Do. Jill side.Waving his arm to maintain the posture of cutting out the knife, Ichigo then said such words when Mardo Gil's pupils suddenly shrank to the size of needles.

And when Ichigo's voice fell, in the next second, a red line suddenly appeared in the center of Mardo Gil's neck.Then, along with the spray of blood mist, Mardo Gil's head was thrown into the air, and it was so strangely separated from his body! …

With his head in a different place, before he could completely demonize himself, Mardo Gil had already been beheaded by the hand sword that Ichigo swung out with the surface of his right hand covered with spiritual power.For a time, looking at the head of Mardo Gil and his body separated from his body, there was still an incredible light from his wide eyes. All the demons in the book of Jeff who were present saw this scene. Stunned, they all showed incredible expressions at this time.

Pluto: Mardo Gil, the second-in-command of the Gate of Hades Guild, and now because the president END is absent, he is a powerful demon that is like a leader, but Ichigo has actually cut off his head in an instant!

"Okay... so strong..." Standing beside Minerba, he witnessed the whole process of Ichigo's beheading of Mardo Gil: Actually, this was just a momentary thing. Ichigo let out a low sigh.From the very beginning, several members of the Gate of Hades were immobilized, and now he has easily killed the second leader of the Gate of Hades Guild. Ichigo's sudden strength has completely shocked Xuenai's heart!It was only now that Xue Nai just came to understand why Ichigo was so confident in the first place, because he had a powerful strength that far surpassed the overall level of the members of the Gate of Hades!

For a while, there was silence.Mardo Gil, who was headed and separated, had already fallen to the ground at this time and had no life.Looking at the death of Mardo Gil, who had always had absolute power and authority in their hearts due to the absence of the president END, all the demons in the Book of Jerph present were in a cold sweat at the moment.Perhaps, if there is not the existence of the core of hell, among these demons, there will be guys with mental breakdowns at this time.

However, immediately, all the demon members of the Gate of Hades looked stiff, as if they had completely seen through their minds, the guardian opened his mouth and said words that shocked all of them!

"You guys, are you thinking now that if your Hades Mardo Gil can be resurrected soon, there may be a chance to win, right?" He glanced at the people with different expressions. Demon in the book of Jeff, Ichigo said indifferently at this time.

As soon as Ichigo said this, all the demons in the book of Jeff who were present were shocked on the spot at the moment.They didn't understand at all that the dead demon could be resurrected by the core of hell. How did this man who is the president of the Zhanyue Guild, Ichigo Kurosaki, know about such a top secret? !At this moment, all the demons have only one thought left in their minds, and that is: "Could it be that Kurosaki Ichigo can't read minds?!"

"Unfortunately, your wishes are about to fail." Facing those demons looking at him with extremely fearful eyes, the next moment, Ichihu returned to his indifferent demeanor and said this. It made those demons even more nervous.

"Spiritual power detonation!" Immediately after, when his own voice fell, Ichigo raised his hand and clenched it into a fist. Immediately, as his eyes narrowed, his fisted palm clenched and shouted in a low voice.At the moment, with Ichigo making such a move, a strong explosion sounded, causing the entire Gate of Hades Guild to shake several times!

It is true that Ichigo detonated the spiritual power line that was previously tied to the jackal's soul.And with this explosion, the core of hell at the center of the explosion naturally ceased to exist.After beheading Mardo Gil, he destroyed the core of hell in one fell swoop. Ichigo's actions have completely damaged the vitality of the Gate of Hades Guild.Without the powerful combat power of Mardo Gil, who is the king of Hades, and without the core of hell that can be called a bug, these demons in the Book of Jeff, who can no longer be resurrected after death, What can be done after that?

"What happened to that explosion just now?!..."

"The direction seems to be the location of the nucleus of hell!..."...

The sudden explosion caused the entire Gate of Hades Guild to shake several times as if it had been affected by an earthquake.The demons in the book of Jeff who were barely standing on the ground began to whisper in shock after the aftermath of the explosion passed.

"Don't guess any more. Let me tell you. You are now, it's over..." Looking coldly at the panicked appearance of the demons talking to each other in the book of Jerf, Ichigo spoke calmly after a moment, and said aloud If so.

"You are now, it's over." Ichigo's words sounded like a calamity sound in the ears of the demons, but it was precisely this that made all the demons present feel a sense of ruin. idea! ..

Chapter [-]: Transforming the Demon Germaine

Perhaps those who are barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes, they have already been forced to do so. Those demons in the book of Jeff, the fear in their hearts has been surprisingly weakened a lot.At the moment, when staring straight at Ichigo, all the demons' eyes started to turn blood red, and the aura all over their bodies became more and more manic, which made people look like they were desperate. A fierce fight.

"...Roar!" In the next second, all the demons began to roar like wild beasts, and as the low roars of those demons fell, their appearance in human form also began to change. When the height and size began to skyrocket, in the end, all the demons, except for the few who were imprisoned by the Liuzhangguang Prison, changed their appearances into complete demon appearances!

Changed back to the body of a demon, naturally, the demon strength in these books of Jeff also returned to its peak state.At the very least, every demon present now who has turned back into a demon will not be weaker than the demon Daliola, whose head was "smashed" by Ichigo a few years ago!

"Lord Jerf!..." He turned back into the body of a demon, and immediately, when each of them roared hoarsely, all the demons, except for the few imprisoned in the Liuzhangguang prison, seemed to be unwilling to do so. Fate rushed straight towards Ichigo!

"Looking for death..." He looked coldly at the demons who were rushing towards him while shouting "Lord Jeff". Such a scene was watched by Yinu, which made him just speak with disdain. road.Even if it is to sink the boat, these demons who sacrifice their lives to attack are not deterrent in the eyes of Ichigo.At the moment, facing the demons rushing towards him, when Ichigo raised his hand and stretched out his fingertips, there was a crimson light gathering, and in front of Ichigo's face, at this time, white with red lines began to condense. Bone False Mask!

Since those demons had chosen a beast-like attack, now, Ichigo will return with their powerful savage strike!

"?! Brother Ichigo, your face!..." Seeing Ichigo's phantom mask appearing in front of his face, Minerba, who had never seen Ichigo use his phantom power, couldn't help feeling a sense of unease in his heart at this moment. Startled, he turned to look at Ichigo subconsciously and let out a low voice.

"It's alright, Minerba." After putting on the Void Mask, the whites of Ichigo's eyes began to turn black, and the color of his pupils also turned golden.The next moment, he responded calmly to Minieba, and immediately put out his fingers and pointed at the demons who were rushing, "Virtual Flash!"

"Boom!...Boom!..." Immediately, following Ichigo's gesture of sticking out his finger, a scarlet flash was instantly released from Ichigo's fingertips.When it cut through the air and caused a sharp sound of breaking the air, the crimson flash of emptiness rushed forward all the way, and finally swallowed all the evil-looking demons into it!Then, there was a strong explosion that was enough to cause the earth to shake!

The virtual flash issued by Ichigo exploded at the main entrance of the Gate of Hades Guild, and all of a sudden, it stirred up the smoke and debris of Taotian.After a few seconds, when the smoke cleared, the main entrance of the Gate of Hades Guild was originally destroyed and turned into ruins!Below is a pothole with a radius of more than ten meters.Ichigo's flickering style not only smashed all the demons who wanted to break the cauldron into flying ashes, but also completely destroyed the main gate of the Gate of Hades Guild here!

As for Tia, Minerba, and Yukino, all three girls were not affected by the phantom flash that Ichigo released before because of the protection of Ichigo's spiritual pressure.However, even if they didn't feel the power of the phantom flash, at this time, just standing on the sunken ground, the three girls were already enough to appreciate the terrifying power of the phantom flash that Ichigo just sent out. .

"It's really vulnerable." A phantom flash wiped out these demonic remnants present. As a result, the entire gate of the dark guild Hades, due to Ichigo's shot, had already killed most of the members at this time!It was so easy to destroy the dark guild's gate to the underworld, which had caused chaos recently, which made Ichigo murmured lightly after taking down the phantom mask on his face.

In the next second, the mask of emptiness that Ichigo held in his hand turned into black spiritual power and dissipated.It was also at this moment that a wave of magical energy that was not too weak suddenly passed to the side where Ichigo, Tia, Minerba, and Xuenuo were, from a direction not far away. breath.

"...that guy Mardo Gil is really a waste, did he die so soon?" Immediately, after the wave of magic power was transmitted, a slightly rough voice sounded, and in Minerba's ear, let She couldn't help frowning.

The next moment, Xunsheng looked over, and what appeared in front of the four Ichihu was a middle-aged man with a large rosary hanging around his neck and a strange black pattern all over his body.Looking at him, Minerba first paused, then turned to a cold smile, and said, "Jerman, you have already been left with a big hole in your stomach by Stinger, you are still alive, this is really a fate. what."

That's right, this middle-aged man who has transformed into a demon is exactly Germaine, the biological father of Minerba, who was punched through the stomach by Stinger in the Sword Bite Tiger Guild!

"Don't mention that stinky brat to me! Sooner or later, I'll kill him to the ground!" And obviously, Minerba's words had opened up Germaine's old scars, causing him to immediately radiate all over his body. When his breath started to become irritable, he then shouted with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Miss..." At the same time, seeing Germaine, who had been transformed to have this semi-demonized appearance, Xue Nai couldn't help but feel a little worried, and turned to look at Mi Mi. Nieba murmured softly.After all, Jerman has always been vicious and vicious, so when he met Jerman at the gate of Hades this time, Xuenai would feel scruples, which was forgivable.

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