"Don't worry, Xuenai. This guy Jieman can't make any waves now." Hearing the worry in Xuenai's tone, the next second, looking at Xuenai, Minerba turned and said, with a tone of voice. He calmly said to Xue Nai soothingly.

"...Minerba! What do you mean by saying this?" And when Minerba heard such words in Nagerman's ears, he couldn't help but look gloomy, and then he asked Minerba in a deep voice. . ..

Chapter nine hundred and fifty fourth old man

"What's the point of it? Germaine, even if you were punched in the stomach by Stinger before, you could survive, but this time, with Brother Yihu, you will still end up dead!" Forced, at the moment, still with a cold expression, Minerba went on to say such words to Germaine in an indifferent voice.

"Heh, Ichigo Kurosaki?" For the "brother Ichigo" in Minerba's mouth, that is, Ichigo Kurosaki, long before he joined the Gate of Hades Guild and became a transforming demon, he was still a tiger biting by a sword When he was the president of the guild, Germaine already had a little understanding.So at this time, looking at Ichigo standing next to Minerba, German first looked at Ichigo for a while, then turned to speak, and said with a gloomy smile, "It's just the president of the Zhanyue Guild, no matter how strong it is. Where can I get stronger? You know, I am much better than that guy Maldo now!"

"...Heh, another pretender." Listening to Germaine's boastful words, Ichigo couldn't help but laughed mockingly, then shook his head slightly and said disdainfully.It seems that he has felt the increase in his own strength after becoming a transformed demon. This guy, Germaine, has even inflated his self-confidence to such a degree!I really don't know whether to call him funny or pathetic.

And even though Ichigo took Germaine's obviously overly boastful words as a joke, when Germaine heard such words in Minerba's ears, her complexion instantly became condensed.For a long time, Ichigo had a detached status in Minerba's mind.Therefore, Minerba would never allow anyone to dare to say even a single word that looked down on Ichigo.What's more, Minieba had always had a deep prejudice against Germaine, so at this moment, when she heard German say "it's just the president of the Zhanyue Guild", it made Minieba feel even more chilled.

At the moment, looking at Germaine, he sneered.Minerba, who was already out of anger in her heart, then made an incredible move.That is, Minerba, without saying a word, used space transfer magic to get a glove and put it on her right hand.

"...Miss, what are you doing?" Seeing Minieba's bizarre behavior, Xue Nai couldn't help but froze for a moment, then asked Minieba with a slight frown.

But immediately, without the need for Minieba to specifically answer, looking at Minieba's next behavior, Xuenai understood why Minieba suddenly put a glove on her right hand.

"Crack!..." The next moment, after putting the glove on his right hand, there was a sudden wave of obvious spatial fluctuations in front of Minerba.Immediately, along with a crisp slap, Jie Man, who was still more than ten meters away from Ichigo and the other four, suddenly had an obvious slap print on his right face!

"Next time you dare to despise my brother Yihu, the end will be more than just a slap. Do you understand? You old man!..." Cross-space slapped Germaine, and immediately looked at him indifferently. Germaine, who had already been slapped by his sudden slap, Minerba then took off the glove on her right hand and discarded it, and said in a faint voice, "Really. , even if I put on gloves, but I slap you, why do I still think it will get my hands dirty? Old Jerman..."

"...Minerba! How dare you?!" For someone as arrogant as Germaine, to be slapped loudly, this is already a great shame.What's more, it was Minerba who slapped him, which made Germaine even more furious.Immediately, feeling the burning pain from the right cheek from time to time, Germaine's eyes were split, and his eyes turned blood red almost instantly.At the same time, the aura of Germaine's whole person also became violent like a wild beast.In the next second, he squeezed these words out of his mouth with a grim expression and gritted his teeth. Germaine disappeared in place in a split second, and when he suddenly lifted his speed, he rushed straight towards Minerba. come over!The fist clenched with rage had already been raised during the acceleration process, and Germaine's anger broke out at this time, obviously wanting to give Minerba a powerful blow without leaving any strength!

"Extremely clumsy..." Minerba didn't show a trace of panic at all as he stared coldly at Germaine who was approaching him quickly.With a cold smile, Minerba then commented on Germaine's rampant attack method.The next second, he raised his left and right arms flat, and when Germaine was about to punch himself, Minerba used his magic at the right time.

"Space transfer!" Immediately, along with Minerba's low voice, a strong spatial fluctuation rippled, covering Germaine, who was about to punch him.Immediately, after being enveloped by spatial fluctuations, Germaine himself disappeared in place in an instant!

At the same time, at a distance of [-] meters, the disappeared Germaine reappeared there. With the unabated punch of Germaine, the sky was covered with smoke and dust for a while!

"Did you directly use space magic to transfer the opponent's entire body? This is really practical magic..." On the side, witnessing the whole process of Minerba's use of space transfer magic, Tia couldn't help but pursed her tender lips and smiled. Then he murmured in a low voice.Obviously, Minerba's space magic is the same as Tia's Lost Magic: Arc of Time.However, compared to Tia, Minieba was obviously inferior to Tia in terms of her own magic power and her control over magic.

"Damn it! Use some tricky magic!" When the punch failed, the whole person was moved [-] meters away, which made Germaine feel more and more furious, and immediately turned his speed back. He charged towards Minieba and roared, "Do you think you can defeat me at this level? Minieba!"

"Don't let me make a fuss over there, it's annoying!" Seeing Germaine, who was even more violent after the blow failed, Minerba couldn't help but frowned and reprimanded in disgust, then raised her right hand again. He shouted, "Space confinement!"

The next moment, just as Minieba's shout fell, another wave of spatial fluctuations spread out towards the surroundings.At the same time, Germaine, who originally rushed towards Minieba's side, was affected by Minieba's move "Space Imprisonment", and the whole person immediately disappeared in place out of thin air!Obviously, just by listening to the name of the move, you can tell that Germaine, who disappeared, was trapped by Minerba in an independent space opened up by her.This move "space confinement", although the move is a few beats slower than "space transfer", but the effect is also very obvious.At least, the current Germaine is no longer able to break through the shackles of space freely and escape. ..

Chapter [-] Ending Germaine

Of course, only using the magic "space confinement", although this can make Germaine unable to move freely for a short time, but it cannot cause real harm to Germaine.Immediately afterwards, after using the magic "Space Imprisonment", Minerba shouted, "Space Detonation!"

"Bang!..." In the next second, Minerba's shout fell, accompanied by a blasting sound, and a strong spatial fluctuation also rippling.At the same moment, a dark-colored oval space channel suddenly appeared not far in front of Minieba, and the blood-stained Germaine fell out of the space channel like this!

"Oh? Can you still detonate the space that was imprisoned by yourself?" Seeing Germaine, who was obviously seriously injured by the impact of the space explosion, Tia couldn't help laughing with more interest, and muttered aloud. .At this moment, an unstoppable thought has arisen in Tia's mind: that is, when there is a chance in the future, I must ask Minerba to learn from it, or to see if it is my lost magic: the arc of time is brilliant, Or Minerba's space magic is better.

"...Damn!" However, after all, he has become a transformation demon, and Germaine's body is definitely tougher than before.Therefore, even under the impact of the power of the space detonation, Germaine was not knocked down all at once.After a while, getting up from the ground, Germaine immediately squeezed out these words between his teeth with a grim expression, "Minerba, I'm going to kill you!"

Even though his body was covered in blood, it was only a serious injury on the surface. In fact, for Germaine, who had become a transformed demon, this injury would not have any fatal impact on Germaine.On the contrary, due to the invasion of pain, Germaine's injury aroused his fierceness even more!

At the moment, looking at German's fierce face, the aura he released was as dangerous as a beast ready to go, and Ichigo's eyes became more and more indifferent. In an instant, he disappeared in place.

"So fast?!" Ichigo's sudden burst of speed made Jieman's pupils shrink. The next second, before Jerman could react, Ichigo moved to Jerman's side in an instant.

"Jerman, if you want to kill Minieba, you have to ask me whether I agree with the knife in my hand..." Germaine's words "I want to kill Minieba" already offended Ichigo.At this moment, he said this to German indifferently while his eyes were cold, and at the same time, the Zanpakutō Zhanyue that Ichigo had summoned to his hand at an unknown time was now waving high!

"Crescent Moon Sky Chong!" At the time, when Ichigo raised his Zanpakutō, a terrifying spiritual pressure also descended. Even when Jerman was so oppressed that he couldn't move an inch, it was instantly on his forehead. In the cold sweat!At the moment, looking at Germaine, who was like an ant, with an indifferent expression, Ichigo immediately swung down the Zanpakutō without hesitation, and shouted in a low voice.

In an instant, following the action of Ichigo's slashing down, a crescent-shaped slash was immediately slashed out from the tip of the Zanpakutō's blade in Ichigo's hand. And the bright blue light immediately engulfed Jieman's whole body into it!

"Boom!..." Time seemed to stagnate for a moment, and after a brief silence, there was an earth-shattering explosion!When the Crescent Moon Sky Chong swung out by Ichihu rushed forward all the way, all that was left was the slender crack on the ground that continued to extend forward!

"So didn't I say it? Brother Yihu is here, Germaine, you will definitely die!" On the side, he stared at the destructive effect of Yihu's slashing with a knife, and Minerba then raised his mouth slightly, tenderly His lips parted lightly as he said.At the same time, since Ichigo swung the knife at Germaine this time for himself, Minieba couldn't help but feel a little warmth in his heart.

"It turns out that Ichigo-brother also cares about me that much." Unable to help, Minerba smiled softly, and then murmured in a low voice.Just as Minerba would never allow anyone to dare to despise Ichigo, Ichigo would never allow anyone to say anything unfavorable to Minerba.This has made Minerba feel a kind of satisfaction that he has never had before.


After about a quarter of an hour.

After solving the demons in the Book of Jerf and the transformation demon German who had gathered at the main entrance of the Gate of Hades Guild before, Ichigo was walking in one direction with the three daughters of Tia.He didn't immediately go to the location of Kagura and Erza, because as long as the two of them were partners, there was no suspense in the battle against the transformation demon Gerald.Therefore, before going to Kagura and Erza, Ichigo had to go to a place.Previously, when I saw the entire interior of the Gate of Hades Guild through the [-]th tie in the Zhanyue Guild, Ichigo accidentally discovered an "acquaintance" that he hadn't seen for a long time.


After a while.

Taking Tia's three daughters to the front of a closed iron gate, Ichigo kicked out the next moment unceremoniously, and kicked the iron gate in front of him directly.After kicking open the iron door, Ichigo and Tia three girls can see that behind the iron door is a separate room, looking at the furnishings inside, this room seems to be a separate research study room.

At the same moment, due to the loud sound of Ichigo kicking open the iron door, Tang even startled the squat old man who was in the research room behind the iron door.Then, looking closely, when he saw the four Ichigo who suddenly broke into the door, the old man's expression couldn't help but have a momentary horror.

"?! Urrutia?! How did you find it here?" He stood up from his seat in shock, and in the next second, he looked at Tia who was standing beside Ichigo with a dreadful expression, and the old man went on to Yu frowned and asked in surprise.

"...Heh, who am I supposed to be, it turns out to be you, Crawford Sim." At the moment when the old man showed extreme surprise, Tia also gave him a light glance.The next moment, with an indifferent smile, Tia immediately said with a light "ha", "You old fellow, did you really collude with the dark forces?"

Crawford Sim, the one who appeared in the Dark Guild's Gate of Hades is the former Speaker of the Magic Council!

"...Ulutia, I'm not colluding with the dark forces, but assisting each other." In the next second, Tia's words made Crawford Simm first, and then he said this. ..

Chapter [-] Crawford Sim's Reliance

It seems that because he is in the dark guild of the Gate of Hades, Crawford Simm feels that he is very safe to be sheltered by the powerful members of the Gate of Hades: those who are the demons in the book of Jerf , so even in the face of Tia, who once brought him a lot of pressure, Sim has quickly adjusted his state, at least now he will not lose his temper.As everyone knows, the demons in the book of Jerf that Simna relied on have already been killed by Ichigo.

As for Sim's apparently sophistry words, Tia just sneered disdainfully, turned to a calm tone, and then said, "Aid each other? It sounds nice, but it's a pity, you old fellow. It is now destined to be unable to "mutually assist" with those evil parties at the Gate of Hades."

"...What do you mean by that?" Tia's words made Sim's heart tighten, and a bad premonition also grew in his heart.Immediately, when his face became condensed, Sim then looked at Tia and asked with a frown.

"What? I don't understand, do you? Then I'll say it more simply and clearly." Looking at the dignified look on Sim's face at this time, Tia spoke immediately, her tone still as indifferent as before. Said, "Your reliance is now all dead."

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