"...All dead?! How is this possible?!" He understood the powerful strength of all the members of the Gate of Hades.At least, Shim knew that most of the members of the Gate of Hades were actually demons in the book of Jerf, that is, the existence of the same level as the demon Daliola a few years ago!Therefore, at this time, Tia actually said that these powerful demons at the Gate of Hades were already dead, which was unacceptable to Sim no matter what.

"What's impossible?" Looking at Sim's unbelievable expression at this time, Tia continued to say with a flat expression, "Crawford Sim, if all the members of the Gate of Hades are all If everything is fine, then I should have come to help you by now, right?"

"..." Tia's words caused Sim to fall into silence.Indeed, as early as when the four Ichigo broke into the door, a bad idea had already occurred in Sim's mind.Moreover, now, the four Ichigo have broken into the door for so long, and half of the demon members in the gate of Hades have not come to help, which makes Shim secretly screaming badly.But even so, Sim still couldn't believe that all the demon members in the entire Ruoda gate of Hades had been slaughtered.Then in the next moment, he subconsciously bypassed the four of Ichigo and ran to the side. At this time, Sim was planning to go to the laboratory to see if the demons in the gate of the underworld were really what Tia said. So, it's all over.

"Where are you going?" Of course, Tia couldn't let Sim leave like this.The next second, when the probing hand stretched out his index finger and lifted it slightly, Tia opened his mouth and asked Simm faintly.

Immediately, after Tia's finger-raising movement fell, a huge ice wall suddenly condensed out of thin air, and all of a sudden, the road in front of Sim was completely blocked.

For a time, he felt the cold air emanating from the surface of the ice wall, and Sim couldn't help but folded his arms and shivered, and the steps under his feet also subconsciously retreated several steps.

"No, you can't kill me! Urrutia, as a former member of the Magic Council, you should know better? What serious consequences will it lead to killing me who sealed Fith!" Relying on: that is, those demons in the book of Zelf, at this moment is blocked by Tia's ice wall to escape, and Sim is finally no longer calm.At the moment, looking at the four Ichigo including Tia, Sim felt that his life was seriously threatened, so in the next moment, Sim hurriedly shouted like this.

"...Crawford Sim, stop bluffing here. Faith used bio-linking magic to connect the lives of three people together and seal them. Although I don't know who those three people are, but Even if you are one of them, if you kill you alone, Fith will definitely not activate." As a former member of the Magic Council, Tia does know about Fez, a special existence that only a few people know about.Knowing what conditions are needed for Fith to activate, Tia said to Sim with a cold smile at the next moment, "What's more, Crawford Sim, you are mentioning it like that now. , I think it would be a good choice to kill you. At least, without you who are proficient in ancient documents, Feith should not be so easily activated, right?"

"...Ulutia, you're gambling!" Tia did have her reasoning, but when she heard Sim, her heart skipped a beat.Afraid that Tia would really kill him directly, Sim then shouted to Tia with a pale face when a few drops of cold sweat fell on his forehead.

"Hey, old man, it's just Fez, do you really think that kind of thing is a life-saving rune?" Therefore, at the moment, unlike the conversation between Minerba and Yukino, who felt a little cloudy on the side, Tia and Sim, Ichigo could hear it clearly.The next moment, looking at Shim lightly, Ichigo turned to frown slightly and said.

"Heh, it's just Fez? Kurosaki Ichigo, do you know that Fez is a terrifying existence that can eliminate the magic power of the entire continent in one fell swoop!" Only Ichigo showed such calmness at this time. Taking his attitude as a reason he didn't know Fez well, Sim then clenched his teeth and smiled, and then spoke to Ichigo in a condensed voice.Listening to the tone, it seems that Sim is taking Nafis as his last life-saving straw.Originally, Sim's plan to collude with the Gate of Hades was to regain his lost status and power.But who knew that the gate of the underworld, which he thought was extremely powerful, was now about to be destroyed.Therefore, now, the existence of Feith has become the last support of Sim.

"What?! Can the magic power of the entire continent be eliminated in one fell swoop?" Hearing that Nafis actually had a terrifying effect that could eliminate the magic power of the entire continent, Yukino on the side couldn't help but subconsciously exclaimed in shock.As for Minerba, although she was also surprised by this, looking at Ichigo's calm gaze that was still unwavering in Furui at this time, Minieba's heart settled down almost immediately.

"So what?" Ichigo remained unmoved after hearing Sim's description of Fez's horror, and then said calmly as usual, "I don't care who seals Fez. Personally, it doesn't matter whether killing you will cause the activation of Fes. Anyway, in my opinion, as long as those Fess are destroyed, nothing will happen, right?" ..

Chapter [-] Destroy Fez ([-])

"Destroyed Faith? Kurosaki Ichigo, you said it lightly!" Hearing Ichigo's words, Sim didn't believe that Ichigo could really do it.Because, Sim clearly knows the number of Nafis, there are a total of [-]!In the next second, looking at Ichigo, Sim frowned and said, "Kurosaki Ichigo, do you know why Nafis is called? The White Legacy! What are these things left over from hundreds of years ago? Can it be destroyed so easily? Otherwise, the Magic Council would not have kept a terrifying weapon like Fith that can eliminate the magic power of the entire continent!"

"The level of the Magic Council can destroy Fez." He wouldn't be framed by Sim's half-truths.At the moment, just sneered, a guard said aloud, "Otherwise, I will not let Tia withdraw from the Magic Council early. There is no point in staying in that kind of place."

"Brother Ichigo, don't talk nonsense with this old fox. Anyway, he colluded with the dark forces, and even if he kills him directly, there will be no problem at all." When Ichigo's voice fell, Tia was cold again. He said coldly, and when he heard Sim's heart twitch uncontrollably again.

"You guys are crazy! You're crazy!" Seeing that Ichigo and Tia didn't take Feith seriously at all, Sim only felt that he was about to collapse.He couldn't help but shouted these words while he was in a cold sweat. With his life as his top priority, Sim immediately pressed a red button beside him.

"Dip!..." At the moment, when Sim's action of pressing the red button fell, a sound like a whistle sounded, and in this large research room, a few seconds suddenly appeared in the next second. Magical arrays of different colors are coming!

"What the hell are you doing all of a sudden, old fox?" At the moment, looking at the four walls and the ceiling above her head, there were circles of magic circles appearing, and Tia couldn't help frowning, then she was indifferent. His eyes turned towards Sim and asked coldly.

"Ulutia, since you know that I am proficient in ancient texts, then you know that all the magic circles that appear in this room can jointly activate a powerful super magic!" His eyes narrowed slightly, hope Immediately, when he kept urging him to tell the so-called super magic from his mouth, he said word by word, "It's too late to stop now, as long as you don't embarrass me, I won't really use it. This super magic."

"No. Crawford Sim, do you think I will allow you to successfully activate this super magic?" Sim's words were not at all deterrent at all. Hearing them in Tia's ears made her go further and just He said softly as usual.It was also at this moment that after Tia's voice fell, Sim suddenly felt a strong tingling sensation from the surface of his hands, accompanied by a burst of piercing cold, making Sim for a while. I feel like my body is about to get stiff!

The sudden abnormality made Simm hurriedly lower his head and look down, but what he saw made Simm feel an unprecedented panic!I saw his hands, now completely frozen by the cold ice.Moreover, the ice layer is still continuing to condense upwards, and it seems that both of Sim's arms are completely frozen!

"Very good, Tia, just freeze him like this." Looking at Sim whose arms had been frozen, knowing that this was the result of Tia's use of ice magic, Ichigo looked at Tia the next moment. Ya Shi, opened his mouth and said.

"Okay, Brother Ichigo." In the next second, he nodded lightly and agreed to Ichigo, and Tia immediately increased the speed of freezing to the extreme before Sim had time to shout!

"Knock!" Immediately, there was an obvious sound of freezing.With the rapid dispersal of the cold air, at this moment, the entire Ruoda research room was completely frozen, and even Crawford Sim was frozen in place.

"What a fast freezing speed!" Except for the ground beneath his feet, this large research room is now completely covered by ice.At the moment, after looking around for a while, Xuenai murmured when her eyes showed a little turbulence.

"Indeed, such a rapid freezing speed, if you let the concubine face it, if you don't prepare to use space magic in advance, maybe you will be frozen directly." At the same time, Minerba is also deeply Table sympathetically opened her tender lips and said.

But then, after being amazed, Xuenai suddenly thought of a serious problem.That is, if what Sim said is true, isn't it possible that Fith, which can remove the magic power of the entire continent, will be activated?Unable to help, thinking of this, Xuenai's expression couldn't help but become solemn for a moment.It was also at this moment that a wave of obvious magic power suddenly passed to the research room where the four Ichigo were located.

"...It's the magic power fluctuation released by Kagura." The next moment, feeling the magic power fluctuation that seemed to be deliberately strengthened, Ichigo paused, and then said, "This is Kagura, she is reminding us that we should Be careful."

"Be careful?..." What Ichigo said suddenly made Xuenai startled.In the next second, when Xuenai was still a little puzzled, a strong slash suddenly spread towards the side of the four Ichigo with boundless domineering momentum!

"Shhh!" At that moment, with the crisp sound of slashing, the research room where Ichigo and the four of them were located was like tofu that had been cut open with a knife. It was instantly split in half and then dumped to both sides. go down!

"What's the matter?! The room was suddenly cut open?" Together with the research room that was split in half vertically, the ground in front was also directly torn apart. Such an overbearing slash was seen in Xuenai's eyes. She couldn't help shrinking her pupils slightly, and then said in surprise.

"Let's go and have a look." Kagura's sword was unsheathed, and its power Ichigo was also impressive.In the original book, Kagura once did something that split the entire town with one knife.Therefore, Ichigo knew without thinking that the entire Ruoda Gate of Hades Guild had probably been split in half by Kagura.The next moment, along the cracked ground, Ichigo greeted Tia's three girls, and then walked towards the source of the slash: the location of Kagura. ..

Chapter [-] Destroy Fez (Part [-])


After a few minutes.

Along the ground that was torn apart, Ichigo and Tia's three daughters soon came to the place where Kagura and Erza were.At the moment, everything has settled down, and Kagura's unsheathed sword has long been put into the scabbard.As for not far ahead, is Gerald who fell in a pool of blood.

"Brother Ichigo, you guys are here!..." Standing beside Kagura, at this moment, seeing the four Ichigo coming, Erza immediately opened her lips to greet Ichigo as she stepped in front of Ichigo. .

"Well, that guy from Gerald should be dead by now, right?" The next moment, he looked up at Gerald, who was lying in a pool of blood. From his body, Ichigo couldn't feel the slightest vitality.Then, when looking at Erza, Ichigo said, "The power of Kagura's knife is really strong, let alone Gerard, now the entire gate of Hades has been destroyed by Kagura's knife. It's split in two."

"Well, just now when Kagura pulled out her dagger and slashed, I was also a little surprised." At that moment, she nodded and responded to Ichigo, and Erza immediately looked a little surprised. However, he said aloud, "I didn't expect that after seven years, Kagura has grown to such a level."

"...Kurosaki Ichigo, thank you." While Ichigo and Erza were chatting with each other, Kagura paced to Ichigo.The next second, he stared at Ichigo for a while, and then Kagura suddenly bowed slightly to Ichigo, and suddenly thanked Ichigo in a sincere tone.

Listening to Kagura's heartfelt thank you, Ichigo paused for a while, then immediately understood why Kagura wanted to thank Kagura, and then with a slight smile, Ichigo said, "Kagura, although I brought you here. You came to the gate of the underworld, but it was your own strength to kill Gerald, so you don't need to thank me specially."

"Even so, Ichigo Kurosaki, I still want to thank you." Stubbornly did not take back his words of thanks, Kagura continued with a serious expression, lightly opened his tender lips and said, "Without you, I would not have known at all. Gerald is at the gate of the underworld, and it is impossible to find the gate of the underworld so soon. So, no matter what, I owe you a favor this time, Ichigo Kurosaki."

"Okay, since you have to think so, then I have no opinion." There is no reason to refuse the favor owed by a beautiful woman, Ichigo didn't say anything more, and just nodded and said. .It was also at this time that the ground under Yihu's feet suddenly felt a slight vibration!

"Bang!" Immediately after, there was a sound of breaking out of the ground. With Ichigo's eyesight, he could clearly see that at the moment, several hundred meters away, suddenly there were several long strips of The "pillars" emerged one after another from the ground!

"...Is it Fez?" Looking at the "pillars" with the shape of a human face at the top, Ichigo's eyes narrowed slightly, and he turned to mutter, "Since these things have been broken out of Fez, Then it proves that the three people who sealed Feith are all dead."

Moreover, since Faith was only broken out at this moment, it is not difficult to judge that it was still alive before: the last person who sealed Faith was Gerald who had just been slashed by Kagura. !

"Brother Ichigo, it's Faith." At the same time, Tia also noticed those Faiths who were only able to break out of the ground because of the release of the seal. At the moment, when her eyes narrowed slightly, Tia murmured and turned towards Faith. guard said.

"Well, although the number is a bit large, it's not a big problem." Looking from a distance, even if he stood there and didn't move, Feith said that there were already hundreds of people who entered the line of sight of Ichigo. .Then at the next moment, he nodded to Tia in response, and when Ichigo stepped forward, he said aloud, "Since I have already said that I want to destroy Fez, I will definitely do it. Tia, You and Erza and the others will wait here for a while, and I'll be back when I go."

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