After a few seconds, the result was exactly what Ichigo had judged.The whirlwind column spewed out by Wendy didn't take long to disperse the high-pressure air cannon that was blocking the front of it, and then spun forward with leeway, and all of a sudden it sent Xuelia away from the ground. Get up!

"Ah?!..." She was suddenly carried into the air by the swirling gale, which made Xue Liya let out a subconscious exclamation.At the same time, seeing her sister being carried up into the sky by the whirlwind, Shirley couldn't help but be shocked!

"Dance of the Gods!" Fortunately, Xue Liya, who was carried into the air by the whirlwind, was not in a mess.In the next second, the whole person waved his arms when he was about to fall from the air, and Xue Liya snorted when her eyes narrowed, and at the same time she quickly waved her arms down. Two black winds swept out from below and hit the ground, and the whole person finally fell back to the ground safely with this wind.

"Xue Liya, are you okay?!" Right after Xue Liya landed safely, Wendy's questioning voice with obvious worry rang out.Wendy couldn't help feeling a little guilty because of her lack of control of her strength before, and her roar of Tianlong was so powerful that she almost hurt Shiriya.

"...It's okay." The next moment, upon hearing Wendy's caring inquiries, Xue Liya turned to a reluctant smile and shook her head back towards Wendy.At the same time, Shiriya felt a little uncomfortable at the moment.Xue Liya never imagined that, as a sky god destroyer, her strength is so different from Wendy, who is a sky dragon destroyer!

"So didn't I say it? Shiriya, you can't win against Wendy." At this point in the competition, it was obvious who would win and who would lose.Then in the next moment, he walked to Wendy's side and stood still, and Ichigo said this with a slight smile when he looked at Shiriya who was facing him.

"...Humph!" Originally, she felt unwilling to lose the competition.Now, hearing Ichigo say such words again makes Shiriya feel even more unhappy.But after all, if you lose, you lose, and Xue Liya didn't come to argue with Ichigo. Instead, she just looked at Ichigo and snorted softly to express her inner dissatisfaction.

However, at this moment, in the town of Magnolia, a violent explosion that caused the ground to shake suddenly sounded, and the sound penetrated the sky! ..

Chapter [-]: The Dissolution of the Fairy Tail Guild

"What's going on?!" Wendy couldn't help but be startled by the sudden explosion in her ears, and then she subconsciously looked sideways at Ichigo, she frowned and murmured.

"If you want to know what's going on, we just need to go over and take a look at it." The next moment, when looking at Wendy, Ichigo immediately said this to Wendy, and then turned back. Looking at the two female demons, Kuanghua and Sera, who were standing behind him, he asked aloud, "Kanghua, Sera, do you two want to visit together?"

"If you go back to the master, we will follow the master wherever he goes." The next second, Ichigo's question fell, and the two women, Kuanghua and Sera, answered in unison.

Very satisfied with Kuanghua and Sera's replies.At that moment, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Ichigo then walked towards the direction that caused the explosion.After a while, passing by the side of sisters Shirley and Shiriya, Ichigo then spoke up to the two sisters and said, "If you are curious about the explosion just now, you can also go over and cause it together. Look where it exploded."


After a few minutes.

Followed Wendy and Xia Lulu, followed by two female demons, Kuanghua and Sera, Ichigo kept walking along the way, and soon came to the place where the explosion occurred in the town of Magnolia. , is actually the location of the Fairy Tail Guild!

I saw that the entire building of the Fairy Tail Guild at this time had been destroyed into scattered ruins.Compared with the Demon Tail Guild, which has become a ruin, the most striking thing is the dazzling pale golden beam of light that rushes out of the ground and shoots straight into the sky in front of it!

"What is this?!" Looking at the huge beam of light in front of her in shock, Wendy couldn't help but feel extremely surprised, and then asked in surprise.

At the same time, just like Wendy, she raised her eyes and looked directly at the huge beam of light in front of her. After a while, Ichigo's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly.At this moment, Ichigo could clearly feel that the beam of light that appeared in front of him contained an extremely large amount of magical power!

"Kanghua, Sera, you two should go back to the Zhanyue Guild first. It must be very uncomfortable to stay here, right?" It was at this time that Ichigo noticed when he looked back, standing The two women, Kuanghua and Sera behind him, frowned slightly at this time, and their expressions also showed a little discomfort.Perhaps standing in front of this beam of light that contains the magic of the light nature makes Kuang Hua and Sera, who are essentially demons, uncomfortable?Immediately after Ichigo looked at the two women Kuanghua and Sera, he said so.

At the moment, I heard the care contained in Ichigo's words, which made Kuanghua and Sera both girls couldn't help feeling warm in their hearts.It is clear that he can give absolute orders to the two of them, but the master, Ichigo, has taken into account the feelings of the two of them, who are demons. This can't help but Kuanghua and Sera two girls suddenly have the impression of Ichigo. It has become better, and the belief that has been following Ichigo in my heart has become more certain.

"Yes, Master!" However, after all, staying here will indeed be very uncomfortable, so Kuanghua and Sera did not try to be brave, and instead gave Ichigo Yingying a salute at the same time and responded, He turned around and left, speeding up in the direction of Zhanyue Guild.

Not long after Kuang Hua and Sera left, the dazzling beam of light began to gradually dim gradually.The next moment, after looking around for a while at the Fairy Tail Guild that had turned into ruins, Ichigo stepped forward and approached the three girls, Rebi, Biska, and Kana, who were standing not far away.

"President Kurosaki Ichigo..." At the same moment, noticing the approaching Ichigo, the three girls politely greeted Ichigo.

"What, did something happen to your guild?" At that moment, he went straight to the three girls of Rebi, and Ichigo asked them aloud.It is impossible for the Fairy Tail Guild to explode for no reason, there must be something hidden in it.

"...I don't know." However, facing the question from Ichigo, the three girls shook their heads in unison and replied.Immediately, looking at Ichigo, Bisca, who was standing between Rebi and Kana, added to Ichigo, "Before, Kana and Rebi, I, and I happened to go out, wait until we come back to the guild. When I was on the side, I saw such a scene..."

"Really?" Hearing Biska's response, Ichigo nodded slightly and said.Since the three girls were not in the Fairy Tail Guild at the time of the incident, it would be meaningless for Ichigo to ask again.It was also at this time that Makarov, who had been sitting silently on the ground, suddenly said something with a low expression that shocked all the Fairy Tail Guild members present: "The Fairy's The Tail Guild, let's disband!"


three days later.

"Brother Ichigo, my heart is beating so fast..." On a street by the river not far from Zhanyue Guild, Wendy, who was walking slowly with Ichigo, suddenly stopped, and Yu raised her hand to cover it. When he was in his heart, Xiu Mei frowned and muttered to Ichigo.

"It's alright, Wendy." In the next second, he raised his hand and patted Wendy's back, and while Ichigo was comforting Wendy like this, he suddenly opened his mouth and said something and heard it in Wendy's ear. She couldn't help but feel confused for a while, "That Grandigne has been hiding for so long, it's almost time to show up, right?"

"Brother Ichigo, what do you mean by that?" At the moment, she first asked Ichigo with a puzzled expression, and then Wendy's expression suddenly became a little excited again.

"...Don't tell me, Ichigo-brother, do you know where Grandigne is now?" The next moment, staring at Ichigo with burning eyes, Wendy went on to speak, and asked Ichigo urgently in a tone of urgency. road.Not to mention that the Heavenly Dragon Grandigne has been gone for so long, and even Wendy has always been ignorant of the whereabouts of Grandigne. Therefore, Wendy is always thinking about the general. She was raised from a young age, and for Wendy, she was not stingy the Heavenly Dragon Grandigne who existed like a mother.

But then, before Ichigo could answer, an extremely huge magic power suddenly burst out of Wendy's body!In the next second, a whirlwind suddenly blew up on the ground, causing the river beside the street to make waves. ..

Chapter [-]: Grandigne Appears

However, the whirlwind that was set off only lasted for a while.Immediately, the originally violent wind sound gradually began to weaken, accompanied by a huge figure that appeared behind Wendy, gradually becoming solid...

"Long time no see, Wendy..." Soon, after a few seconds, the originally translucent figure was completely solid, and it was the Tianlong who "disappeared" for a long time: Grandigne !Looking down at Wendy with love in her eyes, Grandigne spoke immediately and greeted Wendy in a gentle voice.

"...Grantigne?!" Suddenly hearing the voice of Grandigne, Wendy couldn't help but let out a low voice subconsciously, and her eyes began to become a little turbulent.The next second, she slowly turned around, and when she saw Grantigne who was staring at her tenderly, Wendy's eyes suddenly turned red.

"Grandigne, where have you been in the past few years?..." He just stood there staring at Grandigne in a daze. After a while, he confirmed that the Grandigne who appeared in front of him was indeed It's real, it's not an illusion.Immediately, when the whole person's mood suddenly became extremely complicated, Wendy then looked at Grandigne and murmured and asked.

"I'm sorry, Wendy, I've made you worry about it for so many years." After many years, I finally had the opportunity to communicate face-to-face with Wendy like now. At this moment, Grantigne's heart is full of thoughts ?Now, looking at Wendy, who had grown from a little girl to a beautiful girl after many years, Grandigne responded with a voice to Wendy as her eyes softened. "However, after so many years, I've actually been by your side all the time. Because, in the past few years, I actually incarnated magic in your body, Wendy."

"You're in my body?!" Wendy was shocked when she heard Grantigne say such words, and then asked Grantigne with a surprised expression, "Why? Tigne, you will be inside me and I don't know anything about it?"

"The reason is this, Wendy. Since ancient times, if a magician who practiced dragon slaying magic continued to use dragon slaying magic too many times, he might become a dragon. So, Wendy, after so many years, I have The reason why it exists in your body is to prevent your body from turning into a dragon due to the frequent use of dragon slaying magic." Looking at Wendy, Grandigne immediately explained in detail to Wendy word by word, "And, Wendy, there is another reason why I have to sleep in your body, and that is that I need to dormancy in your body for a long time. Otherwise, I haven't waited to help you not to use When I become a dragon with dragon magic, I might disappear from this world."

"...disappearing from this world?! How could it be?!..." Suddenly hearing Grantigne say that she might disappear from this world, Wendy couldn't help but be startled and frowned. He hurriedly asked towards Grantigne.

"Grandigne, in fact, when I first saw you, I had something I wanted to ask you." However, before Grantigne could respond to Wendy's words, the next second, he lifted up his hand. Looking at Grandigne, Ichigo suddenly asked at this moment, "I can find out, your soul seems to be a little incomplete, what's going on?"

As the god of death, Ichigo has an innate advantage in perceiving the existence of souls.Therefore, a few years ago, when Ichigo saw Grandigne, Ichigo realized that her soul was incomplete.

"Have you noticed? Ichigo..." Ichigo said what he was about to say to Wendy, which made Grandigne silent for a while, and then nodded his head. , replied to Ichigo, "Yes, my soul is incomplete. Because when I fought against the black dragon Aknororia, I and the other dragons who participated in that battle were all killed. The black dragon used dragon slayer magic to extract half of his soul from his body."

"...So it is." After knowing the reason why Grantigne chose to stay in Wendy's body, he now learned the reason why Grandigne's soul became incomplete.The two doubts that had always existed in his heart were solved, which made Ichigo involuntarily nodded and replied to Grantigne.

"Then, Grantigne, will you be alright when half of your soul is taken away?!" Maybe it's because of concern. Knowing the seriousness of half of the soul being taken away, Wendy still hopes that Granty will Nie was able to live without incident, so Wendy couldn't help but ask such a question at this moment.

"Silly girl, if it's all right, why should I stay in your body for so long, but I haven't come out to see you once?" A dragon's face showed a wry smile with a bit of humanity, Granty said. Nie then replied to Wendy, "Wendy, although this may be cruel to you, I can't deceive you, because it is unfair to you. So, Wendy, you must Recognize the reality, after all, half of my soul has been taken out, so I may not live long."

"...I won't be able to live for long? How could it be?!..." Hearing such bad news from Grantigne's mouth suddenly, to Wendy, it was like a bucket of cold water pouring down on her head, and it suddenly killed her. The joy that I had felt at seeing Grandigne was completely overwhelmed.The next second, her expression became a little flustered, and Wendy turned to stare at Grantigne and said in a hurry, "Grantigne, you go back to my body right now to sleep. Well. In that case, you'll be fine soon!"

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