"Wendy, it's useless." The next moment, shaking his head gently, Grandigne then sighed and replied to Wendy, "The creation of the soul is different from the kind of damage that is simply the body. wounds that do not heal themselves over time.”

"...But it's really great anyway, Wendy, I can still see how you grow up to be on your own before leaving this world." At the moment, after saying a sentence, I looked at Wendy's sad expression , Grandigne added with a reassuring expression.

"...What's good? It's not good at all..." After waiting so long to finally meet Grantigne again, in the end Wendy could only face the fact that Grantigne was about to pass away , Wendy couldn't help frowning, and then said in a low voice.

"No, Grantigne, you can live." However, at this moment, Ichigo suddenly spoke, and said something that made Wendy feel hopeful all of a sudden, "I will let you live forever. "..

Chapter [-] Mebis?

"Ichigo, what do you mean by saying this? Do you have a way to restore your soul?" At the same moment, Grandigne couldn't help feeling extremely surprised when he heard Ichigo say that he wanted to live forever. , and immediately asked Ichigo aloud.

"Grandigne, your soul was taken away by the black dragon Aknorollia with dragon slaying magic, right? In that case, I just need to take your soul from the black dragon, no matter what. Is it all right?" At that moment, looking at Grandigne, Ichigo said such words immediately.

"...Well, although that's true, it's not an easy task to take back the soul from the black dragon Aknororia, right?" At the next moment, he nodded lightly to Ichigo's statement. Approving it, Grandigne spoke up again to express her concerns.

"No problem! Grantigne, since Ichigo-brother has already said so, then he will definitely be able to do it!" However, before Ichigo could speak, Wendy stared at Granti first. Nie said so.Immediately after that, with a relaxed expression, Wendy then looked at Grantigne and smiled softly, "Great! Grantigne, you are finally going to be fine."

"...Ichigo, you can actually make Wendy trust you so unconditionally, it seems that your personality is really charming..." Hearing Wendy's resolute words, Grandigne couldn't help but startled. startled.After a long while, he looked at Ichigo with a deep meaning, and Grantigne said to Ichigo immediately.

"This has nothing to do with personality charm, Grandigne." The next moment, he shook his head slightly towards Grandigne, and Ichigo smiled slightly when he raised his hand and lightly rubbed Wendy's long blue hair that was very tactile. Said, "Wendy and I are family. Since we are family, we should trust each other. Are you right? Wendy..."

"En!..." A warm smile appeared on the pretty face when Ichigo's words fell. Wendy turned to look at Xiang Ichigo and nodded in response.

"...Family?..." His eyes started to flicker at this moment, and he looked down at Ichigo and Wendy, and Grandigne then opened his mouth and murmured.

"Wow, that gust of wind was so cool just now! It's a pity that it stopped so soon?..." However, at this moment, a clear and pleasant voice suddenly sounded beside Ziichigo, Wendy and Grantigne. sound.Xunsheng looked around, and the next second, what he saw was a girl with a delicate appearance like a fairy.

Wearing a simple pink one-piece dress, her pale yellow hair was rolled up in waves, reaching the ankles of the girl's bare feet.There are a pair of lovely white feather ears on the left and right sides, and a pair of pure black eyes are extremely deep, making people feel like they are trapped in it just by looking at it.Looking at her, Ichigo's brows couldn't help but wrinkle slightly, this girl who appeared here at some unknown time, who happened to be looking at her with a beautiful smile.Because, just from the appearance, this girl is the founder of the Fairy Tail Guild: Mebis, the first-generation president of Fairy Tail!

But, it's just from the looks of it.Ichigo knew that this girl was definitely not the Mebis in his memory!The reason is very simple. First, in the original book, Mebis appeared in the form of a ghost at first. Mebis in ghost form has a spiritual body, but the girl in front of her clearly has a pure human being. Body!Second: The girl's eyes are very different from Mebis.In Ichigo's impression, Mebis had a pair of green eyes, but the girl's wink in front of her was pure black!

"Big brother, why are you staring at me like this all the time? Is there something on my face?" Like a child, he jumped along the river bank and came to Yihu. The next second, he looked at Yihu and looked at himself. , the girl then asked Ichigo in a crisp voice after blinking her beautiful big black eyes a few times.

"...Nothing. Just if you don't mind, I want to ask, what's your name?" At the moment, looking at the girl who came to him, Ichigo no longer looked at her with searching eyes, but he was still focused While staring at the girl, he continued to ask the girl in his usual tone.

"...Name? I don't know..." However, Ichigo was quite surprised that the girl then shook her head and gave herself such an answer.

"I don't know? Could it be memory loss?" Frowning, Ichigo could see that when she answered "I don't know", the girl's eyes were very clear, proving that she didn't lie at all.In the next moment, such an idea emerged in his heart, and Ichigo turned to look at the girl in front of him and asked, "Then where have you lived all this time?"

"Where do you live?" Ichigo's question made the girl startled, then shook her head slightly and replied, "I don't have a place to live, I've been wandering outside for three days."

"Really? I've been shopping outside for three days..." At that moment, after listening to the girl's answer, Ichigo began to murmur in a low voice, and his heart was already somewhat clear.Three days ago, wasn't it the day the Fairy Tail guild exploded?Since this is the case, the girl in front of me has been wandering outside for three days, which means that she is definitely related to the explosion of the Fairy Tail Guild!

"...Hey, big brother, after asking so many questions, do you want to invite me to dinner?" Just as Ichigo was thinking about it, the girl's cute feather ears shook a few times. Immediately after looking at Ichigo with some hope in her eyes, the girl asked Ichigo aloud.

"...Are the two related?" Ichigo couldn't help thinking in his heart speechlessly after listening to the girl's words that were so out of place.At the same time, looking at the girl, Ichigo nodded and replied, "Okay, after all, you can't answer so many questions for nothing, so I'll treat you to dinner."

"Really? Good!..." The girl's eyes suddenly lit up when she heard that there was food to eat.Immediately, while cheering and cheering, the girl reached out and rubbed her flat belly, frowned and said, "I haven't eaten for three days, I'm so hungry..."

"...You can still be so energetic after three days without food? This is really rare..." The next moment, shaking his head slightly, Ichigo turned to stare at the girl speechlessly and muttered. ..

Chapter nine hundred and sixty-ninth go to the location of the black dragon

"Big brother, eat and eat! Where are we going to eat next?" At the same time, the girl seemed to be impatient, and immediately after taking the initiative to pull up Ichigo's right hand, she opened her tender lips and shouted in a clear voice.Immediately after that, she took Ichigo and walked forward, the girl was already thinking about how many good things she would be able to eat later.

The girl's jade hand felt cold to the touch, and it was very comfortable to hold.The next second, when the girl was about to walk forward on her own, Ichigo grabbed her, and when the girl looked at him suspiciously, she opened her mouth as usual: "It's okay to eat, but before that, I have to have a way to call you, right? So, since you have forgotten your name, you can think of something you like on the spot, and I will call you that in the future."

"...This kind of thing doesn't matter, big brother can call me whatever you want." Right now, all I can think about is eating, so I don't care about the name at all, and the girl just casually said Ichigo said so.

"...If that's the case, then, I'll call you Mebis from now on, what do you think?" At this moment, his expression became a little more serious, and Ichigo then replied to the girl.Especially when the name "Mebis" was mentioned, Ichigo deliberately accentuated his tone.

"...Well, Mebis?" Right after Ichihu's voice fell, his jade finger raised his white chin and pondered for a while, and after a while, the girl readily agreed, "Very well. Nice name, big brother, you can call me Mebis from now on."

"...Well, then it's settled." As for Ichigo, after he said the name of "Mebis", the first-generation president of the Fairy Tail, he paid special attention to the girl's next change in expression.However, at the end of the day, the girl was still her innocent appearance without any change, looking at Yi Gu, and then she could only look at the girl and nod her head in response, and let it go.Anyway, according to Ichigo, as time goes by, the girl will definitely be able to remember something.By then, everything will come to an end.


at dusk.

Ichigo asked Tianlong Grandigne to stay at Zhanyue World temporarily, otherwise, he would keep Grandigne outside, and the next day, "In Magnolia" will be sent from Magnolia Town. "Dragon tracks appear in the town of Nolia".At this moment, in the Zhanyue Guild, sitting at a long table full of empty plates, the girl who followed Ichigo's advice and gave herself the name "Mebis" patted her with a satisfied face. She patted her still flat belly.

"Ah, I'm full, I'm full..." The next moment, her eyes narrowed and she let out a low, comfortable sigh, and then the girl Mebis looked at Ichigo sitting in front of her, smiled sweetly and thanked, "Damn Brother, thank you for inviting me to dinner."

"No need to thank you, but I'm a little strange. Where have you been eating so many meals? Why don't you have a bulge in your stomach?" Mingming swept the table of meals, but at the moment Mebis' stomach was still flat. This made Ichigo feel a little surprised, and then looked at Mebis and said this.

"Oh, that's because I've already converted the energy in the food into magic power when I eat it." At that moment, after hearing Ichigo's question, Mebis immediately pursed her tender lips and smiled, moving towards Ichigo replied aloud.

"That's it, that's really convenient." The next moment, with a slight smile, Ichigo nodded towards Mebis in response.

"Convert the energy in food into magic power? It's so amazing, can you teach me?" At this moment, Lucy came forward suddenly, and when she looked straight at Mebis, Lucy immediately He spoke to Mebis in a hopeful tone.In Lucy's mind, if you can freely convert the energy in food into magic power, won't you get fat no matter how much you eat?Keeping a good figure is definitely a big attraction for girls.That's why Lucy wanted to learn this method of converting the energy contained in food into magic.Moreover, not only Lucy, but other people in the Moon Slashing Guild are now looking at Lucy and Mebis with curiosity and concern.

"Of course, it's not difficult to learn, I can teach you right away." Without rejecting Lucy, the next second, with a cute smile, Mebis nodded readily and agreed.


The next day.

Since Mebis didn't even have a place to live, Ichigo placed her in the Zantsuki Guild after eating last night.At this moment, along with the Heavenly Dragon Grandigne, Wendy, and Xia Lulu, Ichigo Void walked straight in one direction with Shunbu.

"Ichigo, can you really find the location of the black dragon Acronorlia right away?" He spread his wings and flew high in the sky, with Wendy sitting on his back, and Grandigne turned his head at this moment. To Ichigo, he asked aloud.

"Of course. The black dragon Aknororia is a relatively powerful existence in this world, so even if he deliberately hides it, he still can't completely hide his breath." Supported by the "stairs", he stepped on Shunpo and stepped on the same height as Grandigne, while Ichigo slowed down so that Grandigne could keep up with him, looked sideways at Grandigne and replied, "Besides, the black dragon has killed so many dragons. With that murderous aura, I can easily pinpoint the location of the black dragon Aknororia."

"...Your senses are really sharp, Ichigo." Even if Ichigo said so, but feeling the target's breath and murderous aura from thousands of miles away, it is estimated that only Ichigo can do such a thing.Then in the next moment, looking at Ichigo, Grandigne turned to Ichigo and said so with a sigh.

Listening to Grandigne's sigh, Ichigo then just smiled as usual, and replied to Grandigne: "Of course. If I didn't even have the ability, I wouldn't promise you before. You can definitely get your soul back from the black dragon."


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