dozens of minutes later.

Leading Grandigne, Ichigo came to a stretch of mountains at this time.As far as the eye can see, in the center of the mountain range in front of him, an oval-shaped hole then entered Ichigo's line of sight.Staring at the hole in the middle of the mountain ahead, Ichigo drew a faint smile from the corner of his mouth the next moment. ..

Nine hundred and seventieth chapters Black Dragon Aknororia

"Let's go, let's go." There is no doubt that the light judged from the breath he sensed, the black dragon Aknororia must live in the hole in the middle of the mountain range ahead, and then stepped forward, Ichigo greeted Wendy, Xia Lulu, and Grantigne at the same time.

At the moment, he took Wendy, Xia Lulu, and Grantigne across the mountain to stand not far in front of the hole in the center. Immediately, his eyes narrowed, and he looked straight into the inside of the hole in front of him.At the same moment, Xia Lulu, who folded her arms and used the magic of wings to fly in the air, then frowned slightly and expressed her doubts: "Then the black dragon really lives in such a small hole? With the size of a dragon, this kind of cave is impossible to accommodate, right?"

Saying that, Xia Lulu then looked sideways at Grandigne for a while.Thinking about it in Xia Lulu, the black dragon Aknororia will definitely surpass the Tianlong Grandigne in size, right?In this case, let alone the cave in front of you, even if you magnify the cave several times, it will definitely not be able to accommodate the huge black dragon.

"No, it's a bit incredible, but I can feel it now. In the cave in front of me, there is indeed the breath of the black dragon Aknororia." He had a battle with the black dragon, so he was very concerned about Grandi. As far as Nirvana is concerned, she is relatively familiar with the breath of the black dragon.So at this moment, I felt the breath of the black dragon Acunorolia from the cave in front of me at close range, and Grandigne then spoke with a solemn tone while his eyes were slightly lowered.

"Xia Lulu, although Aknorollia is called the black dragon, he was a dragon slayer more than [-] years ago. I still know this history. Therefore, he used to be a dragon slayer. As a guide, even if he has the strength now, it is not impossible for him to become a human again." At the same time, when looking at Xia Lulu, Ichigo immediately explained to her again. .After saying that, Ichigo stepped forward and approached the entrance of the cave in front of him.

"In any case, it's pointless to just stand here and discuss. So, let's go into that cave now and see what's going on." The next moment, Fuhui said such words, and Ichigo went out at the same time. He said to Grantigne, "Grandigne, it's unrealistic to enter this cave with your size. So, for now, you can wait outside for the time being."


After a while, he took Wendy and Xia Lulu into the cave ahead.Right now, when I actually entered this cave, I found out that, in fact, the inner space of this cave is also not very large.Moreover, in this cave there is no passage that can lead to a deeper level.At first glance, it is at most the size of a bedroom in an ordinary family.

Of course, at this moment, being in this cave, compared to paying attention to the size of the inner space of the cave, what attracts more attention is a man sitting quietly on the ground, wearing a black robe with a dark complexion. , A man with a hairstyle like a wild lion.

At the moment, Ichigo just stared at the man sitting with his back against the stone wall in front of him without saying a word.And facing Ichigo's gaze, the man immediately looked at Ichigo blankly.

The face shape of the whole face is inherently a bit cold, not to mention that the expression of the man when looking at Ichigo has become more and more condensed, which makes people shudder even more. .But for Ichigo, no matter how cold the man in front of him behaves, Ichigo will not be moved by him at all.After all, no matter how stern the man's expression was and how terrifying his eyes were, the threat he could bring to Ichigo would only be zero.

However, compared to Ichigo's calmness, the man's expression was not as relaxed as Ichigo's.Because at this moment, looking at Ichigo in front of him, the man felt an unfathomable feeling for no reason.

"...Kurosaki Ichigo of the Zhanyue Guild, right?" After a long time, he finally stopped being silent, and the man asked Ichigo word by word when he spoke first, "Come to me, What's the matter?"

"Black Dragon Aknororia, the reason I came to you is very simple." The next moment, while his face was still smiling as usual, Ichigo then said indifferently to the man's voice, "Heavenly Dragon Grandigne The soul that you once took away with your dragon slaying magic, now you can honestly return it to me."

"Leave it to you? Why?" Ichigo's tone of voice was irresistible. He listened to the same words as an order, which made the man: that is, the black dragon Akunorolia immediately became angry and turned cold. asked Ichigo.At this moment, if it weren't for the fact that Ichigo's strength was not fully grasped, Aknororia might have been attacked long ago.

"Why? Of course it depends on my strength." His eyes narrowed slightly, and while Ichigo responded to Akurolia in such a way, he immediately released his spiritual pressure and moved towards Aku. Norolia directly enveloped the past!

For a time, a huge sense of oppression accompanied by a powerful deterrent force was clearly felt by him as soon as the Reiatsu of Ichigo descended straight down towards Akurolia.Immediately, a drop of cold sweat dripped from her forehead when her complexion changed slightly, and the look in Akurolia's gaze at Ichigo changed again.

"Why, has this pressure alone made you afraid? It seems that Akurolia, known as the "King of Dragons", is only as strong as that." The Reiatsu had already caused Akunororia to shed a cold sweat. Seeing such a scene in Ichigo's eyes made him smile indifferently, and then when he spoke to Akunororia, he was already in his hand. In an instant, a translucent spiritual blade was condensed.

"Shhh!" In the next second, he flipped his wrist and threw the spiritual power blade in his hand. When a sound of breaking the air followed, the spiritual power blade thrown by Ichigo immediately touched Akunoro. Leah's profile was slashed!

"How? After feeling the pressure, why do you still want to ask me now?" At the same time, after throwing out the spiritual power blade, Ichigo then indifferently opened his mouth and stretched out towards Aknororia He said, "If you are acquainted, immediately hand over the soul of Grandigne obediently."

Chapter [-]: Defeat the Black Dragon ([-])

Immediately, when Ichigo's voice fell, a slender bloodstain appeared silently on Akunorolia's side face, apparently left by the spiritual blade that Ichigo threw out of his hand. masterpiece below.After the bloodstain appeared, a few droplets of blood were secreted, and finally slid down the side of Akunorolia's face, which looked so eye-catching and dazzling from the side.

In the next second, he felt that his profile face had been cut open with a slender slit, and Akurolia subconsciously raised his hand and wiped it on his face.And a moment later, when Acunorolia moved the palm that he had wiped to the side of his face to his own eyes, the blood stains on the fingers were seen in Acunorolia's eyes, which made his expression Immediately it froze for a while.

"...How dare you?!" Akurolia is no stranger to the smell of blood, because he once became a black dragon because of killing, and was dubbed the "King of Dragons".But all along, the smell of blood that Akronorlia smelled belonged to the enemy, and it was the first time in Akronorlia's life to smell her own blood like this.Then in the next moment, when the eyes instantly glowed red like a wild beast, Akurolia turned a little grim, and became extremely dangerous in an instant. , gritted his teeth and stared at Ichigo in a gloomy and angry voice.

"President, the situation seems to be a little bad..." At that moment, seeing the angry expression on Akunorolia's face, Xia Lulu, who was beside Ichigo, couldn't help frowning, and muttered to Ichigo. He murmured, "You seem to have annoyed this guy."

"So what if you're angered?" Still calmly looking at Akurolia, who was already looking like a beast that was completely angered, Ichigo then smiled indifferently, and then said to Xia Lulu. .It was also at this time that Akurolia, who had originally maintained the appearance of a human, suddenly suddenly surged when a strong wave of magic power spread out from his body. Get up!

"Bang!..." In the next second, due to the skyrocketing figure of Aknororia, the cave with limited space could no longer accommodate his body.Then, accompanied by a loud explosion, the cave in the middle of a continuous mountain range was actually directly burst open by the body of Aknororia!

For a while, the gravel splashed around.The explosion of the cave even caused the entire stretch of mountains to tremble faintly.The next moment, taking Wendy and Xia Lulu out of the bursting cave, Ichigo turned to Shintei and walked leisurely in a few flashes to Grandigne who was waiting outside the cave.

"Did something happen? Ichigo..." The sudden burst of the cave made Grandigne feel a little surprised. At this moment, looking at Ichigo who came to him, Grandigne hurriedly He asked Ichigo aloud.

"It's nothing, just made the small black dragon angry." He stared lightly at the appearance of a piece of debris flying ahead due to the explosion of the cave, and immediately spoke out, his tone calmly directed towards Grandigne responded.

"Roar!..." At the same moment, there was a resounding dragon roar from the mouth of the bursting cave.I saw Akunorolia, who was completely transformed into a black dragon, unfolding her jet-black wings and appearing in front of Ichigo, Wendy, Xia Lulu, and Grandigne. A pair of dragon eyes stared straight at Ichigo. At this moment, You can clearly feel the anger that comes out of it.

"Black Dragon Acunorolia..." Seeing this Akunorolia who looked so evil from the outside again after a long time, Grandigne turned his gaze to a little condensed and muttered. He spoke in a low voice.

"...Dragon Grandigne?" In the next second, he also noticed the Celestial Dragon Grandigne next to Ichigo, and Akurolia then spoke up and said in a slightly rough voice, "You know what? ? Kurosaki Ichigo is here to take back from me the part of your soul that I extracted with my dragon slayer magic."

"Of course." Looking at Acunororia, who unexpectedly didn't attack immediately, Grandigne just thought about it for a moment and then understood.The black dragon Akunorolia, he is obviously afraid of Ichigo now!Then in the next moment, he looked at Acunororia indifferently, and Grantigne replied in a normal tone.

"Cut! It's really irritating!..." Listening to Grandigne's calm and usual tone at the moment, the next second, Acronorlia couldn't help but roared extremely unhappily.After all, if Grantigne was left alone to face himself now, in Acunorolia, there was absolutely no way that Grandigne would be able to feel even the slightest bit of nervousness.And the reason why Grandigne can remain calm now is definitely because of Ichigo!Thinking of this, the irascible Aknorollia couldn't help but feel even more resentment towards Ichigo.

"Okay, there is no need to talk about the unnecessary nonsense. Acunorolia, since you are not willing to hand over Grandigne's soul, then I can only use force to remove Grandigne from you. Nirvana's soul has been taken back." And at the moment when Akunoroli was extremely resentful, Ichigo suddenly came to Akronoria in an instant.In the next second, he said this to Akronoria indifferently, Ichigo raised his right hand at the same time, and called the Zanpakutō into his hand with a low voice, "Zanyue!"

"Want to do it? Ichigo Kurosaki! Very good, just right for me!" Over the past [-] years, how many battles, large and small, and how many lives have been taken by Aknororia, perhaps even his I can't even count myself.Therefore, at this time, since there is no way to avoid this battle, then Akurolia will definitely not show fear at the critical moment!Immediately after the roar, under the pressure of the spiritual pressure emanating from Ichigo, Aknororia immediately raised her neck, and the cheeks on both sides of the dragon's mouth immediately swelled like air. Get up!

"The roar of the black dragon!" At the next moment, the voice roared like thunder, and when Akurolia lowered her head and opened the dragon's mouth, she spat out a range that could almost completely cover an island. The black energy wave in it directly hit Ichigo!

"Heh, if you roar loudly, it won't even have the slightest effect." At that moment, facing Akunoroli's move "Black Dragon's Roar", Ichigo and Yu sneered. After speaking, he raised his arm and waved the Zanpakutō in his hand and slashed down to meet the roar of the incoming black dragon, "Crescent Moon Sky Chong!" ..

Chapter [-]: Defeat the Black Dragon (Part [-])

"Hey!..." In the next second, when Ichigo swung the Zanpakutō and slashed down, a azure blue crescent blade that was more than ten meters long was then directly slashed by Ichigo from the tip of the Zanpakutō. When he came out, he collided with Akunorolia's "Roar of the Black Dragon" in a flash of lightning as he rushed forward!Immediately, a crisp sound like cutting brocade rang out, and the roar of the black dragon, which covered a wide area, collided with Ichigo's Crescent Moon, and it was only a stalemate for a few seconds, and it was smashed by one. Hu's Crescent Moon Tianchong was directly cut apart!After all, it only covers a wide range. Compared with Ichigo's crescent moon, Akurolia's black dragon's roar is inferior to Ichigo's crescent moon in terms of strength and power.

And then, after quickly cutting through the roar of the black dragon, Crescent Moon Sky Chong charged forward with leeway, and finally directly hit the huge dragon body of Aknororia!

For a time, blood spurted out.Hit by Ichigo's Crescent Moon at zero distance, a shocking big hole was immediately cut open on Akurolia's body!Blood gushed out from the wound incessantly.

"Roar!..." Suddenly, Ichigo's Crescent Moon slashed a huge hole on his body. This kind of pain caused Akurolia to roar involuntarily.At the same time, unlike the previous time where there was only a small wound on his face, the severe damage to his body now aroused the ferocity and ferocity in Aknororia's heart.

"Heh, wasn't it directly divided into two? It seems that your body is still quite stiff, Akronorlia." In the next second, he watched his own move, the crescent moon rushing towards Akronoria. The wound left on his body, Ichigo turned to a faint smile, and said this to Aknororia.Although Ichigo's Crescent Moon Tensong that slashed on Aknorolia was offset by the "Black Dragon's Roar" in advance, the power was somewhat weakened, but even so, it was Ichigo's more serious swing after all. A slash, so even if it is a crescent moon rushing out of the pure state, it is not something that ordinary creatures can resist.Therefore, since Aknororia's body was only cut with a shocking opening at this time, it seems that Aknororia's dragon body, those dark dragons covering the body surface The defensive effect that scales can play is quite remarkable.

"Wendy, are you okay?" At the same moment, the other side.Holding Wendy up, one was wearing a white top, a black knee-length skirt, with silver hair that crossed the shoulders, a pair of pointed ears, and an elegant white tail on the back. At this moment, the girl who looked like Catwoman looked down at Wendy, who was hugged by her, and asked with concern in a crisp voice.Before, because the black dragon's roar coverage was too wide, if the girl with the appearance of a catwoman hadn't picked up Wendy in time to avoid it, Wendy would have spent a lot of effort to offset that. The roar of the black dragon spread to her side.After all, even if Ichigo's one move, Crescent Moon Sky Chong, had already cut the black dragon's roar in two, the residual power left by the black dragon's roar was still not to be underestimated.As for Grandigne, who was also in the area affected by the "Black Dragon's Roar", as a Heavenly Dragon, it was not a problem to just deal with the remaining power of the Black Dragon's roar.

"Well, Xia Lulu, I'm fine." The next moment, looking at the silver-haired girl who was hugging her, Wendy smiled and nodded back to her.That's right, this silver-haired catwoman is Xia Lulu!It has been so many years since she joined the Zhanyue Guild, and because she often accompanies Wendy to the world of Zhanyue, Xia Lulu has already mastered the method of using transformation magic to transform herself into a girl even if she doesn't train much.

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