"Xia Lulu, take Wendy to a place far away from here." At the same time, she turned around to look at Xia Lulu, who was holding Wendy up in her arms after turning into a girl, and she opened her mouth to signal to Xia Lulu.Immediately after, looking at Wendy, Yihu immediately assured Wendy with a slight smile, "Wendy, leave everything to me, I will definitely succeed in getting Grandigne. The soul was taken back from the black dragon."

"Well, Ichigo, I believe in you!" In the next second, she looked up at Ichigo, and Wendy turned her head and responded with a crisp voice, her tone of voice revealing her devotion to Ichigo. Unconditional trust has already been demonstrated.

And after Wendy responded to Ichigo, following Ichigo's instructions, Xia Lulu then hugged Wendy and turned into a streamer and swept away into the distance.Very fast speed, Xia Lulu's movement at this moment is so fast that she is about to catch up with Tia, who has learned to improve Shunpo.In this way, although Xia Lulu has always been strongly opposed to calling her a cat, since joining the Zhanyue Guild, so many years have passed, in fact Xia Lulu has indeed possessed the speed and agility of a cat.I don't know if it's a coincidence or just due to talent.

She kept watching Xia Lulu take Wendy away, and after a while, she withdrew her gaze, and she immediately returned to Akunorolia, who was staring at her with a sullen gaze, and said with a light smile, "Then take it. Come down, Black Dragon Aknororia, you have to fight with twelve points of strength. Because of this, you won't die too fast."

At that moment, upon hearing Ichigo's words, Aknororia's expression became even more gloomy.Immediately after that, the wings spread out suddenly, and Akunorolia slapped the wings without warning and rushed straight up into the sky!

"...Is this going to be a high-altitude attack?" Although Akurolia's sudden flight seemed to want to escape, in fact, she felt what Akunororia was revealing at the moment. It is not difficult to guess that Ichigo is a dangerous breath. Akurolia's move is not to escape, but to hope that flying into the sky will give him a favorable position in the next battle!Then in the next moment, he looked up at the high-flying Acunoruria and said indifferently, and while Ichigo held the Zanpakutō in his hand calmly, he then shouted in a low voice, "Swish. untie!"

In an instant, when Ichigo's low voice fell, his entire attire was instantly transformed into a flowing black trench coat.Holding the swastika Zanpakutō Tiansuo Zhanyue, Ichigo then with a calm expression, raised his eyes and looked at Akunorolia, who had been flying high in the sky, but stopped strangely at this moment. ..

Chapter [-]: Defeat the Black Dragon (Part [-])

At that moment, facing the gaze that Ichigo looked up at, a few drops of cold sweat could not help dripping from the forehead of Akunoroli.The next moment, staring down at Ichigo, who was standing on the ground below, with a pair of dragon eyes wide open, Aknororia immediately spread out her dark wings and took off in the air, and then did not continue to fly higher into the sky. Go, he didn't descend from the sky in turn and attacked Ichigo. For a while, he just stood still in the air and didn't move!

Suddenly it stopped motionless.At this moment, Akronorlia seems to be acting strangely, but only Akronoria herself can clearly understand the hardships involved.Right now, the reason why Akurolia is not moving is not because he doesn't want to move, but because he can't move at all!

The spiritual pressure strength of the swastika is five times that of the original state.Previously, when Ichigo had not summoned the Zanpakutō, the Reiatsu that was released had already caused Akurolia to sweat coldly.Therefore, now, under the pressure of the spiritual pressure released by the Ichigo swastika, even though she was already at an altitude of dozens of meters away from the Ichigo foot, Akurolia still felt a sense of relief. A heavy pressure that is so powerful that it penetrates deep into the soul!In this way, the fashion can still stay in the air at this time, which is already very difficult for Acunoroli.However, even if he can barely stay above the sky, if Akurolia feels a little bit of slack next, then he will be greeted by Ichigo's Reiatsu directly "pulled" down into the sky 's fate!

"Grandigne, look at it, I'll be able to get your soul back from the black dragon in no time." After the swastika, Ichigo's whole person's aura was more generous than before, and the world was turned upside down. The change.At the moment, standing aside, looking at Ichigo, who had become unfathomable in his eyes at this moment, Grandigne's expression showed obvious surprise.It was also at this time that he noticed the gaze that Grantigne was looking at him, and Ichigo turned to look at Grantigne, and said so in the next second, and then his body changed. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared in place!

In the next second, at a height of dozens of meters above the ground, Ichigo, who left in an instant, appeared here.Looking closely at Akurolia, who was looking at himself with his pupils shrunken at the moment, the entire huge body was also very stiff, Ichigo then just raised the Zanpakutō in his hand expressionlessly, He said indifferently, "Black Dragon Aknororia, I'd like to see how many tricks you can deal with me next..."

"Crescent Moon Sky Chong!" After speaking, Ichigo immediately swung the Zanpakutō in his hand while facing Aknororia at close range while he shouted in a low voice!

"What?! This time it's actually black?!..." When Ichigo swung the knife, a black crescent blade with a faint red light around it was slashed by Ichigo's Zanpaku blade. came out.At this moment, the pupils shrank to the extreme, staring at the black crescent moon that came from close range, Aknororia then subconsciously raised her front paws to resist the A black crescent rushing straight in.

At this point, it was impossible for Akurolia to avoid the black crescent moon that Ichigo slashed under the pressure of Ichigo's Reiatsu.Therefore, only positive resistance is the only remaining option at the moment.In the next second, when he raised his front claws to resist the black crescent moon, Aknororia turned his eyes and roared: "The claws of the black dragon!"

"Dang! Chi!..." In the blink of an eye, at the moment when Akurolia used the "black dragon's claws", his front claws touched the black crescent moon that Ichigo cut out. .Immediately, with a piercing sound like cutting steel, it didn't take long for the black crescent moon cut out by Ichigo to directly cut off a pair of Akurolia's front claws. !

In an instant, blood splattered everywhere!The front paws were cut off by a knife swung by Ichigo, which made Akurolia's forehead suddenly covered in cold sweat!It was at this time that, due to the pain of losing his front paws, Aknororia turned and fell from the air under the pressure of Ichigo's Reiatsu!

"Bang!..." After a while, he slammed back onto the ground, and when a burst of smoke, dust, and gravel flew around, Aknororia's huge dragon body directly smashed the ground out. Come up with a huge pit!

He had already spread his wings and soared to escape the falling from the sky. At this moment, flapping his wings and staying in the air, Grandigne looked down at the smoke and dust that had not dissipated for a long time. It was quite a stir.The black dragon Akurolia, who was once unable to deal with the power of the dragons, was completely suppressed by Ichigo at this moment.Such a fact made Grandigne start to think about how strong Ichigo was to be able to play the black dragon with applause like this!

After nearly a minute, the smoke and dust permeating the mountains finally began to dissipate.Standing in the center of the sunken ground, Aknororia, who had reverted to her human appearance, looked down at her left and right arms that had lost both hands, and her expression suddenly became extremely ferocious.For Akronoria, who naturally likes destruction and destruction, the loss of both hands is a huge blow!

"Kurosaki Ichigo, do you want the soul of Grantigne?" In the next second, when looking at Ichigo, who descended from the sky and stood in front of him, Aknororia suddenly A smile with a hint of madness appeared from the corner of his mouth, and he spoke immediately, and said to Ichigo in a gloomy tone, "In this case, I will put the soul of Grandigne and all the other dragons together. Destroyed! Although it would be a pity to do so, you will never achieve your goal in this way!"

"This kind of thing, if you did it earlier, it might still be possible, but now, it's obviously impossible." Listening to Akunoroli's words that were equivalent to a threat in disguise, Yihu was just cold and cold. With a smile, he said, "I can detect that you have stored all the crystallized souls drawn from Grandigne and other dragons using dragon slaying magic in your body. So it is easy to take them out now."

After saying that, when Akurolia's expression changed after hearing this, Ichigo then raised his hand and pointed to Akurolia: "Ninety Destruction: The Black Coffin!" ..

Chapter [-]: Recapture the Soul

The next moment, when Ichigo let out a low voice, a pitch-black rectangular coffin appeared immediately, and when it emerged out of thin air, it suddenly imprisoned the human-shaped Akurolia!

"What kind of trick is this?!" On the side, watching the scene where Ichigo released the black coffin of No. [-] to lock Acnororia into it, Grandigne couldn't help but look startled, and then murmured. asked in a low voice.At this moment, Grandigne finally understood a little bit of the strange tricks Ichigo had used from the very beginning until now.In order to deal with the various powerful attacks that Ichigo used, it was no wonder that the black dragon Aknororia was so exhausted.

Immediately after, a few seconds passed, and the black coffin released by Ichigo turned into pure spiritual power and dissipated.Looking up, Akurolia, who had been shrouded in a black coffin before, was lying in a pool of blood with scars all over her body.Obviously, with the defensive ability of Akurolia's body, it is difficult to resist the stabbing attack of thousands of shadow blades after being locked in by the black coffin released by Ichigo.At the same time, at this time when Akurolia's life and death were uncertain, a wave of obvious soul fluctuations was released from his back, which was immediately sensed by Ichigo.

"It came out." His eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the Akunorlia lying in a pool of blood, and Ichigo said lightly while grinning.

"What?" Hearing Ichigo's words, Grandigne couldn't help but subconsciously asked Ichigo.

"Grantigne, I mean your soul." In the next second, he turned his head to look at Grandigne, and Ichigo then added to Grandigne.It was also at this time that the brilliance that was like a firefly in a summer night had begun to escape from the back of Aknororia.

A spot of light appeared from behind Akurolia, and this scene seemed to be an omen.Immediately after that, there were several strong soul powers that rushed out of Aknororia's body like a bird that broke through the cage, and then scattered in all directions.At the same time, under Ichigo's perception, one of the souls was spontaneously approaching Grantigne's side, and finally belonged to Grandigne's body.

"How is it, Grandigne, how are you feeling now?" Looking at Grandigne, Ichigo then asked with a slight smile.The soul that entered Grantigne's body was naturally the part of her soul that she had been swept away by Acronorlia's dragon slaying magic. Norolia escaped from the body, and the rest of the souls that are now scattered around must belong to the remaining dragons whose souls were also swept away by Akronoria's dragon slaying magic before.Now, these souls should also return to the bodies of the other dragons one after another in the future.In this way, Ichigo not only helped Grandigne, but also helped other dragons.

"...Well, although this is an indescribable feeling, I can really feel that the part of my soul that I once lost has now returned to my body." The next second, he nodded lightly, Granny nodded. Tigne immediately replied to Ichigo.

"Damn! Kurosaki Ichigo!..." At the same moment, on the other side.Aknororia, who was lying in a pool of blood, stood up tremblingly again at this moment!Staring at Ichigo with a vicious look, Akurolia turned to speak. Although her voice was a little weak, she gritted her teeth coldly and said, "I will never forgive you!"

"Heh, don't forgive me?" Hearing Akunororia's arrogant and arrogant words, Ichigo just smiled disdainfully, and said indifferently, "Akunororia, look at Your current virtue! You are so embarrassed, yet you dare to speak so fast? You are extremely ignorant."

Ichigo's words made the corners of Aknororia's mouth twitch violently.At this moment, Akurolia, although angry and unwilling in his heart, had to admit that he was defeated, and he was completely defeated by Ichigo!But even if he loses, for Akurolia, he definitely doesn't want Ichigo to win so easily!Then, in the next second, the stagnant qi and blood in the body were reluctantly calmed down, and Akurolia then slowly raised his right arm with a broken palm in his eyes.

"What? Do you still want to fight to the death?" Aknororia's behavior made him smile in disapproval when he saw Ichigo's eyes and said.Ichigo didn't think that Aknorollia, who had already been forced to this point, could still make a powerful blow that was enough to make him serious.

However, in the face of Ichigo's disapproving attitude, Akurolia was abnormal and did not show any anger. At the moment, she only condensed magic power on the top of her right arm with a broken palm. .After a while, her eyes suddenly froze, and Akurolia immediately shouted with a flash of light in her eyes: "Really. Dragon Slayer Profound Truth. Black Dragon King's Dragon Slaying Sword!"

Immediately, with the loud shout of Aknororia, a pure black energy giant sword with a length of more than ten meters and surrounded by dark "mist" was condensed by Aknororia. Above his right arm that lost his palm, there were waves of demonic power fluctuations with obvious killing aura.

"With such a strong killing aura, it seems that you have killed a lot of dragons with this magical giant sword called Dragon Slaying Sword before, right?" The magic sword condensed by Long Aoyi made a sound as soon as he guarded it, and said lightly to Akunorolia.

"Exactly! More than [-] years ago, I used this trick to slay dragons under the sword, and finally achieved my reputation as the "Dragon King"! Now, Ichigo Kurosaki, I use all the magic power I have left. It was all used in this trick to destroy the dragon, in order to cut you under the sword!" Raising his arms to maintain the posture of holding up the black magic sword, Aknororia immediately made a sound of Ichigo shouted like that.

"It's just a decent move, and you're trying to beat me? It's just wishful thinking." Even though he was seriously injured, he still shouted such words bluntly. Ichigo then replied with a sneering smile, "Akunorolia, you are really ridiculous."

Chapter nine hundred and seventy-fifth Shaggart

"Whether it's ridiculous or terrible, Ichigo Kurosaki, wait until you accept my move!" His eyes became more and more condensed because of Ichigo's disdainful words.In the next second, the veins on the right arm that had lost the palm were exposed, and Akurolia had no more energy to care about the wounds all over his body, large and small, and bleeding profusely while he shouted so loudly. Now, he just waved his right arm to control his condensed magic sword, and slashed straight towards Ichigo!

"It's just a desperate blow. Aknororia, let me completely smash your last remaining belief!" And in Akronoria, the magic power was controlled. When the giant sword was slashed down, he still just looked at the magic giant sword that was slashing towards him with a dull expression, and Yihu immediately said so in indifference, and then raised his arm and waved the 卍卍協漢 in his hand. The sword day locks the moon.

"Crescent Moon Sky Chong!" The next moment, he shouted in a low voice as usual, facing the magic giant sword that was attacking him from the sky, and Ichigo then just gently waved his Zanpakutō to counterattack.While Ichigo swiped the Zanpakutō with a relaxed expression, a jet-black crescent blade was once again slashed by Ichigo from the tip of the Zanpakutō blade, and finally hit Nayu Akunoro upwards at close range. Leah controlled the surface of the slashed magic greatsword.

"Ping!..." In an instant, there was a sound of shattering that sounded like a substance, and there was no suspense at all. When Ichigo's crescent moon slammed into contact with the magic sword that Aknororia slashed At that time, with the absolute advantage, Crescent Moon Tianchong suddenly "roughly" divided the huge-looking magic sword into two!

"This?! How is that possible?!..." He watched helplessly as the Dragon Slaying Sword, which was condensed by his exhausted magic power, was cut into two without any suspense by Ichigo's Crescent Moon, and finally turned into pure magic power and dissipated. In this scene, Akurolia's eyes widened immediately, and then, amid the turbulent expression, she murmured incredulously.

"Is this the mystery of dragon slaying that keeps slaying dragons under the sword? It's just as powerful." Seeing Akurolia's shocking expression at this time, Ichigo still spoke indifferently as before. Said, and then raised his finger to point towards the already seriously injured Acunorolia, and shouted in a low voice, "The Ninety-One Breaking the Way: Thousands of Hands Eliminate Cannons!"

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