Immediately, when Ichigo shouted in a low voice, many light cones condensed by spiritual power appeared in front of Ichigo, and when they gathered together, they were all directed towards the only goal: Akuno. Rolia bombarded the past!For a time, there were continuous explosions in this continuous mountain range, and the momentum was huge.


The continuous sound of explosions lasted for nearly a minute before slowly weakening.At this moment, in the mountains filled with smoke and dust, looking at the mountain that had been blown up in front of him, Ichigo just stared at it for a while, and then left with Grandigne. in the direction of this mountain range.The Akurolia was now buried in the ruins formed by the part of the mountain that had been blown up.As the god of death, Ichigo can clearly feel that the black dragon Aknororia has indeed died now.After all, Ichigo was attacked successively by the crescent moon, the ninth piercing, and the [-]st piercing. If Akurolia hadn't died, it would be too tenacious. point.


After a few minutes, he and Grandigne left this continuous mountain range.In front, Wendy and Xia Lulu were waiting outside the mountains.Right now, seeing the arrival of Ichigo and Grantigne, Wendy immediately trotted in front of Ichigo and Grantigne, then raised her eyes and stared at Grantigne and asked, "How is it? , Grantigne, you should be all right now, right?"

"Well, Wendy, it seems that your unconditional trust in Ichigo is not unreasonable." At the next moment, she first nodded at Wendy, and Grantigne turned to sigh. At that time, he turned to Wendy and replied, "The half of my soul that I lost has been snatched back by Ichigo from the black dragon Aknororia."

"Really? That's good..." At the moment, after hearing Grantigne's response, Wendy finally calmed down, and then she sighed in relief and muttered.Previously, although she had enough trust in Ichigo, before Grantigne regained the half of her lost soul, Wendy could not help worrying about her.

At the same time, while Wendy and Grantigne were talking to each other, Ichigo stepped forward to Xia Lulu, who was incarnated as a girl.Seeing her delicate and charming appearance at this moment, Ichigo couldn't help but admire her face, and then he said to Xia Lulu: "Xia Lulu, I didn't expect you to look so likable now."

"...Humph! Even if you compliment me like that, I won't be grateful to you." At that moment, listening to Ichigo's straightforward compliment, Xia Lulu's cheeks subconsciously flushed red.But immediately, when Xia Lulu hummed softly again, she replied to Ichigo, pretending not to care.


More than an hour later, Ichigo took Xia Lulu back to the Zhanyue Guild.As for Wendy and Grandigne, since they hadn't seen each other for a long time, Wendy had a lot to say to Grandigne, and so was Grandigne.Therefore, Ichigo simply let Wendy and Grantigne go to Zhanyue World together for a while.At this moment, when Fuyi returned to the Zhanyue Guild, the first thing Ichigo and Xia Lulu saw was a silver-haired woman sitting in the hall of the guild with a cup of tea in her hands.No, to be precise, it should be a silver-haired catwoman.

It was a very unfamiliar face, but upon closer inspection, this silver-haired catwoman was seven or eight similar to Xia Lulu, who was incarnated as a girl.At the moment, seeing this silver-haired Catwoman who appeared in the Zhanyue Guild, Ichigo only knew the identity of this Catwoman after just looking at it for a while.After all, not to mention that this catwoman has a face similar to that of the girlish Xia Lulu, just by feeling the familiar aura on her body, Ichigo can already clearly know who this silver-haired catwoman is.

"President, you're back." At the same time, seeing Ichigo and Xia Lulu returning to the Zhanyue Guild, Netwokka turned to Ichigo and explained to Ichigo aloud, " President, this silver-haired woman, she is…”

"Shaggart, right?" With a slight smile, Ichigo interrupted Netwoka's words while still staring at the silver-haired Catwoman. ..

Chapter [-] Conversation

At that moment, Xia Lulu, who used the magic of wings to fly by the side of the bodyguard, couldn't help but look stunned when she heard the name "Shagot" from the mouth of the bodyguard.The next second, when he looked at the silver-haired Catwoman sitting in the guild hall again, Xia Lulu's expression couldn't help but start to change obviously.Earlier, when she saw that the silver-haired catwoman had a face that was very similar to her incarnation, Xia Lulu had already guessed the identity of the silver-haired catwoman.At this moment, when Ichigo said the name of the silver-haired catwoman, Xia Lulu was already convinced that this silver-haired catwoman was exactly Xia Lulu's mother: Shaggart!

"Well, long time no see, Your Excellency Ichigo Kurosaki." At the same moment, when looking at Ichigo and Xia Lulu, he stood up, and Xiagot then greeted Ichigo generously with a small smile.

"Indeed, long time no see." At the next moment, he nodded towards Shagert, and Ichigo then replied.Although for Ichigo, it didn't take long to meet Shagot again, but for Shagot, she, Ichigo and Xia Lulu had not seen each other for seven years.Therefore, Ichigo responded to Shaggart's words at this moment.Immediately afterwards, looking at Shagot with a slight smile, Ichigo then said to Shagot, "Since it's been so long since you haven't seen him, don't you want to say something to Xia Lulu next to me, Shagot?"

Straight to the point, Ichigo brought the topic directly to the mother-daughter pair of Shagot and Xia Lulu.Immediately, after Ichigo's voice fell, looking at Xia Lulu, Xiagot's eyes couldn't help softening.

"Of course, Xia Lulu and I have too many things to say, even if we talk about it for three days and three nights..." After a while, he finally stopped silently watching Xia Lulu without saying a word.The next second, when he said so in a soft voice, Shaggart turned and stepped forward, and finally came to stand in front of Xia Lulu.

"..." The appearance is beautiful and dignified, the silver hair is soft and silky, and the height is roughly estimated to be close to [-] meters.At the moment, looking at the tall and beautiful woman in front of her - her own mother, Xia Lulu was stunned for a while and didn't know what to say, but when she subconsciously mobilized the magic in her body, she let herself Reincarnated as a girl again.

"...As expected of my daughter, she's so pretty." After Xia Lulu transformed herself into a girl using the unique magic of transcendence like herself, she took a close look at the height in front of her, reaching her shoulders, with a fresh and moving appearance. Xia Lulu, after a few seconds, Xiagot couldn't help but pursed his tender lips and smiled, and murmured in admiration.


More than half an hour later.

The mother and daughter Shagot and Xia Lulu were given some time so they could have a good conversation.At this moment, seeing that Shagot and Xia Lulu were almost communicating with each other, Ichigo interjected at the right moment and asked Shagot: "Shagot, shouldn't you have been left in Edras Continent before? How did you come to this Aslant Continent later?"

"That's right, Your Excellency Ichigo." At that moment, after hearing Ichigo's question, Shaggart turned to look at Ichigo with his beautiful eyes, and replied with his tender lips, "Seven years ago, in your And not long after Xia Lulu and his party left the Edras Continent, I and the other Exciters who had magic power in their own bodies were rejected by the world that had lost any magic power, so they finally ended up in this world.”

"It's you, Your Excellency Ichigo, we haven't seen you for seven years. Did you actually go to a magical place like the Astral World?" After talking about the reason why he came to Aslant Continent, the next second, in a little while. After a pause, Shaggart spoke again while looking at Ichigo.Regarding the matter that Ichigo and others went to the Celestial Spirit World in the past seven years, Shaggart, before Ichigo and Xia Lulu returned to the Zhanyue Guild, had already heard about the girls in the Zhanyue Guild. explained.

"Indeed, I didn't expect that I went to the Celestial Spirit World, and seven years have passed since I came back." The next moment, he nodded towards Shagert, and the guard said so. said.

"During those seven years, Your Excellency Ichigo, after I came to this Aslant Continent, I searched for the traces of your Moon Slashing Guild more than once, but there was very little information I could find, and most These are rumors based on falsehoods." Then, when Ichigo's voice fell, Shaggart murmured again, "I never imagined that all of you would leave Aslant Continent and go to another place. A world. However, although I have not been able to find you during this period, thanks to the abundant magic power of this continent of Aslant, in these seven years, I have not only allowed myself to use the wings of wing magic. They became a pair again, and they also mastered the magic of incarnating human appearances.”

"...Mom, I was wondering before, why did you lose one wing when you were in the Exeter Palace on the Edras Continent?" What Xiagot said, Xia Lulu immediately opened her mouth to express the doubts in her heart.

At the moment, after hearing Xia Lulu's question, Xiagot did not answer Xia Lulu immediately, but his eyes softened as he looked at Xia Lulu.Looking at Xiagot's gentle eyes looking at her at the moment, Xia Lulu couldn't help but be stunned, and became more and more puzzled in her heart.

"...Hey, it's so boring to watch you chatting like this." At this moment, with a crisp cry, a figure in a pink dress came to Yihu's side, it was Mei Bees, "Brother Ichigo, shall we go out and play?"

"Okay, I'll go out with you now. Xia Lulu, you can have a good chat with your mother next." Looking at Mebis, who was obviously bored in the guild by his side, Ichigo didn't reject her request, and then he raised his hand and stroked Mebis' hair and agreed with a smile, and then greeted Xia Lulu again.

"Okay! Big brother Ichigo, let's go!" Upon hearing Ichigo's agreement, Mebis immediately pulled Ichigo to the front door of Zhanyue Guild while he was cheering. went.


The next day.

"Mebis, come here." In the Zhanyue Guild, he beckoned to Mebis who was walking upstairs and downstairs restlessly, and Ichigo, who was sitting in the hall on the first floor of the guild, turned to Mebis at this time. signaled aloud. ..

Chapter [-] The first generation? !

"What? Big brother Ichigo, are you taking me out to play?" The next moment, after hearing Ichigo's greeting, Mebis, who seemed to have nothing to do, jumped to Ichigo's side with a lively movement. Then he asked in a crisp voice as he looked up at Ichigo.

"You girl, are you so playful?" At the moment, listening to Mebis's hopeful questioning voice, Ichigo shook his head helplessly, and then said this aloud. , looked down at Mebis' little feet with fair skin like jade, and said, "I can take you out to play, but before that, Mebis, I want to give you a gift."

"Eh? Gift?..." The moment I heard that Ichigo was going to give him a gift, Mebis' beautiful black pupils immediately burst out with obvious light and brilliance.The next second, he couldn't help but let out a low voice, and Mebis asked Ichigo expectantly, "What kind of gift?"

For the word "gift", let alone Mebis, most women have little resistance to it.Therefore, Ichigo didn't feel any surprise when he saw Mebis looking forward to it, and with his face as usual, he turned his back and carried the pair of pink shoes that had been on the table behind him to Mabby. in front of him.

"Mebis, you always see that you are barefoot, so I plan to give you a pair of shoes this time." Looking at Mebis, Ichigo was the gift that was intended to be given to Mebis: a pair of shoes. After getting the pink shoes in front of Mebis, he smiled slightly and said, "How is it, do you like it?"

"..." Ichigo didn't respond immediately. At this moment, staring at the pair of pink shoes that Ichigo was holding in his hand, Mebis was stunned for a while, as if he was a little surprised.As for things like shoes, Mebis actually has no concept. It seems that in her impression, she has always walked barefoot.But even so, looking at the pair of shoes Ichigo got in front of him at this time, Mebis was deeply attracted. This feeling was like a child seeing a toy he liked very much, although Mebis didn't know why he was suddenly so eager for this pair of shoes.

At the same time, Ichigo knew the expression that Mebis showed after seeing the shoes, and the gift he planned to give Mebis this time was the right one.Then in the next second, without waiting, a guard immediately reached out and grabbed her little foot without waiting for Mebis to respond.


After a while, I put the shoes on Mebis' feet, and the size was just right.With Ichigo's eyesight, he could immediately grasp the size of Mebis' jade feet with just a glance, so it was only natural that the shoes given to Mebis would fit.

Pink shoes look great with the pink dress that Mebis is wearing.Now, after putting on her shoes, Ichigo looked at Mebis up and down for a while, and Ichigo nodded in satisfaction.However, before Ichigo could speak, Mebis suddenly leaned forward and kissed Ichigo on the side of the face, causing Ichigo to be startled.

"Thank you Ichigo brother! Although I don't know why, I really like these shoes." At this moment, his expression seemed a little excited, and the next second, after kissing Ichigo, he immediately went down and walked back and forth in his shoes several times. Over and over, after experiencing the feeling of walking in shoes, Mebis spoke to Ichigo in a clear voice.

"What a simple child who is easy to satisfy." There was still a hint of coolness on the place on his face that Mebis had kissed.Ichigo couldn't help grinning as he looked at Mebis' infinitely satisfied look at the moment, thinking in his heart.Then, walking towards the main entrance of Zhanyue Guild, Ichigo then greeted Mebis, "Let's go, Mebis, wearing your shoes, I'll take you out for a walk."

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