
About an hour and a half later, the town of Magnolia.

"Brother Ichigo, walking in shoes is really comfortable." Moving briskly along the way, Mebis sometimes ran forward, and sometimes ran back to Ichigo, as if a happy Fairy general.At this time, even though he had been strolling around Magnolia for more than an hour, Mebis did not show even a hint of burnout. Ichigo said.

Seeing Mebis' brisk and lively appearance, Ichigo's mood also relaxed a lot.At this moment, behind Ichigo and Mebis, a surprised exclamation suddenly sounded: "The first generation?!..."

Turning around to look for the sound, the next second, Ichigo and Mebis came into sight of the three girls, Rebi, Kana, and Biska.Ichigo had heard the shout as early as Fuichi, and it was Kana who made the shout.So now, when the three girls trotted all the way to him, Ichigo didn't show any unexpected expressions, but just looked at them as usual.

"The first generation, great, fortunately we can still find you in this Magnolia town!" As for the three daughters of Rebi, after they came to Ichigo and Mebis, they seemed to have very urgent matters. , At the moment, it was too late to even greet Ichigo, and the three girls had already fully focused on Mebis, who was following Ichigo.Immediately after, a pair of beautiful eyes stared at Mebis, and Kana immediately asked Mebis, "First generation, you should be very clear about why our guild was disbanded. The reason for that, right?"

"...Who are the three of you? Why are you suddenly rushing to ask me such an inexplicable question?" Seeing Kana asking her with urgency on her face, Mebis couldn't help frowning. She raised her eyebrows, and then asked Kana's three girls with a puzzled look on her face.

"...The first generation, why, don't you know us?" When Mebis said this, the three girls of Kana were stunned.After a long time, it was confirmed that she had not heard it wrong, and Kana then frowned, staring at Mebis and said anxiously, "No, the first generation, I am Kana, and the two of them are Lebby. And Bisca, we should have known each other long ago!"

"...Wait, Kana." Looking at Kana's anxious face at this time, Mebis couldn't help but subconsciously took a step back, and her expression also instinctively brought a little bit of defense.It was also at this time, staring at Mebis, Lebby suddenly raised her hand and pressed Kana's shoulder, and interrupted aloud. ..

Chapter nine hundred and seventy-eight of the decision of Leibi's three daughters

"What's the matter, Lebbie?" She was about to get to the bottom of the matter to find out why the first generation who was standing in front of her didn't recognize her, but she was suddenly interrupted by Lebbie's voice, which made Kana look stunned. He turned to Meimei and asked Lebi aloud.

The next moment, when Kana asked herself, Rebby didn't immediately respond to Kana, but just stepped forward and raised her hand to Mebis.

Aside, Ichigo just silently watched Rebi's seemingly odd behavior without saying a word.A moment later, when Lebby's palm touched Mebis' arm, Mebis was first subconsciously startled, and then quickly stepped back and distanced herself from Lebby.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" A pair of black eyes showed obvious impatience and vigilance. The next second, he asked Lebi, and Mebis frowned at the moment. It looks like "I'm going to shoot you if you don't give me a satisfactory answer."

"Sure enough..." On the other hand, looking at Mebis' vigilant look, Lebby suddenly sighed, and when she looked at Kana, she said, "Kana, she is not the first generation we know."

"...What?!" When Rebi said this, Kana was a little surprised, "She's not the first generation? How is that possible?!"

"It's true, Kana." Seeing Kana's unbelievable look on her face at this time, Rebby still spoke with confidence, "Because, the girl in front of us now has body temperature. And our first-generation president should be a ghost."

"...Lebi, according to what you said, it is true..." At the moment, after reminding Lebi, and looking at Mebis, the girl with black pupils who was standing behind a bodyguard, Kana also How many have seen some clues.At this moment, when she frowned with a hint of despair, Kana then sighed and said, "I originally hoped to know the real reason for the dissolution of our guild from the first generation, but now it seems that this Hope is dashed."

"That's not necessarily true." However, when Kana's voice fell, Lebby shook her head slightly and said, "Although the girl standing in front of us is not the first generation, she is definitely the same as our first generation. The president has a very special connection, so I think, as long as we follow her, sooner or later, we will be able to see the first generation again."

"...Well, Lebby, you're right. After all, she looks and dresses exactly like our first-generation president. It's absolutely impossible for this girl to have nothing to do with our first-generation president." Later, when Lebby finished speaking, Bisca also expressed her approval in time.

"...The three of you are inexplicable. Ichigo brother, let's go quickly, don't pay attention to them." And listening to the conversation between the three girls of Lebi, Mei, who had no patience at all. Bees was already feeling extremely impatient.Then in the next second, he rushed forward and grabbed Ichigo's arm. Mebis turned to say so in a crisp voice, and wanted to pull Ichigo back to the direction of Zhanyue Guild.

Of course, they had already planned to follow Mebis in order to finally meet their first-generation president, so how could the third daughter of Lebbie let Ichigo go away with Mebis at this time?Immediately, when Ichigo and Mebis turned away, the three girls also trotted after them.

"...Hey, are the three of you annoying?" Seeing that Lebby's three girls were still following him closely, Mebis couldn't help but quicken her pace, and then turned her head to look at Lebbie's three girls. When he asked with a frown.

"Sorry, in fact, we don't want to do this either. However, we have a reason to follow you." Hearing the rejection of the three of them in Mebis' words, the three girls didn't plan to do so either. leave.In the next second, she looked at Mebis without any evasion, and Lebby immediately spoke up and replied to Mebis.

"...Ah, really! Forget it, it's up to you." There was no interest in saying anything more to the three girls, so at the next moment, he could only complain helplessly, and after Mebis I don't care about Leibi's three daughters anymore, I just looked at Ichigo and said crisply, "Brother Ichigo, let's go eat, I'm so hungry..."


at dusk.

"Rebby, Kana, Biska, what are the plans of the three of you next?" In the Zhanyue Guild, after dinner, Mebis seemed to have completely ignored the existence of Lebby's three daughters and didn't come at all. Paying attention to them, just talking and laughing with Lucy and other girls who are more compatible with him.The next moment, he stepped to the side of the three girls, and Ichigo asked them aloud.

"Of course I'm staying here, President Kurosaki Ichigo, don't you mind?" Kana then subconsciously glanced at Meimu without seeing the outsider standing on tiptoe and reaching out to pat Ichigo's shoulder. After Mebis, who was chatting happily with Lucy and the other girls, his expression slowly became a little serious and replied, "After all, now, in order to understand the real reason for the dissolution of the guild, Lebby and I and Bi Sika has no other choice."

"Then I wish you all the best of luck." After hearing Kana's reply, he nodded, and Ichigo said immediately.There is no way for Ichigo to know the reason for the disbandment of the Fairy Tail Guild.Therefore, aside from wishing the three Kana girls good luck, Ichigo has nothing to say to them.

"Elsa!" At this moment, a crisp cry suddenly sounded outside the Zhanyue Guild.

"...Is it Turtledove?" The next moment, after hearing the shout, she looked towards the front door of Zhanyue Guild. When she saw the woman with cherry hair standing at the door, Erza recognized her at once. .At the moment, she just muttered to herself calmly, and Erza was not surprised by the arrival of the turtle dove.After all, she had heard about the turtledoves mentioned by Netwoka before, so Elsa knew that the turtledoves had the intention of coming to compete with her, but she mistook Netwoka for herself the previous time.

At the same time, over the turtledove.When Fuyi came to the door of Zhanyue Guild, Turtledove was stunned, because she saw Erza and Netwoka who were in Zhanyue Guild.Right now, the turtledove was only convinced when he actually saw it. It turned out that the one who competed with her before was really not Erza, but the self-proclaimed "Natevorka" who had the same personality as Erza. Beautiful woman! ..

Chapter nine hundred and seventy-ninth half a year later

"Why, since you've come here on purpose, don't you plan to come in and sit?" Looking at Turtledove standing at the entrance of the guild with a stunned expression, Ichigo greeted Turtledove in a normal tone.

"...Thank you." Ichigo's greeting made Turquoise recover from the dazed state.In the next second, she turned her eyes to look at Ichigo, Turtledove nodded slightly and thanked Ichigo after a few seconds, and then walked into the Zhanyue Guild.For Turtle Dove, she came to Zhanyue Guild this time, naturally not just to be able to stand at the door of Zhanyue Guild and look at it so simple, so now, since Ichigo, who is the president of Zhanyue Guild, has already said so Of course, Turtledove would not refuse to enter the Moon Slashing Guild.

"Turtledove, about what happened between you and Netwokka before, I've heard Netwokka mention it to me." At the same time, when Turtledove entered the guild, looking at Turtledove, Elu Sha immediately spoke out and said to Turtledove, "There is no doubt that you recognized the wrong person at the time."

"...I understand." Hearing Erza's words, Turtledove's mind immediately replayed the scene of the previous battle with Netwaka.After a moment of silence, Turtledove spoke up and murmured to Erza.At the same time, a wry smile appeared from the corner of Turtledove's mouth.The reason is because, in the previous battle with Netwokka, Turtledove lost, and she lost completely.

"So, Turtledove, if you insist on trying to compete with me next, then I will not refuse." Erza had a panoramic view of the changes in Turtledove's expression.Seeing the expression of helplessness and unwillingness on the expression of Turtledove because of his defeat by Netwokka, as well as the expectation of wanting to fight with him again, he then looked at Turtledove, Erza. With a serious expression on his face again, he said, "I will accompany you at any time."

"...So, Erza, then I'll thank you in advance." He subconsciously held his right hand on the hilt of the sheathed sword hanging from his waist. After a while, he looked at Erlu. Sha, Turtledove then evoked a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, and thanked Erza.As Erza sees it, Turtledove has always just wanted to fight again with Erza, who once defeated her in the Tower of Paradise. As for the previous battle with Netwarka, But it happened because of coincidence and misunderstanding.Therefore, now that Erza can take the initiative to accept the challenge at any time, this is the best for Turtledove.


After half a year.

In Magnolia Town, in the Moon Slashing Guild.

"Mebis, do you really have no memory of your past memories at all?" Sitting around Mebis, the three girls were looking at Mei with anticipation. Bis, at the same time, looked at Mebis, and Kana asked Mebis in a crisp voice in the next second.In the past six months, because they have been in the Moon Slashing Guild, the third daughter of Lebby has some understanding of Mebis, and since knowing Mebis, she has no idea about her previous life experience. After not having any impression at all, the three daughters of Rebi began to guide Mebis from time to time to remind her of her previous life.Because, in the eyes of Lebby's third daughter, perhaps, as long as Mebis can recall her past, the mystery about her relationship with the first generation may be solved.

At the moment, hearing Kana's questioning voice, Mebis unexpectedly didn't show an expression of impatience. Instead, he frowned and thought for a while before shaking his head and said, "No, I can't remember at all."

"...Really?" And hearing Mebis' answer was "I can't remember", the three girls couldn't help sighing in Qi Qi, the hope that originally showed on the pretty face suddenly disappeared. It is completely dissipated.Although Mebis's response to Lebby's three girls in the past six months has been to shake her head, this often brings more or less disappointment to Lebbie's three girls.The next moment, looking at Mebis who was staring at the three of them after giving the three of them answers, the three girls of Lebby couldn't help but tick the corners of their mouths helplessly, and at the same time reached out to take out the pockets of their coats in tacit understanding. A small packet of candy came out.

"Hee hee, thank you." Seeing the candy Lebbie's three girls took out, Mebis smiled happily, and after taking the candy from Lebbie's three girls' hands unceremoniously, hehe smiled and thanked.It seems that in the past six months, the three girls have been able to get Mebis to answer their questions obediently, all relying on the charm of these candies.

Of course, aside from the candy as a "reward", the reason why Mebis is willing to talk to the three Lebby girls is because after the six months of getting along with Mebis, her impression of the three Lebby girls has changed. less reason.Otherwise, if Mebis was still wary of the three Lebby girls, how could he still communicate with the three Lebby girls calmly?

In addition, it is worth mentioning that after half a year, the relationship between Mebis and Kuanghua and Sierra, the two female demons, has actually improved a lot.According to Kuanghua and Sera's own account, it was because the breath of Mebis made them feel very comfortable, so Kuanghua and Sera took the initiative to get closer to Mebis.About this, Ichigo had already noticed it.The reason why Kuanghua and Sera feel that the breath of Mebis makes them feel comfortable is because the attribute of Mebis' magical power is darkness!

Although this is very unbelievable, after all, the first-generation president of Fairy Tail, Mebis, she is definitely a "fairy" who can radiate brilliance wherever she goes, and the magic in her body can't be dark at all. of.But no matter what, the girl Mebis, who is now in the Slashing Moon Guild, is still unclear about her relationship with the first-generation president of Fairy Tail, so Ichigo has never brought this flesh-and-blood person. The girl Mebis is on a par with the first-generation president of Fairy Tail.Naturally, Mebis would have a dark magic power in this way. Although Ichigo would be curious, it was not unacceptable.

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