"Rebby, Kana, Biska!..." For a while, since half a year had passed without any progress from Mebis, this made Lebby's three girls' emotions involuntarily a little in a short period of time. low.It was also at this time that a crisp shout sounded from the front door of the Zhanyue Guild, causing Lebi's three daughters to stiffen. ..

Chapter [-] The purpose of the first generation

Suddenly I heard a familiar voice, which made Lebby and the three girls feel astonished at the moment, and such thoughts involuntarily raised in their minds, that is: "This voice, shouldn't it be the first generation? !"

After thinking about it, in order to confirm, the three girls immediately turned around and looked at the door of the Zhanyue Guild.The next second, when she saw the girl standing at the entrance of the guild, wearing a long pink dress, with golden wavy hair reaching her ankles, the three girls immediately became convinced that they were standing at the front of the behead. The girl at the entrance of the Moon Guild is the first Fairy Tail president Mebis!

This time, the three girls couldn't calm down.The first generation, who had been searching so hard until now, actually showed up on his own initiative, how could the third daughter of Rebi be able to sit still?Even after getting up and running to the gate of the Zhanyue Guild at the same time, looking at the first generation in front of him, Lebby then opened the mouth and said: "The first generation, where have you been for the past six months? Me, Kana and Biska There are so many things I want to ask you!"

"I know what you want to ask, Lebby." Different from the slightly excited expression of Lebby's third daughter, the expression of the first generation was a little gloomy at the moment.The next moment, Lebi was interrupted by a voice, and the first generation just raised his eyes and looked directly at Mebis who was in the Zhanyue Guild: This is a girl with exactly the same appearance and style of clothing as her.

"You are the first generation president of the Fairy Tail Guild, right?" At the same time, looking at the first generation standing at the gate of the guild, Ichigo greeted the first generation with a slight smile.

"...You can see me?!" Suddenly hearing Ichigo's obvious greeting to him, Chudai couldn't help but froze, and then subconsciously asked Ichigo.In the first generation, I thought that my ghost body, except for those who had the badge of the Fairy Tail Guild: other members of the Fairy Tail Guild could see it, others should not be able to see it at all.

"Of course, the first-generation president of Fairy Tail, I am also the president of the Zhanyue Guild after all. It shouldn't be unacceptable to see you in the form of a spirit body, right?" With a stunned expression, Ichigo was still looking as usual, and then replied to the first generation.

"Moreover, the first generation president, not only me, but everyone in my guild now should be able to see you." Then, after a short pause, Ichigo added to the first generation. explained.After all, most of the girls in the Zhanyue Guild now travel to and from the Zhanyue World with abundant spiritual power. As a result, it is not surprising that they can see the spiritual body.

"...Well, since you can all see me, that's even better." Ichigo's words made the first generation feel a little surprised, but compared to this, the first generation still has more feelings in his heart. important things.Then, at the next moment, he didn't want to delve into it any further, and the first generation walked into the Moon Slaying Guild as soon as he said so.

"President Kurosaki Ichigo, the reason why I specially came to your guild this time is not only because Rebi, Kana, and Biska are in your guild, but I also have something very important to talk to. Say it." After a while, he came to Ichigo and stood still, and when a pair of emerald green eyes revealed a very solemn expression, the first generation opened his mouth and said clearly word by word, "It's the same length of time, President Ichigo Kurosaki, here I would like to advise you, stop letting this girl stay in your guild, she will bring disaster to your guild."

While speaking, he raised his finger and moved forward. The girl in Chudai's mouth was referring to Mebis, who was sitting at the stairway and chewing candy with relish. At this moment, he heard Chudai's words without deliberately lowering his voice. Seeing that the first generation pointed his finger at him, Mebis immediately stood up angrily.

"Hey, come to my brother Ichigo's guild to say such things for no reason, are you trying to sow discord?" Angrily stomping loudly in front of the first generation, Mebis further puffed out his cheeks in dissatisfaction. Like an irritated kitten, he yelled at the first generation, "Why would I bring disaster to the guild? Humph! Don't think you can talk nonsense just because you look like me!"

"...Eh?! No, who are you? Why do you look exactly the same as me?!" However, after shouting indignantly, Mebis suddenly froze his expression. After a while, he was incredulous. Staring at the first generation in front of him, he screamed in surprise.

"...It seems that you don't know anything." Seeing Mebis' unbelievable expression, the first generation shook his head slightly, then turned to Yu Xiu's eyebrows and murmured, " another me..."

When the first generation suddenly said something, Mebis was stunned for a moment, and Ichigo couldn't help frowning.As for Lebby's three daughters, a big question mark had already appeared in her mind at this time.

"She's another you? Chudai, what do you mean by that?" Standing around Chudai's left and right sides, he heard Chudai actually say that Mebis is another self, and Lebby's three daughters should be They all asked the first generation.Although the appearance and clothes of the first generation and Mebis are exactly the same, but when the first generation said that Mebis was another self, the three girls still felt a little unclear.

"...Haha, the first-generation president, it seems that I really picked the right name for this girl half a year ago." However, at the moment when the three girls were puzzled, Ichigo grinned suddenly. After laughing, he reached out and stroked Mebis' smooth hair, and said to Chudai, "chudai, do you think the name Mebis is particularly suitable for her?"

It seems that at this moment, Ichigo has understood something.

"There is nothing suitable or unsuitable at all. The name Mebis is shared by me and her." While Ichigo spoke, the first generation's eyes kept falling on Mebis standing beside Ichigo.The next second, his expression was calm, and the first generation continued to say, "Let's not talk about this for now. President Kurosaki Ichigo, now I have to repeat it again, this girl, she will bring disaster to your guild."

Hearing the first generation's words that she was a disaster again, Mebis couldn't help but feel a fire in her heart. Although Mebis has always been lively and cute, it doesn't mean that she has no temper.After being repeatedly said by the first generation that she was a disaster, Mebis was really angry at this moment.It was also at this moment, when Mebis looked at the first generation with a cold expression, Ichigo suddenly reached out and held Mebis' cool jade hand, and in the next moment, while still looking as usual, with a faint smile, He said to the first generation: "President of the first generation, if this is all you want to say, then you don't need to emphasize it any more. Because Mebis is already a part of my Moon Slashing Guild."

Chapter [-] Emerald Princess

"...President Kurosaki Ichigo, are you serious?" At that moment, when Ichigo said that Mebis was a member of the Zhanyue Guild, the first generation could not help frowning more and more, and turned to Ning Sheng asked Ichigo.

"Of course." Looking at Chudai's solemn expression at this time, Ichigo still nodded towards Chudai in response while his expression was relaxed.

"...Since that's the case, President Kurosaki Ichigo, you have already said this for the sake of it, so I won't say anything more boring to myself." Listening to Ichigo's tone is normal, but But with a firm attitude, after a long while, the first generation finally stopped insisting, and immediately after a slight nod, he said to Ichigo, "I hope your choice is right, President Kurosaki Ichigo. "

"Hey, go away! My brother Ichigo's guild doesn't welcome you!" The voice fell, and after the first generation, he really didn't come to say more, just shut up and fell silent.It was also at this time, staring at the first generation, Mebis then hummed softly, and unceremoniously issued an "expulsion order" to the first generation.

Listening to Mebis' remarks that were obviously repulsive, the first generation did not come to argue with Mebis, and then just gave Mebis a meaningful look, and the first generation turned around, as if to leave Zhanyue. guild.

"Wait, the first generation!" Seeing that the first generation has already assumed the posture of leaving, how could Lebi's three daughters let the first generation leave?Immediately, after calling out the first generation, the third daughter of Lebbie quickly ran forward and stopped in front of the first generation.

"The first generation, you haven't told us where you have been in the past six months." The next moment, after stepping up to stop the first generation, Bisca then asked the first generation, "Also, about our guild. Regarding the disbandment, you should fully understand the internal cause of the first generation, right? Can you tell us the specific reason?"

"...In the past six months, I went to the Western Continent." After listening to Biska's question, the first generation was silent for a while, and then he opened his mouth.

"...Western Continent? The first generation, how did you go to such a distant place?" Hearing that the place where the first generation had been in the past six months was actually the far west continent, the three girls of Biska couldn't help but look stunned. Between the slightly frowning eyebrows, Kana murmured and asked the first generation.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you!..." But the next second, just when the first generation wanted to explain the reason to the three daughters of Kana, Lebby, and Biska, there was a crisp shout from outside the guild, and a group of people wearing The figure of the princess in a long dress then came to the front door of Zhanyue Guild.

With elegant black and bamboo hair scattered behind her, a ruby ​​adorned her forehead, and an emerald pendant on her white jade neck, she suddenly saw this elegant girl, who was in the guild. Ichigo first looked at the time silently for a while, then when looking at the girl's green eyes, he smiled and said loudly: "I didn't expect the princess of the kingdom to come to my guild, this is really rare."

"It's my honor to have the opportunity to visit the famous Zhanyue Guild." That's right, the girl who is at the gate of the Zhanyue Guild is the princess of Fiore Kingdom: Jade !And this emerald princess obviously had a good upbringing since she was a child, and did not put on a high-profile air without holding her own identity. Instead, she seemed very polite when talking to Ichigo.

"Come in and talk." Of course, Princess Jade's polite way of speaking gave Ichigo a good first impression of her.The next moment, looking at Princess Emerald, Ichigo opened his mouth to say hello.

"Well, thank you." A fresh and sweet smile appeared on her tender lips. At the invitation of Ichigo, who was the president of the Zhanyue Guild, Princess Jade would naturally no longer just stand in the Zhanyue Guild. The door spoke, and after thanking Ichigo in a clear voice, he stepped into the guild.

For a time, after Princess Jade entered the Zhanyue Guild, all the girls in the guild, including the first generation who appeared in the form of a spiritual body, more or less focused their attention on Princess Jade.After all, as a princess of a country, it is not surprising that the arrival of the Emerald Princess will receive special attention.

As for Princess Emerald herself, she didn't show any discomfort when all the eyes were on her. She was still smiling and walked straight to Yihu and stood still.

"His Royal Highness, you came here on purpose this time, what do you want to say?" Looking closely at Princess Jade, who came to stand directly in front of him, of course, the ability of Ichigo to not be alarmed would not make her a country because of her preciousness. The princess was confused, and while still grinning as usual, Ichigo turned to the Emerald Princess and asked in a calm voice.

"Well, but before talking about the matter, President Kurosaki, should you ask me to sit down?" She wrinkled her flawless fair nose playfully, and Princess Emerald then spoke to Ichigo half-jokingly. , In the eyes of others, this Emerald Princess doesn't seem to be half a princess, but more like an ordinary little girl next door.

"Of course, the place is so big, you can just sit down, Princess." Seeing Princess Emerald's playful and cute appearance, Ichigo couldn't help but praised that Princess Emerald really knew how to get along. At the same time, Ichigo went on With a peaceful face, he nodded towards the Emerald Princess.

"...President Kurosaki, to tell you the truth, I came here this time to seek your help." With Ichigo's permission, Princess Emerald then found a nearby seat to sit down.After that, her expression became a little dignified, and Princess Emerald immediately raised her eyes to look at Ichigo, her eyes condensed and said aloud.

"Tell me about it." As a princess of a country, Jade Club wanted to seek her own help, which made Ichigo a little surprised. After nodding with interest, Ichigo motioned for Princess Jade to continue speaking. go down.

"President Kurosaki, what I'm going to talk about next has to do with the continent far to the west." Her eyebrows knitted together, and Princess Emerald spoke up, and narrated in a clear, word-by-word voice, "In the west There are a total of 730 magic guilds built on the continent, and the huge empire established by the union of those 730 guilds is called Arubares."

"However, I recently received news that Arubares, a magical military empire that covers the entire Western Continent, is actually planning to start a war against my kingdom of Fiore!" After introducing the empire called Arubares After a pause, Princess Jade continued to speak again after a few seconds of pause, and slowly announced this heavyweight news. ..

Chapter [-] Lumen. Starlight

"Then Arubares, the country established in the Western Continent, is going to war against the Kingdom of Fiore?" At that moment, hearing the news from Jade's mouth that had not yet been released to the public, Ichigo couldn't help but pause, and turned to With a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth, he said, "The empire built by 730 guilds, the country called Arubares is really different."

"Yes, that's why, the combat effectiveness of a country with 730 guilds must not be underestimated. At least, with the strength of my kingdom of Fiore, it is very difficult to repel them when a war breaks out. ." The next moment, she nodded solemnly, and Jade continued to speak to Ichigo, "So, President Kurosaki, I will come here specifically to seek your guild's help this time."

"The strength of the Fiore Kingdom alone cannot compete with that country in the Western Continent, so do you want to join the domestic guild and participate in the battle?" Having said that, Ichigo already fully understood that Jade came this time. What is the purpose of the Moon Slashing Guild?Immediately after that, after nodding his head clearly, Yihu said to Jade, "This idea is not wrong. I think, Her Royal Highness, other guilds in the country should have sent someone to explain to them now. Is it the situation?"

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