"Yes, all the regular guilds in the entire Fiore Kingdom will be notified one by one this time. After all, if you want to go to war with a country that has assembled 730 guilds, if you don't try to expand your country's combat power, There will be no chance of winning." When Ichigo's voice fell, Jade nodded, and then, while staring at Ichigo for a split second, Jade opened her tender lips and said, "Then, President Kurosaki, Are you willing now to help our common country: the kingdom of Fiore?"

"Do you and I have a common country?" Jade said so, apparently in disguise, "drawing" Ichigo into the camp of Fiore Kingdom.Then, in the next moment, while muttering, Ichigo smiled and said, "Of course, Your Highness Princess, my Moon Slashing Guild is one of the regular guilds in the Fiore Kingdom, so this time with the military I will definitely join the Moon Slaying Guild in the battle of the Empire Arubares.”

And although she said this to Jade on the bright side, in fact, the real reason Ichigo agreed to participate in the battle with the military empire Arubares is because it has been so long since he came to this plane. During the war, Ichigo has never met once.Of course, since this time, since he encountered a country that wants to go to war with the Fiore Kingdom, how could Ichigo not seize the opportunity to participate?

"That's great! President Kurosaki, then, I wish we can work together to repel the enemy." At that moment, Ichigo agreed to participate in this large-scale war. , Jade finally showed a slightly relaxed smile, and when she stood up and stretched out her white jade hand towards Ichigo, she said with a crisp smile.For Jade, as a princess of a country, she has long understood the overall strength of the Zhanyue Guild, so she was able to get help from Ichigo this time. are all very beneficial.

"En." In the next second, looking at Jade's white palm stretched out towards him, Ichigo first smiled and nodded, and immediately before speaking, he reached out and held Jade's fair hand together.

"President Kurosaki Ichigo, the princess of the Fiore Kingdom in front of you, what she said is only an appearance." However, at this moment, stepping over to Ichigo, the first generation suddenly made a sound, facing the Ichigo said that.

"...President Kurosaki, was someone talking just now?" Ichigo couldn't help frowning at the words that Chudai suddenly said. He was stunned, and turned to Ichigo murmured and asked while his face was puzzled.For Jade, she could not see the first generation that existed in the form of a spiritual body.

At the moment, in order for Jade to see the first generation, Ichigo immediately transmitted to her a ray of spiritual power separated from her body by holding the palm of Jade Jade's hand.At the same time, looking at the first generation, Ichigo immediately said to the first generation: "President of the first generation, since you said that the words spoken by the Emerald Princess are just appearances, then you should fully know what the military empire Arubares wants to do. what?"

"Of course. In the past six months, I went to the Western Continent to investigate the military empire of Arubares. Since I am a ghost, most people can't see me, so they want to get me The required information has also become much simpler." The next moment, he nodded towards Ichigo, and the first generation immediately said so, and then subconsciously moved his gaze to Mabby who was standing beside Ichigo "Right now, there is only one thing I want to say, and that is: the reason why that country, Arubares, seems to be going to war against the Kingdom of Fiore recently, is actually just to snatch Lumen Xinghui. "

"Lumen. Xinghui? ... What is that?" At the moment, when the voice of the first generation fell, because of receiving a ray of spiritual power from Ichigo, Jade was able to see the existence of the first generation.The next second, when she was surprised to see the first generation suddenly appearing in front of her eyes, when she heard the words of the first generation, even when Jade asked subconsciously, her thoughts suddenly changed. is messy.According to what the first generation said, the military empire Arubares didn't really want to wage war on the Kingdom of Fiore, but just to obtain a certain existence called "Lumen Starlight".This has completely overturned everything that Jade knew, and it also made Jade extremely surprised. What kind of existence is "Lumen. Starlight"? of coveted.

"Lumen Xinghui, is a magic crystal that was condensed by the magic power I had almost exhausted myself." The next moment, he muttered, the first generation's words at this time were not so much in response to Jade's question, but more Specifically to tell Ichigo, "The high-level personnel in Arubares in that country thought Lumen Xinghui too simplistic, and naively thought that as long as they got the magic crystal that was condensed by my magic power , you can use this to launch a powerful attack that is no less powerful than the power of the magic wizard. Therefore, they will rack their brains to snatch it."

"...Then the first generation, that magic crystal, where is it now?" The value of the magic crystal that condensed the magic power of the first generation is beyond doubt.After all, the three fairy magics created by the founder of Fairy Tail Guild: the first-generation president Mebis are world-famous, so you can imagine how precious the magic crystals condensed from the first-generation magic are, no wonder Naxi All 730 guilds in the mainland have coveted "Lumen Xinghui".Then, looking at the first generation, Ichigo opened his mouth and asked the first generation aloud. ..

Chapter [-] What happened at that time ([-])

"It's gone." Xiu Mei frowned slightly, and the first generation immediately opened her tender lips and responded to Ichigo, "As early as half a year ago, the magic crystal condensed by my magic power has completely disappeared. It turned into magic and dissipated, but the Arubares Empire doesn’t know anything about this.”

"...Has it dissipated half a year ago?" Hearing Chudai's answer, the next moment, while Ichigo muttered to himself, his mind began to gradually clear his mind.Right now, Ichigo has roughly understood what kind of existence that "Lumen Starlight" is.

"...The first generation, if my guess is correct, you said that the magic crystal had dissipated as early as half a year ago, which means that half a year ago, from the Fairy Tail Guild underground suddenly rushed out from the ground with a bright attribute. The thing about the magic beam of light?" After a few seconds, looking at the first generation, Ichigo turned to speak calmly.

"That's right." In what Ichigo said, the first generation didn't say anything more, and then just nodded and replied, "That beam of light is the piece of magic condensed by my magic power. Caused by crystals."

"...So that's the case, I think I have almost fully understood it." I already knew about the existence of "Lumen Xinghui", but after listening to the first generation's words, Ichigo has almost understood it. .Then in the next moment, when he opened his mouth, Yihu shook his head slightly and said, "However, just listening to the first generation of you to say this is too one-sided, so I think, the most It's good to be able to see with my own eyes what happened half a year ago."

What Ichigo said about "what happened half a year ago" naturally refers to the incident when the Fairy Tail guild rushed out of the magical beam of light. Now, hearing Ichigo say such words, the first generation couldn't help but look puzzled, and then He murmured towards Ichigo and asked, "Look at what happened in the second half of the year? President Kurosaki Ichigo, how can you do this kind of thing?"

"Of course it can be done." Looking at Chudai's confused look, Ichigo said with a grin and a normal tone, "And it's not that difficult."

While speaking, Ichigo began to communicate with Zhanyue, the sword spirit in Zhanyue World, with her mind, and asked her to call Bengyu to her side.Not long after, along with a burst of purple light next to Yihu, Bengyu with a pair of unbelievably beautiful purple pupils appeared next to Yihu.

"Master, what's the matter with calling me here this time?" When Fuyi came to Zhanyue Guild, Bengyu asked Ichigo in a crisp voice, ignoring what the first generation and Princess Jade looked at at the moment. The surprised look in his eyes that suddenly appeared.

"Bengyu, I want to look back at what happened at the Fairy Tail guild in Magnolia town a year and a half ago, okay?" Looking at Bengyu, Ichigo didn't take any detours, and he was straight to the point. To Beng Yu said so.

"...Look back at what happened in the second half of the year?" Now, hearing Ichigo's request, Bengyu first raised her finger and lightly tapped her white chin for a moment, then nodded and replied in a normal tone, " It's okay, Master, it's not a difficult thing."

"However, Master, I think it's better to leave this kind of thing to Tia. After all, her lost magic: Arc of Time, doesn't it exist to manipulate time?" He didn't take any action, and he just said this to Ichigo in the middle of the conversation.

"...Well, Bengyu, you're right." Indeed, with Tia's current strength, she just used the arc of time magic to project what happened at the Fairy Tail Guild half a year ago instead of going back half a year. In the past, things of this level should have been easy to do.Therefore, in the next second, Ichigo nodded in agreement towards Bengyu, and then waved to Tia, who had been in the guild all the time, to come to him.

"Brother Ichigo." After Ichigo's gesture of beckoning fell, Tia, who had been paying attention to Ichigo from time to time, of course saw it immediately.Then, after walking to Ichigo's side, Tia called Ichigo sweetly while pursing her tender lips and smiling.

"Tia, use your lost magic arc of time to project what happened in the Fairy Tail guild half a year ago. You can definitely do it with your strength, right?" Looking at Tia, Ichigo immediately came out. The voice gestured towards Tia.

"Well, Ichigo, I just want to see what happened in the second half of the year. This is not a very high requirement." For Tia, with her strength and her knowledge in the arc of lost magic time, although It's really hard to go back to half a year ago, but it's not a problem just to see what happened half a year ago.Then she nodded without any hesitation, Tia then added, "However, Ichigo-ge, just half a year ago is a bit general, you need to tell me a more precise time, so that I won't be in the Unnecessary misalignment when using Arc of Time magic."

"It's no problem." Although half a year has passed, Ichigo's memory can still clearly remember how long it has been since the day when the beam of light erupted from the underground of the Fairy Tail Guild.So immediately, Ichigo nodded to Tia with a calm expression and agreed.


After a few minutes.

Keeping in mind the precise time that Ichigo had told him, Tia was holding the lavender crystal ball in her hands that was helping the arc of time magic to work.The next second, mobilizing the magic power in her body, Tia then condensed her eyes, and the lavender crystal ball floating above her palms had begun to emit a hazy light.After a while, an image was slowly reflected from the inside of the crystal ball, and gradually became clear from blur.

Looking down at the scene reflected in the crystal ball floating above Tia's palms, Ichigo could clearly see that this scene was exactly half a year ago, when the Fairy Tail Guild was still intact. Back then in Magnolia!

Right now, the image that exists in the crystal ball, the entire Ruoda Fairy Tail Guild is completely enveloped by a faint golden light. Obviously, this is the magical beam of light that is about to erupt from the underground of the Fairy Tail Guild. omen.From this point of view, Tia still has the right timing. ..

Chapter [-] What happened at that time (below)

"Tia, switch the screen to the underground of the Fairy Tail Guild." His eyes were fixed on the image projected by Tia's arc of time magic in the crystal ball half a year ago. After a few seconds , Ichigo returned and gestured towards Tia.

"Okay, I understand, Brother Ichigo." At the next moment, he nodded towards Ichigo in response, and Tia immediately began to move the picture in the crystal ball to the effect of her time arc magic. The underground of the Fairy Tail Guild switched.


After more than ten seconds, when Tia switched the screen projected in the crystal ball to the underground of the Fairy Tail Guild, what followed into Ichigo's sight was a large underground space, obviously built in the Demon Tail Guild. A basement at the bottom of the tail guild.At this moment, the interior of the basement in the picture looks very empty. The only thing that exists is a large magic crystal in the center of the basement, and a girl sealed in the magic crystal.

In the image projected in the crystal ball, the girl sealed in the magic crystal was wearing a pink long dress, with orange-yellow wavy curly hair reaching her ankles. When she saw her, she was standing in a Mebis, who was leaning close to the image projected in the crystal ball, let out a low voice in surprise: "This, why is it a person who looks exactly like me?!"

"It's not that you look exactly like you, it's you who is sealed in the magic crystal." At that moment, hearing Mebis' exclamation, the first generation first looked up at Mebis with a faint look, and then murmured. He murmured and said to Mebis.

"...It's me?" After listening to Chudai's words, his expression was stunned, and Mebis immediately frowned and whispered. When he looked at the girl in the image who was sealed in the magic crystal, he couldn't help but start to speak. He showed a slightly thoughtful demeanor.

"The first generation, this magic crystal should be the "Lumen. Starlight" you are referring to, right?" At the same time, looking at the transparent magic crystal in the center of the basement and the girl sealed inside: It was Mebis, and a guardian opened his mouth and said to the first generation, "It seems that this is not as simple as a magic crystal condensed by your magic power."

"Well, the reason why I did not hesitate to spend all my magic power to condense this magic crystal, the real purpose is actually to rely on this magic crystal condensed by the magic of the light attribute to seal the other self." The next moment, he nodded, and the first generation immediately replied directly to Ichigo.

"The first generation, you mean Mebis, right?" After hearing the first generation's reply, Ichigo first turned his head and glanced at Mebis standing beside him, and then said, "I can feel it. , the vast dark magic that Mebis possesses, the first generation, is it because of this that you decided to seal Mebis with the magic of the light attribute?"

"That's right." His eyes narrowed slightly, and the first generation continued to stare at the image projected in the crystal ball, his tender lips lightly opened towards Ichigo and replied, "But, after all, the object is another me, so even if I do my best With the magic power of one body, the sealing effect that can be achieved is limited. Just half a year ago, the other I broke the seal."

It was also at this time that when the voice of the first generation fell, the image projected in the crystal ball, the originally transparent magic crystal, began to emit more and more intense golden light, accompanied by fine lines. Cracks appeared on the surface of the magic crystal.The whole process didn't last long. When the spider web-like cracks spread all over the magic crystal, Mebis, who was sealed in the magic crystal, suddenly opened her pair that had no impurities. of pure black eyes.

Ichigo already knew about the subsequent development. The broken magic crystal turned into a magical beam of light rising into the sky. Mebis, who was able to break the seal, also left the underground of the Fairy Tail Guild for the first time.Then, he stopped looking at the image projected in the crystal ball, and after turning his eyes away from the surface of the crystal ball, Ichigo turned his attention to Mebis who was standing beside him.

"...I seem to remember something. When I opened my eyes, I was indeed in that beam of light, but because it was so uncomfortable to be wrapped in that beam of light, I left immediately... At the same time, when the first nurse looked at Mebis, Mebis had also taken her eyes away from the surface of the crystal ball that had been rendered into a pale golden color by the beam of light rising from the image. While looking at Ichigo, Mebis muttered and said.

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