"Hey, you guy, is it you who sealed me in that magic crystal? Why did you do this?!" Immediately, as if he had suddenly thought of something, Mebis turned to an angry expression. On the occasion, stared at the first generation of crisp voice and asked.

"...I'm not interested in explaining more to you who can't remember anything." He ignored Mebis' extremely annoyed look, and the next second, the first generation just said so, and then stared at Ichigo again. He said, "In short, President Ichigo Kurosaki, you should already understand why I said that to you before, right? Let alone Mebis, who has dark magic power, if she waits for her to recover her memory What kind of situation will you be faced with, just the empire Arubares, which is located in the Western Continent, is about to face now. Since their purpose is to capture "Lumen Starlight", they were originally in this horse. The Fairy Tail Guild in the town of Gloria is their only target. But now, since my Fairy Tail Guild no longer exists, then, President Kurosaki Ichigo, you should be able to think of it. When Mebis is in your guild, where will Arubares, the empire built by the union of 730 guilds, point the finger."

"So what?" Different from the dignified expression of the first generation, Ichigo was still in a relaxed state, smiled at the first generation and said, "It's just 730 guilds, no matter how many rabble there are, what is there? What's scary? Besides, there are not a few regular guilds large and small in the Kingdom of Fiore. In addition, the Kingdom's army is guarding the border. Do you think that the Arubares Empire may invade into the Kingdom of Fiore. ?"

When Ichigo said that, the first generation couldn't help but look stunned.In the next second, after a short pause, Ichigo looked at Mebis with a gentle gaze, and said slowly, "As for Mebis, whether or not she will recover her memory, I will. I will always trust her."

Chapter [-] The Emerald Princess will also join the war

At the moment, feeling the unconditional trust in himself contained in Ichigo's words, Mebis only felt a warm heart, and the resentment towards the first generation also faded a lot.After a while, she turned her beautiful eyes to look at Ichigo, and Mebis didn't say anything, but tacitly showed a sweet and beautiful smile at Ichigo.

"...If it's this man, Ichigo Kurosaki, maybe, it's really possible to change the other me, not necessarily..." Looking at the smile that Mebis was showing towards Ichigo, it was like that. The sweetness made Chudai look startled, and turned to such an idea that could not be stopped in his heart.

"President Kurosaki is right, he will only hit me with the idea of ​​the Fiore Kingdom while the destroyed Magic Council of our country has not had time to re-establish itself, regardless of the true purpose of the Arubares Empire. What is it, I, the Kingdom of Fiore, will guard the border and prevent the Arubares Empire from invading our country!" At the same time, while her eyes were slightly condensed, Princess Jade continued to speak, with a tone of voice. Said this resolutely.

"That's right. But Her Royal Highness, I don't think it's enough to just blindly defend the country's borders." The next moment, he nodded to Jade in approval, and then, Ichigo turned the conversation towards Jade said, "Don't you want to annihilate that military empire Arubares in one fell swoop?"

"President Kurosaki, what do you mean?..." Jade couldn't help but light up when she heard Ichigo's words, and then with a slight movement in her eyes, she said to Ichigo's tender lips, "Are we going to take the initiative to attack?"

"That's right, take the initiative to attack." In the next second, he nodded towards Jade, and Ichigo said in a confident manner, "However, there is no need to worry too much. Wait for that military empire Aru. When Barres moves, we will counter it, and then I will show you what absolute suppression is."

"Well, you are really reliable, President Kurosaki..." Hearing Ichigo's confident words, Jade was surprisingly relieved, and turned to pursed lips and smiled, and murmured. To Ichigo sincerely praised.Although the enemy is an empire jointly established by 730 guilds, she is also very confident in the overall strength of Ichigo and Zhanyue Guild. The key to victory.Just like the gate of the dark guild Hades that destroyed the Magic Council and made people panic the last time, Jade, the princess, got first-hand intelligence information, and it was Zhanyue Guild that finally destroyed the entire gate of the Dark Guild. !Therefore, Jade also believes that the Zhanyue Guild can inflict hard damage on the Arubares Empire like destroying the Dark Guild's Gate of Hades!


After five days.

On the northwestern border of the Fiore Kingdom, on the border land that divides the country and the country, a large number of military tents have already been stationed at this time, and the Kingdom's army is already on standby here, ready to fight against the Arubares Empire at any time. attack.

However, although the entire Fiore Kingdom has entered a state of preparation for war, in fact, there are still many people who are unbelievable about the fact that the Arubares Empire wants to go to war with the Fiore Kingdom. .After all, the Kingdom of Fiore was recognized as a permanent neutral country as early as X622.Dare to wage war against the kingdom of Fiore, which has always been a neutral country, didn't the Arubares Empire think about the consequences?However, almost no one knows that the purpose of the Arubares Empire is to capture the "Lumen Starlight" that no longer exists.

Right now, on the northwestern frontier land of the Fiore Kingdom, Ichigo led the girls from the Zhanyue Guild to come here.Facing the approaching army of the Arubares Empire, Ichigo didn't show any nervousness at all, and was still as relaxed as usual.After all, even if the members of the army were all elite mages selected from the 730 guilds, this was nothing to Ichigo.

"President Kurosaki, President Kurosaki!..." At this moment, when Ichigo was in the border area of ​​the Fiore Kingdom, feeling the solemn atmosphere before the war, Yu Ichigo said Behind him, a crisp cry suddenly sounded.

At that moment, when he turned around and looked around, the one who entered Ichigo's line of sight the next second was the dignified and beautiful Emerald Princess.However, what was different from usual was that the Emerald Princess at this time was wearing a battle armor and a battle helmet.

"I said, Your Royal Highness, what's the matter with your outfit?" Looking at Jade who came to him in battle armor, Ichigo first frowned, then turned to Jade and asked speechlessly.

"Is that even a question? Of course, I'm fighting side by side with you all!" With a serious expression, Emerald clenched her pink fist, and Jade then replied to Ichigo's crisp voice as a matter of course.

"...You are a princess of a country, isn't this a bit silly?" Seeing Jade clenching her pink fist, with her pretty face, although there is indeed a bit of a woman's taste, Ichigo Never in history had I ever heard of such a thing that a princess of a country would go to the battlefield in person.Then in the next moment, looking at Jade, Ichigo asked towards Jade reluctantly.

"What's the point? Although I'm a princess, I'm also a citizen of Fiore Kingdom, so of course I have the obligation to defend my country!" However, Jade herself didn't seem to feel that there was anything wrong with her participation in the war. , at the moment still in the same expression as usual, and said such words in a condensed voice.

"...Okay, I've convinced you." Seeing Jade's expression at this time, it was obvious that she was determined to participate in the battle, Ichigo didn't say more, and just shook her head slightly and said. , "Since you've made up your mind, I won't say anything more. But at least, when the army from the Arubares Empire comes over, try not to get too far from me."

"Well, I understand that, it's the safest to be by your side, right?" At the next moment, she winked playfully at Ichigo, and Jade continued to speak to Ichigo half-jokingly.

"..." At this moment, Ichigo couldn't help feeling a little speechless for a while, looking at Jade's delicate expression while responding.It was also at this time, not far away, an anxious shout suddenly sounded, "His Royal Highness Princess!... Her Royal Highness Princess!..." ..

Chapter nine hundred and eighty sixth stubborn jade

Hearing this urgent shout, Jade couldn't help frowning slightly.It was also at this time that several kingdom soldiers in battle armor came behind Jade and bowed in salute.

"Didn't I say it? I want to participate in this war with the Arubares Empire, so don't think about trying to persuade me." The next moment, he turned around Looking at the few Kingdom soldiers standing in front of him respectfully, Jade Jade didn't wait for these Kingdom soldiers to speak, but she said such words in a firm tone.

"...But... But, Your Royal Highness, as you are, you really shouldn't come to such a very dangerous place as the frontier battlefield." The words Jade said when she was so determined made the soldiers of the kingdom Even if he was speechless for a while.But after all, Emerald is precious as a princess of a country, and the soldiers of the kingdom must have received orders to persuade Princess Emerald to agree to leave the battlefield, which is about to be filled with gunpowder, so they did not leave immediately because of this. When they said this, they seemed to be trying to make Jade leave this place with their last efforts.

However, with Jade's uncompromising temperament at this critical moment, she has already put on her battle armor and went to the border. It is obviously unrealistic to let Jade leave at this time.Then, without any intention of changing her mind, Jade continued with a firm expression, and said to the soldiers of the kingdom in a non-negotiable tone: "Okay, you don't need to persuade me again, I am now You know what you're doing. So, if you have nothing else to do, you can leave."

"...Your Highness Princess, since you insist on not wanting to leave, then at least please allow us to stay here to protect your safety!" Seeing that there was no hope of persuading Jade to leave this border land that was about to become a battlefield, several of the king's soldiers then looked at each other in dismay. After a while, one of the kingdom soldiers looked at Jade and said again.

"No, I don't need your protection." Hearing the words of the kingdom's soldiers, Jadeite still rebuffed while shaking her head slightly, "After all, when it comes to protection, I don't think you can Better than this man next to me."

The person Jade was referring to was naturally Ichigo who was standing beside Jade at the moment.At the moment, hearing the words Jade said, several kingdom soldiers then subconsciously shifted their gazes to Ichigo who was standing beside Jade.Looking at Ichigo, several Kingdom soldiers couldn't help but be speechless for a while.After all, the name of Kurosaki Ichigo, the president of Zhanyue Guild, is already very loud in the kingdom of Fiore, and the soldiers of those kingdoms happened to have seen Ichigo's appearance. Therefore, when I heard about Jade When it was said that the person who protected him was Ichigo, the soldiers of the kingdom fell silent even without a word.After all, the few of them don't think that they can compare to Ichigo.

"Okay, do you understand now? If you understand, then leave as soon as possible." At this point, there is no point in saying anything more.Therefore, immediately, when looking at the soldiers of the kingdom, Fei Cui told them to leave again, and when she spoke, she deliberately increased her tone, "Or, you guys, you have to ask me to order you as a princess before you agree to it. How about leaving obediently?"

"...Understood, Your Royal Highness, the subordinates will leave now." Jade has already said this for the sake of it, and with the protection of Ichigo by Jade's side, finally, the soldiers of the kingdom made a wise choice. She gave in, and when she nodded respectfully and responded to Jade, she turned and left at the same time.Next, the soldiers of these kingdoms will report the entire conversation with Jade and the protection of Jade's side to the person who gave them the order to "convince Jade Princess to leave the borderlands". .

"Huh, I finally left, they are stubborn people who don't know how to adapt." The next moment, looking at the backs of the soldiers of the kingdom leaving, Jade exhaled a sigh of relief, and then murmured like a complaint murmured out a voice.

"I said, Your Royal Highness, with your willfulness, you don't seem to be qualified to complain about those soldiers of the kingdom, right?" At that moment, listening to Jade's complaints, Ichigo shook his head helplessly, and then went directly to the local area. He said this to Jade.

But after hearing Ichigo's straightforward words, Jade didn't get angry because Ichigo said she was willful, and then just gave Ichigo a symbolic glance, but it also had a different flavor.

"Wendy!..." At this moment, not long after Jade sent away the soldiers from the kingdom, a crisp shout rang from the side.Looking around, Ichigo and the others caught sight of a girl who tied her pink hair to the left and right. It was Xue Liya.

"Xue Liya!" Wendy, who was standing not far from Yi Hu's body when she saw Xue Liya, greeted Xue Liya with a crisp sound when she raised her hand and waved.That time half a year ago, since Wendy and Shirley had a match, they gradually established a friendship.Perhaps, this is the so-called do not know each other.

"Xue Li, your Snake Princess Scale Guild was also invited and agreed to participate in this war against the Arubares Empire." After a while, when Xue Liya came to Wendy, she hoped Following her elder sister, Shirley, who came along with Shiriya, a guard then said to Shirley with a slight smile.

"Yes, President Kurosaki Ichigo." The next moment, she nodded slightly towards Ichigo, and Xue Li responded with Ichigo's smile, "After all, this time is about the whole Philippines. The war in the kingdom of Olie, so it is naturally impossible for the Snake Princess Scale Guild to stay out of it."

"Well, then next, Shirley, we can be regarded as comrades fighting side by side." Hearing Shirley's words, he nodded in agreement, and Ichigo smiled when he extended his right hand to Shirley. said with an open mouth.

"Yeah." The next second, watching Ichigo stretch out her palm, Xue Li was again softly "um", and then reached out and held her right hand together.

"Hey, President Kurosaki Ichigo! How can you so blatantly take advantage of my sister?" However, just as Ichigo and Shirley were holding hands, there was a little bit of intentional taste on the side. The humming sound suddenly rang out coldly. ..

Chapter [-]: The Unreasonable Shiriya

Xunsheng looked around, and Ichigo looked at Xue Liya who was pointing at her with "high spirits" at this time. She looked like she really took advantage of Xue Li, and she couldn't help shaking her head and smiling slightly when she saw in Yihu's eyes. She didn't rush to let go of Xue Li's palm, and when Yihu was still holding Xue Li's jade hand, she looked at Xue Liya and said as usual, "I said, Xue Liya, I will talk to you. Your sister shook hands with me willingly like this, but why did you say that I took advantage of your sister?"

"...Xue Liya, don't talk nonsense!" At the same moment, Xue Li also shouted angrily at Xue Li Ya, her pretty face blushing involuntarily.In the next second, Ichigo showed a slightly apologetic smile, and Shirley thought inwardly, "This girl is really, Shiriya, she is so open-mouthed! She didn't even consider her sister. Did my feelings say something that embarrassed me?"

"Hmph, isn't it? Sister, look, this bad guy still won't let go of your hand!" However, compared to Xue Li's slightly embarrassed expression, Xue Liya didn't pay attention at all. When her older sister Shirley looked embarrassed at this time, she was still staring at Ichigo, and shouted reluctantly.

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