"I said Shirley, it must give you a headache to have such a sister, right?" Seeing Shiriya's insistence that she definitely took advantage of her sister Shirley, Ichigo was only a little He smiled indifferently, and turned to look at Shirley and said this.

"...Sorry, President Kurosaki Ichigo, I made you laugh." She forced a smile, and then Shirley said apologetically to Ichigo.At the same time, Shirley felt a little confused at the moment when she was annoyed by Shiriya's unrelenting attitude.After all, as an older sister, Shirley knows her younger sister all too well.Usually, there is no time for Xue Liya to make trouble as unreasonably as now, but this time, Xue Liya acted like a child, irritating and helpless at the same time, which made Xue Li feel a little touched for a while. Out of mind.

"It's not enough to laugh at, after all, it's normal for a child to be self-willed." As for Ichigo, after hearing Shirley's words of apology, Ichigo replied to Shirley in his usual tone. In the middle of the sound, he looked directly at Xue Liya and smiled lightly, "As long as you preach well, children can always slowly become sensible. So this time, let me replace you as my sister. It's okay, no problem. Huh? Shirley…”

"Hey, you bastard, who are you calling a child?!" At that moment, when Ichigo actually said that she was a child, Xue Liya immediately glared at Ichigo when she felt resentment in her heart. .At the same time, before Shirley could respond, Ichigo immediately left the place.

"I said Xue Liya, the reason why you are so unrelenting now is that you can't care about what I once said that you couldn't compare to Wendy, right? Don't think I can't see that little Jiujiu in your heart." The next second, Appearing beside Xue Liya, Ichigo turned to speak indifferently, and in one sentence said the reason why Xue Liya was so unreasonable.The girl's mind is sometimes extremely difficult to guess, and sometimes it is not difficult to guess.At least now, just by looking at the change in Xue Liya's facial expression, Ichigo can guess what is in her heart.

"...Humph! Yes, I'm just not convinced. Although I did lose to Wendy once, why did you say that I would definitely lose before Wendy and I had a match?!" Ichigo suddenly said. The words she said made Xue Liya's expression stagnant at first, and then when she puffed up her cheeks angrily, Xue Liya then admitted to Ichigo with a resentful expression, "You are looking down on people!"

"Come on, one yardage is another yardage. The reason I said Wendy would win was because I had enough confidence in her. It has nothing to do with whether I look down on you, understand?" Knowing the reason why she wanted to fight her like this this time, the next second, Ichigo shook his head helplessly, and turned to Xue Liya and said.

"Hmph, but I just refuse to accept it!" However, even if Ichigo emphasized it like this, Xue Liya didn't stop getting angry with Ichigo because of Ichigo's words. She was still stubborn and angry. Say it out loud.

Seeing Xue Liya repeatedly emphasizing her disobedience, Ichigo suddenly thought of a somewhat cheap word, that is: "Disobedient? Hit me if you don't agree."

Of course, the above sentence is just a fleeting association, Ichigo wouldn't really say such words that would lose his image in front of a group of girls.The next moment, looking at Xue Liya with a straight expression, Ichigo then spoke up, and said lightly that made Xue Liya suddenly become silent for a while: "If you really don't agree, then Xue Liya, you The next thing you need to do is to make yourself stronger, not just like a child to fight me, you know?"

"...You wait, I will definitely become stronger for you to see!" After a long silence, she looked up at Ichigo again, and Xue Liya was surprisingly serious when her expression became serious. , looked at Ichigo and said in a condensed voice.

Seeing that Xue Liya finally stopped arguing with herself like a child, but said such words with a serious expression, Ichigo didn't say anything more, because it was unnecessary.It was also at this time that a sweet voice suddenly sounded from the side of Yihu: "Brother Yihu!..."

Looking at the reputation, it was Minerba who led her Sword Bite Tiger Guild to this borderland of the Fiore Kingdom.Obviously, Minerba's Sword-Bite Tiger Guild was also invited and agreed to participate in the war against the Arubares Empire.


A few hours later, on the border land of Fiore Kingdom, there was suddenly a rumbling sound like a muffled thunder from a distance. At this moment, it can also be clearly seen that thousands of meters away in the distance, a black crowd is approaching at this time.There is no doubt that this is definitely an army woven by a group of wizards selected from the 730 guilds of the Arubares Empire!

"Heh, are you approaching so unabashedly? It seems that the 730 guilds still have confidence in the Arubares Empire they built." The army of the Arubares Empire, which had been "crushed" directly, muttered to himself in a low voice while laughing indifferently. ..

Chapter nine hundred and eighty eighth only one person

"Are you coming?" A few seconds later, not long after Ichigo saw the approaching Arubares Empire troops, Jade standing beside Ichigo could also vaguely see the continuous formation The approaching Arubares Imperial Army.Looking from near and far, at this moment, Jade can roughly estimate the number of Arubares Empire troops approaching, about [-], making Jade couldn't help but dignified for a while, and turned to show off. The eyebrows muttered in a low voice.

"Well, this distance is just right." Slowly, when the army of the Arubares Empire approached the border land of the Fiore Kingdom to a certain extent, Ichigo suddenly whispered indifferently. With a sound, he raised his hand and stretched out his index finger with a calm expression.In the next second, the crimson light began to gather in front of the fingers. At this moment, the purpose of Ichigo is obvious, that is, before those Arubares Empire troops have really come to this place of battle: Fiore At the border of the kingdom, Ichigo had to shoot a cannon from a long distance, causing the Arubares Empire's army to be severely damaged!

However, just as Ichigo was about to release the phantom flash, a burst of breath mixed with death energy suddenly "drifted" from a distance, causing Ichigo to move, and the front of the finger that was going to be extremely bright The flickering light also slowly disappeared.

"...Interesting, it seems that I don't need to shoot myself now." Feeling the breath of death, the next moment, Ichigo grinned and smiled. At the same time, I thought so in my heart.It was also at this time that a very strange scene happened!I saw that the army of the Arubares Empire, which was approaching the borderlands of the Fiore Kingdom, suddenly began to fall to the ground one after another!It was as if the group had fallen under the influence of some kind of stun spell.However, only Ichigo knew that the fallen soldiers of the Arubares Empire were not simply comatose, but were drained of their vitality by the diffuse aura of death!

"...What's going on?" The Arubares Empire army fell in batches, such a scene is very obvious.At least, looking at the angle from which Jade is standing now, she can clearly see that the army of the Arubares Empire is beginning to fall into the ground in batches like harvesting wheat. This cannot help Jade. He was startled at first, and then asked in a murmur while frowning.

"Princess, it seems that this battle is no longer necessary." His eyes narrowed slightly, and Ichigo turned to say such words to Jade.Unlike what Jade saw, Ichigo was actually more concerned about a figure walking among the fallen army than those in the fallen army of Arubares.

"...President Kurosaki, what do you mean by saying this?" After seeing the army of the Arubares Empire fall without a fight, hearing Ichigo say something like this makes people feel a little nervous. The monk was at a loss for words, and then, looking at Ichigo with a puzzled look on his face, Jade turned to lightly parted her tender lips and asked Ichigo.

"It means, princess, we don't need to spend any more energy dealing with the fallen Arubares Empire army." In the next second, looking at Jade, Ichigo then replied to Jade. , "What we are about to deal with is a new enemy."

"...A new enemy? President Kurosaki, what power are you referring to?..." Ichigo's words made Emerald's heart skip a beat, and she turned to Ichigo and asked in a condensed voice.A woman as smart as Jade has now thought of the crux of the matter for the first time.Since Ichigo said that the fallen Arubares Empire no longer needs to be concerned, it means that the Arubares Empire army has lost its ability to fight now!And the existence that caused the Arubares Empire to lose its ability to fight is the new enemy that he needs to face!

"You'll find out soon, princess. And what I want to say now is that the new enemy is not a faction, just a person." He stared calmly at the road that was heading straight for Fiore. The border of the kingdom is approaching, and wherever they pass, there must be hundreds or even thousands of people who fall in pieces, Ichigo said indifferently to Jade after a while, "That caused the army of the Arubares Empire to fall. Those who have been wiped out are now approaching us."

"...What?! It's just one person?!" If Jade was surprised when she saw the fallen army of the Arubares Empire before, then now, Jade feels There is no doubt nothing but shock.At the moment, when her eyes were violently turbulent, Jade continued to open her mouth and exclaimed in disbelief.

"That's right." Compared to Jade's drastic change in expression, Ichigo was still plain as usual.In the next second, he nodded lightly, and Ichigo replied affirmatively towards Jade.


The distance of nearly a thousand meters is not far away.After a few minutes, I got close, and when I saw the person who caused the annihilation of the Arubares Empire: a young man with short black hair, Ichigo couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth, revealing a hint of disapproval. Indifferent smile.At the same time, the aura of death that was spreading around was about to spread to where Ichigo was.Looking at the withered flowers and trees not far ahead, in order not to let the spreading death aura affect the girls beside him, Ichigo immediately followed when the death aura had not yet completely diffused to his side. It is a gesture of raising a hand to the void.

"Boom!..." The next second, following Ichigo's raising his hand, a red-lighted gate appeared out of thin air and slowly rose in front of Ichigo's side. It was the gate of hell!After summoning the gate of hell, Ichigo immediately manipulated the gate of hell to open it.

For hell, the breath containing the energy of death is not only a harmful substance, but a rare "nutrient".Therefore, after Ichigo manipulated the gate of hell to open, the gate of hell began to spontaneously absorb the aura of death that had spread to the borderlands of Fiore Kingdom.

"...President Kurosaki, is this... a door?" Seeing the gate of hell that appeared in front of the one guard side, the blood-red light that seemed to be vaguely ominous around the gate of hell, Seeing Jade's eyes made her look startled, and then she muttered and asked Ichigo. ..

Chapter nine hundred and eighty-ninth Jeff

"Well, it's barely." After summoning the gate of hell to absorb the breath of death, at this moment, hearing Jade's inquiry, Ichigo immediately replied to Jade, "However, this door leads to the , is a world you don't know."

"A world I don't know?..." At that moment, upon hearing Ichigo's response, Jade couldn't help muttering, thinking about the world that Ichigo said about the world that the red-lighted gate leads to. Started to be a little curious.

"Princess, don't be too curious. I don't think it's better for you to know the world that this door leads to." Hell, a place full of bones and full of miasma is still a little creepy for most people to see. Therefore, if Jade knew about the existence of hell, it would inevitably make her feel a little dark.So, for Jade's sake, Ichigo said this to Jade again.It was also at this time that the boy who caused the annihilation of the Arubares Empire had now come to the opposite side of Ichigo.A pair of eyes with scarlet rays of light revealed a deadly coldness, wearing black clothes with a piece of white cloth hanging over them, looking at the black-haired boy up close, Ichigo didn't say anything, just Just look at him indifferently, even if he is a character who has survived for more than [-] years: the ancestor of the black magician, Jerf!

"Is it you who killed the black dragon Aknororia? Ichigo Kurosaki, president of the Zhanyue Guild..." At the moment, he first glanced at the gate of hell that absorbed all the aura of death emanating from him. And there was a flash of surprise in his eyes, and when Jeff then looked at Ichigo, he asked in a flat voice.

"So what?" Although Ichigo felt an extremely vast dark magic power from Jeff's body at this moment, it was after all a magic power that was several dimensions lower than spiritual power, so what's the use of it no matter how large the amount was? ?The gap of a few dimensions cannot be made up by quantity alone.Moreover, the spiritual power of a protective body is not necessarily less than the magic power of Jeff's body.Then there was no need to be afraid of Jeff at all, and Ichigo said to Jeff with an indifferent expression.

"It's nothing, it's just a confirmation." In the next moment, he glanced at the two female demons Kuanghua and Sera standing behind Ichigo, and Jeff immediately turned his eyes to Ichigo. When he was at the side, he said with a blank face, "Ichigo Kurosaki, I came here this time to get something back from you."

"Find me to get something back? It's interesting, talk about it." Even if the life he had passed before was gone, at this moment, he couldn't see any sympathetic expression on Jeff's face.In the next second, Ichigo couldn't help but smile a little when he heard Jeff's indifferent expression saying that he wanted to get something back from him, and turned to ask Jeff in his usual tone.

"That book of END, it should be with you now, right?" Looking at Ichigo, Jeff then said straight to the subject, "Can you please return it to me? That book is very important to me. "

"Indeed, after destroying the gate of Hades, I got the book called END." Probably due to Jeff's own relationship, at this moment, his expression became more and more indifferent and his eyes became more fishy At the moment of red, the breath of death emanating from him was relatively less and less and almost disappeared.At the moment, feeling the weakening of the aura of death emanating from Jeff, Ichigo, who knew something about this, did not show any surprise, and instead replied to Jeff with a dull expression.

As far as Ichigo knew, Jeff suffered an ancient curse more than [-] years ago. This ancestral curse will make the cursed person more respect for life and release the energy that spreads death; conversely, If the cursed person does not respect life or even ignore life, then he will not emit death energy relatively, which is really a contradictory curse.Therefore, now that the energy of death is slowly no longer released from Jeff, it also proves that Jeff has begun to ignore life.

The next moment, after telling Jeff that he had the book of END on his side, Ichigo also used his mind to inform the sword spirit Zhanyue to ask Bengyu to bring the book of END from Zhanyue Guild. Myself here.Therefore, after a few seconds, as a burst of purple light lit up around Ichigo, Bengyu who brought the book of END appeared next to Ichigo.

"Hey, master, here it is." The next second, handing a thick gray-black book in his hand to Ichigo, Bengyu turned to look around.When she saw Jeff standing opposite Ichigo, Bengyu was startled, then turned to Ichigo and asked, "Master, who is this person?"

"Dark Mage Jerf is the ancestor of the Black Mage in this world." At this moment, he first stretched out his hand and took the END book that Bengyu handed to him, and then Ichigo replied to Bengyu in his usual tone.

"The ancestor of the black magician in this world? Then he is still a person, right?" And after listening to Ichigo's explanation, Bengyu first murmured with interest, but then shook slightly. He shook his head and said, "However, it is still far worse than the master."

Bengyu didn't deliberately lower her voice when she said such words, but Jeff on the other side didn't show even a trace of anger when he heard it, he still seemed to have nothing to do with him. General indifference.Looking at Jeff, Ichigo immediately raised his hand and raised the book of END in his hand, and said to him indifferently: "This is the book of END you want, right? To be honest, Jeff, I have some Strange, this book seems to contain only some power and memory, why is that?"

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