"That's right, strength and memory, these two are what constitutes this book of END." The next moment, he nodded slightly and responded to Ichigo, and when Jeff raised his hand in the void, the This book of END began to gradually transform into wisps of black smoke-like substance that drifted towards Jeff.

"What? You want to take this END book without my consent? Jeff, you are too whimsical, right?" And the END book did not completely turn into "black smoke" and was rejected by Jie Fu. When Erf retrieved it, Ichigo used Reiatsu to isolate the connection between the Book of END and Zelf, and turned to speak to Zelf with a cold smile. ..

Chapter [-] end "Resurrection" (Part [-])

While speaking, the END book in Ichigo's hand has become thinner than before. As for Jeff's hand, there is already a "pocket version" of the END book.Obviously, the book of END in Jeff's hand is the product of the "black smoke" that was transformed from the book of END in Ichigo's hand just now.

"Is it a whimsical thing to get back what was originally mine? Kurosaki Ichigo..." At this moment, since the connection with the END book in Ichigo's hand has been severed, Jeff cannot pass his own The will is free to retrieve the Book of END.The next second, still looking at Ichigo with a blank expression, Jeff then said lightly.At the same moment, when Jeff spoke, the "pocket version" of the END book in his hand turned into a wisp of "black smoke" again, and finally drifted away in a certain direction.

Looking at everything Jeff did with a calm expression, even if the pocket END book that Jeff held in his hand turned into "black smoke" and dispersed, Ichigo didn't interfere with it, just a look on his face. Quietly stood in place and stood idly by.Because Ichigo wanted to see what the mystery of this END book that was born because of Jeff was, so now Ichigo will let Jeff handle the pocket END book at will.


About a minute passed.Since the pocket END book in Jeff's hand turned into black smoke, there doesn't seem to be any substantial progress.For more than a minute, Jeff just stood there silently without the slightest action, and Ichigo didn't take advantage of it to deal with Jeff. For a while, the scene seemed to become a bit dull. down.

On the side, standing beside Ichigo, Jade did not come to say anything at the moment, as she knows as smart as she does, now is not the right time to speak.Although, looking at Jerf standing opposite Ichigo, Jade still couldn't believe that it was such a black-haired boy who didn't seem to have many special features that led to the Arubares Imperial Army. The whole army is wiped out!However, no matter how many questions she had in her heart, Jade did not rush to ask Ichigo.It was also at this time, when Fei Cui was full of doubts in her heart, she suddenly felt that the air nearby seemed to be getting a little hot, and suddenly there was a large group of fiery red rays of light approaching here in the distance. Son, the surrounding temperature suddenly has a terrifying increase in an instant!

Of course, the change that Jade felt, Ichigo also noticed it immediately.At this moment, looking at the large group of approaching fiery red rays of light, Ichigo immediately squinted his eyes, and immediately released Reiatsu to protect the girls standing on his left and right sides and behind him.In the next second, not long after Ichigo released the spiritual pressure, the red light that was approaching quickly reached Jeff, right in front of Ichigo and the others.In an instant, when the red light came to this place, it spread out in all directions with a momentary feeling of heat. The entire border land of the Fiore Kingdom suddenly turned into a whole piece of burning blazing fire. A sea of ​​flames!

It turned out that the red light was not just an object that only emitted red light. The red light was clearly a huge fireball burning with fiery flames!It was this fireball that came here inexplicably, and instantly turned the borderland of the Fiore Kingdom into a sea of ​​fire!

The burning flames burned the nearby hundreds of miles into a barren wasteland in an instant.Those military tents built on the border land of the Fiore Kingdom are now all swallowed up by the sea of ​​​​fire.Fortunately, because of the spiritual pressure of Yihu, this sudden accident did not cause many casualties.Otherwise, just this sea of ​​burning fire can directly make those ordinary Fiore Kingdom soldiers buried in this sea of ​​fire that brings death!At this moment, when the sea of ​​fire was raging, Ichigo saw through the orange-red flames that distorted the air, a young man with short cherry-colored hair standing in the middle of the sea of ​​​​fire.

"...He is, Natsu?!" At the same moment, beside Ichigo, the surprised shout of the first generation suddenly sounded.As early as when Ichigo came to this frontier land of Fiore Kingdom, the first generation followed Ichigo to this place.And because it is a spirit body, the existence of the first generation is not known by too many people.At this moment, I vaguely saw the sakura-haired boy standing in the sea of ​​​​fire. The first generation was shocked, and then when her green eyes revealed an extremely unbelievable light, her expression also changed. Extremely surprised.The first generation did not understand why Natsu, who was a member of the Fairy Tail Guild at the time when the Fairy Tail Guild was still intact in Magnolia Town, would appear in this film in such a way now. In the borderlands of Fiore Kingdom.

"Atelias Natsu Dragneel, you should be able to retrieve some memories now, right?" At this moment, Natsu turned the borderland of Fiore Kingdom into such an instant. Because the way of a sea of ​​fire came at this time, walking in the sea of ​​​​fire without any discomfort, Jeff then said in a calm tone when he walked to Natsu who was in the middle of the sea of ​​​​fire.

"...Atelias Natsu Dragneel, this is the full name of the fire dragon slayer Natsu, right?" At the same time, relying on excellent hearing, Jerf He heard all the words he said, and the next moment, he murmured and whispered, and in Ichigo's heart, he was almost fully aware of the existence of the Book of END.It turns out that the only reason why there is only power and memory in the book of END is because the body of the devil END lives independently outside, and its identity: it has lost the part of the memory and identity that was sealed in the book of END. Natsu with demon power at the end!

In this way, Natsu's true identity is revealed, it is the strongest demon of flames who fought with the Fire Dragon King Ignilu more than [-] years ago: the President of the Gate of Hades END!

"...Jeff..." Right now, according to the current situation, the "black smoke" that was transformed into the pocket END book in Jeff's hand was definitely absorbed by Natsu, and as a result, got back a part of it. As the power and memory of the demon END, when Natsu looked at Zelf at this moment, he was able to recognize him.Then at the next moment, he turned his eyes and looked at Jeff, and Natsu, who was already covered with weird black lines on his left arm, turned to speak and murmured the name of Jeff. ..

Chapter [-] end "Resurrection" (Part [-])

Then, looking away from Jeff's body, Natsu's gaze instinctively turned to Ichigo in the sea of ​​​​fire.And in the next second, when Natsu noticed the END book that Ichigo was holding in his hand, his expression changed instantly.

"Natsu, that book contains your remaining power and memory." At that moment, noticing Natsu's look at the book of END in Ichigo's hand, Jeff immediately looked at Natsu, He opened his mouth to remind him.Although, for Natsu, Jeff's reminder seems a bit redundant, because he can feel the relationship between that book and him just by looking at the END book in Ichigo's hand. the invisible connection.

And since he had already received some memories and powers from the Book of END, of course, it was impossible for Natsu to ignore the Book of END in the hands of a guardian.Then in the next second, when the whole person suddenly accelerated, Natsu turned to bring the raging flames ignited from outside him and approached a guard directly.

Natsu's purpose at this time is obvious: that is to obtain the book of END.Of course, Natsu's obvious purpose, Ichigo, was obvious at a glance.Immediately afterwards, watching Natsu, who was blazing with flames from his whole body, was approaching him, Ichigo said with a faint smile, "I just want this END book in my hand. Books? In that case, I'll give it to you."

After saying that, he suddenly spread out the END book he was holding, and Ichigo turned around and disappeared without warning.

The next second, when he reappeared, Ichigo was already in front of Natsu.Ignoring the feeling that Natsu's flames can bring me just a little bit of heat, I immediately stretched out my right arm and pressed the open book of END to Natsu!Immediately, in the blink of an eye, when the book of END that Ichigo pressed to Natsu touched Natsu's face, a bizarre scene happened.I saw that Natsu was directly "received" into the book of END, and as Natsu entered the book of END in the hands of a guardian, the flames that were burning around were also absorbed at this moment. in the book of END.

"Sure enough, it is not difficult to integrate the book of END, which has pure memory and power, with the main body of END that survives independently." After Natsu entered the book of END, Ichigo started He closed the book of END, and with a calm expression, he thought in his heart.At this moment, since the original body of END, who had lost his memory and the power of being a demon: that is, Natsu has merged with the book of END, this also proves that the most powerful flame demon END in history, About to be fully resurrected at this moment!

"Kurosaki Ichigo, what do you mean?..." It seemed that everything Ichigo had done before was to prevent the book of END from falling into the hands of others, but at this moment, Ichigo actually let him accept it indirectly. Having successfully obtained the book of END, Jeff couldn't help but ask Ichigo indifferently when he was in doubt.

"It's not interesting, I just want to see it. After all, I kind of want to know what the scene will be like if the demon END is brought back to life." The book of END, which was transmitted through bursts of life force, was thrown to the ground at will, and Ichigo smiled indifferently and said something that made the temple next to Jeff's forehead jump, "This shouldn't be too much. Are you bored? After all, END is the strongest flame demon in history."

"...I actually said that, I just wanted to see it?..." For the first time in history, his eyes finally became a little dignified, and Jeff murmured while staring at Ichigo. .Until now, Jeff actually found that he couldn't see through Ichigo at all.Or it can be said that Jeff has never seen a time when Ichigo really showed his strength.

"Princess, you have nothing to do here, so you should evacuate this border area of ​​Fiore Kingdom with the Royal Army now." The book of END, which was discarded by himself, is now starting to light up on its surface. A red-orange flame red glow.The next moment, turning around to look at Jade, Ichigo then greeted Jade.

Immediately, however, Ichigo was a little surprised that, staring at Ichigo, Jade then shook his head at Ichigo without any hesitation.

"Why, why are you shaking your head? The Imperial Army of Arubares has now been wiped out. This war is considered a victory for the Kingdom of Fiore without a fight. In that case, Princess, why do you continue to stay here? Go?" Looking at Jade, Ichigo then asked towards Jade.

"I'm not going. President Kurosaki, I want to stay here and advance and retreat with you!" In the next second, she took a step forward with a firm expression towards Ichigo, and Emerald then replied decisively towards Ichigo, "Since you are standing on the border land of the Fiore Kingdom now, then I can't let you face everything that is about to happen alone!"

"...Don't take it so seriously, it's like what a powerful enemy I will face next." Listening to Jade's words in such a decisive tone, it seems that as long as you stay here, you will be Something unexpected happened, which made Ichigo feel a little speechless, turned to look at Jade with a very serious expression and said, "Take it easy, don't be nervous, if you want to stay, then stay, anyway. I'll get this sorted out soon."

"...Oh, oh..." And she had already made up her mind to advance and retreat together with Ichigo, even if the enemy's strength was strong, Jade would not back down in the slightest.But at this moment, hearing Ichigo's words in a relaxed tone, it was as if the enemy he was about to face next was nothing special at all.With such a gap, Jade couldn't help but be stunned for a long time, just when she nodded in a daze, and then subconsciously responded to Ichigo with a murmur.

It was at this moment when Jadeite looked slightly stunned that the book of END, whose surface was glowing with orange-red fire, was suddenly engulfed by a huge pillar of fire rising into the sky.Immediately after that, in the pillar of fire, a figure was looming, and it carried out the demonic breath that was obviously similar to Daliola, which was immediately perceived by Ichigo. ..

Chapter nine hundred and ninety-two anger end

After a while, the pillar of fire dissipated, revealing the figure that was vaguely reflected in it: it was Natsu.Standing on the ground that had been scorched black, at this moment, Natsu's whole body and even his face were completely covered with black lines of evil, which seemed to be a little more sinister and unreasonable for no reason. Spooky meaning.

Lowering his head, the next second, Natsu, no, it should be called END now, he first subconsciously clenched his palms and clenched his fists, feeling the vast and surging power in his body, and suddenly hooked from the corner of END's mouth. There was a faint smile that made him wonder.

"How is it, Natsu, how are you feeling now?" Standing beside END, looking at END's faint smile, Jeff immediately opened his mouth and asked END.

"Do you feel it? It's never been better." At the next moment, he turned his head to look at Jeff, END first responded with a mouthful, but then he suddenly suppressed the smile that was originally on the corner of his mouth. Sheng said, "But Jeff, although you created me, please don't call me Natsu just by personal preference in the future. I prefer others to call me END."

Compared with the name of Natsu, END prefers to be called by the name of "END", so it seems that, after absorbing the book of END, the once strongest demon END has fully awakened now. !

At the moment, after hearing END say this, Jeff was silent for a while, then nodded, and while still maintaining that cold expression, Jeff turned to END and replied, "Yes. "

"...Jeff, how long have I slept so far?" Now that he saw Jeff nodding in agreement, END stopped talking about the matter.The next moment, looking at Jeff, END asked Jeff out aloud.For END, for the past four hundred years, his memory and power have existed in the form of the book of END. In this way, it gives END the feeling that he seems to have been asleep for a long time, until now Just to wake up.

"It's been more than four hundred years." Facing END, Jeff responded succinctly to END.

"...It's been more than [-] years? It's really been a long time." When he heard Jeff say that it was more than [-] years ago, END couldn't help but feel a little startled, and murmured in a low voice. muttered to himself. END didn't expect that it was just a "blink of an eye" for him, and the world has already experienced more than [-] years of vicissitudes of life.But immediately, just after being slightly surprised, END became calm again.In the next second, his eyes narrowed slightly and there was a bit of coldness in his eyes, and END immediately spoke softly and said something that made the atmosphere around him a little stiffer, "But it's okay. Now, let me finish the unfinished thing more than [-] years ago. This time, without the hindrance of the abominable Fire Dragon King, I will definitely be able to kill all those unsightly humans in one go. "

"Jeff, where is my Hades Gate Guild, how is it doing now?" Immediately, after he said such cruel words, END seemed to remember something again, and then suddenly opened his mouth again. Jeff pressed.

"It's gone. The Gate of Hades Guild is not good enough now, so it's a matter of course that it will be eliminated from this world. The strong eat the weak and the fittest survive, this is the rule that will never change." A pair of pupils revealed that they seemed to be able to The heart-stopping red light, the next moment, responded lightly towards END, and Jeff seemed to not care about the destruction of the dark guild, the Gate of Hades, even if the core members of the Gate of Hades Guild, It was because of him that the devil was born.

"...What? You said it's gone?!..." However, even if Jeff would not care about the life and death of the Underworld Gate Guild, it didn't mean that END was the same.At the moment, after hearing what Jeff said, END first shrank his pupils slightly, and then exclaimed in a low voice in disbelief.For END, as the president of the Gate of Hades, he is quite optimistic about the overall strength of the Gate of Hades Guild.After all, in END's mind, the core members of his Hades Gate Guild are all demons. How can a human magician be able to compete?

However, after exhaling in disbelief, he subconsciously looked towards Ichigo. When he happened to see the two female demons, Kuanghua and Sera standing behind Ichigo, END's expression immediately changed. He paused for a while: "What, I thought that the gate of the devil's guild led by me really no longer exists. It turns out that there are still demons other than me in this world."

"...It's just, why are these two demons standing with humans?" After saying such words while his expression softened, END suddenly asked with a cold expression, murmured and asked in a condensed voice. .

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