The two demons that END was referring to were naturally Kuanghua and Sera.The next second, hearing END's words without deliberately lowering his voice, Ichigo couldn't help but grinned into a slightly mocking smile.And Ichigo's sarcastic smile was also noticed by END for the first time.

"Hey, you human, what's so funny?!" Maybe it's because the power and memory representing the demons retrieved this time are too overbearing. Everything that happened to guide Natsu.Therefore, even if I see Ichigo up close, Ichigo is just a stranger to END.At the moment, staring at Ichigo's sarcastic expression, END only felt a burst of fire in his heart, and turned to Ichigo in a low voice.For END, being ridiculed by the human beings he once despised was a great insult.

"I laugh at you for being ignorant." Even though he saw that END's expression at this time was obviously provoked by himself, Ichigo didn't intend to keep his mouth shut, and then still looked at END indifferently, saying: He replied with contempt.

"...You?! Very good!" Angrily smirked, and because of Ichigo's contemptuous attitude over and over again, END was already out of anger at this time.Immediately, with a ferocious expression on his face, END's voice was cold and authentic, "Human, I will make you pay for what you said!" ..

The nine hundred and ninetieth chapters hit the end

"...This person, is he really Natsu?!" At the same time, seeing END's grim expression, the first generation standing beside Ichigo turned to look a little unbelievable and muttered. speak out.For the first generation, although she didn't know much about Natsu, she also firmly believed that, once a member of the Fairy Tail Guild, Natsu could not be so dark and bloodthirsty.Therefore, now, looking at the END who is exuding an extremely dangerous atmosphere on the opposite side, if it wasn't for Jeff who called END Natsu before, the first generation would not have believed that END was really a former member of the Fairy Tail Guild. Fire Dragon Slayer Natsu.

"The first generation, don't you understand now? The flame demon END that appears in front of you just has a pair of Natsu's skin. He is no longer the Natsu you know. ." The next moment, listening to Chudai's words in a tone of surprise, Ichigo shook his head slightly, then looked at Chudai and said so seriously.

"..." After hearing Ichigo's words, the first generation couldn't help falling into silence for a while.In fact, the first generation also knew that his personality was twisted like this, and now the END standing opposite him is definitely not the old Natsu.However, because he didn't know much about the relationship between Natsu and the most powerful demon in history, END, the first generation showed a suspicious side right now.It was also at this time that END on the opposite side had already speeded up and rushed towards Ichigo. Since it is a demon of flames, END's patience will definitely not be much better, and Ichigo had completely angered END before.Therefore, at this moment, END will immediately attack Ichigo!

Immediately, in the blink of an eye, END, who was covered in strange black lines, had rushed to Yihu at a very fast speed. Wherever he passed, the scorching aura emanating from END's body instantly caused the air to be filled with anger. It was hot and twisted.At the same moment, he stared at END who was approaching quickly. Although the speed was amazing, it was still a bit slow in Yihu's eyes.At least, the time when END was approaching was enough for Ichigo to respond to any situation.Then in the next second, facing the extremely fast END, Ichigo calmly summoned the Zanpakutō Zhanyue, and then saw the opportunity to backhand with a quick slash!

"Crescent Moon Sky Chong!..." In an instant, with Ichigo's low voice, the azure-blue crescent blade was slashed out by Ichigo from the tip of Zanpakutō Zhanyue's blade, and then it brought bursts of waves. When the whistling sound rushed to the sky, carrying the boundless momentum that seemed to really cut down the moon in outer space, it was breathtaking!At the same time, as the crescent moon sky rushed out, a **** light appeared.The redness of the blood contrasted with the blue light brought by the crescent moon and the sky, revealing a bit of chilling coldness for no reason.

Everything just happened in the blink of an eye. When Ichigo's action of slashing out of the crescent moon and sky fell, what followed was a broken arm that fell to the ground with the appearance of blood.The forward momentum came to an abrupt halt, clutching the bleeding left shoulder, and END's face was covered in cold sweat at that moment.A left arm was chopped off in an instant. This was something that END never expected before. He never imagined that Ichigo's moves were so sharp that he could lose an arm in an instant!

"...You bastard?!" For the first time, extreme surprise finally appeared in his eyes, staring at Ichigo with turbulent eyes, and END then frowned and murmured in a horrified tone.At this moment, END's worldview has been almost overturned.Because, END has always been a human being who has been despised in the past, but now he can break his arm in an instant!At the same time, when Ichigo cut off END's left arm in an instant, Jeff on the side couldn't help frowning slightly.It was too powerful, and the strength Ichigo showed at the moment was somewhat beyond what Jeff originally expected.

However, for END, after all, his contempt for human beings has long been ingrained.Therefore, Ichigo, who is a human, has just "woke up" and has his arm chopped off, which is absolutely unacceptable for END.At this moment, END even felt a deep humiliation!Then in the next moment, his eyes began to gradually turn from horror to fierce, staring at Ichigo with eyes that seemed to eat people. After a while, a large scorching flame suddenly rose from END's body, and then transformed. For the swirling vortex of flames, the entire END was wrapped into it.At the same moment, the END, who was wrapped in flames, began to rise continuously!

After a while, the swirling flame vortex scattered in a flash, and the END, who was originally wrapped in the flame vortex, instantly rose to nearly two meters in height!Dark scales were revealed all over his body, and his originally short, sakura-colored hair had grown a lot longer.Obviously, you can tell just by looking at the appearance of END at this time, and now he has completely demonized himself!

"Damn human! I will never forgive you!" At this moment, his eyes had turned scarlet, and END, who had demonized himself, roared through gritted teeth as he stared at Ichigo with cold eyes.

"He's really a guy who doesn't know how to be grateful. If you don't thank me for keeping the END book until now, it's okay to say things like this that will never spare me? You know, if I had If you destroy the book of END, where will you be today?" At that moment, seeing END's maddened appearance, Ichigo turned to hold up his Zanpakutō, Zhanyue, and looked a little bored at him. END opened his mouth and said, "Forget it, I feel boring, so I still decide to end you early, the devil of flame END..."

The words Ichigo said in a casual tone like this, listening to END's ears made him feel even more irritated in addition to being frightened.It was also at this time, when Ichigo was preparing to solve END and Jeff beside him in a quick battle, a strange and powerful aura suddenly came out of END's body, and Accompanied by a large number of flames rushing out of END's body!

"What's going on?!" At this moment, END only felt his heartbeat suddenly intensified for a few seconds.Such a sudden change caused END to ask in a low voice when he was a little unclear.It was also at this time that a red and white dragon appeared out of thin air next to END, with a mighty imposing manner! ..

Chapter [-]: Fire Dragon King Ignilu

"Is it the Fire Dragon King Igniru?" Seeing this huge dragon, Ichigo murmured as his eyes narrowed slightly.Ichigo knew that Igniru, the Dragon King, existed in END's body.After all, the Heavenly Dragon Grandigne existed in Wendy's body before.

"?! Fire Dragon King Ignilu!..." At the same time, END, who had previously felt a little unclear, had now noticed Ignilu's existence.After all, with such a huge size of the Fire Dragon King Igni Lu, it is difficult not to be noticed.As for END, Ignilu can be said to be his old enemy and mortal enemy, so now, seeing Ignilu, END was first shocked, and then turned his face down, and said in a cold voice, "How could it be you?"

"...END, I failed to kill you more than [-] years ago, this time I must kill you with my own hands!" As for Ignilu, looking at the demonized END at this time, he remembered his previous life with Natsu Being together and teaching Natsu the magic of dragon slaying, Ignilu couldn't help being silent for a moment.However, after all, Ignilu appeared here to stop the demonized END creatures from being charred.Therefore, Ignilu had to fight END and end him himself.In the next second, Ignilu finally calmed down and stopped thinking about Natsu-related things, and said rationally, "I won't let you do whatever you want! "

"Haha! What a man to do whatever he wants!" Ignilu's words made END pause for a while, and then, when his expression sank, END sneered and said, "Fire Dragon King, your self-proclaimed righteousness is really disturbing to hear. Disgusting! It’s okay, I’ll let you show off your tongue first, anyway, this time, I will definitely kill you with my own hands!”

After saying that, END's whole body immediately became violent.Thinking of the fact that he had been "sleeping" for so long after the battle with Ignilu more than [-] years ago, the anger in END's heart couldn't stop rising, and even now END has already taken care of it. There is no need for a feud with Ichigo's broken arm, and all his thoughts are on how to destroy Igniru.

This led to the fact that, facing Ignilu who was close at hand, END immediately waved one arm and controlled a flame that seemed to burn everything in the world, and swallowed the huge Ignilu directly. in!

However, it was not long before the large flames created by END trapped Ignilu for a long time. In the next second, the large flames were directly sucked out by Ignilu Zhang Dalong's mouth!

He opened his mouth to eat the flames wrapped around him in one breath. After that, he showed a humanized look of disgust. Igniru then said in a rough voice: "END, your flames are really unpalatable as always."

"Damn stinky dragon, what are you talking about?!" Even if his flames were eaten, Ignilu still dared to think his flames were unpalatable, which made END feel furious in his heart. The voice asked Ignilu.It was also at this time that Ignilu suddenly closed the dragon's mouth, and the cheeks on both sides of the dragon's face swelled up in an instant!

"The roar of the Fire Dragon King!" The next moment, his eyes condensed and he shouted loudly, and Ignilu immediately opened his mouth and spit out a huge flame column that engulfed END without any suspense!


The battle between fire and fire is destined to be a long process.Tens of minutes later, when the frontier land of the Fiore Kingdom had already become a "purgatory" battlefield with blazing flames everywhere, Ignilu still had an inseparable fight with END.However, after all, END had already had one arm cut off by Ichigo before, so after the one-armed fight against Igniru, END still gradually began to fall into the disadvantage.Seeing this scene, Jeff on the side couldn't help frowning, and then when the red light in his eyes became even worse, Jeff suddenly moved!

This movement immediately brought two conspicuous blood-colored lights.Next, a shocking scene happened. I saw Ignilu and END, who had been fighting inextricably before, and now they both spit out a long and narrow bloodstain on their bodies. Crimson blood!Jeff's shot at this moment actually caused both END and Ignilu to be seriously injured!

"Give me death for the useless waste. This world needs the constant death of the weak to evolve step by step." The next moment, shaking off the blood on his hand, Jeff then spoke coldly and said Let the listeners feel a chill in their hearts.At this moment, no emotion can be seen from Jeff's red eyes, only destruction and death!

Immediately, just as Jeff's words fell, the wounds on END and Ignilu's bodies were beginning to be corroded by a dark and unknown substance. END is okay, after all, he is a demon, so this kind of injury from Jeff is not fatal to him.But Ignilu was different. He was injured by Jeff's hand. Not only did Ignilu's wound not heal, but it became more and more serious!This is the terrifying power of Jeff's black magic. If you don't get hurt, it's not that simple if you want to recover once you get hurt.

"Does this world need the constant death of the weak? It's quite interesting to say." At this moment, Ichigo suddenly looked at Jeff with a faint smile and said, "If that's the case, then Jere Husband, now I will ask you, who is undoubtedly weak to me, to die..."

After saying that, Ichigo stepped forward and walked to the gate of hell that he had summoned.The next second, he raised his hand and placed it on the door frame of the gate of hell. Following Ichigo's action, a large number of black chains suddenly poured out from the gate of hell, knocking Jeff out. Tie up tightly!

"What is this?" Being bound by the chains from hell, Jeff, who couldn't move for a while, frowned at first, then murmured after struggling tentatively for a few times.

"Jeff, who has survived for more than [-] years, I will end your life today." At the moment, looking at Jeff's immobility, Yihu immediately spoke indifferently. Having said that, he then received the power from hell through his palm resting on the door frame of hell! ..

The nine hundred and ninetieth chapter ends

Immediately, receiving the power from hell, the edge of the death tyrant outfit Ichigo was wearing was immediately "inlaid" with a layer of gold. golden luster.

Accepting the power from hell, Ichigo, who is the master of hell, can clearly feel that he has taken control of the entire hell.Naturally, looking at Jeff, who was bound by the chains of hell at this time, Ichigo could also feel it completely. He controlled the hell representing death, and Ichigo could easily decide Jeff's life and death!

The golden robe fluttered and looked at Jerf indifferently. As soon as he guarded it, he stopped waiting, and when he waved the Zanpakutō in his hand, he said to Jerf indifferently, "Die. , Jeff."

"Crescent Moon Sky Chong!" In the next second, when the voice fell, Ichigo directly swung down the Zanpakutō, accompanied by a burst of golden light bursting out from the tip of the Zanpakutō, and immediately, a dazzling golden light The crescent blade was slashed out by Ichigo from the tip of the Zanpaku blade!

The golden crescent moon sky rushes, which represents the judgment from hell!At the moment, when Ichigo slashed the crescent moon towards Jerf, the next second, accompanied by the golden crescent blade, dragged out a long pale golden tail and slid across the air instantly. Jer, who was bound by the chains of hell. Husband, in an instant, it was without any suspense that Ichigo's golden crescent moon was slashed directly in the waist!In an instant, the scene of protecting the waist and slashing Jeff, made the surrounding atmosphere seem to be condensed for a moment.On the side, END and the already weakened Ignilu are all looking at this scene with shocking eyes, as if there are storms in their hearts.Before, Jeff instantly injured both END and Ignilu, the demon and dragon. Needless to say, their strength is absolutely powerful!However, Jeff, who could instantly injure END and Ignilu at the same time, was cut in half by Ichigo without any suspense!In this case, how strong is Ichigo? ! END and Ignilu asked themselves, they didn't even dare to think about it!

But then, after Ichigo slashed Jeff with a golden crescent moon, it was even more unbelievable that what he saw happened.I saw that the upper body and the lower body of Jeff, who had been separated from the upper body before, were now strangely stitched together!Even without the slightest splash of blood, Jeff returned to his original state, as if the slash he encountered before was just an illusion.

"What's going on?!" Whether it's the demon END, the Fire Dragon King Ignilu, or the rest of the people who are still in the borderlands of the Fiore Kingdom, all thoughts can't be stopped in their minds at this time. A big question mark.They have completely lost their understanding. What happened just now?

However, others wondered, but Jeff himself could clearly feel the difference between the current self and the previous one.Because, at this moment, looking at the gate of hell ahead, Jeff has a feeling that he can't compete with it for no reason!It seems that facing the gate of hell now, all Jeff can do is absolute obedience!

"Don't you understand? Jeff, you're dead now..." Looking at Jeff's turbulent expression with a hint of doubt, Ichigo said indifferently at the next moment, "Just now you did I was cut in half, so what you are going to next is the destination of the deceased."

"...The destination of the deceased?..." At that moment, after hearing Ichigo's words, Jeff was muttering in a low voice, the red light in his eyes was surprisingly weak, "This is Sounds good."

Immediately afterwards, as Jeff's voice fell, he was dragged directly into hell by numerous chains!

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