"Humph!..." At that moment, Xue Liya looked at Ichigo with such a smug smile in her eyes, and she immediately felt more and more angry.Then, first humming softly, Xue Liya immediately looked at Xue Li who came to her side, stomped her feet and said angrily, "I said sister, why did you choose to come here at this time?"

"Of course I'm coming. Shiriya, you just came to the venue of this dinner party, and if you say that Ichigo Kurosaki is definitely coming, you'll be gone. As a sister, can I not worry about it? With a slight frown, Xue Li looked at Xue Liya and said.

"Are you in a hurry to find me when you just came here?" At that moment, after hearing Xue Li's words, Ichigo couldn't help but smile deeply, and turned to Xue Liya with a teasing tone, "I didn't expect you You still care about me, Shirley."

"...Bah, bah! Who cares about you?" Immediately, she blushed, and when Xue Liya hurriedly turned her head away from looking at Yihu, she said to Yihu in a slightly flustered tone.


Four days later, in the Moon Slashing World.

"How, the first generation, how do you feel now?" In the valley with abundant spiritual energy in Zhanyue World, looking at the first generation standing opposite him, Ichigo asked the first generation.

"Well, I already feel very good." The next moment, feeling the spiritual power flowing in his body, the first generation immediately nodded towards Ichigo, and responded with a slightly surprised tone, "I didn't expect that, This spiritual power is so miraculous, not only can it keep my spiritual body indestructible, but I can feel that the power of spiritual power is several levels higher than magic power."

"Yes, this is the advantage of spiritual power." The next moment, he smiled at the first generation, and Ichigo continued, "Then now, since you have spiritual power, do you want to learn the tricks related to spiritual power in the first generation? ?"..

Chapter [-]: The Eve of the Return (Part [-])

"Tricks?" Ichigo's words made the first generation stunned.

"Well, that's the move I usually use when fighting." In the next second, he nodded to the first generation, and Ichigo then explained to the first generation, "Its name: Ghost Road."

"Ichigo?... It sounds a bit unpredictable..." At that moment, after listening to Ichigo's explanation, the first generation first muttered to himself in a low voice, then turned to look at Ichigo, smiled and nodded. Said, "But since I have this opportunity, why should I refuse? I want to learn!"

"Okay, since I agreed, then the first generation, I will teach you slowly starting from the low-level ghost." The next moment, after the first generation nodded and agreed, he smiled slightly, and Ichigo then spoke, explaining to the first generation. road.


More than a month later, in the town of Magnolia in the Kingdom of Fiore, in the Zhanyue Guild.

"Master, the plane that was affected by your power and had a space crack before is about to be repaired by itself." After a flash of purple light, he came to Ichigo, and Bengyu said at this time. Immediately after leaving, Ichigo's attention was completely drawn to the past.

"Finally, is that plane about to repair itself?" At the moment, after Bengyu's voice fell, he first stood up, and Ichigo then walked back and forth in the hall of Zhanyue Guild for a few laps, and then With a little sigh, he murmured, "It's been so long, and I don't know what kind of vicissitudes the world has gone through now..."

"Master, I think in a few more days, when the space of that plane is completely restored, I will immediately open the plane channel to return to that world." At the same time, looking at Ichigo, Beng Yufu recovered. And Yu said to Ichigo while the tender lips lightly opened, "So, before that, Master, do you need to deal with the things that have not yet been dealt with in this world?"

At this moment, after hearing Bengyu's words, Ichigo immediately had an idea in his mind about what he needed to do in the next few days of staying in this world.

At the very least, Ichigo informed Minerba, the others, and the other girls who had more or less intersection with him that he had left this world.In the end, whether they choose to leave with themselves or stay in this world for a while, Ichigo will respect their choice.


Three days later, in the Moon Slashing Guild.

It turned out that the girls who were members of the Zhanyue Guild, Ichigo had already taken them to Zhanyue World together.However, even so, the Moon Slashing Guild has not shown much desertedness at the moment, but has become more lively than before.

"Brother Ichigo, I have already decided that no matter where you go in the future, I will always follow you." Standing beside Ichigo, Minerba was holding a folded casual jacket in her hand, and immediately While staring at Ichigo, Minerba said without the slightest hesitation.

Before, when Fuyi heard that Ichigo was about to leave this world, Minerba didn't even have time to ask where Ichigo was going next. After the other members of the Tiger Guild, they followed Ichigo to the Zhanyue Guild.This is enough to see the weight of Ichigo in Minerba's heart.

And along with Minerba, who decided to leave the Sword-biting Tiger Guild and follow Ichigo, there was Yukino.After all, Yukino's older sister Sono, who is also Angela, would never leave Ichigo, so Yukino, who no longer wanted to be separated from her sister, finally made up her mind to follow Ichigo.

At the moment, looking at the coat that Minieba was holding in his hands, Ichigo paused for a while, then nodded with a smile, and said to Minieba, "Minieba, I didn't expect you to keep this one. A coat?"

"Well, this is the first gift you gave me, Ichigo-ge, how could I throw it away?" The next moment, with a hint of reminiscence on her face, she nodded, and Minerba turned her head gently. His lips turned towards Ichigo's mouth.That's right, this coat was the same coat that Ichigo put on when Minerba was still a little girl when he was in the capital Kurokas.

"Miss, this coat... Was it originally given to you by President Kurosaki?" At the same moment, standing beside Minieba and looking at the coat she was holding in her hand, Yukino was stunned for a moment, then turned to her expression. Suddenly, he murmured.Once, Yukino had seen Minerba touch this coat in a daze more than once when she was free.In the past, Yukino would feel a little strange whenever she saw this scene, but now, Yukino finally understood that this was a coat belonging to Ichigo, and it was no wonder that Minerba regarded it as a treasure.

"Hey, Ichigo Kurosaki, when are we going to leave here?" At this moment, Shiriya, who was waiting by the side, asked impatiently, "Didn't you say we're leaving right away? "

"Why, Xue Liya, are you so eager to leave with me?" The next moment, she gave Xue Liya a meaningful look, and immediately asked Xue Liya with a playful smile. .

"...Humph! That's not it, it's just to see Wendy soon!" Ichigo's half-joking words made her blushed when she heard Xue Liya's ears, and turned to pretending When he calmly hummed, he retorted to Ichigo's crisp voice in a slightly flustered tone.

"President Kurosaki Ichigo, my sister is ignorant, I made you laugh." When Xue Liya's voice just fell, Xue Li, who was standing beside Xue Liya, smiled apologetically at Ichigo, and turned to And lightly opened her lips and said.

Just yesterday, when Ichigo said that he was about to leave here and go to other worlds, Xue Liya was alone for a long time, and finally made a decision that she would leave with Ichigo. .Otherwise, when she thought that Ichigo would not be here in the future, and her good friend Wendy would also leave together, Xue Liya always felt empty in her heart, as if something was missing.

And since Xue Liya has already decided to follow Ichigo and leave, it is naturally impossible for Xue Li, who is her sister, to stay alone.Otherwise, Shirley would feel lonely without her sister's company.

What's more, even though I only met Ichigo a few times, Shirley had gradually developed a good impression of Ichigo.Perhaps, this is the so-called beauty loves heroes since ancient times.Otherwise, if she didn't have a good impression of Ichigo, Shirley wouldn't just feel embarrassed when she was teasing Ichigo for taking advantage of her before.

"President Kurosaki, I also want to see my sister soon, so can I leave now?" At the same time, Kagura, who was standing with Miliana, and then watching Ichigo, lightly opened Sakura. Crunchy lips said so.

Kagura's older sister naturally refers to Erza.At present, in the world, only Erza can make Kagura care so much.

At that moment, after Xue Liya heard Kagura's urging voice again, Ichigo spread his hands helplessly, and then said speechlessly, "I said you guys, why are you more eager to leave this world than me? ?"

"Wait a little longer, we'll leave right away." After saying hello to Kagura and Shiriya, Ichigo turned and walked straight to Jade who was wearing a princess dress.

"Jade, have you decided to leave this Fiore Kingdom with me?" Standing in front of Jade, looking directly at Jade, Ichigo asked towards Jade. ..

Chapter [-]: The Eve of the Return (Part [-])

"Well, Ichigo, in the past, I was all focused on making the kingdom of Fiore prosperous. But, after all, I'm just a princess of a country, not a king. In the end, the prosperity of the country should be handed over to the king. So, long after my kingdom of Fiore won without a fight against the Empire of Arubares, I have already made my decision. Ichigo, I will live for myself next.” At the next moment, there was no gaze. Looking at Ichigo with the slightest evasion, Jade nodded without hesitation, and then said such words to Ichigo.

"Do you live for yourself?" At that moment, after hearing Jade's words, Ichigo murmured and whispered, and then a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It was also at this time that Jade's pretty face suddenly turned red, and when her eyes flashed with a light of affection, she immediately stood on tiptoe and raised her hand on Yihu's shoulder.

"Ichigo, you are too tall..." In the next second, she murmured and said such words to Ichigo, and Jade went on to lean on Ichigo's shoulders and forcefully signaled Ichigo to bend over, she took advantage of the situation and pushed Sakura. She moved her lips closer to kiss Yihu...


The next day, in the Moon Slashing World.

Jade, Kagura and other women are also connected to the Zhanyue World. At this moment, in the valley with abundant spiritual power, Ichigo is standing by and watching the first generation standing in the center of the valley. .At the same time, Mebis and the four daughters of Rebi, Kana, and Biska were also standing by the side like Ichigo, watching the first generation intently.

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