"Broken Dao No. [-]: Bai Lei!" Looking back at the first generation, at this time, she was stretching her palms forward, her expression calm and a little dignified.After a few seconds, he opened his mouth and shouted, in front of the white palm of the first generation, and then immediately a white thunderbolt wrapped in a faint blue light was released. After hitting the stone wall of this valley, it dissipated.

"Success!" Seeing this scene, the three girls couldn't help cheering in surprise, and Ichigo smiled as she nodded slightly.

"President Kurosaki, is this the ghost way? It's a magical trick." The next second, he glanced at the valley wall in front of him, which was struck by the broken road and left a black mark. When he got to Ichigo, he lowered his eyes with some surprise and looked at the palm of Bailei who had just released No. [-] Breaking Road, and muttered to Ichigo.

"The first generation, just have fun, I don't want to learn this trick yet!" At the same time, looking at the first generation, Mebis, who was standing beside Ichigo, immediately spoke, with a bit of jealousy in his tone. Said intentionally.

"President!" At this moment, Lucy's voice suddenly came from the side.

"What's the matter, Lucy?" The next moment, looking at Lucy who trotted all the way to him, a guard asked her with some doubts.

"My protoss magic seems to be useless." Holding the Aquarius protoss key in her hand, Lucy immediately replied to Ichigo with a worried expression.

"...Lucy, it's not that your protoss magic is out of action, but that in this Moon Slashing World, it is not allowed to open a space that connects with other worlds at will." The next moment, he first reached out and took Lu With the Aquarius Protoss key in Nishi's hand, Ichigo shook his head slightly and explained to Lucy, and then he signaled to Lucy, "Lucy, you now have the Protoss keys of Aries and Virgo. Give it to me too. I will open the door and call Akuya, Arias, and Baluga here."

"Well, I see, President." In the next second, she nodded towards Ichigo, and Lucy immediately agreed, and then handed over the Protoss keys of Aries and Virgo to Ichigo.

"Lucy, use your magic. Open it, the door of Aquarius, Aries, and Virgo!" Afterwards, she took the Protoss keys of Virgo and Aries from Lucy, and together with Aquarius, a Hu Xian raised his hand to hold Lucy's jade hand, and immediately opened the door with a low voice. By borrowing Lucy's magic power, he summoned Akuya, Arias, and Baluge from the protoss world at one time. Come from the world of Slashing Moon.

As for Lucy, when Ichigo opened the door and summoned the Protoss, she only felt that the magic power in her body was suddenly passed to Ichigo through the palm held by Ichigo. The three girls appeared in front of him.

"...Where is this place?" When Fuyi came to Zhanyue World, Akuya, Arias, and Baluge seemed to have not adapted at all for a while, but they were still unfamiliar to them when they looked around. Come to Zhanyue World.After a while, she murmured and asked softly, and when Akuya looked at Lucy and Ichigo, she frowned slightly and said, "Hey, Lucy, what are you calling me here for? It seems like It doesn't look like you're facing a fight."

"This is my world. In the future, Akuya, you, Alice and Baluge will live here." At the moment, when Akuya asked, before Lucy could speak, Ichigo It was the one who gave Akuya such an answer.Ichigo thought that it would be too troublesome if he had to open the gate of the Astral World by himself every time to summon Akuya and the others to Zhanyue World, so Ichigo simply let them live directly in the world. The world of Zhanyue is good.Anyway, there is Bengyu, I don't worry that Akuya and the others will not be able to adapt to the environment of this Moon Slashing World in the future.

After all, because Ichigo was already preparing to go through the plane channel opened by Bengyu to go to the plane that was affected by his own spiritual pressure before that caused the space to crack: the hometown of Kikyo, he did not stay for long, and Ichigo immediately went to the plane. After leaving the place in the blink of an eye, only one sentence echoed in the valley: "Then next, Lucy, you will bring Akuya and the others to familiarize themselves with the environment of this world of Zhanyue. I have something else to do, so I will leave first. ."

"...Hey, what's the matter?!" Ichigo left just like that, leaving behind Akuya, Arias, and Baluga, stunned.After a while, she frowned and asked in the direction of Ichigo's departure, and Akuya immediately said when she looked at Lucy, "Lucy, if there's nothing else, I'll go back to the Astral World, really ,baffling…"

"I'm sorry, Akuya, here, I can't open the door to the Astral World, so you shouldn't be able to go back to the Astral World freely..." However, what made Akuya's expression stagnant was that Lu Xi then gave her such an answer with an apologetic smile.


Inuyasha (below)

Chapter [-]: Demons in the Sky

After more than half an hour, he left the Moon Slashing World. At this moment, Ichigo was in the plane passage created by Bengyu.

At first glance, in the endless different space, there are scattered planes like pieces of land floating on the sea.And the plane passage created by Bengyu, at this time, leads directly to Kikyo's hometown: the plane where the Musashi Country Maple Village is located.

"Ichigo, it's been so long, I don't know how Feng is doing now..." Standing beside Ichigo, Kikyo in a witch costume stared at this lavender plane with a distant meaning. At the end of the passage, the tender lips parted lightly and muttered.

"Kiankyo, the speed of time passing in each plane is different. Therefore, although we have been away for so long, maybe the world where your hometown is located has passed in less than a year. Not necessarily." The next moment, looking at Kikyo, Yihu immediately spoke to Kikyo soothingly.However, Ichigo knew in his heart that this possibility was almost zero.Because that plane needs to repair a large-scale ruptured space by itself, and this is not something that can be done overnight.

"I hope so." Then, looking at Ichigo, Kikyo spoke up and murmured.


A few minutes later, after walking through the plane channel opened by Bengyu, Ichigo, Kikyo, and Bengyu finally returned to the monster-infested world where Kikyo's hometown was.

At the moment, when Fu Yi returned to this world, before he had time to look around, a strong demonic aura suddenly spread from the sky, causing Kikyo to frown.

Immediately, he raised his eyes and looked up into the sky. When he noticed a large group of monsters moving from the horizon, it was like a dark cloud overrunning the realm, and Kikyo's eyes couldn't help condensing.

"Chikyo, it seems that during the time we left, the number of monsters in this world seems to have increased to a great extent..." At the same moment, just like Kikyo, he looked up and moved from the sky. A group of monsters whose demonic aura was enough to obscure the sky, Ichigo said to Kikyo after a while with an indifferent expression.

"Well, this is not a good sign, Ichigo..." In the next second, he nodded lightly, Kikyo immediately responded to Ichigo by opening his tender lips, followed by an arrow tied behind him from his back. An arrow was taken out of the barrel.

The arrow was taken out, and it was immediately placed on the longbow held in his right hand. The next moment, pulling the bowstring to the full moon, Kikyo raised both arms at the same time, and pointed the direction of the arrow at the horizon. A group of monsters approached in darkness.

"Whoosh!..." The moment he pulled the bowstring, he poured his spiritual power into the arrows that were attached to the bowstring.In the next second, he lifted his finger and loosened the bowstring, accompanied by a sound of breaking the sky, the magic-breaking arrow shot after being infused with the spiritual power of the bellflower, and then brought a burst of white light that seemed to be able to purify everything, and flew straight up. The group of monsters moving towards the black mass is approaching!

In the flash of light and flint, the demon-breaking arrow released by Kikyo pierced into the monster group like a millet in the sea, but this "a grain of corn thrown into the sea" had an amazing effect!I saw the group of monsters that were originally like dark clouds passing through the border. When the arrow of Kikyo blasted a white light in the group of monsters, the group of monsters immediately became like the white snow that encountered the winter sun. With the diffusion of white light, it began to "dissolve" in batches, and was finally completely purified!

The demon-shattering arrow specially aimed at monsters is shot by the Miko Kikyo with high spiritual power, and the effect it can achieve is so amazing!Immediately, after killing the group of monsters moving from the horizon with one arrow, he put down his hand coldly, and Kikyo turned to look at Ichigo with a sideways look, frowning slightly and said, "Ichigo, we Hurry back to Feng's side, I'm a little worried about her."

"Don't worry, Kikyo, Feng has become very strong before we left this world, so now there is absolutely no danger." The next moment, he comforted her when he raised his hand to hold the catkin that was holding Kikyo. Speaking out, Ichigo greeted Bengyu beside him at the same time, "Let's go, Bengyu, we should leave here."

Although he had confidence in Feng's strength, after all, he had just returned to this world, and Ichigo didn't understand the current state of the world.So next, Ichigo plans to go back to Kaede immediately and find out what kind of changes the world has undergone.


About an hour and a half later, I came to Maple Village in Musashi. Ichigo, Kikyo, and Bengyu kept walking. They walked straight through a path in the middle of a rice field and walked forward.

Compared with the time when they left, this Maple Village has changed somewhat, but the change is not too big, so it is not special for Ichigo and Kikyo to find the home they used to live in. difficult thing.

Therefore, it didn't take long for Ichigo, Kikyo, and Bengyu to find their way to a flat-roofed house with a courtyard surrounded by a fence.This is the house where Ichigo and Kikyo lived before they left this world.

"...Maple!" After a long absence, seeing this familiar flat-roofed house and the courtyard outside the house again, how could Kikyo stay calm?Immediately, when the opening was crisp and shouted, Kikyo walked directly into the courtyard outside the flat-roofed house from the front, "Feng, are you there?..."

However, after shouting, Kikyo did not hear any response for a while.As a result, Kikyo couldn't help frowning.

"Kinkyo, Kaede may have just happened to go out." At this moment, Ichigo, who had walked into the house before Kikyo to check it out, immediately opened his mouth to look at Kikyo, "Because there is no accumulation in the house. Dust, and there is a basin of changed clothes in the corner of the room. Therefore, it is conceivable that since we left until today, Feng she must have been living in this room. "

Immediately, after listening to Ichigo's explanation, Kikyo's expression relaxed, and Kikyo nodded to Ichigo with a clear understanding.It was also at this time that an unbelievable girl's voice suddenly came from behind Yu Kikyo: "Sister?!..."

Hearing this familiar voice, he quickly turned around, and the next second, a man dressed in a shrine maiden's clothes, with his black hair pulled into a Ji-style hairstyle, looks similar to that of Kikyo. Seven or eight similar girls. ..

Chapter [-]: Fifty Years!

"Sister, it's really you!" Seeing this girl, Kikyo's expression couldn't help but move.At the same time, the girl trotted forward and threw herself into Kikyo's arms while she was screaming with excitement on her face.

"... Maple." At the moment, looking at the girl who threw herself into her arms, Kikyo then raised her hand and stroked the girl's jet-black hair and murmured as her eyes slowly softened. road.

That's right, this girl is Kikyo's younger sister Kaede.Seeing her, Kikyo's heart was relieved immediately.Because, looking at the appearance of a girl like Feng who was only fifteen or sixteen years old at this time, Kikyo guessed that she had only left this world for three or four years.Because Kikyo is clear, when he left this world, Kaede was twelve years old.

However, before Kikyo was relieved for a long time, a question from Feng made Kikyo's expression instantly stiff: "Sister, where have you been in these fifty years?"

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