"...Fifty years?!" The shock inside was beyond words.Immediately, after being stunned for a while, Kikyo asked Feng with frowning eyebrows, "Why has it been so long?"

"...What, big sister, don't you realize that fifty years have passed?" Seeing Kikyo's surprised expression, Feng was stunned for a while, and then asked He looked at Kikyo in confusion and asked aloud.

"..." Maple's words made Kikyo go silent for a while.Although I heard Ichigo say that the speed of time passing on different planes is different, what Kikyo didn't expect was that fifty years had passed since he left until now.

"Feng, the situation is a bit special, so I won't be able to tell for a while." At this moment, he looked at Feng, and then looked at her and said, "Now, come and talk to me and Kikyo first. What happened in those fifty years?"

"...Well, I understand, Big Brother Ichigo." Hearing the signal from Ichigo, the next moment, he first nodded at Ichigo, and Feng then straightened up from Kikyo's arms and said, "Let's go ahead. Let's talk about the house."


After more than half an hour.

Inside the house, sitting around on the soft futon laid on the ground, Ichigo listened to Kaede's narration of what had happened in the past fifty years.

In a nutshell, one of the major things that happened during the period was: in the past fifty years, a big monster named "Naraku" was born, whose strength was terrifying, and it was because of him that the number of monsters in the past fifty years was Such a terrifying increase.

In addition, Kaede also explained to Ichigo several private matters related to Ichigo himself.First: In the past fifty years, Miko Tsubaki has come to Ichigo more than once.Second: In addition to Tsubaki, there is also a girl from the Demon Wolf clan who has come to this Maple Village many times to find Ichigo.

Ichigo, the girl from the demon wolf clan in Feng's mouth, knew that she was definitely the girl from the demon wolf clan, Ichigo, who had been helped by Ichigo fifty years ago.

Thinking of what Ayame said to himself fifty years ago, "I will definitely come to you when I grow up and become stronger", Ichigo couldn't help but evoke a faint hint from the corner of his mouth. smile.Fifty years have passed, and I don't know how much iris has grown.

"Sister, even though [-] years have passed, you still look like this without any change..." Now, after explaining in detail what happened in the past [-] years, looking at Kikyo, Feng turned and murmured. .

"Well, Feng, aren't you the same?" The next moment, after hearing what Feng said, he first smiled, and Kikyo turned to open her tender lips and replied to Feng.

"Well, sister, this is also where I am puzzled. My body seems to have completely stopped growing since forty-six years ago, and I don't know why..." Then he nodded lightly at Kikyo, Feng Fu And she frowned slightly, expressing the doubts in her heart.

"Feng, if I know it well, the reason why you keep looking like a [-]-year-old girl has not changed, it is not because your body has stopped growing, but because you already have something far beyond ordinary people. Life." Listening to Feng's confused words, Kikyo first smiled and shook his head, and then explained to Feng, "Although this sounds incredible, it is indeed true. Speaking of which, you still have to Thank you Ichigo."

Kikyo has been staying in the world of Zangetsu from the time he left this world to the time he returned to this world.Of course, after staying in Zhanyue World for so long, Kikyo's understanding of Ichigo has been deepened over time by communicating with the girls in Zhanyue World.

At least, Kikyo has long known that ordinary people can only live for a hundred years, but for Ichigo, who has spiritual power and has already become the King of Spirits because of his refusal, a thousand years is only a long life in the future. Just a small snippet of it.

The next second, after listening to Kikyo's explanation, Feng was stunned at first, and then turned his eyes to Ichigo when he felt a little confused.

"That's right, Feng, what your sister said is correct." Facing Feng's gaze, Ichigo smiled and nodded, "Although you may not care much, Feng, fifty years Before, I gave you some of my power, when you first started to practice shooting the Demon-Breaking Arrow. With my power, Feng, your soul will gradually become stronger. It finally gives you a vitality that is far superior to that of ordinary people. It sounds incredible, but it's true."

"..." At this moment, after hearing Ichigo's explanation, Feng didn't know what to say for a while.Because she couldn't digest such a huge amount of information all at once.It was also at this time that Kikyo spoke, "Feng, anyway, this matter is absolutely beneficial to you without any harm, so you don't have to make it clear. Now, my sister has something to ask. You, at the time, fifty years ago, did you see the spiritual arrow that I shot with the Jade of Four Souls attached to it?"

"...Well, I see." The next moment, after Kikyo's voice fell, he nodded, and Feng immediately opened his mouth while frowning, "It's just that the spiritual arrow with the jade of the four souls, in the end, It was by accident that I entered the well of bone-eating well."

Chapter [-]: Sunset Kagome

"...What? Into the Bone-eating Well?!" At that moment, I heard that the spiritual arrow with the Four Soul Jade that was shot by myself fell into the Bone-eating Well. He couldn't help but let out a subconscious sigh in his heart.After all, an existence like the Bone-eating Well will disappear as long as you put the corpse of a monster into it, and once the spiritual arrow with the Jade of Four Souls enters, it will probably disappear without knowing where to go. ?

"Feng, go to the Bone-eating Well with me now." However, even if the spiritual arrow tied with the Four Soul Jade fell into the Bone-eating Well, it has become a fact. Kikyo Now I still want to go to the Bone-eating Well to see for myself.Then in the next moment, he opened his mouth to greet Feng, and Kikyo stood up immediately, and then looked at Ichigo's tender lips and said softly, "Ichigo, do you want to come and have a look too?"

"Of course." Just now, Fuyi heard from Fengkou that the Jade of the Four Souls fell into the Bone-eating Well, and Ichigo planned to go and see the Bone-eating Well for himself.So now, hearing Kikyo's questioning voice, Ichigo nodded in agreement with almost no thought.


After a few minutes, Ichigo, Kikyo, and Maple came here at this time next to the bone-eating well that looked like an old well that had been abandoned for many years in Maple Village.

"Sister, I saw a white light streaking across the sky at that time. When I realized that it was the spiritual arrow you shot, the spiritual arrow fell directly into this bone-eating well." Beside the Well of Bones, Feng opened her cherry lips lightly at this time and explained to Kikyo.

"It's really unfortunate, why is the Feng Village such a big place, the spiritual arrow I shot has to fall into this bone-eating well?" Immediately, he frowned, and Kikyo murmured If so.At this moment, looking at the Bone-eating Well, Kikyo couldn't help but lose his mind.After all, the Jade of the Four Souls, which has completely expelled the demonic energy, will no longer be the target of all the monsters vying to snatch.Moreover, not only will it no longer be used by monsters, the jade of the four souls, which only contains spiritual power, is definitely a treasure of heaven and earth for any shrine maiden.

However, even if the jade of the four souls, which has completely expelled the demon power, is useful again, since it has entered this bone-eating well, it is not easy to retrieve it again.Therefore, Kikyo didn't know what to do for a while.

At this moment, when Kikyo was in a dilemma, a familiar aura suddenly spread from the inside of the bone-eating well in front of him, causing Kikyo to move.

"...This kind of breath, yes, it's the Jade of the Four Souls!" The next moment, his eyes lit up, and Kikyo gently opened his tender lips and whispered, and then he planned to step forward to visit the food. Take a look inside the Well of Bones.

It was also at this moment that within the Well of Bone-Eating Well, a pair of white palms suddenly stretched out and tightly clinged to the edge of the Well of Bone-Eating Well!

"What's the matter?" Looking at the pair of fair-skinned jade hands climbing on the mouth of the Bone-eating Well in front of him, Kikyo murmured in doubt after staring at it for a while.Kikyo never knew that there were still living people in this bone-eating well!

The reason why he believed that the people in the bone-eating well were living people was because at this moment, Bellflower couldn't feel the demonic energy from the bone-eating well, but looking at the pair of jade hands clinging to the mouth of the well in front of him, it was obvious that they belonged to human beings. female.Therefore, Kikyo was able to judge that the person who was about to emerge from the Bone-eating Well was definitely a human being, not a demon!

"Hey!..." At the same time, when Kikyo was in shock, accompanied by a low shout to assist in exertion, the owner of the pair of fair-skinned jade hands immediately climbed to the edge of the Bone-eating Well. Climb out in one go!

Immediately, looking away, I saw that the one who climbed out of the bone-eating well was a girl about fifteen or sixteen years old.

"...Huh, I'm finally out! That damned place!" The next moment, after climbing out of the Bone Eating Well, the girl let out a long sigh of relief, then looked up at the blue sky above her head. When he murmured a sigh of relief in his tone.

"...Sister, she?!..." The appearance of the girl made Kikyo and Feng Zaishu look slightly stunned as soon as they saw her, while Ichigo looked at the girl in his own eyes. Showing a thoughtful look.After a while, looking at the girl blankly, Feng then murmured to Kikyo with surprise, "Does this girl look a lot like you?"

That's right, the girl who climbed out of the bone-eating well at this moment is not so much like a bellflower, but rather looks exactly like a bellflower!The only difference, apart from the subtle difference in hairstyle and age, was that Kikyo was wearing a shrine maiden's uniform, while the girl was wearing a school uniform similar to a sailor's uniform.

"...You, how are you..." At the moment, when Maple and Kikyo looked at the girl with scrutiny, the girl then withdrew her gaze and stopped looking at the sky, and then turned to Kikyo and Ichigo in front of her. And Feng looked over.The girl was also stunned for a long time when she saw the Kikyo who looked very similar to her. Then, when she didn't know what to say, she greeted Ichigo, Kikyo and Kaede in a sly manner.

"Who are you? How did you climb out of this bone-eating well?" But after all, Ichigo has been with Ichigo for a long time, and I have spent several years in Zhanyue World. Kikyo has seen "weird" things with his own eyes, not to mention that he has only seen a girl who looks very similar to himself?He quickly adjusted his state, and Kikyo asked softly while looking at the girl.

"...Ah, me? My name is Higurashi Kagome." Originally, he was looking at Kikyo and the surroundings curiously.At this moment, when she heard Kikyo's inquiry, the girl was stunned for a moment, and then she hurriedly replied to Kikyo, "I remember, I just jumped into the abandoned dry well in my shrine, why did I get out of it? come to a place like this..."

"By the way, where is this place?" Immediately, after answering Kikyo's question, the girl named Higurashi Kagome immediately asked while frowning.

"This is Musashi Country, Maple Village." The next moment, looking at Kagome, he replied calmly.At the same time, feeling the breath of Kagome, Kikyo's gaze couldn't help but condense slightly. ..

Chapter [-] Something happened?

From Kagome's body, at this moment, Kikyo not only sensed the aura of the Four Soul Jade, but also felt that Kagome had the same spiritual power as herself.

"...Musashi Country? Maple Village?" After hearing Kikyo's answer, Kagome couldn't help but muttered softly in the next second when she became more and more confused.Kagome knew nothing about such unfamiliar place names as "Musashi Country" and "Maple Village".Because what Kikyo didn't know was that Kagome actually came from that era five hundred years later, so she was very unfamiliar with the Warring States period five hundred years ago.

"What an inexplicable girl... Is it Kagome at sunset? What is her origin?" Looking at the confused look on Kagome's pretty face at this time, Kikyo didn't wonder about Kagome's origin?At this moment, among the slightly frowning eyebrows, Kikyo asked in a low voice.

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