"Okay, let's go back to the house and talk about it later." At this moment, just as Kikyo and Kagome were looking at each other, Ichigo spoke at the right time, breaking the slightly quiet atmosphere.

"Your name is Higurashi Kagome, right? Her name is Kikyo, her name is Kaede, and my name is Ichigo Kurosaki. Next, if you don't mind, you can come to my house with Kikyo and Kaede. Let's go." The next moment, he first introduced Kikyo, Kaede, and himself to Kagome, and Ichigo greeted Kagome with a slight smile.

"Well, thank you..." Perhaps Ichigo's friendly gesture made Kagome feel a little relieved.The next second, when she was a little relaxed, Kagome turned to thank Ichigo while nodding lightly.


That night.

"Why, can't you sleep?" In the flat-roofed house built in the fenced courtyard, seeing Kagome sitting under the eaves, looking up at the night sky with the crescent moon in a trance, Hu then came to Kagome and sat down and asked.

"En." In the next second, he first glanced at Ichigo who was sitting beside him, and then Kagome responded to Ichigo while nodding lightly.

From the look in Kagome's eyes at this time, Ichigo could see the confusion, the confusion, and the uneasy feeling that came from coming to this unfamiliar era for the first time.At the moment, I didn't say some comforting words to Kagome that sounded useful on the surface but could not really alleviate the negative emotions in Kagome's heart. Ichigo just took out two ice creams like magic. Handed one of them to Kagome: "Do you want to eat?"

For things like ice cream, Ichigo lets Bengyu go to any plane and get as much as he wants.So, this isn't something unusual.

"Well, thank you..." As for Kagome, when she saw the ice cream that Ichigo handed to her, she first subconsciously thanked her and reached out to take the ice cream that Ichigo handed to her.However, just as Kagome was about to put the ice cream into her mouth, she was suddenly stunned.

"...Ice cream?!" Staring blankly at the ice cream in her hand, Kagome then exhaled in a low voice, and suddenly showed a look of extreme surprise.Because, after listening to Kikyo and Kaede's explanations this morning, Kagome already knows that she is now in the Warring States Period, which is a full five hundred years away from the era she lived in!Of course, since it was the Warring States Period, how could something like ice cream exist?Therefore, Kagome would be surprised at this time, which is also extremely normal.

"That's right, ice cream." At the next moment, she nodded towards Kagome with a smile, and a guard continued to say, "The Kikyo and Kaede are not used to this stuff. But you should eat this often before, right? ?"

"Enen!..." In the next second, he nodded towards Ichigo with a little excitement, and Kagome immediately seemed to have found a confidant. He opened his mouth and asked, "Hey, Ichigo, so you are also from the modern age five hundred years later?"

"Well, I did live in modern times. But Kagome, although the era I once lived in was modern, it's not the same world you live in." Then, he first nodded towards Kagome. , Ichigo spoke immediately, and said something that Kagome felt puzzled while excited.

What does it mean that the world you live in is not the same?

However, the next moment, just as Kagome was about to ask Ichigo aloud, four or five bright torches suddenly lit up outside the courtyard in front of the flat-roofed house, which was very bright in this night.

"What's going on?" The sudden light of the fire made Kagome startled for a while, and then asked in a murmur.It was also at this time that a shouting voice suddenly sounded outside the courtyard, "My Lady of Saintess! It's not good, my Lady of Saintess!..."

"What's going on?" At that moment, just after the shouting sounded, Feng, who had already put on the witch costume, stepped out of the house, and then came to stand beside the bodyguard under the eaves, and looked towards The fire outside the courtyard murmured and asked.

"Let's go and ask, Feng." The next moment, standing up, Ichigo then gestured when he looked at Feng.

"Well, I know, Big Brother Ichigo." Even if Ichigo didn't remind her, Feng she would go to ask what happened next.Immediately after that, after nodding lightly towards Ichigo and making such a response, Feng stepped forward and headed out of the courtyard.


"What's the matter, what happened?" After a while, he walked out of the courtyard and came to the villagers of Fengzhi Village who were holding torches. Feng then asked these villagers aloud while frowning slightly. road.

"Holy Lady, please come with us first." Holding the torches, these villagers were all sweating profusely at this time, obviously something extraordinary happened.Immediately, without immediately explaining the situation to Feng, the villagers just greeted Feng urgently.

"...I see, you lead the way." Looking at the sweaty appearance of these villagers at this moment, he knew that something very serious must have happened, Feng Sui didn't waste time asking more questions, and turned to But only after nodding with a serious expression, he gestured towards the villagers.

"Let's go, Kikyo, let's follow along and have a look." At the moment, when Feng followed the villagers who were in charge of leading the way, he walked out of the courtyard with Kikyo, and a guard greeted Kikyo.

"Well, good." And Ichigo's words were exactly what Kikyo was thinking.In the next moment, Kikyo nodded towards Ichigo without any hesitation and agreed. ..

The first thousand and six chapters of the strange death of the villagers

"Hey, wait for me!..." At this moment, just as Ichigo and Kikyo were about to follow Kaede and lead the way towards the villagers, Kagome came from behind Ichigo and Kikyo. shouts.

"What, Kagome, do you want to go there too?" The next second, he turned to look at Kagome who walked out of the yard and came to him. Ichigo then asked Kagome.

"Of course! Otherwise, if you all leave and leave me alone in the room, I will feel very uncomfortable." At that moment, she hurriedly nodded and responded to Ichigo, and Kagome immediately frowned. He frowned and said.

"...Okay, if that's the case, it's fine for you to come with us." After listening to Kagome's words, Ichigo nodded to Kagome and agreed after a while.After all, tonight was Kagome's first night in this Warring States period, so Ichigo wanted to come, it would be inappropriate for Kagome, who had just arrived, to spend tonight alone.


After a few minutes.

In Maple Village, with the villagers leading the way, Maple, Ichigo, Kikyo, and Kagome came to stand in front of several private houses at this time.

"Lord Holy Maiden, look..." The next moment, he stretched out the torch he held in his hand, and the villagers immediately greeted Feng with their brows furrowed.

In the darkness of the night, due to the faint moonlight, when Fuyi came here, Feng saw that there were several people lying across the front door of the private houses.At this moment, when the firelight released by the torches held up by the villagers illuminated the front, Feng could see clearly that the villagers in the village of Feng were all lying motionless on the ground, as if they had lost their vitality. absolutely.

Moreover, at this time, what Feng was most concerned about was a slender bloodstain on the necks of the dead villagers.Looking at the scars on the necks of the dead villagers under the light of the fire, it seems that these villagers were killed by some kind of sharp weapon.

Of course, what Kaede noticed, Ichigo and Kikyo standing beside Kaede also observed.Looking at the slender blood marks on the necks of the dead villagers, the next moment, Kikyo couldn't help but frown slightly.

"...What happened to those people?" Looking at the dead villagers lying on the ground, at this moment, only Kao Weishang, who had just arrived in the Warring States Period, still felt a little confused.At the moment, she first muttered and asked in a low voice, and when Kagome stepped forward, she seemed to want to see what happened to the fallen villagers.

However, immediately, when they got close, they finally found the bloodstains on the necks of the dead villagers, and Kagome's pupils shrank violently!

"...Dead?!" Looking at the villagers who seemed to have their throats cut to death in disbelief, Kagome's face turned pale in an instant.The next second, after taking a few steps back in fear, Kagome immediately murmured with a turbulent expression while frowning.

"Gao Wei, you who come from modern times, should never have had the experience of watching this scene up close like now, right?" Seeing Kagome's pretty face turning pale, knowing that she was a little frightened, At the next moment, Husui stepped forward and came to Kagome to block her view of the dead villagers, and then asked Kagome aloud.

"...Well." It seemed that there was a shield in front of him. Gradually, Kagome felt that she was no longer as panicked as she was at the beginning, but Kagome, who still felt a little scared, still spoke with a little lingering fear in her tone. When it meant, he nodded lightly towards Ichigo and responded.

"Buy these villagers first. I will investigate this matter." At the same time, his eyes stayed on the bloodstains left on the necks of the dead villagers for a while, and then moved away. Opening his eyes, Feng then in a condensed tone, gestured towards the villagers standing in front with torches.

"Well, then I'll leave it to you, Lady Saintess..." Qi Qi responded. After the villagers who were holding torches asked Feng, they started to move the dead villagers together with other villagers who came to hear the news. To a place where they can be buried so that they can be buried in peace.

From the beginning to the end, those villagers respected Feng.But when they saw Kikyo standing next to Feng who was also wearing a witch costume, although these villagers were a little strange when there was another witch in the village, they didn't ask any more questions.Because the most important thing at the moment is to find out the cause of death of the dead villagers and let them go to the ground as soon as possible.

After all, fifty years have passed since Kikyo left this world.Therefore, it is understandable that these villagers who seem to be only in their thirties and forties do not know the famous witch Kikyo in Maple Village.

At the moment, watching the scene of a group of villagers working together to move the dead villagers away from these houses, Feng watched quietly for a while, and then closed her beautiful eyes and began to investigate carefully.

Before, when he first saw the dead villagers, Kaede connected their deaths with what the monsters did.After all, the monsters were rampant recently, and all the dead villagers were left with slender bloodstains on their necks. Such an abnormal state of death made Feng have to guess that these villagers were killed by monsters.

Therefore, Feng now needs to concentrate on meditation and check whether there is any demonic energy nearby.

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