"Feng, the demon who visited Maple Village should have left by now." At this moment, watching Feng close his eyes to investigate the demon's aura, Ichigo suddenly opened his mouth and greeted Feng.Because, when Feng was investigating whether there was any demonic energy around, Ichigo had already sensed the demonic energy that was entrenched outside the village of Feng.

At the moment, upon hearing Ichigo's gesture, Feng first opened his eyes, and then asked in a crisp voice when he looked at Ichigo, "Brother Ichigo, have you detected the existence of the demonic energy?"

"Well, I sensed a demonic aura that now exists outside Feng Village." The next moment, he nodded towards Feng, and Ichigo then said, "In short, Feng, you go outside the village with me first. have a look."

"Okay, Big Brother Ichigo, I understand." In the next second, he nodded lightly, and Feng then moved towards Ichigo and opened his tender lips in response.


"Hey, Ichigo, are there really monsters in this Warring States period?" After about a quarter of an hour, he walked out of Maple Village.At this moment, following Ichigo, Kagome suddenly asked Ichigo while looking left and right. ..

Chapter [-] Hair Demon

Although, when she was in modern times, Kagome had seen from history books that there were indeed records of demons in the Warring States Period [-] years ago, but at that time Kagome only regarded this kind of "unofficial history" as a way to pass the time. a way.Never would I have thought that I would actually be able to come to these five hundred years ago to experience the feeling of the monster making a mess...

"Of course there is, Kagome." At this moment, when Kagome was confused, Ichigo turned his head to look at Kagome as usual, and replied, "After all, it's time to travel through time and space. Five hundred years ago, during the Warring States Period, this kind of thing has already happened to you, so what's the surprise of encountering monsters next? Kagome, you should start to slowly learn to accept reality now."

"...Okay, I see." Hearing Ichigo's words, Kagome agreed to Ichigo after sighing softly after being silent for a long time.Indeed, Ichigo is right. Since such absurd things have already happened [-] years ago, then even if Kagome will encounter monsters, it will be better than this one who traveled through time and space to [-] years ago. This experience is just a small thing.

While Ichigo was talking to Kagome, Ichigo and his party had already walked out of the Maple Village and came to the front of a forest.In the darkness of the night, looking at the forest area in front of him and the others, where there were bursts of rustling sounds due to the night wind, Ichigo suddenly stopped.

At the same moment, when Ichigo stopped, Kikyo and Kaede also stopped, and Kagome alone was still a little unclear, so he looked at Ichigo, as if he didn't understand why Ichigo stopped suddenly. .

"Ichigo, I feel it, the demonic energy is nearby." It was at the moment when Kagome felt a little puzzled that Kikyo spoke with a cold face.

"Well, besides, it's not just demonic energy." The next moment, he nodded lightly towards Kikyo, and while Ichigo said so, he slowly raised his right hand.

"Ding!..." In the next second, when he raised his hand and stretched out, Ichigo immediately raised his index finger and flicked forward.Immediately, when the action of a finger guard fell, a crisp vibration sounded immediately.In the darkness of the night, you can vaguely tell by the moonlight that several extremely thin silk threads are crisscrossed in front of Yihu, and it was one of the threads that was moved by Yihu just now.

"...What are these? Wires?" And because of being hit by a bullet and making those wires vibrate, Kagome finally noticed the existence of the wires at this moment.At the moment, looking at those silk threads, Kagome was stunned for a moment, and then asked with a slightly frowning brow.

"What a rude girl! Did you call someone's beautiful hair a steel wire?" However, as soon as Kagome's question fell, from the forest in front, a voice suddenly came out. A crisp girlish voice.

Xunsheng looked around and saw a dark-haired girl in black under the faint moonlight standing on a branch branched from the top of the trunk of a big tree in front of her. Yu Yingying smiled and lowered her eyes. He stared at Ichigo and his group.

I saw that girl, with pale red eyes, small cherry lips, and a short sword with a sheath on her waist. With her face and the black clothes she was wearing, she couldn't help but give people a feeling of coquettishness like fire. .

"Control the hair...Is this female monster a hair monster?" The girl's appearance, just by feeling the strong demonic aura of Kikyo and Feng, knew that this girl was definitely a monster.At the same time, just heard the girl say that the silk threads that are spread vertically and horizontally in front of her are her hair, and Kikyo murmured the next moment to understand that this banshee, she is a hair demon who manipulates her hair.

"Kill the villagers of my Feng Village, and now you dare to show up so blatantly, you banshee, you are really bold." At this moment, her eyes were slightly cold, and Feng immediately raised her eyes to look at the black-clad man. She said in a cold voice when she was wearing a banshee.At this moment, seeing the hair controlled by the banshee, Feng knew without much thought that the slender bloodstains on the necks of the dead villagers were probably caused by the banshee's controlled hair on their necks.

"Aiya, don't stare at me with such terrifying eyes, can't we talk properly?" The next moment, she jumped down from the branches of the big tree, and after landing steadily, the banshee immediately Yu Yingying smiled, neither admitting that it was the villager she killed nor denying it, but just said so while standing in front of the four Ichigo.

"What else can I tell you?" Not buying the banshee's account, Feng immediately said so in the cold voice, and she was about to take out the arrow from the quiver that was tied behind her back.

"Wait!" Seeing the scene where Feng was about to take out the arrow, the banshee finally stopped keeping her smiling face full of joy, and then, as she restrained her smile, she shouted towards Feng Ning, "As a well-known and far-flung person, The powerful witch of yours, can't you be so restless? Feng, who is revered by those mortals as "The Lady of the Holy Maiden"..."

"...What exactly do you want to say, banshee?" The banshee suddenly drank such words with a condensed expression, which made Feng originally want to take out the arrow from behind, and turned to the banshee coldly. asked out loud.

"First, I can tell you that those villagers are not dead." Looking at Feng, the banshee then said unhurriedly, "I just used a special method to make them fall into a state of suspended animation. After all, In order to be able to talk to you well, why would I deliberately do something that makes you uncomfortable? Are you right? Feng…”

"...Is what you said true or false?" The banshee's words made Feng stunned for a moment.But considering that the other party was a demon, Feng couldn't completely trust her.Immediately afterwards, while still being wary of the banshee, Feng immediately asked the banshee in a condensed voice.

"Why should I lie to you?" Looking at Feng's expression at this time, although there was still a sense of vigilance, the banshee could feel that the killing intent emanating from Feng had obviously weakened a lot.The next moment, when she regained her Yingying smile, the banshee then asked Feng Feng in a crisp voice.

"...Sister, Big Brother Ichigo, I'll go back to the village to have a look." Although it's still impossible to tell whether the banshee's words are true or not, if it is true, Feng must return to Feng Village as soon as possible.Otherwise, if the villagers bury the villagers who are in a state of suspended animation, it will be troublesome.He immediately greeted Ichigo and Kikyo, and Feng immediately turned around and rushed back in the direction of Maple Village. ..

The first thousand and eighth chapter reverse hair knot

"Kiankyo, you can go back with Feng. And Kagome, don't stay here, it's enough to have me here alone." Looking at Feng's back in a hurry, Ichigo spoke at the next moment. Kikyo and Kagome greeted.

"...I see, Ichigo." At that moment, when Ichigo's voice fell, Kikyo nodded and agreed.Because Kikyo understands Ichigo's strength, let alone the banshee in front of her, if Kikyo thinks about it, even the big monster Naraku who heard Kaede mentioned before will definitely not be Ichigo's opponent.Therefore, since Ichigo said that it is enough to have himself here, Kikyo plans to go with Kaede to see the situation of the "dead" villagers in the village.

"Let's go, Kagome." Then, when he was about to leave this place to catch up with Kaede, he turned his beautiful eyes to look at Kagome, and Kikyo greeted Kagome in a calm voice.

"This... well, that Ichigo, be more careful yourself." The next second, hearing Kikyo's greeting, Kagome finally nodded and agreed after hesitating for a while, and then told Ichigo to be more careful After that, he followed Kikyo and headed back to Maple Village.

Originally, Kagome felt a little worried about letting Ichigo face this banshee alone.Although this banshee doesn't look like the kind of cruel monster that can kill people at every turn, but after all, it's still a monster, so this banshee is absolutely impossible to be harmless to humans and animals.However, now that Kagome sees Kikyo, who is very close to Ichigo, she is very relieved to let Ichigo stay here alone, thinking that Ichigo will definitely have a way to prevent herself from being in danger, so Kagome will finally agree to leave.

Otherwise, if she insists on staying here, Kagome doesn't think she can help Ichigo, and may become a burden to Ichigo instead.

As for Ichigo, he couldn't guess that Kagome's inner activities would be so complicated in just less than a minute.At the moment, I just glanced at Kikyo and Kagome who left after Feng, and after Ichigo looked back, he shifted his gaze to the beautiful and coquettish banshee in front of him.

"Damn! What's the matter with walking away in such a hurry? I haven't finished my words yet!" The next moment, facing Ichigo's gaze, the banshee was just staring at Xiang Feng's back as she left. , some stomped his feet angrily and said in a low voice.However, just as the Banshee was about to chase after Kaede who was leaving, Ichigo suddenly took a step sideways and stretched out his arm, blocking the Banshee's path.

"What? Are you thinking that I don't exist? You just want to leave without saying a word?" At that moment, after blocking the way of the banshee, the next second, when the banshee turned her beautiful eyes to look at him , Ichigo opened his mouth and smiled slightly, "Do you want to talk to Feng about something? If that's the case, it's the same with me."

"Heh, talk to you?" Ichigo's words made the Banshee stunned for a moment, and then she smiled coldly, and the Banshee stared at Ichigo and asked, "What qualifications do you have to talk to me?"

"When it comes to qualifications, I still have a little bit of it." Not angry at the disdainful look that the banshee showed at this time, Ichigo continued to look as usual, and replied to the banshee without hesitation, "Because as long as it's about Feng, I can call the shots for her."

After saying that, Ichigo suddenly disappeared in place, causing the banshee to shrink slightly.It was at this moment that Ichigo had come behind the banshee.

"Also, even if I can't decide for Feng, just looking at my strength, do you think I'm qualified to talk to you?" In the next second, he first reached out from behind and moved to evoke the delicate, fair-skinned Banshee. Chin, Ichigo then opened his mouth to the banshee with a faint smile.

"...What's the origin of you man?!" Her eyes narrowed, and at this moment, the Banshee was obviously startled by the speed of Ichigo's sudden display.After a while, her eyebrows were furrowed, and the banshee asked Ichigo in a surprised tone.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little bit stronger." The next moment, she released the banshee's chin, and she opened her mouth, smiling lightly, "How is it, are you willing to talk to me now? "

"...Talk, of course. The strength of the adults is so strong, but I'm being rude to the little girl." At the moment, she was stunned for a while, and then the banshee nodded gently towards Ichigo while she smiled and said. .At this time, just looking at the speed displayed by Ichigo, even if it is just a glimpse, this banshee already knows that since it has such an amazing speed, then Ichigo's strength will definitely not be bad. .Of course, as long as Ichigo's strength is strong, how could the banshee be unwilling to talk to Ichigo?

"The little girl's name is the reverse-haired Jie Luo, the adults only need to call me Jie Luo." After that, she opened her mouth to report her name to Ichigo, and the banshee then asked Ichigo with a sweet smile. , "Then what about adults, can you tell the little girl your name?"

"Kurosaki Ichigo." There was no need to hide her name from the banshee who took the initiative to tell her.

"Ichigo Kurosaki?...Okay, I see." At that moment, he first muttered and repeated Ichigo's name, and then, like a conjuration, Jiera added a red comb in his right hand, and picked up the comb He combed his black hair, "Then Ichigo-sama, we can talk about it next. What I originally meant was that I hoped to join forces with Miko Kaede to destroy the monster Naraku."

Hearing Kero's blunt words that he wanted to destroy the monster Naraku, Ichigo laughed for one, then turned to Kero and said, "You are a monster but want to join forces with the witch, this idea is really good. bold."

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