"That's right, it's bold. But as long as the goal can be achieved, it's the same with whoever joins forces." The next moment, nodding lightly, Jiero immediately confessed to Ichigo, "So, if Ichigo-sama, you can help me. If Naraku is wiped out, then it would be a good idea to join forces with you.”

"Yeluo, you are so persistent in wanting to destroy Naraku, shouldn't it be just to get rid of this monster Naraku, who should be stronger than you at the moment?" Naraku's words, thinking that she must have a deeper purpose, Ichigo then asked as he looked at Jiera. ..

Chapter [-] The real purpose of Kero

"...Yes, the reason why I deliberately want to get rid of Naraku is not only because his strength is strong enough to dominate one side, but also to obtain something." At the moment, Ichigo heard After being silent for a while, Jiera nodded calmly and responded to Ichigo.

When Yu Luo thought about it, since she wanted to join forces with Ichigo, she should also reveal some of her true purpose to Ichigo.Otherwise, even if Jiero doesn't tell the truth, if he joins forces with Ichigo in the future, Jiero will definitely not be able to hide his true purpose for long.

"I want to get something? What is it?" As for Ichigo, when he heard what Jiero said at this moment, Ichigo paused for a while, and then asked Jiero aloud while laughing with interest.

"Lord Ichigo, I wonder if you know that there is a black jade named Qu Ling?" In the next second, Fu Yu was habitually holding a red comb on his hair and began to smack. When she was combing it out, Jie Luo further lightly opened her lips and said towards Ichigo, "The black jade called Qu Ling is the crystallization of a huge demon power. Ichigo-sama, you should be able to imagine it, right? For demons , If you can get the black jade Quling crystallized from the huge demon power, how lucky it will be."

"However, now, that black jade Quling is in the hands of the monster Naraku." Afterwards, after briefly explaining the existence of the so-called "Quling" to Ichigo, Jie Luo then paused for a while. Time, and then said to Ichigo again, "That's why I want to destroy Naraku in order to get the Black Jade Quling."

"Of course, if you can destroy such a powerful monster as Naraku, it will definitely be beneficial to human beings, right? That's why I wanted to join forces with the witch Kaede, who was in charge of eradicating monsters. Because I know , if there is a chance to destroy Naraku, Kaede, who is a witch, will never let her slip away in vain." Straightforwardly, he told Ichigo that his real purpose of destroying Naraku was actually to obtain Qu Ling, Immediately afterwards, Jero smiled sweetly and said that if he could destroy the monster Naraku, it would also be of great benefit to humans.

"In the end, Jieluo, you're just trying to get that black jade quling, right?" After patiently listening to so many words that came out of Jieluo's mouth, a guard frowned slightly and moved towards Kai Luo asked.

Regarding "Quling", Ichigo dared to say that no one or a demon knows it better than himself.Because, fifty years ago, it was because of the battle between Ichigo and Qu Ling that the space of this plane was broken, and finally Ichigo had to leave this world temporarily.So now, hearing that Ji Luo's purpose is to obtain Qu Ling, which has now fallen into Naraku's hands, it is understandable that Ichigo will frown.

Because Ichigo knew it, although fifty years ago, Qu Ling was beaten back to his original form by himself, and changed back to a black jade from the form of a demon.But this does not mean that Qu Ling has disappeared.Sooner or later, Qu Ling will fully recover, and there will be a time when his self-consciousness will wake up again.Therefore, if there are monsters who think that Quling is just the crystallization of a huge demon power and try to use it, they will definitely not escape the end of being swallowed by Quling.

The weak eat the strong, and the weak demon will be swallowed up by the powerful demon, which is an inevitable end.Therefore, even Naruto would definitely not be able to match Qu Ling, who was born from the fusion of countless monsters, not to mention that his current strength is far less than Naruto's Jieluo.

"Well, but Ichigo-sama, you don't need to worry that after I get the Quling, it may be unfavorable to the human side. Because as long as Naraku is eliminated, it is still unknown who the Quling will end up in." But I don't know so many things about Qu Ling.The next moment, just nodding lightly at Ichigo, Yura immediately said as if to dispel any concerns that Ichigo might have in his heart, "So, for now, let's join hands and aim to eliminate Naraku for the time being. Let’s work together. Ichigo-sama, what do you think?”

"Keluo, your thoughts are good." Hearing the words of Jieluo, it was because she couldn't destroy Naruo to obtain Quling by her own strength, so she tried every means to seek cooperation with herself, Ichigo then shook his head lightly. He smiled, then opened his mouth, and said something that made Jieluo's face stiffen, "Unfortunately, Jieluo, you don't understand Qu Ling at all. This kind of thinking that as long as you get Qu Ling, you can absorb it. If the naive idea of ​​the huge demon power contained in it is not curbed, it will eventually kill you."

"...Ichigo-sama, what do you mean by that?" Hearing Ichigo's words that seemed to understand Qu Ling very well, Jieluo frowned slightly, then turned patiently and asked Ichigo murmured. .

"Jero, let me first tell you how Qu Ling's black jade came from." In the next second, Ichigo heard a question from Jiero, and after a short pause, Ichigo turned to Looking at Jieluo calmly, he said calmly, "Things have to start fifty years ago."

Right now, Ichigo has planned to take some time to explain the origin of the Quling to Jieluo.Otherwise, Ichigo thought about it, it would be a pity if a beautiful banshee like Jero lost her life because of her own ignorance.

However, just as Ichihu wanted to start talking about the matter of separating Qu Ling from the Jade of the Four Souls fifty years ago, a rustling footstep sounded on the side, making those who had already noticed it. Ichigo couldn't help but paused for a moment, then looked aside.

I saw that a big man with a knife was slowly walking out of the woods beside him.Under the moonlight, from Ichigo's side, you can clearly tell that the big man's eyes seemed a little dull at this time.

"Who?..." At the same time, when Jie Luo turned his beautiful eyes to look over, he saw this strange big man walking out of the forest.The next moment, he subconsciously asked, and then Yu Luo frowned slightly, and murmured, "This person... I sensed a demonic aura from him."

"Jero, this big guy is dead. The reason why you can feel the demonic energy from him is because there is a monster living in him." Then, when the voice of Jero fell, Ichigo opened his mouth and turned towards him. Yu Luo said in a calm tone. ..

Chapter [-] Corpse Dancing Bird

The reason why I say this is because at this moment, Ichigo can detect that the big man who walked out of the forest is completely dead, that is to say, he is just an empty shell without a soul.At the same time, Ichigo felt a demonic force and vitality in the big man's body.Therefore, based on these two points, Ichigo would say this to Yura.

"A monster that lives in a dead body?... The only one who can do such disgusting things is the corpse dancing bird, right?" At that moment, the tender lips parted lightly and whispered, and after hearing the signal from Ichigo, Ji Luo only After thinking for a while, I guessed what kind of monster Ichigo said was living in the dead man's body.

It was also at this moment that the big man who came out of the woods suddenly raised the machete in his hand and charged straight towards Ichigo and Jiero!

In the darkness of the night, the broad face of the machete raised in the big man's hand reflected a cold light in the faint moonlight.Staring calmly at the scene where the big man raised his sword and slashed at him, Jie Luo then just said indifferently: "It's just a corpse dancing bird, you dare to take the initiative to attack?"

After saying that, Jie Luo then raised her hands, controlled her hair that was wrapped around her ten fingers, and waved it towards the big man!

At the time, in the first second, the hair controlled by Qi Luo restrained the big man's feet; in the second second, the hair controlled by Qi Luo became incomparably tough. The rattan armor worn on the body was torn apart!

At the moment, after the only rattan armor worn by the big man was torn apart, Ichigo and Jero clearly saw that a blood hole the size of a bowl had been opened in the heart of the big man's upper body.And in that hollow blood hole, there was a strange creature with black fur that looked like a crow and three eyes on its forehead: it was a corpse dancing bird!

After swallowing the big man's heart and flesh, and then lodged in the blood hole that was bitten by himself, the corpse dance bird's behavior would be horrifying to ordinary people.But Ichigo and Yura are different.As a youkai, Ji Luo was disgusted by the behavior of the corpse dancer, but it was not surprising; as for Ichigo, as a strong man, it was even more impossible for him to be frightened by a small monster like the corpse dance bird. .

Therefore, looking at the corpse dancing bird that was lodged in his body exposed by the cracking of the rattan armor worn by the big man, Ichigo and Yura were still looking at it indifferently when their expressions did not fluctuate.At the same moment, because the corpse dancing bird had been exposed to the outside world, it immediately opened its mouth and let out a sharp crow-like cry.

After shouting, he fluttered his wings and left the big man's body. The corpse dance bird immediately opened its three eyes and slapped its jet-black wings into the air, as if planning to leave this place immediately.

"Do you want to escape just after being exposed? It's really cowardly like a mouse..." The next second, he raised his eyes and glanced at the corpse dancing bird flying in the air. Jiero said this in a calm tone, and then stretched out his hand. Aim at the location of the high-flying corpse dancing bird and pull down directly from the air!

Immediately, after Jieluo fell like this, the corpse dancing bird that was flying high in the sky is now bizarrely separated from its head!

Then, the headless corpse dancing bird, whose head was directly cut off, then fell from the sky.Although this scene seemed strange and bizarre, Ichigo saw it clearly. The reason why the corpse dancer was beheaded was because Jieluo threw his slender hair to the same height as the corpse dance bird. Then he pulled the tough hair and cut off the head of the corpse dance bird in one fell swoop.

"Then, Ichigo-sama, didn't you want to explain to me about Quling before? Let's start now." After easily killing a corpse dancing bird, the next second, he looked at Ichigo, Ji Luo Immediately, he returned to greet Ichigo.

"Wait first, Jiera." However, facing Jiera, Ichigo gave such an answer while shaking his head gently, and then walked straight forward, and Ichigo finally came to the place that fell back to the ground. Standing in front of the headless corpse dancing bird above.

"Lord Ichigo, what are you doing?" The next moment, walking towards Ichigo, looking at Ichigo looking down at the corpse of the corpse dancing bird, Jiero couldn't help frowning slightly, and then turned towards Ichigo. Hu murmured and asked.

"Jie Luo, I'll show you something." Then he just greeted Ji Luo like this, and when he squatted down, the dead corpse dance bird's head was cut off from the neck flesh and blood. A fragment was removed.

"Can you tell what this is?" Holding the shards in his hand that were taken out of the flesh and blood of the corpse dance bird, but not stained with any blood, a guard opened his mouth and asked Jieluo aloud.

"This fragment... Lord Ichigo, is this a fragment of the Black Jade Quling?!" At this moment, after watching the fragment in Yihu's hand for a while, Ji Luo was immediately shocked. At that, some people murmured back to Ichigo in disbelief.

In the past, Jieluo saw Qu Ling, who changed back to the black jade after being beaten back to its original shape by Ichigo. At that time, he felt the huge demon power contained in the black jade Qu Ling, so from then on, Jieluo Only then did the idea of ​​turning the huge demon power contained in the Black Jade Quling into one's own use occurred.

And at this moment, looking at the shard Ichigo was holding in her hand, whether it was the dark and shiny color or the faint demon power contained in the shard, it was all the same as the black jade Quling that Jiero had seen with her own eyes. Exactly the same!That's why Jero asked Ichigo like this.

"Yes, it's not." Looking at Jiero's surprised expression at this time, Ichigo then shook his head slightly and said to Jiero, "Although this fragment seems to be from the black jade Quling. It was separated, but, I can tell you this, Jie Luo, this fragment is just a replica of some Qu Ling demon power."

"It's just a replica?!" At that moment, upon hearing Ichigo say such words, Jiera couldn't help but be surprised again, and turned to subconsciously exclaimed in a low voice.

"Well, Jieluo, don't believe me." The next moment, he nodded lightly, and Yihu immediately responded to Jiero, and then handed the black shard in his hand to Jiero.

Immediately, he quickly reached out and took the black shard from Ichigo's hand.However, as soon as Jie Luo got his hands on it, something strange happened.I saw that the originally pure black shard was starting to "fading" rapidly at this time! ..

Chapter 1011 The Departure of Jero

"What's going on?!" Seeing the black shard in his hand "fading", accompanied by a burst of demonic energy, it emerged from the shard and drifted away into the distance, Jieluo couldn't help but be stunned. , and then muttered and asked in a low voice.It was also at this time that when the demonic energy escaped from the shards, the shard in Jie Luo's hand finally faded into a transparent white!

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