"Cuizi, looking at your attitude now, next, you should choose to go with me and Kikyo to the location of Naruo and Quling?" , The next second, after a short pause, Ichigo turned to look at Cuizi with a smile, and then opened his mouth and said such words.

"Of course, as long as Qu Ling is not removed for a day, there will never be a time of peace in this world." At that moment, when Ichigo's voice fell, Cuizi nodded without hesitation and replied, "As a follower to those Now, the monsters who have combined to become Qu Ling have been fighting for more than [-] years, the witch, I must destroy Qu Ling in the end!"

"Well, Cuizi, it's good that you have this determination." Seeing Cuizi's resolute expression at this time, Ichigo didn't say much, but raised his hand and patted Cuizi's shoulder and said, "After that , I will also come to help you achieve the goal of eliminating Quling together."

"Well, Ichigo, thank you." Ichigo's words made Cuizi involuntarily think of the first time Ichigo let his own consciousness enter the jade of the four souls and helped him defeat the demons with one blow That scene: that is what happened fifty years ago. After a while, the tender lips pursed into a shallow and touching smile. He opened his mouth and thanked Ichigo.

Cuizi's smile was alluring the country and the city, and Kagome, who was also a woman, couldn't help but be stunned when she saw it.It was also at this time, looking at Kagome, Ichigo immediately spoke, and asked something that made Kagome a little lost: "So, Kagome, what are you going to do next?"

"...What are you going to do?...Me?..." For a while, she just stared at Ichigo, and after a while, watching Ichigo and muttering, Kagome didn't know how to answer Ichigo. Just fine.

"Ge Wei, what I can tell you now is that since you can come to this Warring States era through that well, then you can definitely return to your era five hundred years later through this well." With Kagome's slightly confused look, Ichigo immediately spoke again and added to Kagome, "Of course, as long as you can freely travel back and forth between the Warring States period and the modern age through that well, Kagome will It doesn't really matter what you decide."

"So if you think about it, Kagome, you can go back to modern times now, and when you think of the coming of the Warring States period, you can come over again." At the end, she smiled at Kagome as usual, and Ichigo finally spoke, saying It's like this is an indirect suggestion to Kagome.

"...Can I go back to the modern age now?" The next second, when Ichigo's voice fell, he murmured softly. Hearing that he could go back to the modern age, Kagome should have been extremely happy. That's right, but at this moment, Kagome was unexpectedly not so happy, because, from yesterday to today, although Kagome only came to this Warring States era, it was only about a day, but on this day. During the time, Kagome chatted a lot with Ichigo, Kikyo and Kaede, and everyone gradually became friends.So from the bottom of my heart, Kagome doesn't really want to leave here recently.Although going back to modern times, it is extremely important for Kagome. (Readers, come and see, Jun Yang No.: 471467954)


The next day.

In the end, Kagome returned to modern times through the Bone Eating Well.After all, it's not that I can never go back to the Warring States period, so Kagome decided to go back to the modern age first to deal with some things.

As for Ichigo, in the next period of time, he plans to take Kikyo and Tsuiko to the lair of the monster Naraku.In addition, as for Maple, since this Maple Village is still protected by Maple, she decided to stay in this Maple Village home for the time being and wait for Ichigo, Kikyo and Cuizi to return victoriously.

At the same time, just as Ichigo was about to set off with Kikyo and Tsuiko to the location of the youkai Naraku, on the other side, there was a mountain full of rocks.

Here, the color of the rocks is a dark brown.At this moment, a young girl with dark brown hair tied into two long braids on the left and right and a short sword with a sheath hanging from her waist was walking on this mountain.If Ichigo is here now, you can definitely recognize that this girl is the girl from the demon wolf clan who had been helped by Ichigo: Ayame.

"Who dares to set foot in the holy land of my demon wolf clan?!" At this moment, just as the calamus was walking in the mountains, accompanied by a slightly heavy low voice, a giant wolf with three heads suddenly suddenly appeared in between, blocking the front of the calamus.

"You three-headed old wolf really has no eyesight. Can't you see that I am a member of the demon wolf clan?" He didn't panic because of the three-headed demon wolf that suddenly appeared, and Changpu was still in a normal tone. He said so calmly.

"...Indeed, you have the aura of the demon wolf clan on your body." After Jing Changpu said this, the three demon wolves pondered for a while, and one of them opened its mouth with a rough voice. Looking at the calamus, he said.

"It's good to know that I am a member of the demon wolf clan. Otherwise, I don't want to fight with you, the three-headed demon wolf who is the guardian of the Holy Land, because of my status." The next moment, with a slight smile, Changpu's expression was still on his face. When looking at the ridiculously large three-headed demon wolf in front of him as usual, he said in a clear voice. ..

Chapter 1014 Kagome who went back and forth

Immediately, after Changpu's voice fell, and looking at Changpu, the three demon wolves asked Changpu: "Since you are a member of my demon wolf clan, then little girl, why did you come to the sacred place of the demon wolf clan this time?"

Although it is already known that the calamus is a member of the demon wolf clan, the specific purpose of the calamus coming to the demon wolf clan holy place is still unclear. Therefore, in order to clarify the purpose of the calamus coming to the demon wolf clan holy place, the three demon wolves Only now will this question be asked.

"I must be able to guess the three-headed demon wolves to some extent, right?" However, facing the question of the three-headed demon wolves, Changpu smiled faintly, and then replied to the three-headed demon wolves.

At the moment, it was precisely when the three-headed demon wolves condensed their breath because of what she said, and the calamus immediately spoke up and said word by word, "I'm here to get the Five Thunder Fingers."

The Five Thunder Fingers are the treasures of the demon wolf clan.And since it is a treasure, it is only natural that it will be guarded by the three demon wolves who guard the holy land of the demon wolf clan.

At this moment, when I heard that the calamus's intention was to obtain the Five Thunder Fingers, the three demon wolves immediately fell silent for it.Although, as Changpu said, the three-headed demon wolves had already guessed a little bit about the purpose of Changpu's desire to obtain the Five Thunder Fingers.

However, in addition to being a member of the demon wolf clan, those who can qualify for the Five Thunder Fingers also need to pass the test set by the three demon wolves themselves.This is not easy.

"...Little girl, are you serious?" After a moment of silence, they turned to look at the calamus, and the three-headed demon wolf immediately asked in a condensed voice.

"Of course. If I'm not serious, why would I have to travel all the way north to the holy land of the demon wolf clan?" Facing the question of the three demon wolves, Changpu was still calm, and looked at the three demon wolves indifferently. Nod back.During the conversation, Ayame showed his confident side.

"Are you going all the way north? Little girl, it seems that you are a white wolf clan living in the northern mountains." The next moment, after listening to Changpu's confident response, the three demon wolves froze first, then turned to While learning about it, he tapped its three wolf heads, and said cheerfully, "Okay! Since you are a member of the demon wolf clan, you are eligible to get the Five Thunder Fingers. But, little girl, if you want to get five Thunder Finger will have to pass the test. Besides, I will not lower the difficulty of the test just because you are a girl. You must be prepared."

"Oh, do you prefer sons over daughters? But it doesn't matter, I will prove my strength with practical actions." At this moment, listening to the three-headed demon wolves obviously underestimated her words, Changpu was not angry, and immediately He just smiled indifferently and said in his usual tone, "You don't need to reduce the difficulty of the assessment at all. If I can't get the Five Thunder Fingers this time, then I will really be the patriarch for more than ten years in vain."

"...So you are the patriarch of the northern white wolf tribe? You are so promising at such a young age, that's why I despise you." Hearing Changpu said that he was the patriarch, the attitude of the three demon wolves obviously changed.After a few seconds, the three-headed demon wolf immediately apologized to the calamus with an apologetic expression.

Immediately after that, the tone was condensed again, and the three-headed demon wolves turned to a deep voice and said: "Then next, the patriarch of the White Wolf Tribe, you have to prepare. In fact, the guardian of the sacred object does not want the five thunder fingers to be left idle in the holy land of the demon wolf clan, but I will not reduce the difficulty of the assessment. After all, the five thunder fingers are the holy places of my demon wolf clan after all. Therefore, only members of the demon wolf clan with sufficient talents are qualified to possess it."

Maybe it was because they had been alone in the holy land of the demon wolf clan for a long time. At this moment, the three demon wolves had a lot to say, but I didn't care too much about the calamus. Then, when the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, he spoke with a calm expression. : "Although let the horses come over. Since I will come to this holy place of the demon wolf clan, it means that I have made full preparations."

"Furthermore, the guardian of the holy land of the demon wolf clan, what you said to me just now, I will return it to you as it is now." Immediately after, he raised his hand and grasped his own hanging from his waist when the voice fell. On the hilt of the sheathed short dagger on the side, Iris immediately smiled and said so, the eyes that were dark green in an instant turned extremely red, "You have to get ready next, because I Nor will it show mercy.”


at dusk.

Musashi Country, in Maple Village.

In that well of bone-eating, a brand new red bicycle was suddenly thrown up.Immediately afterwards, after the bicycle was thrown out of the Bone-eating Well, Kagome, who was carrying a large burden, crawled out of the Bone-eating Well.

"En! This way, you're fully prepared!" After climbing out of the Bone-eating Well, the next second, she raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead. Kagome was relieved first, and then muttered to herself. After saying that, he pushed his bicycle and walked towards the home of the sisters Kikyo and Kaede.

At the same time, in the flat-roofed house with a fenced-in courtyard outside, Ichigo was in it with Kikyo, Kaede, and Cuizi.

"Sister, Big Brother Ichigo, are you ready to leave tomorrow?" Sitting next to Kikyo, Kaede placed vegetables and meat in a pot with "crackling" burning wood and boiling water in front of him, and at the same time When looking at Kikyo and Ichigo, the tender lips parted lightly and asked.

"Well, Feng, it's not too late. In order to prevent the monsters Naruo and Qu Ling from further harming the world, it is better to destroy them early." The next moment, nodded towards Feng, Kikyo Immediately, the tender lips opened lightly and said, "But I don't think it will take too much time, because Ichigo's perception ability is very strong, and he will be able to find that monster Naraku soon."

"I see, that sister, you should go and return early." Kikyo had already made her words so clear, and Feng Sui didn't ask any more questions. She just nodded her head clearly and replied to Kikyo. .

"Hey! ... Ichigo, Kikyo, Kaede, and Cuizi, I'm back!" At this moment, a crisp shout suddenly rang out from outside the room.After that, after a few seconds, Kagome, who was carrying a large burden, pushed open the half-closed door and ran into the house.

"Gao Wei, why did you come back so soon?" In the next second, looking at Kagome with some doubts, Feng then asked Kagome aloud. ..

Chapter 1015 Departure, with Kagome

"Is there any need to say that? I have finished dealing with things in Hyundai for the time being, so I came back here." Hearing Feng's inquiry, the next moment, Kagome responded in a natural tone. He went straight to the vacant seat next to Ichigo and sat down, taking off the burden behind him and putting it aside.

"Why, Kagome, it's like a long-distance camp with such a big burden. Are you planning to live in this Warring States period?" At the same time, he first glanced at Kagome's burden that was put aside, Ichigo then asked Kagome while smiling slightly.

"Well, I'll probably stay for a while. It's summer vacation at the school, so I'll have a month or two of free time." Then she nodded slightly towards Ichigo, and Kagome responded in a crisp voice.

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