"Wow, are you cooking hot pot now?..." Then, after responding to Ichigo, she looked at the pot with burning firewood and boiling water inside, and Kagome was tender lips first. Qing Qi exclaimed in admiration, then turned around and untied the big burden he had brought with him, and started to dig it out, as if he was looking for something.

After a while, Kagome took out several bottles and jars from the big bag she brought with her, causing Feng who was sitting beside her to look at it and couldn't help but be puzzled.

"... Kagome, why don't you bring something like this?" Although Kaede, who lived in the Warring States Period, didn't know what was in the bottles and jars that Kagome was taking out now, Ichigo had a glimpse of it. Just saw it.In those bottles and jars, nothing more than salt, pepper, sesame oil and other necessary daily condiments.At that moment, looking at Kagome speechless, Ichigo turned to her and asked aloud.

"Of course it's for seasoning. I had long expected that there weren't that many seasonings in this Warring States period, so I brought some along the way this time." The next moment, he directly picked up the seasonings he brought and went to Putting it in the pot with vegetables and meat in it, Kagome looked at Ichigo at the same time and said as if asking for credit, "No, I just brought the condiments and they came in handy right away? I can guarantee it. , After adding these seasonings, the things cooked in this pot will definitely be more delicious."

"...Is this true? Kagome..." Kagome couldn't help but mutter to Kagome while watching Kagome pour a little of the contents of the bottles into the pot where the food was cooking in front of her. asked.

Although, in the Warring States Period, there were basic condiments, but obviously there were not as many condiments brought by Kagome.Therefore, seeing Kagome pouring no less than five kinds of condiments into the pot at once, Feng couldn't help but feel a little skeptical, adding so many "messy" things, will the cooked food really taste good?

"Just look forward to it, Feng, you won't be disappointed!" With a confident smile, Kagome immediately replied to Feng.


The next day, early in the morning.

"Ge Wei, since you have brought bicycles and other means of transportation, you must have come here to have a look around and learn about this Warring States period?" In the courtyard, I saw the bike parked next to the wall. The red bicycle on the side, Ichigo asked aloud while looking at Kagome.

This morning, Ichigo was planning to leave for Naraku's lair with Kikyo and Tsuiko.However, it was because Kagome, who had already returned to modern times, had returned to the Sengoku period yesterday evening, so Ichigo has now changed his mind.On this trip, Ichigo brought Kagome along with him.

"Well, yes, if I have the chance, I'd like to look around." As for Kagome, just as Ichigo said, she brought such a large baggage and a bicycle to return to the Warring States period this time. , in order to be able to find an opportunity to see the special style of this different from the modern Warring States period.In the next moment, she nodded lightly, and Kagome immediately responded to Ichigo.

"If that's the case, then Kagome, you can go with me, Kikyo and Cuizi." Then he smiled slightly, and Ichigo said such words to Kagome.

"...But Ichigo, aren't you guys planning to destroy the monster named Naraku and Quling this time? Will I cause trouble with the past?" Ichigo's words made Kagome startled for a while, and then she thought of it. Hearing Ichigo talking about the next thing about destroying Naraku and Qu Ling, Kagome turned to Ichigo and expressed her concerns to Ichigo.After all, when Kagome wanted to come, she was just an ordinary person, so if Ichigo, Kikyo, and Tsuiko went to the location of the monster this time, she might not be a burden.

"Don't worry Kagome, there won't be any trouble. After all, let's not talk about Kagome, you have the spiritual power derived from Kikyo, and after you learn how to fire the Demon Breaker Arrow, ordinary monsters will definitely not be yours. Opponent. No matter how bad it is, even if Kagome is just an ordinary person, with me by your side, nothing will happen to you." He expected Kagome to be so worried, and Ichigo immediately looked as usual. With a smile, he comforted Kagome.

At the moment, hearing the words Ichigo said with a relaxed expression, Kagome couldn't help being silent for a while, and his eyes flashed for a while.



In the end, Kagome decided to go with Ichigo, Kikyo and Cuizi.After all, even the bicycle has been brought here. Kagome returned to the Warring States period this time, thinking that if she had a chance, she would go around to see it.And this time with Ichigo, Kikyo and Cuizi is a great opportunity to go out and see.Of course, it was perfectly normal for Kagome to choose to go with the three of Ichigo in the end, in order not to miss this great opportunity.

In addition, after deciding to go with the three of Ichigo, Kagome also set a goal for herself by the way, that is, to learn how to release the magic arrow with Kikyo and Cuizi as soon as possible.Kagome didn't hope that in this Warring States period when monsters were rampant, she was always just an unarmed ordinary person.

At this moment, together with Kagome, the four Ichigo were temporarily heading north all the way.With Ichigo's keen perception ability, he was able to detect that within a radius of thousands of miles, there was a powerful demonic aura that was obviously not emanating from ordinary monsters, and was entrenched in a place in the northwest.As you can imagine, that might be the demonic energy that Naraku exudes. ..

Chapter 1016 Thunder Beast Brothers


After more than an hour, Ichigo left the Maple Village, and Ichigo took Kikyo, Cuizi, and Kagome all the way north, and soon walked a long way.

However, although the footsteps did not stop, the four of them were not in a hurry along the way.And instead of deliberately hurrying, on the contrary, Ichigo slowed down his speed so that Kagome could slowly look along the road and see all the scenery he saw.

Along the way, considering that the purpose of Kagome's visit this time was to see what happened in the Warring States period, which was five hundred years away from the modern age where she lived, of course, Ichigo would not ignore it. Kagome went to Naraku's location in one go.

Otherwise, if you really want to eliminate Naraku and Qu Ling as soon as possible, then this time it is enough to only need one person to do it, and the whole process will definitely not take more than a day.

The reason why they are not in a hurry to destroy Naraku and Qu Ling is because for Ichigo, the two of them are not a threat at all.Besides, that monster Naraku has already lived in this world for fifty years, so even if he is allowed to live for a while longer, what's the harm?

Right now, the four of Ichigo who left Maple Village all the way north came to a rocky road that was not flat. Just as Ichigo planned to stop going straight north, but turned to a road that slanted to the west, it was sunny. The sky was suddenly covered with overcast clouds.

"What's going on?...Is it going to rain?..." Kagome, who chose to walk on foot with a bicycle due to uneven roads, could not help but frown slightly when she looked up at the suddenly darkened sky. He raised his eyebrows and murmured with some doubts, "It was clear that the weather was sunny just now, why are there so many dark clouds all of a sudden?"

"...There is a demonic energy!" However, unlike Kagome's suspicious look, Kikyo and Cuizi both stared at each other in unison.In the next second, just like Kagome looking up at the gloomy sky, Kagome immediately opened her lips and said with a frown.

"...Monster? Is there a monster?!" At that moment, when he heard Kikyo say that there was a demon, Gewei Deng was startled, and immediately asked Kikyo subconsciously.Kagome didn't expect that, before he even started to learn how to shoot the Demon Breaking Arrow, he had already encountered the monster so quickly.

It was also at this time, just as Kagome's surprised questioning voice fell, the light of thunder and lightning flashed in the dense dark clouds high in the sky.It didn't take long for a thunderstorm as thick as a water snake to fall from the dark cloud of lightning and thunder, and it landed straight towards the location of the four Ichigo!

The speed of thunder and lightning is very fast, and it is often the thunder and lightning that falls first, and it takes a long time to hear the sound of thunder.However, no matter how fast the lightning speed was, Ichigo was already on guard when he felt the demonic energy, so of course it was impossible to be hit by lightning in a foolish way.

"One of the broken paths: rush!" Immediately, when the thunder and lightning fell, he raised his finger and pointed at the lightning that struck directly, and Ichigo immediately opened his mouth and shouted in a low voice.It was also at this moment, facing the downed lightning, an extremely strong repulsive force was instantly released from Ichigo's fingertips. The ground is scattered!

There is no need to use a high-level defensive breach to resist this falling thunder and lightning. In Ichigo's view, it is more than enough to use the No. [-] breach to offset this lightning.It was also at this moment that after Ichihu's No. [-] Breaking Dao Chong neutralized the falling thunder and lightning, a slightly surprised voice suddenly came from the dark clouds above.

"Oh? I didn't expect it to happen twice..." The next second, accompanied by such a voice, in the dark clouds, two figures soaring high in the sky suddenly descended!You don't need to think about it to know that since you have already felt the monster energy, these two figures are definitely two monsters.

At this moment, Ichigo's eyesight can easily see the specific appearance of these two monsters.One of them is a teenager with a long-handled weapon that looks like a halberd, with long hair in ponytails, and a pair of fiery flywheels under his feet; while the other monster rides on a dark cloud. It seems a little weird to say that, not only is the appearance extremely ugly, he has a bald head and a long mouth, and there are only three hairs on the big bald head.

Compared with the boy next to him, this ugly monster looks like a buffoon who sets off the boy.

After a while, descending from the sky, the teenage monster who originally stepped on the fiery flywheel and the ugly monster riding on the dark cloud came to the opposite side of the four of Ichigo.Right now, looking at these two monsters, I still remember that Ichigo actually knew about most of the plot. These two monsters are actually a pair of brothers, although no one could have imagined that they looked so different. The two monsters are actually brothers.

The young monster named Feitian is the older brother of the ugly monster named Mantian.The two brothers, also known as "Thunder Beast Brothers", are a clan of Thunder Beasts who can manipulate thunder and lightning.

The next moment, after landing on the ground, and looking at the four Ichigo opposite, Feitian, the older brother, said with a conceited expression, "However, it's only a matter of time. Now, put the The woman stays with me, you man can go."

At the moment, listening to Fei Tian's bold words that he wanted to keep Kikyo and the others here, Ichigo couldn't help sneering, then turned to look at Fei Tian calmly and replied indifferently: "You monster, He seems to be quite confident in his own strength."

While speaking, Ichigo's attitude of not taking Feitian Mantian as a pair of thunder beast brothers at all, made Feitian's eyes turn cold.It was at this time that the younger brother Mantian, who was standing next to Feitian, spoke up: "Brother Feitian, these three women are so beautiful, it must be good to use them as hair restorers."

After saying that, Man Tian narcissistically took out the mirror and comb from the pocket of his jacket and started to stand up his three thin strands of hair in front of the mirror on his own.

"I know Mantian, and that's why I want to keep them here." The next second, after hearing Mantian's words, he first smiled, and Feitian then replied to Mantian, "I'm a big brother. I will definitely try my best to make you grow thick hair, all over the sky."

At the moment, hearing Feitian say such words, before Mantian could be happy for a while, there was a strong wind blowing against his scalp.In the next second, after Li Feng blew, three hairs slowly fell from the eyes of the monster Mantian, and when he saw Mantian's eyes, his expression instantly became sluggish. ..

Chapter 1017 Who is the real lightning controller ([-])

"...I...my hair?!" He was stunned on the spot as if struck by lightning. After a while, he stared at the three strands of hair that floated down from his eyes and finally fell to the ground. Mantian's gaze suddenly became extremely intense. When it flashed, then a trembling voice murmured in disbelief.

"Mantian?!..." As for the thunder beast Feitian, looking at Mantian staring blankly at the three strands of hair that fell to the ground, Feitian subconsciously called out to his younger brother Mantian, and immediately looked at him. When Lu looked at Ichigo fiercely, Feitian said in a gloomy voice, "You bastard, you did it, right?!"

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