Right now, seeing Ichigo's gesture of raising his hand, it seems as if he threw something from his hand just a second ago. This makes Feitian suspect that the three hairs on Mantian's head were cut off by Ichigo. of.Although, from the beginning, Feitian did not notice how Ichigo made his move.

"So what?" At the moment, when Feitian's questioning voice fell, he lowered his arm as usual, and immediately replied to Feitian with a light mouth.

And Ichigo's answer clearly told Feitian that his brother Manten's three hairs were cut off by himself.

Just at that moment, Ichigo swung a thin spiritual blade with extreme speed, impartially, and cut off the only three hairs on the bald head of the sky to Qigen.

Before, seeing this ugly monster Mantian, who was already about to go bald, actually dreamed of having thick hair, such an unrealistic fantasy, Ichigo couldn't help sneering in his heart, and immediately cut it neatly. The only three remaining hairs on Mantian's head fell out, and it was directly demonstrated by actual actions that this ugly monster Mantian's desire to have thick hair was just wishful thinking.

In the next second, after hearing Ichigo's answer, Feitian's pupils turned blood red in an instant, and his aura suddenly became extremely dangerous.And Fei Tian's blade tip of the long-handled weapon called "Lightning Strike Blade" in his hand also had an arc of light that began to flicker.However, immediately, before Feitian could make a move, Mantian suddenly roared loudly, looking at his demeanor, it seemed that there were already signs of rampage.

"Damn! How dare you cut off my beloved hair! You human, I will never forgive you!" The grinning appearance made the already ugly Mantian look even more hideous.In the next second, he roared frantically, used his hands and feet all over the sky, and immediately waved his electrified fists desperately and ran towards Ichigo!

At the moment, due to the extreme anger of the sky, the demonic energy he released has become extremely disordered.The chaotic demonic energy stirred up the flow of the air, and when the demonic wind was drawn, Mantian, who was rushing towards Ichigo, looked like a demon that would attract plague, so ordinary people would avoid it. less than.

"Simple-minded idiot." Man Tian, ​​who was still watching his anger erupting indifferently, rushed straight towards him without any skill at all, and Ichigo made a low sarcasm in a disdainful tone, and then continued Spreading his right palm toward Mantian, "The fifty-eighth of the broken way: Tian Lan!"

The next moment, when Ichigo let out a low drink, a strong swirling wind immediately appeared in front of Ichigo's right palm.The invisible whirlwind stirred up the surrounding air, and in an instant, with a strong twisting force, it suddenly impacted in front of Manten, who was running towards Ichigo!

There was almost no suspense. He was hit by the No. [-] break from Ichigo. Manten's fat body was only stagnant for a while, and then he was taken off the ground by the whirlwind. It flew up, and the whole body finally fell into the distance with the movement of the whirlwind!

"Mantian!..." And seeing his younger brother actually being shot in the face, Feitian couldn't help but feel extremely shocked by Ichigo's strength, and then turned around and moved towards the one who was brought up by the whirlwind. Looking in the direction where the sky fell, he opened his mouth and shouted.

It was also at this moment that Ichigo, who was stepping on Shunbu, came to Feitian without warning. Looking at his appearance at the moment, looking at Mantian who was smashed into the sky by himself, Ichigo said immediately, He said to Feitian in a light tone: "It's already at this time, do you still dare to be distracted and pay attention to what's going on with your brother?"

"...You guy, who the hell are you?!" Startled by Ichigo who came to him like a ghost, Feitian then subconsciously stepped back a few steps to distance himself from Ichigo, and immediately lifted up When the lightning strike blade in his hand was raised in his hand, and he took a stance to attack, Feitian looked at Ichigo alertly, and finally asked in a deep voice.

Up to now, Feitian has to admit that Ichigo is very strong.But although I have seen the power of Ichigo, Feitian couldn't find out what kind of power Ichigo had.This made Feitian feel extremely surprised.

In the face of an opponent who can't see the depth at all, for the first time in history, Feitian felt the tension that grew out of his heart, as well as that faint fear.

"You don't care who I am. All you need to know is that you and your brother have offended me now." Compared with Feitian's alert appearance at this time, Ichigo is still That expression was flat.In the next second, he said this to Fei Tian with a faint mouth, and Ichigo turned to raise his hand calmly.

At that moment, Feitian, who had already felt nervous when he noticed Ichigo's raising his hand, immediately waved the lightning strike blade in his hand like a conditioned reflex and stabbed straight at Ichigo!

"Ding!" Looking at Feitian's flawed thorn with cold eyes, Ichigo didn't need to hide at all, and then he simply stretched out two fingers, and when a crisp humming sound sounded, he waved Feitian's hand. The stab was easily taken.

"Extremely clumsy." He took Fei Tian's stab with just two fingers.The next moment, he firmly clamped the tip of Fei Tian's long-handled weapon "Lightning Blade" with his two fingers, and immediately smiled coldly, looking at Fei Tian with a turbulent expression and said lightly.

"...Heh, clumsy? That's not necessarily!" Facing Ichigo's disdainful words, Feitian's expression froze at first, but then he suddenly laughed strangely and said such words.

Immediately after that, when Feitian's weird low laugh fell, the tip of the lightning strike blade Yu Feitian was holding suddenly lit up with a dazzling thunderbolt! ..

Chapter 1018 Who is the real lightning controller (Part [-])

It was also at this moment, as the tip of the lightning strike blade held by Fei Tian lit up with the blazing light of lightning, the sizzling arc immediately covered the surface of the entire lightning strike blade, and finally went all the way along the blade. It flows to Ichigo, who is holding the tip of the lightning strike blade between his two fingers!

Obviously, this is Feitian's usual lightning attack trick.Moreover, right now, when he launched a lightning strike at such a close distance to Ichigo, who was holding the tip of the lightning blade with his two fingers, Feitian saw that when the powerful electric shock he sent out was directed through the tip of the lightning blade, it directly hit Ichigo. It must be able to cause a lot of trauma to Yihu!

However, although Feitian's imagination is beautiful, the reality often runs counter to what he thinks in his heart.Just when Feitian really thought that the lightning strike he unleashed would definitely cause trauma to Ichigo, something that Feitian couldn't believe even in his dreams happened!I saw that the strong current that was released by Feitian and finally flowed to Ichigo through the guidance of the lightning strike blade hit Ichigo without any suspense at once, but at this moment, Ichigo, who was wrapped in thunder and lightning, actually even The uncomfortable expression did not show even half of it, and the whole person was still as calm as usual!

"Oh, is it just an electric shock of this intensity? It's really ridiculous..." Being wrapped in lightning, Ichigo still tightly wrapped the tip of Fei Tian's weapon "Lightning Blade" with his two fingers, and immediately felt cold. With a smile, he watched Feitian speak lightly and said words that made his pupils tighten suddenly!

"...You?! Are you a human or a monster?!..." You must know that lightning strikes are no better than ordinary attacking tricks. That kind of voltage as high as tens of thousands of volts can instantly turn an ordinary person into electricity. Coke!Moreover, even if it is not an ordinary person, even a more powerful youkai will definitely be paralyzed and unable to move after being struck by lightning.Therefore, seeing that Ichigo was not affected by the electric shock at all, Feitian couldn't help but be horrified by this super abnormal situation, and then asked Ichigo aloud.

However, what Feitian can never know is that Ichigo has long since become the incarnation of thunder and lightning after possessing the power of the devil fruit, the thunder fruit.How could Ichigo, who can emit a current of hundreds of millions of volts in an instant, be hit by a lightning attack with only tens of thousands of volts in Feitian?

Therefore, in the end, a conclusion can be drawn, that is, in front of Ichigo, who possesses the ability of the Thunder Fruit, any attack by the Thunder Beast Feitian will be meaningless!

"You monster, you have only mastered some tricks to attack with thunder and lightning. It's not enough for me to see. Let me tell you the truth, your attack of this level is just a slap in the face." Looking at his appearance in horror, the next second, Ichigo didn't bored to answer Feitian's question of "Are you a human or a monster?" When holding Fei Tian's lightning strike blade tightly, Yi Hu said indifferently, "Now, let me tell you with practical actions, who is the real lightning controller..."

"[-] million volts, the trial of thunder!" After saying that, there was no feeling at all in the thunder and lightning released by Feitian, and Ichigo's eyes narrowed, and a layer of difference appeared on the surface of the whole person's body instantly. Yu Feitian let out a low voice when the lightning dark blue arc light curtain released by Feitian.

"Crack!..." Immediately, following Ichigo's low voice, the thunder and lightning that had previously been released by Feitian and shrouded Ichigo suddenly collapsed as if disturbed by some invisible force. At the same moment, in the sky, a lightning that separated the dark clouds fell in the next second, and it bombarded Fei Tian in an instant!

What is the concept of [-] million volts?That is the power that can instantly blow an ordinary person into ashes!As a result, the lightning that fell down has already taken on a faint whitish color.

As for Feitian, although he is a thunder beast, this does not mean that Feitian's body is immune to lightning because of this.Therefore, at the moment, when the thunder and lightning that was controlled by Ichigo bombarded Fei Tian, ​​the terrifying power that could almost tear his body apart instantly made Fei Tian involuntarily let out a roar of pain!

One second, two seconds... At this moment, less than five seconds have passed, and the surface of Fei Tian's body began to overflow with dark red blood.Obviously, at this moment, under the bombardment of [-] million volts of lightning, Fei Tian's body was overwhelmed, so that the skin on his entire body was slowly starting to crack!

It was at this moment that Mantian, who had been blown away by Ichigo, had stumbled back.After all, the monster's body is much stronger than that of ordinary people, so even though Ichigo's random release No. [-] broke the sky, it didn't kill him.

At this moment, seeing Feitian who was hit by the [-] million volts of lightning released by Ichigo, who was in great pain, how could Manten, the younger brother, turn a blind eye?Of course, he will immediately speed up and run towards Ichigo, trying to save his brother Feitian from Ichigo as soon as possible.

I have to say that Feitian Mantian has a good relationship with the Thunder Beast brothers. At least Mantian didn't choose to turn around and run away when he saw his brother Feitian's distressed appearance after being attacked by Ichigo.

However, even if Feitianmantian and the two brothers had a good relationship, since Ichigo was provoked, Ichigo would never let them go.What's more, the two monsters flying all over the sky are not good birds at all.Otherwise, they wouldn't want to be disadvantaged by the four Ichigo who set foot in this place from the beginning.

Therefore, even if Ichigo killed Fei Tianmantian now, the two monsters would still be dead.

"Heh, it's just right!..." At this moment, looking at Mantian's stance rushing towards him at this time, Ichigo just sneered in a low voice, and when he said this, he immediately dropped more thunder. Pulled down from the air, it instantly turned the nearby land into a terrifying purgatory full of thunder!


After more than ten seconds, the falling thunder gradually stopped, and the rumbling thunder that had been echoing nearby gradually weakened.Looking around, right now, a large area around this place has completely turned into scorched earth with bursts of smoke.In addition, there are two "charcoal" lying on the ground not far away at the moment. If you look closely, you can still tell that these are the two monsters Feitian and Mantian.They have all been electrocuted into this appearance, and the Thunder Beast brothers are obviously too dead to die. ..

Chapter 1019 Encountering a calamus

(Jun Yang No.: 471467954)

Cangyi was all over the place, due to the large area of ​​lightning that Ichigo had summoned, a large area in the vicinity could no longer see the original terrain at this time.As for the three girls of Kikyo, because they have the protection of a spiritual pressure, even if the thunder and lightning raged in the previous period of time, the three girls of Kikyo were not affected at all.

"...Ichigo, is everything around here caused by you?!" Staring blankly at the charred land nearby, Kagome then murmured to Ichigo while his eyes flashed. asked.Unlike Kikyo and Cuizi, Kagome, who came to this Warring States period not long ago, has never seen Ichigo make a move, so now, shocked by Ichigo's sudden strength, Kagome will feel unbelievable for a while. That is a matter of course.

"Well, Kagome, you don't have to doubt it, that's exactly what I did." The next moment, he nodded towards Kagome and responded, and immediately looked at her as usual and added, "Since I've come across time and space, This kind of thing happened to you five hundred years ago, so Kagome, it's not very difficult for me to have the power to control lightning, right?"

"En..." At this moment, after hearing Ichigo's words, Kagome couldn't help but subconsciously nodded in response.

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