"So, Kagome, you don't need to be too surprised no matter what extraordinary things happen in the future. After all, it is almost impossible for you to travel through time and space to five hundred years ago. ." And seeing Kagome's nodding as a gesture of acknowledging her words, Ichigo didn't explain anything to Kagome, and just smiled and looked at Kagome like that. Said, "As for now, Kagome, all you need to do is to learn to release the Demon Breaking Arrow as soon as possible. Over time, once you successfully learn to shoot the Demon Breaking Arrow, in addition to giving Kagome a skill, you can also make You realize things that ordinary people cannot."

"Well, Ichigo, I understand." After listening to Ichigo's words, she was silent for a while, and then Kagome nodded towards Ichigo when her eyes became firm.


After five days.

Having already left Musashi Kingdom, the four of Ichigo are still heading northwest, and they are planning to go to a castle called Naraku Castle.

You can tell just by hearing the name, the city of Naruo, this castle is absolutely inseparable from the monster Naruo.

In the past five days, on the way, the four Ichihu only encountered some little-known little monsters. Basically, most of the little monsters ran away in fear when they saw Kikyo and Cuizi's witch costumes.So, it's been a smooth journey.As for every night, as long as Ichigo's Zhanyue World is there, are the four of Ichigo afraid that they won't have a place to rest?

And in these five days, the only thing worth mentioning is that, through five days of hard work, Kagome has successfully mastered the method of releasing the magic arrow with the help and guidance of Kikyo and Cuizi. , thus taking her first step towards becoming a witch slayer.

At this moment, after five days of walking, Ichigo and the four had already traveled quite a long distance, although they did not go out of their way.At least, right now, Ichigo and the four are not far from the city of Nanluo.

However, just when the four of Ichihu planned to go to the city of Naruo in one go, Cuizi, who was walking beside Ichihu, suddenly stopped and stopped. Immediately, when her eyebrows were slightly frowned, Cuizi subconsciously clenched her hands. He picked up the longbow in his hand and said in a condensed voice, "There is a demon! Besides, it's definitely not ordinary..."

To make Cuizi say the three words "unusual" is enough to see that the righteous master who exudes the demonic energy that Cuizi senses at this moment is definitely not something that ordinary little monsters can match.

Of course, Ichigo also noticed the demonic energy that Cuizi sensed for the first time.However, unlike Cuizi's condensed expression at the moment, Ichigo suddenly smiled.

"Cuizi, you don't need to be on guard, it's your own." The next second, she said such words towards Cuizi with a smile, Ichigo turned and walked forward, thinking in her heart, "It's been fifty years. Nian, I don't know how that girl has become now..."


After a minute or so.

Looking for that demonic energy, he went straight forward, and after walking a distance, the next second, who appeared in front of Yihu, was a girl with dark brown hair and a short sword hanging from her waist.The demonic energy that Cuizi sensed earlier was emitted by this girl.

At that moment, when Ichigo saw the girl who appeared in front of him, that girl also saw Ichigo for the first time.Immediately, the girl who saw Ichigo was first sluggish for dozens of seconds, and then when she exclaimed in disbelief, she ran to Ichigo like the wind in an instant: "Ichigo eldest brother? !Is that you?!……"

"Silly girl, of course it's me." Looking at the excited look of the girl at this time, Ichigo first smiled, then turned to look at the girl and said softly, "Long time no see, calamus, you have grown up... "

That's right, the one who is now appearing in front of Ichigo is the calamus, the girl of the demon wolf clan who has become the patriarch of the northern white wolf clan at such a young age!

"Big Brother Ichigo!" At this moment, hearing Ichigo's voice, Ichigo, who was convinced that what she saw in front of her eyes was not an illusion, finally couldn't bear the pair of Ichigo who had been hiding in her heart for fifty years. The feeling of longing, immediately after calling Yihu affectionately, he plunged into Yihu's arms like a milk swallow returning to his nest.

"Acorus, fifty years have passed, and your strength has really become very strong." The next moment, he stretched out one arm and wrapped his arms around the lower waist of the calamus, who was holding on to him. Ichigo then smiled slightly. , opened the mouth to the calamus with the meaning of approval.

The powerful witch Cuizi, who was famous for four hundred years ago, gave an "unusual" evaluation based on her demonic energy alone, and the strength of the calamus today is evident.

"Of course! In order to grow up to the point where I can be independent as soon as possible, I have worked very hard to improve my strength in the past [-] years!" At the moment, Ichigo's praise, Ichigo felt overjoyed, Immediately, he said to Ichigo in a crisp voice as if asking for credit, "Also, Ichigo eldest brother, I have now successfully become the patriarch of the northern white wolf clan."

Chapter 1020 Going up the mountain

"Really?" Ichigo was still a little surprised when I heard that Ayame had already become the head of a clan.Then, while nodding secretly, Yihu immediately spoke to Zhangpu with admiration and said, "You have already become the patriarch, Zhangpu, you are really amazing."

"Hee hee." The little "vanity" has been greatly satisfied. Now, I am afraid that only when facing Ichigo can Ichigo, who is usually very calm outside, show such a lively and lovely girl. Come on one side?The next moment, hee hee smiled, and Changpu then spoke, and said to Ichigo with a hopeful tone, "Brother Ichigo, this is the hilltop where my White Wolf clan lives. Do you have time to go over and take a look?"

"Of course you're free, since you've already come here, why don't you drop by the mountain where the white wolf clan you led by Ayame lives in?" Naturally, he wouldn't come to reject Ayame's invitation. After hesitatingly nodding and agreeing to speak out, he then looked at the three girls of Kikyo standing beside him and asked, "What do you think of Kikyo, Kagome, and Cuizi?"

"Since she is your friend, Ichigo, then I don't have any objection." Her tender lips parted lightly, and Kagome was the first to reply to Ichigo.

Afterwards, Kikyo and Cuizi also nodded in agreement.After all, eliminating Naraku and Qu Ling is not something that can be accomplished overnight, so it is understandable to do something else before that.

However, the only thing that made Cuizi and Kikyo feel a little bit concerned was that they, as powerful witches, had to go to the mountain where monsters lived, which was a bit inappropriate.

However, fortunately, she was the patriarch of the white wolf clan, so even if the two girls, Kikyo and Cuizi, went to the mountain, they should not conflict with the wolf demons of the white wolf clan who lived on the mountain.


After a few minutes.

In the end, the three girls of Kikyo chose to follow Ichigo to the top of the mountain where the white wolves lived.Along the way, there were non-stop wolf demons saluting respectfully as they passed by the calamus.During this period, although some wolf demons wondered why their patriarch brought humans up the mountain today, and there were two women dressed as witches, after all, the identity of the patriarch of the calamus was already there, when those wolf demons wanted to come to their patriarch so There must be a special reason for doing it, so I didn't come to ask more.

However, it can also be seen that the patriarch's prestige among the white wolves is high.Otherwise, even if the patriarch took the human beings including the witch up the mountain, it is absolutely impossible for all the wolf demons to tacitly choose to ignore it after seeing it.

As the patriarch's calamus, her prestige not only comes from the fact that she is the granddaughter of the previous generation's patriarch, but also because the strength and wisdom of calamus itself are enough to convince all the white wolf clan wolf demons!

"Acorus, the mountain occupied by your white wolf clan is really quite big." After a while, he went up the mountainside, and Ichigo stood on the mountainside and looked at the continuous mountain range in the distance for a while, then smiled. Said to the calamus.

Judging from the perceived demonic energy, the demonic energy of the white wolf clan wolf demon exists in this entire mountain range.This proves that the entire mountain range is the territory of the White Wolf Clan!

"Well, during the period when I became the patriarch, I led the entire White Wolf clan to expand their territorial power to the extent that they covered the entire mountain range." The next moment, he nodded lightly towards Ichigo, and the calamus opened his mouth in a crisp voice. Ichigo replied, "After all, if there are other demon forces nearby, they will always be some unstable factors that threaten the status of the White Wolf Clan. Therefore, for the stability of the White Wolf Clan, I will simply lead The White Wolf Clan drove out the other demon clans one by one, thus incorporating the entire mountain range into the territory of our White Wolf Clan."

"Well, you've done a good job, Changpu." Hearing that after becoming the patriarch, Changpu actually led the White Wolf Clan to occupy the entire mountain range. With such a great achievement, Ichigo couldn't help nodding his head, and immediately said Approvingly, he praised the calamus, "It's better to do things vigorously, and eliminate all possible hidden dangers as soon as possible so that you won't suffer losses."

"Well, Big Brother Ichigo, that's what I thought too." The next second, after hearing Ichigo complimenting him, he smiled happily, and Ichigo responded with a crisp voice.

"Hey! How long are you guys going to keep me locked up?! Let me go soon!" At this moment, a shout suddenly sounded, listening to Yihu's ears and letting him immediately be frowned.

"Acorus, what's the matter with this shouting?" At that moment, he first glanced in the direction of the sound, and then Ichigo asked Ayame.

"That's right, Brother Ichigo. Two days ago, a banshee came to my White Wolf clan territory and asked to cooperate with me. I saw her whereabouts were suspicious, so I temporarily locked her up." For a moment, he opened his cherry lips lightly and responded to Ichigo, and then Ayame looked at Ichigo and asked in a crisp voice, "What? Big brother Ichigo, are you interested in that banshee?"

"Well, Ayame, take me there to meet her." After Ayame's question fell, he nodded, and Ichigo then gestured towards Ayame.

"Okay, Ichigo, come with me." Since it was Ichigo who wanted to see him, Ayame would naturally not refuse.Immediately looking at Ichigo, he nodded and agreed, and Ayame said hello, and walked forward along the mountain road.


After a minute or so.

After walking along the mountain road halfway up the mountain for a while, Ichigo who followed the iris came to the entrance of a cave.On both sides of the entrance to the cave, there are two female wolf demons who are in charge of guarding.

"Patriarch!" At this moment, seeing Changpu coming, the two female wolf demons in charge of guarding immediately greeted Changpu respectfully.

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