"Of course." Right now, after Kikyo's voice fell, Shan Shan responded without hesitation, and her eyes completely cooled down at this moment, "How much more is my resentment towards monsters?

"Instead, it's you, the witch, why do you still want to walk with the monsters while you are also responsible for eliminating monsters?" At this time, her emotions seemed to be a little excited because she recalled some bad experience, and Coral turned subconsciously. When the ground clenched the pink fist, he looked at Kikyo and said, "As a witch, shouldn't you choose to destroy the monster the first time you encounter it?"

"Oh, it's really aggressive." And if Jiero still had an understanding of the coral before, then now, suddenly heard the word "destroy" from the coral's mouth, Jiero's expression Immediately it cooled down, and turned to look at the coral indifferently and said word by word, "Looking at your unrelenting posture, it seems that you want to get rid of me immediately?"

"Of course it is!" Without hesitation, at this moment when his emotions were still unstable, Coral immediately shouted in a crisp voice while staring at Qi Luo.

"Che, it's really unpleasant!" Really angry, facing the demon slayer who kept saying that he was going to destroy him: Shan Shan, Jieluo no longer needs to think about her anymore, and then he was in the already pale red double When Tong became more and more demon red, Jie Luo smiled coldly and said coldly, "It's just a demon slayer, what is arrogant?"

"If you want to attack, feel free to attack now, I will let you know immediately, the price of being open-minded!" The hair on the jade finger is surrounded by hair, and at the moment when the eyes are red, Jieluo is at once again. When his tone was cold, he said this to Coral.

The next moment, looking at Jieluo's eyes with demonic red eyes, this very representative demonic red color made Shaan irresistibly recall that that night, her father, her brother and even the whole world. All the slayers living in the village of slayers were killed by a man who was covered in silver-white baboon fur. From the baboon mask on his face, you could see two monsters with red eyes. However, only Coral managed to escape.

That night, the moon was very full, but this tragedy, which was not a nightmare, happened.

"...Father...Brother...and everyone..." Involuntarily, she recalled the whole experience that she never wanted to think of a second time, which made her murmuring and whispering. , In a pair of beautiful eyes, the hatred is getting stronger and stronger.

"Damn demon slayer!..." Seeing the hatred in Shaan's eyes, he mistakenly thought it was Shaan's hatred for herself, who was a monster. Jieluo then scolded coldly in a low voice, A pair of demon red eyes has already loomed murderous intent.

However, at this moment, Ichigo suddenly raised his hand and patted Jiero's fragrant shoulder, causing Jiero to subconsciously look at Ichigo, the demonic red color in his eyes subconsciously faded a little. .

"Jero, you should still remember what I said to you that night?" The next second, when Jiero looked at himself, Ichigo calmly said to Jiero, "I said I'm not alone. And now, Jero, you are no longer alone."

"So, leave the rest to me. Jero, I won't let you suffer any harm." At the end, staring at Jero, Ichigo spoke again after a short pause. He assured Keiro.

"...Sir Ichigo..." His eyes began to flicker. The next moment, he looked at Ichigo and murmured softly. At this moment, hearing Ichigo's words, he instinctively felt a warm heart in his heart. Yura had to admit that after hearing Ichigo say "you are no longer alone", she really felt very happy, happier than ever.

After a few seconds, the bewitching red color in his eyes completely faded, and Jiero, who had regained his pale red pupil color, didn't say much, just stood silently behind Ichigo.

Standing behind a bodyguard, feeling the feeling of being protected for the first time in his life, the corner of Jie Luo's lips couldn't help but evoke a faint and touching smile.

"He's really a man who can bring a sense of security, Kurosaki Ichigo..." At the same time, staring at Ichigo's back, Jiera then thought to himself when his pretty face flushed slightly.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" However, Jieluo was happy, but the coral opposite was still bitter.The next second, staring at Ichigo standing in front of Jero, Coral immediately asked Ichigo in a condensed voice when his eyes were cold.

"What are you doing? Can't you see it?" Looking calmly at Coral's icy expression, Ichigo immediately opened his mouth and replied to Coral in a plain but indisputable voice, "I am You won't be allowed to shoot at Jero." . . .

Chapter 1025 Calm down coral

"Do you want to protect the monsters?!" Just by looking at the current posture of the coral, you can already know who is the Jieluo in Ichigo's mouth.Then in the next second, when his eyes became colder and colder, Coral immediately asked a guard in a condensed voice.

"I can't say whether to protect or not to protect. It's just that Jero is my friend, so of course I won't allow you to shoot at her." Looking at the cold-faced Coral, Ichigo continued to take it easy. Looking at the coral with a tone of voice, he replied.

"You're crazy! Get out of the way!..." At first glance, Ichigo actually regarded the monster as a friend, which made Shao feel extremely absurd at first, and then became more and more angry. When his heart was born, Shen Sheng stared at Ichigo and shouted.

After all, where Coral grew up, the entire slayer village was destroyed by the attack of powerful monsters.So now, seeing that Ichigo actually regards Yura, who is a monster, as a friend, Coral would feel unacceptable for a while, and that is forgivable.

Afterwards, when the sound of a heavy drink fell, Coral saw that Ichigo didn't answer her own words and obediently stepped aside, so she stopped waiting. Then Coral raised the Fei Lai Gu in her hand and planned to use the Fei Lai Gu directly. He bypassed Ichigo and attacked Yura because of the gyrating characteristics of the bone.

Of course, Ichigo wouldn't allow such a thing to happen right under his nose.The next second, when Coral raised his right hand and was about to throw the flying bone, Ichigo promptly reached out and held the front end of the flying bone in his hand.

"You?! Let go!" At this moment, due to the obstruction of Ichigo, Coral couldn't throw the flying bone freely, and when a burst of anger was born in his heart, Coral then glared at Ichigo with a low voice, At the same time, when his head was hot, Coral actually subconsciously turned around and hit Ichigo's waist with an elbow, regardless of Yihu's human identity!

"Crack!..." Of course, at the moment when Coral reflexively struck an elbow, the result was already doomed.The next second, accompanied by a crisp impact sound, Coral's elbow that hit Ichigo was finally firmly inserted into the palm of Ichigo.

As a result, Ichigo's right hand grabbed the front end of the flying bone, and his left hand took hold of the elbow that Coral hit. To others, Ichigo and Coral's posture at this time seemed like Ichigo was hugging Coral. .

However, although at first glance Ichigo seems to be a little closer to Coral now.But the Kikyo and the others who were present knew it in their eyes, and the actual situation was not the same at all.Moreover, the slightly depressing and cold atmosphere lingering around at this moment also indirectly confirmed this.The current situation is not very good.

"I told you, I kept saying that I wanted to get rid of demons, but what's the difference between your actions against me as a human being and those demons who attacked human beings out of self-preference?" Without releasing the coral immediately, Ichigo then looked down at the coral and said word by word such words that made the coral stunned.

"...You're not injured, are you?" After hearing Ichigo's words, she couldn't help being silent. After a while, she looked at Ichigo, and Coral murmured to Ichigo when her complexion was complicated.

"I'm fine." Coral would ask that, which already meant she had calmed down a bit.The next moment, he let go of the hands that were holding the Feilaigu and Coral's elbow, and with a normal expression, he replied to Coral, "Maybe what I said just now was a bit heavy, but I just wanted to. Let you understand, don't attack indiscriminately in the future."


That night.

Rarely did not bring Kikyo and the others to Zhanyue World to rest, Ichigo just used Reiatsu to isolate the annoying mosquitoes at night, and made a fire with dead wood branches on the spot.

Opposite to Ichigo, at this moment sits the demon slayer woman Shan Shan.Bending slightly, she placed her white chin on her curved knees. Right now, Coral was staring at the flames lit in front of her in a daze, with a worried look on her face.

In the past few hours, through the conversation, Ichigo has learned everything that Coral has encountered recently.Of course, aside from Ichigo, Kikyo and the others, as well as Yura, have already learned everything from Coral's narration.

Before, when he heard that the slayer village where Coral lived had been destroyed by a monster, Jiero had already subconsciously forgiven Coral for what he said and did at the beginning.After all, I just encountered this kind of nightmare not long ago, so it is understandable that the coral will become emotionally unstable and even have the extreme idea that all monsters must be eliminated.

"Coral, Kikyo and I should arrive at Naraku Castle in front of you tomorrow. What about you, what are you going to do next?" The guardian confirmed that Coral was actually a woman of pure nature.Therefore, he did not choose to leave the coral that had already explained to himself what he encountered, and Ichigo asked as he looked at the coral at this time.

"...The city of Naraku?" However, the next moment, after hearing Ichigo's question, Shan Shan said to Ichigo when he was slightly stunned, "The city ahead shouldn't be called a city out of nowhere. Is it from Yuncheng? When did it become the city of Naruo?"

"...Izumo City?" Ichigo couldn't help frowning at Coral's words. In the first few days when he and Kikyo and the girls left Maple Village, they caught some monsters they encountered on the road, and then from them He asked about the existence of the "City of Naruo".Moreover, just yesterday, Ichigo also confirmed from Jero's mouth that the city not far ahead was indeed the city of Naraku.

When he was quite puzzled in his heart, Ichigo turned to subconsciously look at Yura who was sitting beside him.The latter, when Yinu looked at him, just shook his head slightly and spread his hands.

"Lord Ichigo, I heard from other youkai not long ago that the city in front of you is called Naraku's Castle, and it is the castle of the monster Naraku." To show that he didn't know very well by using his hand gestures, Luo immediately said towards Ichigo as his tender lips lightly opened, "It stands to reason that there should be nothing wrong with this."

Another message from the monster.And when he heard Kero say such words, Ichigo couldn't help but move in his heart, because Ichigo only learned of the existence of Naraku Castle from the monster's mouth. ..

Chapter 1026 Coming to the City of Naruo

However, unlike the information he got from the monsters, Shao, who is a demon slayer, is now calling Naraku Castle Izumo Castle.

In this way, coupled with a general understanding of the plot of the original work, it seems that Ichigo already knows why the city is called the city of Naraku by the monsters, but the reason why it is called the city of Izumo by the coral.

After a while, after thinking about it for a while, Ichigo took a dead wood branch beside him and threw it into the fire in front of him.

The city of Naraku in the monster's mouth was indeed called Izumo City.However, in the recent period of time, the monster Naraku has captured and occupied Izumo Castle.Therefore, the name Naraku Castle is now widely spread among youkai.

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