All in all, in the past, Izumo City was really just a city under the jurisdiction of a certain city lord, but now that it has been occupied by the monster Naraku, then Izumo City will no longer exist in the future, the only thing is the city of Naraku. !

"Coral, although the city of Naraku used to be really just an ordinary city under the jurisdiction of the city lord of Izumo City, but now it is different." After a while, Ichigo, who had figured out the ins and outs, looked at Coral and said aloud. If so.

"It's different now?" Ichigo's words made Coral stunned for a moment.

"Well, to put it simply, it was the original Izumo City, and now it has become the lair of a monster named Naraku." In the next second, he nodded, and immediately opened his mouth and added to the coral.

"...Izumo City was occupied by monsters?!" At that moment, upon hearing Ichigo's words, Shan Shan couldn't help but be startled, and then her eyes turned cold, "How can the monsters be so unscrupulous?!"

Hearing Ichigo tell the story that Izumo City was occupied by monsters, this reminded Shaan instinctively of the scene where the demon slayer village she lived in was destroyed by monsters that night. Therefore, at the moment, Shaoxing's expression is obviously because of this. And the cold dropped a few points.

In a city that has been occupied by monsters, what will happen to the people who originally lived in the city?Even if you don't have to think about it, you can know that it is definitely not much better than the destroyed demon slayer village.

For Shan Shan, it is precisely because she experienced the village where she lived since she was a child that she was destroyed by monsters, so Shan Shan now feels more and more hatred for the monster who took Cloud City.

"How is it, Coral, are you interested in going with me to Izumo City, which was captured by the monsters tomorrow?" The next moment, seeing Coral's cold face, Ichigo spoke up and sent out such an invitation to Coral. .

"...Well, I'm going!" At that moment, when Ichigo's voice fell, Shan Shan first paused for a while, and then replied to Ichigo after nodding with a firm expression.

Since they have already captured Izumo City, then the monster named Naraku must not only do a lot of evil, but also has great ambitions!Naturally, as a demon slayer, Coral can't let such a monster that will endanger human existence be ignored. She is going to destroy this monster!

"If that's the case, let's set off together tomorrow morning." After getting the agreement of Coral, Ichigo nodded and looked at Coral. He also picked up a dead tree branch in his hand and threw it into the fire.

"Crackling!..." The dead wood branches that were thrown into the fire made a crisp crackling sound when they were ignited in the next second.It was also at this moment that a bright light flashed across Ichigo's eyes.

At this moment, Ichigo already knew in advance that when he arrives at Naraku Castle tomorrow, things that make Coral emotionally unstable and even out of control are likely to happen.Because, from the very beginning until now, Ichigo has never said one thing to Coral, that is: that night, the monster wearing the silver-white baboon fur that destroyed the village of slayers was the one who captured the clouds. The monster of the city, Naraku!


The next day.

Originally it was a four-member team consisting of Ichigo, Kikyo, Kagome, and Tsuiko. After Yura joined, now there is a new member, Coral.Right now, Ichigo and his entourage are heading straight for Naraku Castle, which was originally Izumo City.

Since it was already not far from Naraku Castle, Ichigo and his party arrived at a place where they could see the overall appearance of Naraku Castle in less than half a day.

And the closer you get to the city of Naruo, the stronger the miasma.Therefore, at this time, standing in this place where you can see the city of Naraku, because of the influence of the miasma, there is no grass around.Even in the air, you can clearly see traces of pale green gas floating in all directions, like a discolored haze.

"Sure enough, Izumo City has been occupied by monsters." They were already so close, and apart from the miasma, the surrounding monsters could already be clearly felt.After a few seconds, his eyes narrowed slightly, and Coral immediately said this, holding the palm of the linen rope used to secure the huge flying bone behind him, and now instinctively clenched it for a few minutes.

"...Let's go." As for Ichigo, he had expected such a strong miasma and demonic aura near the city of Naraku.After arriving here, seeing the barren scenery nearby, Ichigo didn't show any surprise, and then Ichigo just said so, and then he wanted to go straight to the city of Nanluo.

"Wait!" However, at this moment, Shan Shan suddenly called out to Ichigo, "The miasma is already so strong when you get here, and if you enter that city, the miasma will definitely be more intense."

Saying that, Coral took a gas mask that he carried with him in his hand: "Unfortunately, I only have this gas mask on me."

"There is no such thing as a gas mask at all, Coral." The next moment, looking at the gas mask that Coral was holding in his hand, Ichigo smiled and shook his head, "As long as you follow me, those The miasma will never affect us."

After all, no matter what kind of reaction Coral would have after hearing this, Ichigo immediately stepped forward and approached the city of Naraku that was in front of her.


After ten minutes.

Walking into Naraku Castle with Kikyo and other women, the first thing Ichigo saw was a row of classical buildings standing behind an empty courtyard.And, several gray wolves who died in that courtyard.

"What's going on? How come there are so many wolf corpses here?!" At the moment, seeing the gray wolf who died in the courtyard, Kagome, who was beside Yihu, was startled first, and then she frowned and muttered. opened his mouth. ..

Chapter 1027 Demon Wolf Steel Fang

"...A wolf corpse?" When Kagome asked in surprise, Ichigo's eyes also fell on the wolf corpse lying in front of him, which was obviously dead.In the next second, he muttered to himself in a low voice. When Fuyi saw these wolf corpses, Ichigo immediately thought of the white wolf demon clan led by the patriarch, Ayame.

However, among the white wolf clan led by the calamus, those wolf demons that have not yet transformed into humanoids have basically white fur.The wolf corpse here has gray fur.Therefore, it is certain that these dead gray wolves are definitely not members of the white wolf demon clan led by Changpu.

However, although they were not from the white wolf clan, there was no doubt that these dead gray wolves belonged to the demon wolf clan.After all, the ancestors of the demon wolf clan once divided the demon wolf clan into several tribes, and the white wolf clan led by Changpu was only one of them.Therefore, these dead gray wolves must belong to other demon wolf tribes.

It was also at this time, just as Ichigo was thinking about the demon wolf clan in his heart, a demonic energy suddenly approached the city of Naruo from not far away.

A few minutes later, carrying a demonic energy, he ran quickly to Naraku Castle. It was a man with tan fur and a sheathed samurai sword on his waist.Just by feeling the demonic energy emanating from this man, you can already know that this man who seems to be just over the age of adulthood is actually a monster.

At this moment, seeing the arrival of this male monster, although Ichigo's expression was still calm, he already knew in his heart the appearance of this monster who suddenly came to Naraku Castle, the identity of this monster: If Unsurprisingly, he is the leader of another demon wolf tribe that is in the same vein as the northern white wolf tribe led by Changpu, named Gang Ya.

"...Who did this?!" The demon wolves have a natural sense of smell. Just now, Gang Ya only hurried to the city of Naruo after he had vaguely smelled the blood of his companions. Seeing the wolf corpse in one place was definitely a big blow for Gang Ya, the leader of the tribe.Then in the next second, his expression became a little fierce in an instant, and Gang Tooth immediately gritted his teeth and asked angrily when he stared down at the wolf corpse in that place.

Immediately, he moved his gaze to Ichigo's side, and when he saw Kikyo, Cuizi, and Coral, Gang Tooth's expression froze at first, and then he sneered without warning.

"Do the two witches have a demon slayer? It seems that my wolves were killed by you..." Both the witch and the demon slayer have the mission of slaying demons. clear.So now, seeing the wolf corpses all over the place and the Kikyo, Cuizi and Coral standing opposite him, Gang Fang is almost subconsciously convinced that these gray wolves must have been killed by Kikyo and Cuizi, who are witches, as well as beings. Killed by the slayer's coral.

And since he already had such an idea, of course Steel Fang couldn't ignore these dead gray wolves.Then in the next moment, when staring at Ichigo and Kikyo and other women, Gang Ya's originally aqua blue pupils immediately turned into an extremely demonic red!

"Is there a monster who is actively trying to find trouble when you just came to this city?" Just by looking at Gang Ya's posture at this time, you can already know that the visitor is not good.The next second, looking at Gang Ya's blood-red demon pupils as usual, Ichigo then said lightly with an indifferent smile.

Ichigo didn't care about the hostility from Steel Fang.Even if Gang Ya is the leader of a certain demon wolf tribe, he is too weak for Ichigo.As for Kikyo and Cuizi, if they really started, Gangya would definitely not be their opponent.

Right now, the only ones who shouldn't be Steel Fang's opponents are Kagome and Coral.However, is it possible for Ichigo to let Gangya attack Coral and Kagome?The answer is of course no.

At the same time, Steel Teeth, whose pupils had turned blood red, had now raised his right hand, whose five fingernails had become extremely sharp, and pulled out his samurai sword, which he had been carrying around his waist. In the cold light, the evil spirit loomed in Gang Ya's blood-red eyes, and then when his legs were bent, Gang Ya planned to attack Ichigo without saying a word!

Since he didn't know Ichigo's strength, Gangya, who subconsciously regarded Ichigo as an ordinary human being, clearly focused on targeting Kikyo, Tsuiko, and Coral.It was also at this moment, when Ichihu was about to give a lesson to Gang Ya, who wanted to do it directly before he knew the truth of the matter, suddenly there was the sound of thunder and lightning bursting, accompanied by a crisp shouting sound. into Yihu's ears.

"Five Thunder Fingers!" In the next second, when the low voice fell, five meandering lightning bolts suddenly hit the ground, and then swept past Steel Teeth in an instant, causing his entire body to move uncontrollably. A stagnation.

The five meandering lightning strikes left five deep cracks on the originally flat ground. After that, a figure quickly flashed into Naraku City, and finally came to stand beside Ichigo.

He tied his dark brown hair into two long braids on the left and right, and carried a short sword around his waist. At this time, it was the calamus who came to the city of Naruo!

"Gangya, the leader of the Southern Demon Wolf Tribe, right?" The next second, after standing beside Ichigo, he looked at the opposite Steel Tooth indifferently, and Calamus asked coldly, "Why do you shoot indiscriminately? ?"

"...Is the northern white wolf clan chief calamus?" At the same time, seeing the calamus coming to Ichihu's side, Gang Tooth frowned, then sneered, "What is indiscriminate? You Don't you see the wolf carcasses in this place? These people killed my wolves, how could I let them go for nothing?!"

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