"It's you, Calamus. As the patriarch of the northern white wolf clan, he stopped me from attacking the witch and the demon slayer. What are you thinking about?!" At the end, after a short pause, Gang Fang came out to the calamus again. asked the voice.

"Guangya, are you blind?" However, facing Gangya's question, Changpu just sneered, "If it was my Ichigo brother who killed your gray wolf, why did you include me Ichigo? Does everyone, including Big Brother, have even the slightest bit of wolf blood on them?"

"..." Calamus's words made him stunned when he heard it in Steel Fang's ears.At the same time, Ayame's words that were not polite in the slightest made Koto feel even more angry. ..

Chapter 1028 Kagura, the Messenger of the Wind

"Acorus, why did you come here?" At this moment, looking at the iris, Ichigo then asked aloud towards the iris.

"Brother Ichigo, didn't you tell me before that you were coming to the city of Naraku? So, I'll find it now." The next moment, when Ichigo's question fell, he looked at Ichigo, Calamus immediately opened her tender lips and replied to Ichigo's crisp voice, "Before, Big Brother Ichigo, as long as I thought that you might meet the powerful monster Naraku in this city of Naraku, I couldn't feel at ease. Stay in the territory of my white wolf clan."

"So, Big Brother Ichigo, I'm here. After all, I'm no longer the weak me fifty years ago. In any case, I should be able to help you more or less now." After a while, Ichigo added to Ichigo with her cherry lips lightly opened.

"Really? Calamus, then you really have a heart." Listening to what Calamus said at this time, Ichigo understood that Calamus was actually trying to gain his own approval by helping him.Then in the next moment, with a slight smile, Ichigo then raised his hand and lightly pressed the calamus's shoulder, and replied to her in a gentle tone.

Immediately, the original smile on his face suddenly faded without warning, and Ichigo then glanced at the row of houses built in this large courtyard, and said flatly: "As for The one hiding in the house has been observing in the dark for so long, don't you plan to show up?"

"Haha, have you been found?" In the next second, as Ichigo's voice fell, a chuckle of laughter suddenly sounded.Immediately, as the red-painted wooden door of a room in the center of the row of houses was pushed open, a woman in a kimono and holding a folding fan came into Ichigo's line of sight.

Her hair was tied up with a feather hairpin, a thin layer of red lipstick was applied on her tender lips, and her eyes were red as fire.This woman, as soon as Fu appeared, was as amazing as Jieluo.

"The little girl's name is Kagura." Holding the folding fan in her right hand, she walked out of the house, and the woman introduced herself first, "Of course, I prefer to hear others call me the messenger of the wind."

Messenger of the Wind: Kagura, this is the woman's self-introduction.Of course, even without the woman's self-introduction, Ichigo could see who she was just by looking at her appearance.

At the same time, it was precisely when Ichigo looked up and down at Kagura, who claimed to be the messenger of the wind, when Kagura then evoked a faint smile on the corner of his lips, looking straight at Ichigo. Said: "I feel very strange now, how can you, who are only ordinary human beings, find out my existence?"

In Kagura's feeling, not only did Ichigo not carry a demonic energy, but he couldn't even feel a half-point of the aura of power.But Kagura didn't believe that ordinary people with nothing could find her hidden in the house.Therefore, Kagura has now subconsciously regarded Ichigo as an unfathomable master.

And that's exactly what happened.

"The reason why I was able to discover your existence is because I can feel your demonic energy." In the next second, watching Kagura and smiling slightly, he immediately opened his mouth, saying that it sounds simple but is actually very simple. Difficult answer.

"Can an ordinary person find me who can hide my breath? I don't believe it." The next moment, he opened the folding fan in his hand and fanned the wind towards him, and Kagura was still looking at Ichigo with a smile on his face, Said so.

"I never said that I was an ordinary person." Listening to Kagura's side-by-side questioning words, Ichigo didn't hide anything, and went straight to the point and told Kagura that he was not an ordinary person.

"...Hey, banshee, was it you who killed my wolves?!" At this moment, Gang Ya, who couldn't wait, frowned at the sudden appearance of Kagura, and said in a condensed voice asked.

Thinking about it in Gangya, if those gray wolves were not killed by Ichigo and his party, then it is very likely that this banshee Kagura who suddenly walked out of the house did it.

"Oh, you said these wolves..." In the next second, when Gang Fang's question fell, Kagura smiled calmly, then glanced at the wolf corpse in front of him with a calm expression. Said, "It's just a group of demon wolves, what if they dare to break into this city of Naruo without authorization, even if they kill them?"

Kagura's words like this are already a disguised admission that these gray wolves were killed by her, which made Gangya's expression uncontrollable. Besides, seeing Kagura's calm expression now makes Gangya feel even more angry. big.

"What did you say?!" The wolves that he cherished were killed by Kagura, and the latter also showed an attitude of being unmoved at all, which made Gang Ya finally burst out in anger, and immediately stepped under his feet. Deng is when he shouted angrily, he directly accelerated towards Kagura and rushed towards Kagura!

As for Kagura, she didn't show any panic when she saw the steel teeth rushing at the speed, and immediately raised her white right hand holding the folding fan, and then opened the one in her hand. The folding fan is slightly forward.

"Corpse Dance!" In the next second, he folded the fan forward and opened his mouth to shout. With a low voice from Kagura, the gray wolves who should have died suddenly stood up from the ground. !

In this scene, it was seen that Steel Teeth abruptly stopped the speed of his original lift. After a moment of shock on his face, the next moment, Steel Teeth's expression suddenly became extremely angry.

"How dare you manipulate the corpses of my dead wolves?!" Angrily staring at Kagura and the gray wolves who had fallen to the ground and died, but now moved strangely, Steel Fang immediately asked Kagura in a deep voice. road.

"I can't talk about daring or daring, because this is one of my tricks. And since it's a trick, how could I never use it?" He looked at Gang Ya's angry expression at this time. , Kagura immediately returned to Gang Ya with his normal expression.

"Strong words!" At the moment, after hearing Kagura's answer, Gangya couldn't help but feel more and more angry, and immediately shouted angrily and set off again to charge towards Kagura!This time, Gang Ya decided that he must destroy the hateful banshee in front of him with his own hands.

Still looking calm, Kagura wasn't nervous at all in the face of Steel Teeth's attack, and then just smiled and watched the corpses of the gray wolves swarming towards Steel Teeth. ..

Chapter 1029 Naruto

Although they were just manipulated wolf corpses, in the final analysis, these were all gray wolves who had followed Steel Fang for a long time. Of course, Steel Fang could not have any scruples to leave scars on their already dead bodies.Therefore, in the face of the wolf corpse manipulated by Kagura, if Steel Fang's attack always seems to be restrained, then he is bound to fall into the disadvantage.


After a few minutes, there were several more scars on Gang Ya's body, large and small, which were scratched by those wolf corpses with their claws. out.

Glancing at the steel teeth surrounded by wolf corpses controlled by Kagura's trick "corpse dance", Ichigo was not interested in watching any further.Because, whether Steel Tooth lives or dies has nothing to do with Ichigo.

The next second, he raised his hand and pointed to the side, and while his eyes were indifferent, Yihu suddenly snorted: "The Sixty-One Binding Dao: Sixty-Zhang Light Prison!"

Immediately, with Ichigo's low voice, six light pieces suddenly appeared out of thin air. After penetrating one of the houses in the front row, they finally gathered into a circle and fixed in the air.

"The Fifty-Eighth of Destruction: Tian Lan!" After he used the six-zhang light prison without warning, Yi Hu immediately raised his hand and aimed at the location of the six-zhang light prison, and then shouted again in a low voice .

The next second, a whirlwind whistling sounded in front of Ichigo's palm.It didn't take long for a hurricane to spin out in front of Yihu's palm, eventually destroying all the houses in the row in front!

"You bastard?!" Kagura, who suddenly saw this scene and left the row of houses early in order not to be affected, shouted out in shock while staring at Ichigo in amazement. road.Kagura couldn't believe that with such a gesture of reaching out, Ichigo could send out a powerful hurricane that would destroy a row of houses!

It was also at this moment that Kagura was extremely shocked by Ichigo's sudden strength, and her corpse dance, which was originally used to maintain the wolf corpse's action, also stopped for a while.Of course, Gang Tooth wouldn't let such a great opportunity to turn the defense into an attack slipped away in vain, and immediately, when he picked up his speed, Gang Tooth rushed straight towards Kagura!

"Don't get in the way! The Dance of Wind Blades!..." In the next second, Kagura couldn't help frowning when he saw the steel teeth attacking towards him, and then he shouted in a low voice while waving the folding fan in his hand.

Immediately, following Kagura's low voice, several sharp wind blades were swept out by Kagura's folding fan, and spun toward the steel teeth to cut it!

"Hey!..." In an instant, blood flashed.Because the wind blade that Kagura swayed was extremely sharp and there were more than one, the steel teeth, who had no time to stop the figure, was immediately injured by the wind blade, and there were several more small cuts on the arm and waist in an instant.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Because the row of houses was overturned and destroyed by Ichigo's No. [-] break, the next second, a figure who was originally in those houses, was now bound by the six-zhang light prison and then directly exposed to the air.

I saw that the figure was dressed in silver-white baboon fur, and the hat with the baboon mask on his head had been removed because of the No. The appearance hidden in it: It is a man with black hair.

Seeing him, Ichigo only evoked a faint sneer at the corner of her mouth, but looking at Shan Shan, her eyes widened and her expression suddenly became extremely turbulent!

"...This monster?! That's right, it's definitely him! It turns out that the one who killed his father, Amber, and the entire village was the same monster who captured Izumo City: Naraku!" After a few minutes, he stared at the monster that was imprisoned by Ichigo's six-zhang light prison. After a few seconds, Coral gritted his teeth and whispered, and his eyes instantly revealed extreme hatred!

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