Wearing silver-white baboon fur, such an obvious feature made Coral no doubt at this time. The monster Naraku, now imprisoned by Ichigo's six-zhang light prison, was the night that destroyed the entire demon slayer village. Once the culprit!

"Flying Bone!..." Now, seeing an enemy who has undoubtedly forged a mortal feud with him, how can Coral be able to hold back?Immediately, when he opened his mouth and shouted in a low voice, he threw the flying bone in his hand that was taller than a person!

The next moment, the flying bones thrown out by the corals whirled and whistled away with a strong wind, and all of a sudden, Naraku, who was unable to move due to being bound by Ichigo's six-zhang light, was directly cut in half. !

Before she even had time to say the last sentence, Naraku, who was bound by Ichigo's six-zhang light prison, was killed by the blow of Coral's anger!

"...No way?" Kagura, who had seen this scene with his own eyes, could not help but whispered in surprise, and immediately turned his eyes to Ichigo.Although Naraku wearing baboon fur was cut in half by Coral, Kagura knew that it was because of the six strange light flakes that restrained Naraku's actions that Coral succeeded in one blow, and that restrained Naraku The Six Paths of Light is another one of Ichigo's tricks.

As a result, Kagura couldn't help feeling extremely curious about Ichigo's strength.But at the moment, there is obviously no chance for Kagura to know more.In the next second, Kagura didn't stop here, and after pulling out the feather hairpin from her hair, Kagura enlarged it into a size that could fit one person.

After that, he sat on the enlarged feather hairpin and rose into the air, and Kagura immediately lifted off in this way and left.When he left, he glanced down at the city of Naraku below, and there was a rare look of regret flashing in Kagura's eyes.

As far as Kagura is concerned, in fact, she is desperate to die as soon as possible.However, it is a pity that the coral cut just now was just a puppet manipulated by Naraku using the puppet technique.Therefore, Kagura showed a disappointed look at this time.


A few minutes later, with Kagura's departure, the demonic aura and miasma that originally existed in the city of Naraku began to slowly dissipate.The next moment, he looked lightly at a palm-sized "wooden puppet" that fell to the ground in front of him, and immediately said with a calm expression: "It seems that Naraku in this city is just a manipulative manipulator. It's just a stand-in, Naraku's real body order is somewhere else."

Chapter 1030 I Killed This Time (Part [-])

"Using a substitute? It's really a cunning monster." In the next second, Ichigo glanced at the "wooden puppet" that fell to the ground, and Kikyo said with a frown.

"Ichigo, are you going to look for Naraku's trace next?" At this moment, on the side, Coral, who had never spoken after using the Flying Bone to cut Naraku's substitute in half, suddenly stared at this moment. As he stared at Ichigo, his tender lips parted lightly and said, "If that's the case, then please take me with you!"

As she spoke, Coral's demeanor was extremely resolute, and just from her expression at the moment, it could be seen that Coral's determination to destroy Naraku.

After all, everyone already knew that Naruo was the monster who destroyed the entire slayer village, so how could Shan Shan still let him go?

Of course, Ichigo knew that Coral wanted to kill Naraku immediately.Then he didn't say much, and Ichigo just nodded his head to agree to the coral.


The next day.

"Ichigo, where are we going next?" Coral asked Ichigo aloud at this moment with Feilaigu on his back.

"Go to Naraku's location. Although the one that was eliminated yesterday was just a double controlled by Naraku, I have already remembered Naraku's demonic energy, so if we go to the place where Naraku's demonic energy exists, we will definitely be able to reach it. The place where Naraku's body is." In the next second, he turned his head to look at Coral, and Ichigo then replied to her.

"Well, I see." After seeing Ichigo's strength yesterday, Coral's trust in Ichigo also increased a lot accordingly.So now, after hearing Ichigo's answer, Coral didn't say any questions or dissenting words, and just nodded in response.

At the same time, after asking where Ichigo was going next, Coral immediately clenched the linen rope that she used to connect the weapon flying behind her back, and her expression turned cold for a moment.

As early as yesterday, after she made the decision to let Ichigo bring herself with her, Coral had already made up her mind. Sooner or later, she would have to use the flying bones to destroy Naraku with her own hands!


Four or five hours later, in the evening.

With Kikyo, Tsuiko, Kagome, Jero, and Coral, Ichigo is now heading towards another place that exudes the demonic aura of Naraku.As for the city of Naraku yesterday, due to the fact that the double that was manipulated by Naraku was cut in half by the coral and Kagura left, the miasma and demonic energy that had permeated it had completely disappeared, as if it had never existed.

After that, after getting rid of the avatar controlled by Naraku in Naraku City, Ichigo asked Ayame, who came to help him yesterday, to go back to manage her northern White Wolf tribe for the time being.

In any case, as the patriarch, if Changpu did not manage the white wolf clan for a long time before he gave up his position as the patriarch, then there would definitely be some trouble in the white wolf clan.

So, Ichigo sent Ayame back to her territory.After all, for Ichigo, dealing with Naraku and Quling is really not a difficult matter, and even if he leaves the White Wolf Clan without the calamus, he has to assist him in destroying Naraku and Quling.

Of course, Ichigo also promised that after eliminating Naraku and Qu Ling, he would definitely return to the northern white wolf clan's territory to find iris.

Right now, with the five girls of Kikyo, Ichigo is walking on a road that is not particularly spacious.Suddenly, a fire lit up in the distance, attracting the attention of Ichigo and the five girls of Kikyo.

"...Ichigo, the place where the fire was lit in front seems to be a village." Looking from afar, Kikyo looked back at it a few seconds later and said to Ichigo with a frown.

"Let's go and have a look." With Ichigo's eyesight, he could see more clearly than Kikyo that the place where the fire was lit was undoubtedly a village.The next moment, when greeting the girls of Kikyo, Ichigo stepped forward and approached the village where the fire was lit.


A few minutes later, as they got closer, seeing the sight of flames burning everywhere in the village in front of them, it was as if they had just been looted by robbers.

It may be that the scene where the demon slayer village where he grew up was destroyed by Naraku that night is still deeply lingered in Coral's mind. Now, seeing the ruined village in front of him, Coral instinctively felt a sense of relief. An unnamed karmic fire grew out of her heart.

"Let's go in and have a look." At this moment, standing at the entrance of the village, Ichigo can feel a faint demonic aura, which can confirm that the village was not looted by robbers, but Ichigo who was invaded by monsters Immediately before stepping forward, he greeted Kikyo and the other women.

After entering the village, Ichigo, who entered the village, saw a few villagers lying on the ground. Looking at the bloody sharp claw marks on the backs of these villagers, it was obvious that their backs were covered by monsters. Scratched with sharp claws.

"Ichigo, the demon in front is very strong." As soon as he entered the village, he saw the villagers who were killed. This scene made the coral frown tightly, and Feilai, who was originally behind him The bone has already been taken down by her and held in her hand.At this moment, Kikyo, who felt the demonic aura entrenched in front of her, looked at Ichigo, and opened her cherry lips in a crisp voice.

"En." Of course, Kikyo felt Ichigo was the first to notice it.Then in the next moment, while nodding to Kikyo in response, Ichigo immediately approached the place where the demonic energy was entrenched with Kikyo and the girls.


After dozens of seconds.

When I came to a place with a strong demonic energy in the village, the first thing Ichigo saw when I arrived here was a group of gray wolves gathered not far ahead.Seeing them, Ichigo couldn't help but smiled coldly and said, "Is it another group of gray wolves under the demon wolf Gangya? It's really reckless, and it's not on the same level as the white wolf clan led by Changpu."

"Ichigo, look, there's a child!" At this moment, Kagome suddenly exclaimed anxiously, and saw a little girl with a terrified look on the opposite side of the group of gray wolves. Frightened to keep going backwards.And every time the little girl took a step back, the group of gray wolves took a step forward. Obviously, in such a situation, there was no way for the little girl to escape from the eyes of these gray wolves alone. ..

Chapter 1031 I Killed This Time (Part [-])

Seeing such a scene, Kikyo has already picked up an arrow and put it on the bowstring, and she will use the arrow to break the devil to punish this group of lawless demon wolves.

However, Ichigo is faster than Kikyo.Just when the group of gray wolves were about to pounce on the little girl, Ichigo had already left the place in an instant, and when they reappeared, Ichigo had come to the group of gray wolves and hugged the little girl.

The sudden appearance of Ichigo obviously aroused the fierceness of the group of gray wolves. The next second, they all showed their teeth and grins. The group of gray wolves immediately rushed to Ichigo in unison, as if they wanted to use their Sharp minions to smash everything in front of you.

"Fourth of Breaking the Way: Bai Lei!" He looked indifferently at the group of gray wolves rushing towards him. Ichigo then just turned to the side to block the sight of the little girl in his arms from looking at the gray wolves, and then raised his finger. Shout out to the gray wolves.

"Chacha!" In the next second, following Ichigo's low voice, a blazing white lightning flashed with a faint blue light immediately rushed out from the front of Ichigo's fingertips, and finally smashed into the center of the group of demon wolves. , and blow up!

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