For a while, the wolf howled nonstop, and was hit by the white lightning released by Ichigo. Some of the demon wolves just twitched and fell to the ground.What's more, several of the gray wolves were directly electrocuted into black coal by Ichigo's Bailei, and they couldn't die any longer.

One trick Bai Lei solved everything.The next second, holding the little girl and returning to Kikyo and the other girls, Ichigo then let go and wanted to put the little girl on the ground.

However, the little girl was obviously frightened by the group of demon wolves. Even if Ichigo wanted to let go of her, the little girl's hands clung to Ichigo's shirt tightly, and the whole person shrank. In the arms of the guardian, who sees it with pity.

"Don't worry, it's alright." She frowned, and Shan Shan then approached Ichigo and stroked the little girl's hair, then smiled softly and comforted.Coral knows best what kind of psychological burden it will bring when the entire village is destroyed and even he is almost killed by the monsters.Therefore, seeing this little girl who has experienced a similar experience to herself, Coral will comfort her in a gentle tone.

However, in the face of Coral's comfort, the little girl just stared at Coral with her beautiful black eyes for a while, but did not speak.

Just when the little girl had not come out of the shadow of the whole village being attacked by the demon wolves and she was almost killed by those demon wolves, Shan Shan did not pay more attention to the silence of the little girl, but still looked towards the little girl with understanding. With a gentle smile.

But the coral may not know it, but Ichigo is very clear.Ichigo knew that the little girl in her arms wasn't afraid to speak because she was frightened by the demon wolves, but she couldn't speak at all!

The little girl's name was Suzu, and she was speechless because she witnessed her brother and parents being killed by robbers when she was a child, so she can't speak a word now.

But this is only temporary, because Ichigo's spiritual power can warm the body of this little girl, so it is easy to restore her ability to speak.

Wearing an orange and pale yellow plaid gown with a dark green silk belt tied around her waist, the little girl Ling has a pure and beautiful appearance, and just by looking at it, you can tell that she is a kind-hearted girl.At the moment, when Ichigo looked down at the little girl she rescued, Ling, she also raised her beautiful black eyes to look at Ichigo.After a while, Suzu gave Ichigo a sweet smile that softened her heart, and at the same time her lips moved slightly, as if she wanted to say something to Ichigo.But due to aphasia, Suzu couldn't utter a single word.

However, even if he couldn't say it, Ichigo could roughly guess what Suzu was trying to say.

Since she is a kind girl, it is not difficult to guess what Ling wants to say now.

At the same time, not long after Ichi helped ring the bell, accompanied by a slightly familiar demonic energy, he entered the village, and the steel teeth in brown fur came to the group of white thunderbolts being protected by Ichigo. Standing beside the fallen gray wolves.

"...Who did it?!" Looking at the gray wolves who had been electrocuted, some of them had even been electrocuted into coke. Seeing such a scene, Gang Ya first asked with a solemn expression, and then subconsciously He looked towards Ichigo.

"There's no need to doubt, this time, I killed these ill-educated gray wolves." Looking at Gang Ya's staring gaze, Yi Hu immediately replied frankly to Gang Ya with a calm expression.

There is no need to cover up at all, just relying on a monster like Gangya is not enough for Ichigo to spend his efforts to cover up what he has done.

"...I want this answer of yours!" His expression became more and more gloomy due to Ichigo's answer, and Gang Tooth said in a cold voice. It also turned into a blood red color immediately.Obviously, looking at Gangya's situation at this time, he wants to take a shot at Ichigo.

Although Gang Ya has seen the powerful side of Yihu just yesterday, for the extremely short Gang Ya, it is impossible to remain indifferent to Yihu Gang Ya who will kill the gray wolves that attacked this village, let alone retreated.

Steel Fang doesn't care what his wolves do to the village, he only cares who hurt his wolves.No matter who it is, Steel Fang will try his best to avenge his wolves.

This also led to the fact that Steel Teeth, who was extremely protective, would lose his life sooner or later because of his character.For example, in the face of Ichigo now, he knew that he was defeated by the wolves who still insisted on dying for him. Gang Fang's actions like this have already doomed him to a fiasco.

The next moment, after mobilizing the demon power in his body, he pulled out the katana he was wearing on his waist, and the steel teeth immediately exploded with his feet, and he picked up his speed and charged straight towards Ichigo!

As a demon wolf clan, speed has always been Steel Fang's advantage.But facing the first guardian at this time, the only advantage of steel teeth will not be able to play even the slightest effect in front of the first guardian!Gang Ya's proud speed was just a joke in Yicai's eyes.

"The Fifty-Fourth Breaking Dao: Abandoned Flame!" Leng Ran looked at the steel teeth rushing towards him, and immediately raised his right hand expressionlessly, and then waved his hand while shouting in a low voice. A disc-shaped flame hit Steel Fang.

In an instant, the disc-shaped flame, like a sharp weapon that cuts everything, instantly slashed the right arm of the steel tooth holding the samurai sword, and finally the disc-shaped flame exploded, swallowing the entire right arm of the steel tooth, and all at once. That is, the entire right arm of Steel Teeth was completely burned to ashes! ..

Chapter 1032 Reunion with Tsubaki ([-])

The accident happened so quickly and suddenly that he didn't even give Gang Ya any chance to dodge. His entire right arm was cut down without any suspense by Ichigo's No. Burned to ashes.

The muscles on Gang Ya’s right shoulder, which had been burned by the waste inflammation, were scorched black and the skin rolled outward. Fortunately, the muscles at the wound of the broken arm didn’t bleed because it was scorched. Otherwise, the blood alone would be enough to make Gang Ya’s vitality. Huge injury!

This time, Steel Teeth didn't dare to act rashly, and stopped abruptly at a distance of more than ten meters from Yihu. Steel Teeth first turned his head and glanced at his right shoulder that had lost his arm, and then rubbed his forehead on his forehead. When he was sweating coldly, he stared at Ichigo, the fear in his eyes was obvious.

I don't dare to rush to Ichigo without thinking, otherwise, Gang Ya can't guarantee that what he will lose next will be his own head!

After all, in Gangya's view, Ichigo's shot was just too fast. With a wave of his hand, a disc-shaped flame instantly cut off his right arm and burned it to ashes. Gangto didn't have time to see it. As soon as the guard shot, he had already lost his right arm!

It's almost unbelievable!Because of this, it is understandable that Gang Ya, who is uncertain about Yihu's strength, chooses to wait and see for a while.

After all, although he was eager to avenge his own wolves, Gang Ya was not a completely brainless reckless man. In the face of Ichigo who was stronger than him, there was no need for Gang Ya to lose his life in vain.

However, Steel teeth chose to wait and see the changes, Ichigo didn't have so much time to waste on Steel teeth.The next second, he turned around, and Ichigo greeted Kikyo and other girls, and then wanted to leave the village.

"Wait!..." Now, seeing Ichigo turning around and leaving, how could Gang Ya be willing to let Ichigo leave unscathed after killing his wolf pack?Then, in the next second, he instinctively shouted. However, as soon as Steel Teeth's shout fell, a white lightning flashed instantly, piercing Steel Teeth's shoulder!

"I didn't really kill you because you and Zhangpu are the same demon wolf clan, but you don't have to go too far." After Bai Lei pierced Gang Ya's shoulder, he glanced at Gang Ya lightly. As soon as Yihu turned around and left, he left behind a sentence that made Gang Ya involuntarily feel a chill in his heart, "If you dare to bother me again, I don't mind completely wiping you out of this world with your hands."


Three days later, on an expanse of grassland, Ichigo and his party were temporarily resting here.

He left Maple Village in order to eliminate Naraku and Qu Ling. After so many days, Ichigo brought Kikyo and other women to such a prairie with a wide field of vision and a good environment for the first time.Of course, for a rare opportunity, it would be a pity if we didn't take a break here for a while.

On the grassland, Bell was running around happily, showing the little girl's lively side.

The village where he lived was destroyed by wolves, so Ichigo took Suzu, who had nowhere to go, with him.Moreover, as early as the day before yesterday, Ichigo had used spiritual power to cure Ling of her aphasia.

On the other side, he parked the bicycle that he brought with him, and Kagome was watching attentively with a book in his hand.After all, although it is summer vacation, Kagome's homework cannot be missed because of coming to the Warring States Period. Therefore, this time back to the Warring States Period, Kagome specially put the textbooks she used for school in that big bag. brought here.

"By the way, everyone has known each other for so many days, but I don't seem to be really familiar with everyone except Ichigo." When he smiled, he lightly opened his tender lips and said.

"Yes, Coral, you really haven't had a good chat with Kikyo and Cuizi, and now there is a chance, so let's get to know each other better." Then, when Coral's voice fell, she gently protected each other. Said with a smile towards Coral.

"...Cuizi?" Suddenly hearing the name Cuizi from Yihu's mouth, Shan Shan was stunned for a moment, and then he frowned subconsciously when he murmured in a low voice.Because there used to be a legend about the witch Tsuiko four hundred years ago in the slayer village of Coral.Therefore, when I heard the name of Cuizi at first glance, Shan Shan showed a slightly surprised look on her face.

"That's right, Coral, it's Cuizi." At the next moment, he nodded towards Coral, and Ichigo then gestured for Coral to look at Cuizi sitting on the grass beside him, and said, "The name of that name four hundred years ago was introduced. The powerful sorceress Tsuiko on the other side is referring to her."

"...Really?!" Coral was really surprised at this moment, and then murmured while staring at Cuizi, "You really are that witch Cuizi from [-] years ago?!..."

"Yes." Facing the questioning voice made by Coral when she looked surprised, Cuizi nodded slightly and replied to Coral.

The witch Cuizi from [-] years ago actually appeared in front of her eyes. This fact made Shanshan not only shocked and curious, but like a curious baby, she asked Cuizi about what happened [-] years ago. It's time for some things to happen.

At the moment, he stood up and left the follow-up time to the two girls, Shaan and Cuizi, to communicate with each other. Ichigo then stepped to the place of Ling, who was running lively on this prairie with open arms and against the wind.

"Brother Ichigo!" At the next moment, seeing Ichigo coming, Ling immediately trotted to Ichigo, and then raised her eyes to look at Ichigo and called out in a sweet voice.

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