"How is it, Ling, do you feel very relaxed staying here?" She reached out and stroked Fu Ling's black and shiny hair, and immediately after a light smile, she looked down at Ling and said.Staying in this vast prairie, the sky is still very blue, it is really suitable for people to relax.

"En!" At the next moment, she nodded heavily towards Ichigo, and when Ling then showed a relieved smile on her lovely pretty face, she responded with a clear voice towards Ichigo.In fact, for the current bell, Ichigo has become her only support.As long as Ichigo is by his side, no matter where he goes, Suzu will feel very relaxed.

"...Ichigo?!" At this moment, from the side of Ichigo, an unbelievable voice suddenly sounded. ..

Chapter 1033 Reunion with Tsubaki (Part [-])

Xunsheng looked around, and at this moment there was a woman wearing a black witch robe with waist-length black hair standing not far to the side of Yihu.

"Tsubaki..." Looking at the woman, Ichigo paused for a while, then smiled and said hello, "Long time no see."

"...You bastard! Where have you been for the past [-] years?" Just now he was convinced that what he saw was not an illusion, Tsubaki in a black witch robe quickly walked to Ichigo, and then frowned. Xiu Mei stared at Ichigo for a moment and asked.

"What? Did you miss me?" Hearing the concern and vague resentment in Tsubaki's words, Ichigo asked Tsubaki half-jokingly with a smile.

"...Hmph, you want to be beautiful!..." Ichigo's words made Tsubaki blushed and turned to give Ichigo a stubborn look and replied aloud.

However, just by looking at Tsubaki's appearance at this time, anyone can see that Tsubaki's answer to Ichigo is completely unintentional.

Fifty years after seeing each other, no matter how much Tsubaki hides it, she will never be able to completely cover up her longing for Ichigo.

These, Ichigo naturally knew.Then he didn't come to argue with Tsubaki, and Ichigo just stepped forward to get closer to Tsubaki and said in a voice that Tsubaki could only hear: "Tsubaki, there is such a custom, I don't know about you anymore. Don't understand?"

"...What custom?" Being so close to Ichigo made Tsubaki feel a little uncomfortable, but he didn't back down. Then Tsubaki just stood there and looked at Ichigo who was close at hand, and spoke. murmured asked.

"In this Warring States period, if a girl's foot is touched by the opposite sex, she has to promise her." Hehe smiled, and Ichigo then spoke out, even though Tsubaki felt his cheeks get hot.

"...you...you're talking nonsense!" Tsubaki then turned his eyes aside and whispered in a slightly flustered tone towards Ichigo, his heart beating instinctively faster.

Fifty years ago, while eliminating the centipede monster, the centipede monster, the centipede, Ichigo personally removed the toxins that had accumulated on Tsubaki's feet after being stabbed by the tail of the centipede. Tsubaki naturally remembers this clearly. Chu.

Now, because of Ichigo's words, Tsubaki's memories of the past have been brought back, which makes Tsubaki feel ashamed, and an inexplicable feeling begins to grow in his heart.

Involuntarily, Chun remembered what two quirky apprentices she had hired a few years ago had asked herself: "Master, why haven't you found a boyfriend yet?"

At the time, Tsubaki laughed it off, but now, seeing Ichigo, Tsubaki seems to have a vague idea of ​​the answer to that question in his heart.

"Hey, isn't this the Miko Tsubaki who is as famous as Miko Kaede in today's era? Ichigo, so you know her?" After meeting Tsubaki, he asked Ichigo in a crisp voice with interest.

A few years ago, when she was on the mission to slay the demon, Shan Shan happened to see Tsubaki's face, so now she can be recognized at a glance.After all, aside from Tsubaki's beautiful appearance, Tsubaki's black witch robe, which is different from ordinary witch costumes, is already a very conspicuous feature and symbol, enough to make it easy for people to see at a glance. Identify it.

However, according to legend, although Tsubaki is a decent witch who slays demons and conquers demons, she is also a full ice beauty.Moreover, when I went out to get rid of demons a few years ago, what I saw at the time when I happened to see Tsubaki's coral was Tsubaki's unwavering expression, as if there was nothing in the world that could make Tsubaki move.

But now, seeing Tsubaki's pretty face blushing when facing Ichigo, this is not at all in line with Tsubaki's image of an ice beauty, so Coral can't help but be extremely curious about the relationship between Ichigo and Tsubaki. .

"Well, Tsubaki and I are old acquaintances." At the moment when Shaan had some thoughts in his heart, he nodded, and Ichigo responded to Shaan.

"...Old acquaintance?" At the next moment, after hearing Ichigo's answer, Shan Shan first murmured and whispered, and then turned to Ichigo and asked such words, "Since it is an old acquaintance, Ichigo, you and the shrine maiden. The relationship between Tsubaki should be very unusual, right?"

"It's natural." With a slight smile, Ichigo nodded towards the coral again.As for Tsubaki, although her pretty face was flushed, she didn't say anything to refute Ichigo's reply to Coral.

This time, after listening to Ichigo's answer and seeing Tsubaki's blushing face in silence, Coral can already be sure that the relationship between Ichigo and Tsubaki is absolutely extraordinary!

"Okay, Tsubaki, if you don't mind, tell me now about what you've done in the past [-] years." After answering Coral's question, he looked at Tsubaki again, and Ichigo immediately spoke to Tsubaki. .At this moment, Ichigo wants to know what Tsubaki has done in the fifty years since he left this world.

"Is there any need to ask? Of course, I have traveled all over the world." In the next second, when Ichigo's question fell, Chun immediately replied to Ichigo, "It can't be in fifty years' time. Did you keep me in the same place all the time?"

"That's right, then tell me where you went." Pulling Tsubaki and sitting down on the grass, Ichigo then gestured towards Tsubaki.


After dozens of minutes.

Sitting on the grass, Ichigo was chatting with Tsubaki all the time.During this period, Tsubaki also asked Ichigo a lot of questions.After all, it's been fifty years since we've seen each other, and no matter how much Tsubaki pretends not to care, she definitely has a lot to say to Ichigo.

However, at this moment, Ichigo and Tsubaki were chatting with each other about the experiences they had encountered during the period of separation, and the atmosphere between the two was also very good. In the robe, a figure riding on a horse toward Ichigo and Tsubaki's side attracted the attention of Ichigo and Tsubaki.

Seeing the figure riding on the horse, Chun couldn't help frowning, then stood up from the grass.

"Ichigo, that is a puppet I made with talisman paper and my own spiritual power. I have always been kept by my two apprentices' side. This time, this puppet will suddenly come to me, Something must have happened." The next second, when Ichigo also stood up, Chun's tender lips parted lightly and explained to Ichigo in a condensed voice. ..

Chapter 1034 Duobao Pagoda

Afterwards, when Tsubaki's doll made of spiritual power and talisman came to Tsubaki on a horse, he reached out and touched the black robe that the puppet was wearing. In the next second, Tsubaki's fingers As soon as he touched the edge of the black robe the puppet was wearing, the puppet turned back into a talisman when a puff of white smoke rose.

The next moment, she held the talisman paper turned into a doll in her hand, and the line of text that appeared on the paper immediately came into Tsubaki's line of sight, making her frown even more.This doll made by Tsubaki has the ability to transmit information.Right now, what appeared on the talisman paper in Chun's hand was the words that her two apprentices brought along.

I saw that the line of text that appeared on the surface of the talisman paper was as follows: "Master, the Duobao Pagoda has changed, please come quickly!"

"... Duobao Pagoda?" At that moment, when Chun stared at the line of text that appeared on the talisman paper, Ichigo also looked at the text on the talisman paper.In the next second, he murmured and whispered, Ichigo still had some impression of Duobao Pagoda.

In Ichigo's memory, Duobao Pagoda is a tower that seals many monsters.Moreover, on the top floor of the Duobao Pagoda was sealed a powerful evil spirit.Obviously, if there is something wrong with such a tower that seals many demons, then it must be a difficult matter!

"Ichigo, I have to go back right away." After a while, when his face became condensed, he raised his eyes and looked into the distance, Tsubaki said to Ichigo immediately.After all, something happened to the Duobao Pagoda, which cannot be solved by Chun's two apprentices alone.

"Tsubaki, let me go with you." However, just as Tsubaki was about to leave, Ichigo raised his hand and lightly pressed Tsubaki's shoulder, and said the next moment.I don't want Tsubaki to face the Duobao Pagoda, which is sealed with many demons, alone, so Ichigo will also go with him just in case.


at dusk.

Let Kikyo and the other girls go to Zhanyue World for a while, Ichigo and Tsubaki soon returned to Musashi Country, and stood in front of a house with a large courtyard built with a multi-pagoda tower inside.

Here, it is not too far from the location of Maple Village.The area of ​​this building is comparable to that of some city lords' palaces, and the houses with many pagodas are built inside.

"Come in, Tsubaki." The next moment, he turned his head to look at Tsubaki who was standing beside him, and a guard greeted him.At Ichigo's speed, it didn't take long to bring Tsubaki to this house with many pagodas built inside, at least it was a lot faster than Tsubaki's own journey.While rushing back here, Ichigo would have been able to get here faster if he hadn't needed Tsubaki to guide him.

"En." At this moment, he first looked at Ichigo with a grateful look, and after nodding, Chun opened the door of the house in front of him and walked in.After all, Ichigo Tsubaki was able to get back here so quickly, so of course Tsubaki would be grateful to Ichigo at this time.

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