The next moment, they entered the house in front of them, and what Ichigo and Tsubaki came after was a large courtyard.

"Peony, red leaves!" As soon as Fu entered the house, Chun Xuan even immediately began to call out the names of her two apprentices.At the same time, Chun kept walking, walking straight towards the location of the Duobao Pagoda.

"Master!" Not long after, as Chun walked towards Duobao Pagoda, two clear shouts rang out, and two women immediately ran towards Chun, apparently Chun's two apprentices.

After a while, he quickly ran to Chun, the two apprentices who Chun called Mudan and Hongye, one was wearing blue clothes and the other was wearing red clothes. Generally printed from a mold.

Obviously, Chun's two apprentices are still twins.

"Master, it's not good, that Duobao Pagoda!" Right now, as soon as they ran in front of Chun, the two girls, Mudan and Hongye, who were apprentices, hurriedly opened their mouths to Chunyu with a hint of anxiety.However, just halfway through the words, when they saw Ichigo standing beside Chun, the second half of the words that Peony and Hongye wanted to blurt out were swallowed back into their stomachs.

"...Eh?! Master, who is he?" They had never seen Tsubaki beside Tsubaki before, so at this time, seeing Ichigo standing next to Tsubaki, Peony and Momiji felt extreme for a while. Curious, and then asked Tsubaki in unison.

"I see! Master, this man must be your wishful husband, right?!" Immediately afterwards, Peony in blue giggled again, and said bluntly without any shyness.

"You two! Are you still here to ask about anything else at such a critical time?" The two apprentices Mudan and Hongye blushed, and Chun immediately stared at each other, pretending to be angry. Her two apprentices glanced at each other, and then ordered out, "Why don't you go to Duobao Pagoda with me?"

"Yes!..." Obviously, Tsubaki's staring effect is still there, at least the two girls, Peony and Hongye, stopped asking more questions with their gossip faces, and immediately responded with Tsubaki, and then followed Tsubaki towards the Duobao Pagoda. walked over.

However, on the way to the Duobao Pagoda, the two women, Peony and Hongye, looked at each other and smiled secretly.


After a few minutes, I came to the Duobao Pagoda.Looking up, this Duobao Pagoda is quite tall, but at this time, standing under this Duobao Pagoda can clearly feel the strong demonic energy emanating from the Duobao Pagoda.

"Master, the enchantment originally imposed on this pagoda has obviously weakened! What should I do now?" At this moment, standing in front of the pagoda, the two women, Peony and Hongye, have also restrained their quirky side. Then, when his face became condensed, he looked at Chun and asked with a frown.

"...Ichigo, do we want to go into the tower and take a look?" Facing the inquiries from Mudan and Hongye, Chun did not immediately answer them, and then subconsciously looked at Ichigo. , said with a slight frown.

Even after [-] years, Tsubaki still clearly remembers the strength of Ichigo, so now, Tsubaki will subconsciously seek Ichigo's opinion.

In addition, maybe even Tsubaki herself didn't really realize that even though she hadn't seen her in fifty years, Tsubaki's reliance on Ichigo continued unabated.

Otherwise, if you don't rely on Ichigo, Tsubaki can use his own power to impose a seal on the Duobao Pagoda. With the spiritual power that Tsubaki has now, he can definitely do it.However, Tsubaki sought Ichigo's opinion.This fully proves the importance of Ichigo in Tsubaki's mind. ..

Chapter 1035 The Black Fragment on the Top of the Duobao Pagoda

"Tsubaki, wait here first, I'll go up to the top of the Duobao Pagoda to have a look." At that moment, after hearing the words of Tsubaki asking for his own opinion, Ichigo looked up at the Duobao Pagoda. The top of the tower looked over.After a few seconds, he retracted his gaze, and Ichigo immediately greeted Tsubaki as he opened his mouth, and then walked vertically up to the top of the Duobao Pagoda, approaching the past.

"Wow! It can fly!..." The next moment, seeing the scene of Yihu striding into the air, Chun's two apprentices, Peony and Hongye, exclaimed each other in exclamation when their faces were splendid. It is also an instinctive expression of admiration and admiration for Ichigo.

"As expected of a man who is a master, he is really amazing!" At the same time, the two women Peony and Hongye also sighed in their hearts.

But seeing the splendid expressions on the faces of the two girls, Peony and Hongye, when they looked up and stared at Ichigo who was soaring up into the air, Tsubaki immediately pursed her tender lips and smiled, instinctively self-conscious. There was a proud look on the pretty face.

Seeing Ichigo being worshipped by his two apprentices, Chun seemed to feel the same way, and his mood suddenly improved a lot.So much so that Tsubana's dignified feeling because of the sudden weakening of the enchantment imposed on the Duobao Pagoda is now relieved a lot.

It was when Peony and Hongye showed their amazed expressions because of Ichigo's ability to step in the air, Ichigo had already walked to the top of the Duobao Pagoda in a blink of an eye.

With Ichigo's perception ability, he was aware of the abnormality on the top of the tower as early as the moment he came to the tower.

Because, in Yihu's perception, the demonic aura entrenched on the top of this multi-pallet pagoda is extremely strong!Moreover, it was that demonic energy that eroded the enchantment in the Duobao Pagoda, which finally led to the weakening of the enchantment in the Duobao Pagoda.

Of course, everyone already knows that the reason why the enchantment imposed in the Duobao Pagoda is weakened is that there is a problem with the top of the Duobao Pagoda. How could Ichigo not go to the top of the tower to see what happened?

At the moment, after reaching the same height as the top of the Duobao Pagoda, he looked forward. In the next second, Ichigo sensed that at the top of the tower, there was an emission that eroded the barrier of the Duobao Pagoda. The source of that demonic energy.

Immediately, he came to the top of the Duobao Pagoda and stood on the top of the tower, stepping on the seemingly fragile tiles, and then Ichigo pressed it on the top of the Duobao Pagoda.

The next moment, just a little force on the palm of the hand, the top end of the tower that protruded upward like tofu was crushed by Ichigo, and then a black fragment that was originally hidden in it was exposed, attracting Ichigo's attention.

Immediately, I took the black shard in my hand, and I saw it with a glance. Compared with the black shard taken out from the neck of the corpse dancer, this black shard, regardless of its appearance. Or the demon energy inside, both are exactly the same!

The black shards contain Qu Ling's demonic energy, and it looks as if the shard was separated from Qu Ling, which turned into black jade.

But Ichigo knew that, like the previous shard, this black shard was nothing more than a fake imitation.

Obviously, since the Quling that turned into black jade is in Nairo's hands, then the black shard that originally existed in the top spire of the Duobao Pagoda was probably put in by Nairo.

Although Ichigo didn't know the purpose of Naraku's efforts to create such fragments, it is not difficult to guess that the reason why Naraku put the fragments into the spire of the Duobao Pagoda is nothing more than a fancy for the seal inside the Duobao Pagoda. of many monsters.

Relying on the Quling demon power stored in the imitation shards to weaken the Duobao Pagoda barrier, Naruo's ultimate goal must be to release the demons sealed in the Duobao Pagoda.After that, whether Naraku wanted to take these monsters sealed in the Duobao Tower as his subordinates or simply swallowed them up, it was unknown.

Holding the black shard in his hand, Ichigo didn't think about it for a while after thinking for a while, and then he just took the shard and left from the top of the tower and finally returned to Tsubaki's side.

"Ichigo, what is this shard in your hand?" As soon as Ichigosuke came back to him, Tsubaki immediately noticed the strong demonic aura coming from Ichigo.The next moment, seeing the black shard in Ichigo's hand, Chun then asked Ichigo while frowning slightly.

"Tsubaki, this is the fragment I dug up from the top of the Duobao Pagoda." He squeezed the black fragment in his hand with his thumb and forefinger, and immediately explained to Tsubaki, "The enchantment in the Duobao Pagoda was blocked. The weakening is precisely because of the erosion of the magic power contained in this black shard."

"It can actually erode the barrier in the Duobao Pagoda. What is the origin of this fragment?..." Feeling the powerful demonic energy emanating from the black fragments in Ichigo's hand, Chun then frowned and turned towards Ichigo. asked.

"Tsubaki, you should know that there is such a monster named Naraku?" In the next second, he directly crushed the black shard into powder, and Ichigo said to Tsubaki, "I was put into the Duobao Pagoda. The black shards in the top came from the hands of that monster Naraku."

"...The monster Naraku?" After listening to Ichigo's answer, Tsubaki pondered for a while, then nodded indifferently, "I naturally know that monster. Since fifty years ago, that monster Naraku has been active. up to now."

"...a very tricky monster, otherwise, I would have eliminated that monster Naraku during the time I traveled around." At the end, Tsubaki paused for a while, then turned towards a Hu opened his mouth to say such words.

"It doesn't matter if it's tricky or not, anyway, I will destroy that monster Naraku in the end." After listening to Tsubaki's evaluation of Naraku, Ichigo just smiled and said to Tsubaki.

Ichigo's light-hearted attitude made Tsubaki's two female apprentices, Mudan and Hongye, froze for a while.After all, the temperament that Ichigo reveals invisibly is not something that everyone can have. It is understandable that Tsubaki's two female apprentices will be attracted for a while.

It was also at this time, not long after Ichigo took off the black shard that was placed on the top of the tower, the Duobao Tower suddenly began to shake slightly! ..

Chapter 1036

"Master?!" Since Ichigo, Tsubaki, and Tsubaki's two apprentices are standing under the tower of the Duobao Pagoda, the shaking of the Duobao Pagoda can be felt at once, even if the amplitude is small.The next second, looking up at the shaking Duobao Pagoda, Chun's two apprentices, Peony and Hongye, subconsciously called out to Chun, even when they were shocked.

It is not a good thing that the Duobao Pagoda, which has been sealed with demons for many years, is shaking.Naturally, Momiji and Peony, who have never experienced such an experience, have now placed their hopes entirely on their master Tsubaki and Ichigo, who they consider to be Tsubaki.

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