"I said little girl, do you only have the ability to use such low-level sorcery?" At the moment, facing a large amount of hilarious chestnuts thrown from the sky, Ichigo then waved them easily and flew them in front of him When the hilarious chestnuts were all shot into white smoke and dissipated, he then looked at the sky and asked with a slight smile, "Aren't you a thunder beast? Why don't you use lightning-type tricks?"

"...Hmph, that's because I'm afraid that the power will be too powerful to hurt you!" The next moment, seeing the hilarious chestnut that he threw out, Ichigo easily waved his hand and photographed it into a scene of white smoke dissipating. His expression was obviously stunned for a moment, and then, Cang Tian, ​​who heard Ichigo's questioning, then resolutely opened his mouth and shouted to Ichigo when his face flushed a little, and immediately turned around without hesitation. Leave, "All in all, the current situation has changed, let's withdraw first!"

"Why, I want to run away?" However, before Cangtian could take a step, Ichigo's voice suddenly came from close range, causing Cangtian to froze. ..

Chapter 1038 Giant Cocoon

"Ah?! When did you come to my side?" In the next second, after hearing Ichigo's voice, he immediately turned around. When he saw Ichigo standing beside him, Cangtian was startled. Jump, and then shouted out while staring at Ichigo with dread.

It was clear that he was still a few meters away just now, but now Ichigo is by his side. Such a strange thing made the sky extremely unbelievable.

But Ichigo didn't immediately answer Cangtian's question, and immediately, with a smile on his face, he reached out and grabbed the back collar of Cangtian's clothes and lifted her up.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" Ichigo suddenly grabbed the clothes with one hand and lifted them up, which made Heaven feel extremely uneasy when he instinctively shouted, especially when he saw Ichigo picking up the clothes. When he came down and stretched out his other palm, Cang Tian was so frightened that he immediately closed his eyes.

"Hurry up and let me go! What the hell are you doing to me?!" When he closed his eyes, he struggled with all his strength, and at the same time, Cang Tian shouted loudly when his face flushed, "Why? Can you treat me like this?! Put me down quickly! I'm just a kid! …”

"Don't be noisy!" Annoyed by Cangtian's shouting and making noise like this, Ichigo gave a light scolding to Cangtian while frowning.

Ichigo's scolding immediately had an effect.At least, hearing Ichigo's impatience at this time, Cangtian immediately became a lot more honest.It was at this time that Ichigo reached out and took off the two head ropes that Heaven had used to tie a black hair into two servings.

After Ichigo took off the headband used to tie his hair, Cangtian's black hair was instantly scattered.With a delicate face and a head of jet-black hair reaching to his waist, the sky at this moment finally doesn't look like that tomboy anymore.

"Why does a girl dress up like a tomboy? It's unnecessary." The next moment, after taking off the headband used by the sky to tie her hair, Ichigo said to the sky in a calm tone.

"Hey, give me back my headband!" At the same time, when Ichigo let go of Cangtian, Cangtian immediately opened her originally closed eyes.The next second, he took a few steps back and distanced himself from Ichigo, and Cang Tian shouted while staring at Ichigo.

Clearly, Cangtian was very satisfied with her hairstyle, but Ichigo complained about her being a tomboy, which made Cangtian feel extremely dissatisfied.

"As a punishment for your shot at me, I'm not going to return these two headbands to you." Looking at Xiang Cangtian's staring at him, Ichigo said to her in a normal tone.

"You?!..." At first glance, Ichigo was not ready to return the headband to himself, which made the sky feel angry again.However, there was no need for Cangtian to fall into Yihu's hands again for the sake of the two head ropes, so at the next moment, he turned around swiftly, and Cangtian ran away after leaving a sentence, "Heroes don't eat. Loss now! We will have a future!"

"What a lovely little girl." Watching Cang Tian running away, Kagome, who was pushing a bicycle behind Yi Hu, suddenly gave Cang Tian such a comment while he laughed softly.It has been a while since I came to this Warring States period, and it was the first time Kagome saw a little monster as cute as the sky.

"It's just a little girl, there's no need to be serious with her." Ichigo then shook his head slightly as he said this, and then greeted Kikyo and other girls, "Let's move on."


After more than an hour.

After walking a long distance, Ichigo planned to take Kikyo and the other girls to Zhanyue World to rest for a while. At this moment, a monstrous aura suddenly came from the front, which attracted Ichigo's attention.

"...Ichigo, there seems to be a group of monsters inhabiting the nest in front." He frowned slightly, and Kikyo said to Ichigo after a while.Feeling the extremely complex monster energy in front of me, it is obviously formed by the mixing of the monster energy of many monsters.And since there are a lot of monsters, it means that the front, [-]% is the nest of a monster group.

"Well, let's go and have a look." The next moment, he nodded towards Kikyo, and Yihu immediately signaled to Kikyo and other women as he stepped forward.


After a while.

When I came to the place that exudes a lot of demonic energy, at this moment, at a glance, there is only one kind of monster that I have seen with the largest number: that is the flying demon moth.

"How come there are so many moths? And this size is too exaggerated?..." Looking at the dense moths in front of him, Kagome couldn't help but feel a little nervous, and immediately murmured while frowning. sound.Those moths are generally the size of half an adult's body when their wings are spread, and they are still so numerous in number, it is really chilling to look at.

"These are flying monster moths, and now it seems that their leader is about to break out of the cocoon." At this moment, standing beside Kagome, Jiero suddenly explained to Kagome.At the same time, the gaze revealed by Jieluo's reddish pupils landed directly on a giant cocoon that was surrounded by a group of flying monsters and moths, radiating blue light.

"... Kikyo, do you think this scene seems familiar to you?" Just like Jie Luo, he put his eyes on the giant cocoon with green light surrounded by flying demon moths in front of him, Ichigo said after a while, Said to Kikyo standing beside him.

"Well, the leader of the flying monster moth, who is still in the cocoon, should be the descendant of the big monster flying monster moth that Ichigo you killed fifty years ago." In the next second, Ichigo nodded lightly in response. With a sound, Kikyo said that immediately, and then took out an arrow from the quiver behind her backhand.

After taking out the arrow, he placed it on the bowstring of the longbow he held in his hand. Kikyo then pulled the string to the full moon while his face was indifferent, and then the jade finger released the bowstring to release a demon-breaking magic. The arrow hit the giant cocoon ahead.

As soon as the Demon Breaker Arrow was released by Kikyo, it turned into a white piece of training with a whistling sound and rushed forward.

Along the way, the demonic aura was swept away, and I did not know how many flying demon moths were eliminated. The arrow shot by Kikyo finally hit the surface of the giant cocoon.

However, when Kikyo's Demon-Breaking Arrow stabbed the surface of the giant cocoon, a burst of reddish light suddenly appeared from the inside of the giant cocoon, eventually forming a thin layer of red shield between the giant cocoon and Kikyo's. The Demon-Breaking Arrows are separated from each other. ..

Chapter 1039 Agate Pills

"Enchantment?" Looking at the layer of red shield blocking the giant cocoon and his own demon-breaking arrow, Kikyo's face was indifferent, and then his tender lips opened and whispered.

It was when Kikyo's voice fell, that the red barrier that opened on the surface of the giant cocoon was unable to withstand the power of Kikyo's magic-breaking arrow, which was specially used to purify monsters, and began to appear extremely fine cracks!

"Bang!..." After a few seconds, the barrier that was unable to resist the Demon Smashing Arrow finally shattered completely when there was a sound of shattering.Afterwards, the Demon-Breaking Arrow, which still had the momentum, directly hit the giant cocoon. Since the Demon-Breaking Arrow contained powerful spiritual power to purify monsters, after the enchantment was broken, the Demon-Breaking Arrow Fuyi came into contact with the giant cocoon. It was without any suspense that he entered the interior of the giant cocoon after piercing the surface of the giant cocoon.

Immediately, after the Demon-Breaking Arrow entered the giant cocoon, it was accompanied by a burst of dazzling white light, instantly reflecting the giant cocoon that had originally revealed a green color into a snow-white color!

At the same time, when Kikyo's Demon Breaking Arrow pierced through the surface of the giant cocoon, it rushed in like a rainbow piercing the sun, and the white light that symbolized the Demon Breaking Light exploded from the inside of the giant cocoon. Kai, from the giant cocoon, there was a piercing scream immediately!

It was also at this moment that the giant cocoon burst, and a huge figure spread its wings and flew straight into the sky. It was a huge flying monster moth!

"Can't you destroy it? It's a pity..." He raised his eyes and glanced at the flying demon moth, and then Kikyo spoke and murmured.

"Although it wasn't destroyed, it was attacked by the Demon-Breaking Arrow before it emerged from the cocoon. The Flying Demon Moth was definitely injured a lot." Like Kikyo, he looked at Gao Fei indifferently. The flying demon moth raised a glance, and Ichigo said so with a calm expression.

It was also when Ichigo's voice fell, that the astonishingly large flying monster moth that flew out of the giant cocoon then landed from the air, and finally when it fell back to the ground, it turned into a man wearing armor. , A man with pointed ears with green hair.

At this moment, the man's face was obviously extremely ferocious. When his eyes were blood red, the man then roared in a hoarse voice: "Who dares to attack me when I inherit the demon power?!"

Right now, when the man roared loudly, he could clearly see that the Flying Monster Moth, who had broken out of the cocoon and turned into a man, had lost one of his right arms. It was obviously thrown away by Kikyo's Demon-breaking Arrow just now. .

"It's just the offspring of the monster flying monster moth that I killed. What's the use of a sneak attack against someone like you?" It was at this time when the man's heart was extremely violent that Ichigo's disdainful expression The indifferent voice suddenly entered the man's ears, causing him to instinctively look towards Ichigo.

"...You are?!" At this sight, the man's eyes condensed for a moment.Staring at Ichigo's face, the man could not help but subconsciously let out a low voice.

"...I see! You are the guy who killed my father!..." After a long time, he exhaled a long breath, and the man continued to stare at Ichigo and said word by word.

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