The man's name is Agate Maru, the biological son of the big monster Feiyoumo.Before, Agate Maru, who was in a giant cocoon, was actually using the unique inheritance method of their Moth family to inherit his father: the powerful demon power of the big monster Moth who was killed by Ichigo fifty years ago. .

In the process of inheriting the demon power, Agate Pill also seems to have inherited some memories of his father.That's why, now, Agate Maru can recognize Ichigo.

"So what if you know? Even the big monster that gave birth to you, the Flying Monster Moth, can't make a move in my hands, let alone a crippled guy like you, what can he do now?" Leng Ran Looking at Onyx Maru, Ichigo smiled indifferently and said.

Hearing that Ichigo said that he was disabled, Onyomaru instinctively looked towards his broken right arm.At the moment, watching the empty scene under the right shoulder, Agate Maru's expression turned bloodthirsty almost instantly!

If it wasn't for the attack of the Demon Breaking Arrow just now, the current Agate Maru would definitely have inherited his father's demon power perfectly, and he would not suffer the disaster of his broken arm.Then in the next second, looking at Ichigo with a cold expression, Onyomaru then said coldly with red eyes: "You bastard, I will make you regret what you said! I, who inherited my father's demonic power, now I have become an existence beyond my father! Even if my arm is broken, I am absolutely powerful!"

However, even though he said so, when the voice fell, Agate Maru immediately created a barrier in front of him as a defense.

Part of the memory inherited from his father, the great monster, Hiyoga, allows Onyomaru to know the power of Ichigo.Therefore, even if the tone was loud, Onyomaru did not dare to be careless in the face of Ichigo.

"Absolutely powerful? Don't laugh at people..." Agate Maru's outspoken words were so pale in Yihu's ears.The next moment, with a cold smile, Ichigo then said so, and with a slight lift of one hand, he summoned the Zanpakutō Zhanyue into his hand.

"You monster, you don't actually inherit much of the demon power from your father, right?" At that moment, after summoning the Zanpakutō Zhanyue, he smiled indifferently, and Ichigo then spoke, saying that Agate Maru's complexion sank. The words come, "Because, I remember that most of the monster power of the big monster Feiyoumo should have been sucked away by my Zanpakutō."

While speaking, the Zanpakutō in Ichigo's hand, the black-and-white blade, was instantly dyed red in the next second!

Holding the red Zanpakutō in his hand, Ichigo had previously heard the sword spirit Zhanyue, who had studied the power of the big monster flying monster moth, say that this red Zanpakutō, which absorbed the power of the big monster flying monster moth, already has The ability to cut through the monster barrier in this world.

After breaking through the barrier, Ichigo was not surprised when he heard that his Zanpakutō possessed this ability.Because as far as Ichigo knows, in the original book, the half-demon Inuyasha's red iron shattered teeth have the ability to cut through the barrier.

However, the originally simple Zanpakutō now has the ability to cut through the monster barrier of this world, which makes Ichigo feel a little uncomfortable. ..

Chapter 1040 Killing Agate Pills

"Even so, I, who was not weak in the first place, even if I only inherited part of my father's demon power, my power has already reached a level that surpasses my father's!" After a short period of condensed expression, his expression softened a little. Agate Maru immediately smiled lowly, and then said with a confident expression, "So, even if my father was defeated by you fifty years ago, I will definitely not repeat the same mistakes now!"

"It's so naive." Hearing Agate Maru's unpretentious and whimsical words, Ichigo couldn't help but smile coldly, and then when he raised his hand and waved his Zanpakutō, he said to Agate Maru indifferently, "You monster, if If you are really naive and think that you will win, then just attack it. I will let you know when the time comes, what is called the Arabian Nights."

While speaking, Ichigo will undoubtedly show the temperament that a strong man should have, and Agate Maru can't help but feel a fire in his heart when he sees it.Immediately, his eyes narrowed, and while Agate Maru was staring at Ichigo with his blood-red eyes, the demonic aura all over his body began to stir uncontrollably.

After a while, when he raised his momentum to a peak, Onyx Maru moved!Enveloped in a real demonic aura, Onyx Maru instantly accelerated, targeting Ichigo!

At the moment when he decided to take action against Ichigo, Onyomaru thought about it. If he loses to Ichigo, Onyomaru can also use its unique ability to absorb the essence of all nearby creatures, including humans. Strengthen your own strength.

Agate Maru knew that there was a village not far from here, and the villagers who lived there were the No. [-] target for Agate Maru to absorb the energy.

However, could Ichigo make Onyumaru do his best?The answer is of course no.

In fact, Agate Maru can't wait to absorb the essence of human beings when he loses to Ichigo.Because, against Ichigo, Agate Maru wouldn't even have the chance to fight, and he would be killed on the spot!

At the moment, looking at the Onyx Maru that was charging towards him at a higher speed, Ichigo couldn't avoid it, and then he just clicked the corner of his mouth slightly, waving the Zanpakutō he had originally raised, and he slashed down!

In an instant, when Ichigo swung down the Zanpakutō, a pale red crescent blade was immediately slashed out from the tip of Ichigo's Zanpakutō, and then charged towards the Onyx Maru all the way!

The next second, when Ichigo saw the pale red crescent blade that was slashed out by Ichigo and approached at an extreme speed, Onyomaru instinctively wanted to hide, but there was no time left.

"Hey!..." Between the electric light and flint, the red crescent moon shot by Ichigo instantly bombarded the barrier that Agate Maru had placed in front of him. There was almost no suspense. Even the Crescent Moon Tianchong, who hindered Ichigo, couldn't do it even for [-] seconds, and it was cut in half like a piece of paper when there was a sound that sounded like tearing brocade!Then it shattered into bursts of light, annihilated and dissipated in the air.

The next moment, the red crescent moon Tianchong that smashed through the barrier instantly cut through the body of the agate pill, and then rushed towards the distance without losing momentum, leaving a very deep and dark trail on the ground along the way. Slender cracks.

"How... how is that possible?!" Everything just happened in a breath and a breath, and Agate Maru didn't even have time to turn a few thoughts, and the matter ended without any suspense.Standing still in a daze, Agate Maru looked turbulent, and then spit out these few words in a dry voice.

Agate Maru couldn't believe it at all, he was the one who made the first shot, but he was defeated with a single blow in front of Ichigo, and he didn't even have a chance to resist!

His eyes widened in shock.It was also at this time that a vertical red line that spread all the way down from the top of the head suddenly appeared strangely in front of Agate Maru.Then, following this red line, the entire body of Onyx Maru finally fell into two and fell to the ground, raising the dust on the ground.


In the evening, the sky gradually turned dark.

Pushing the bicycle, Kagome's face was still a little pale at this time.

Before, seeing the death method of Agate Maru where the whole body is divided into two parts, it is understandable that Kagome, who came from the modern age where life was peaceful and good security came to this Warring States period, would be frightened.

After all, when she was in modern times, Kagome only saw the scene of a car accident and death from the news, but it was also a mosaic.

For Kagome, although Kagome has been mentally prepared since coming to this Warring States period, in the past few days, Kagome has also witnessed the scene where the village was attacked by monsters and the villagers were killed.However, it was the first time that Kagome saw a way of dying like Agate Maru's body split in two.

But fortunately, Agate Maru changed back to his Flying Demon Moth body shortly after being killed, and was finally purified by Kikyo with an arrow of breaking the demon.Otherwise, Kagome would not be as simple as turning pale now, and maybe even have nightmares at night.

"How is it, Kagome, do you feel better now?" Ichigo was indeed ill-considered for letting Kagome from modern times see Onyxmaru's way of dying.At this time, seeing that Kagome's face was still a little pale, Ichigo asked Kagome with concern.

"Well, it's much better, Ichigo." The next moment, when I heard Ichigo's caring inquiries, Kagome couldn't help feeling a warm heart.Then, when looking at Ichigo and smiling softly, Kagome responded slightly towards Ichigo with her tender lips.

"...Ichigo, am I so useless? I was just frightened by the scene where you beheaded that evil monster..." Immediately afterwards, his face darkened again, and Kagome went on While frowning slightly, he spoke to Ichigo in a low voice.

"Nothing, Kagome, it's not like you don't know, most people would probably vomit like a conditioned reflex when they see that kind of scene for the first time. You just turned pale, it's already amazing." Hu then opened his mouth to comfort Kagome.

At the same time, while comforting Kagome, Ichigo also instinctively thought of the time when he first killed an enemy a long time ago.At that time, Ichigo didn't even have the slightest sense of panic growing out of his heart.

"In this way, I'm really an outlier." Thinking about it, Ichigo couldn't help but laugh at himself secretly in his heart.

At this moment, while Ichigo was secretly laughing at himself, several demonic auras suddenly came from the same direction without warning, causing Ichigo to frown secretly. ..

Chapter 1041 "Resurrection" of the Four Fighting Gods

After a while, not long after the few demonic energy came towards Ichigo, three figures appeared and entered Ichigo's line of sight.

Seeing these three figures that suddenly appeared, Ichigo couldn't help but smile coldly.

It was at the moment when Ichigo evoked a cold smile from the corner of his mouth, the man with two knives headed by the three figures that suddenly appeared immediately looked towards Ichigo and Kikyo. At that time, he smiled coldly and said, "Humans, and witches. Do you two remember us?"

If you ignore the tone of the man's words at this time, just listening to what he said is like this man, Ichigo and Kikyo are old friends who haven't seen each other for many years.However, looking at the gloomy sneer on this man's face at the moment, he knew that he must have had some grudge with Ichigo and Kikyo.

And that's exactly what happened.This man's name is Long Luo, and the other two behind him are Fierce Luo and Beast Luo.The three youkai are the three of the four monsters called "Four Fighting Gods" who were eliminated by Ichigo when they were on Penglai Island fifty years ago!

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