"Who am I, it turns out to be the four useless monsters on Penglai Island." At the moment, when Long Luo's cold voice fell, Ichigo smiled disdainfully, calmly He said, "Why are there only three left now?"

The words Ichigo said in such a disdainful tone made the two monsters, Fierce Ra and Bun Ra, who were standing behind Ryūra, instantly look angry.However, just as Fierce Luo and Beast Luo were about to attack, Long Luo, who was standing in front, stretched out his hand holding the silver-white sword to stop them both.Immediately, looking at Ichigo coldly, Longluo then opened his mouth and said, "Gangluo is too big, so it's not convenient for him to appear here for the time being. Humans, after fifty years, You were actually surprised when you saw us again today, aren't you? After all, as far as you are concerned, our Four Dou Shens died fifty years ago."

"Don't be too affectionate, do you three think I don't know?" The next moment, hearing the words from Long Luo's mouth, Ichigo smiled indifferently as usual, "The reason why you are now able to obtain "Second life", is this all related to the black fragments that the monster Naraku put into your body?"

At this moment, Ichigo could sense from Long Luo, Fierce Luo, and Beast Luo, in addition to their own demonic energy, there was also a special demonic energy that belonged to Qu Ling.

The Four Fighting Gods who knew this "resurrection" were definitely because they possessed the fragments that were given to them by Naruo, infused with Qu Ling's demonic power.Therefore, Ichigo will say this now.

"..." Ichigo's words caused Long Luo to be silent when his eyes narrowed slightly.However, unlike Long Luo's silence, after hearing what Ichigo said, Beast Luo, who was standing behind Long Luo, immediately said angrily, "That guy Nairo, didn't he say he brought us back to life before? Is that method known only to him? But why does this human know it now?!"

"It seems that we have been deceived." Then, when Beast Luo's angry shouts fell, Xie Luo, who was holding a large red feather fan like a banana fan, then said coldly, "That guy Nai Luo, is using us."

"That's it. Fierce Luo, Beast Luo, even if Naruo is using us, but he gave us a second life, this is indeed true." The next moment, shaking his head slightly, Long Luo then said so. When he came, he mentioned the two big swords he was holding in his hand, "Also, according to Naraku's words, we are now immortal. Since we are immortal, what should we worry about? Even Naraku It’s taking advantage of us, but it is our long-cherished wish to destroy this human being and that shrine maiden in front of us. After all, we should thank Naraku for giving us such a chance for revenge.”

"Big brother is right. Third brother, even if we were used by Naraku, it is a great luck to let us who have died have this second life, so we should thank Naraku." The corner of his mouth raised a hint of relief. With a smile, Fierce Luo followed Long Luo and said to Beast Luo.

"Okay, don't care! Anyway, I can live like this again without losing money!" After listening to Long Luo and Xie Luo's words, he shook his head from side to side, and Beast Luo immediately raised his head when his eyes flashed a bewitching red color. He picked up the heavy weapon in his hand called "Equaling Heaven Cannon" and pointed the muzzle at Yihu, "Big brother, second brother, let's do it, I can't wait any longer!"

While speaking, Beast Luo's whole body bulged out, as if full of explosive power.Just like the word "beast" in the name of Beast Luo, Beast Luo's temper is also extremely irritable like a beast.At this moment, looking at Ichigo, Beast Luo was almost unable to restrain the boiling demon blood in his body.After all, in the face of the enemy who killed all the Four Fighting Gods, including himself, fifty years ago, it would be strange if the simple-minded Beast Luo could remain calm.

"The three of you, it's really annoying to talk non-stop there all the time." The three of them have been staring at Long Luo, Xie Luo and Beast Luo coldly as if watching a play. After a long while, Ichigo frowned slightly and said indifferently, "Even if you are "revived" by Naraku once, you three monsters are nothing but cannon fodder-level characters to me. That's it."

"What did you say?!" Being scorned again and again by Ichigo, Buro finally couldn't stand it anymore.The next moment, staring at Ichigo and roaring angrily, Beast Luo immediately said gruffly to Long Luo and Xie Luo, "Big brother, second brother, I'm doing it!"

After saying that, before Long Luo and Fierce Luo could respond, Beast Luo held the Qitian Cannon and fired a cannon directly at Yihu.

"Scorching Bird!" Immediately after that, Fierce Luo also snorted and waved the large red feather fan in his hand, sending out a bird-shaped flame that burned towards Ichigo.It seemed that, just like Beast Luo, Fierce Luo was also provoked by Ichigo's disdainful words.

And since Xie Luo and Beast Luo have already launched their own tricks, Long Luo Sui no longer waits, and immediately waved the double swords in his hand, and a large hurricane mixed with thunder and lightning swept out. Ichigo!

The two swords Long Luo held in his hand, the one in his left hand was called "Wind Blade", and the one in his right was called "Lei Blade".At this moment, Long Luo swung both knives in unison, and only then did he use the trick of the hurricane mixed with thunder and lightning. ..

Chapter 1042 Long Luo's Plan

Cannonballs, flames, and hurricanes mixed with lightning.Seeing the attacking tricks that the three monsters, Beast Luo, Fierce Luo, and Long Luo jointly made to attack him, Ichigo only raised the corner of his mouth slightly, evoking a mocking arc, and then raised his palm calmly.

"The Sixty-Three of Destruction: Thunder Roar Cannon!" Facing this wave of combined attacks by the three monsters, Long Luo, Fierce Luo, and Beast Luo, Ichihu couldn't avoid it, and then he still spoke in a low voice with an indifferent expression. drink.

In the next second, following Ichigo's low voice, dazzling golden lightning began to appear and converge in front of Ichigo's raised palm, and finally condensed into a pure golden lightning with winding arcs all around. Photosphere.

Ichigo's process of condensing the golden ball of light was completed in an instant.After all, after abandoning the chant, Ichigo was able to complete the release of the No. [-] Thunder Roar Cannon in an instant, which was extremely normal.

Then, the arm stretched forward and pushed out the golden lightning ball in front of the palm. After a while, the thunder roar released by Ichigo collided with the joint attack released by the three monsters headed by Long Luo. together.

In an instant, the golden light of thunder and lightning exploded, and after swallowing the joint attack of the three monsters, Long Luo, Xing Luo, and Beast Luo, the three monsters were also engulfed into it.

For a time, a hundred miles of land centered on Ichigo was completely covered by golden lightning!The violent electric arc that filled the surrounding air turned a large area nearby into a dangerous restricted area that no one dared to set foot in!


After a long while, the golden electric arc that was like a substance gradually dissipated.Standing on the ground that had been swept away by the raging thunder and lightning, Ichigo took off the Reiatsu that had been used to protect Kagome and the others from harm, and then looked forward lightly.

I saw that as far as Ichigo's eyes could reach, there were a few stumps and broken arms that had been electrocuted into charcoal.

As the user of the No. [-] Thunder Roar Cannon, Ichigo can clearly know that the three monsters headed by Long Luo did not die under his own Thunder Roar Cannon, but were killed by Thunder Roar. Before the real power of the cannon exploded, he had already foreseen a powerful crisis and instinctively chose to flee.

But this was the case, Long Luo and the others still couldn't get out of the way. The few stumps and broken arms left on the ground were the best proof.

This is enough to see that if Long Luo and the three of them run a few seconds later, then they will be greeted by lightning blasted to ashes!

After a while, the stumps and broken arms that Long Luo and the other three left on the ground finally turned into a few strands of demon energy and dissipated.So far, except for the pitted ground nearby, there is no proof that Long Luo and the three monsters have been here before.


More than half an hour later, on the surface of a lake shrouded in light mist, there was a small island in the middle of the lake that was covered by mist.

This island is the Red Lotus Penglai Island that reappeared after fifty years!

"Damn, I really suffered a big loss this time!" When Fuyi returned to the island, Beast Luo let out an extremely angry roar, "I didn't expect that our three combined blows could not cause any damage to that guy. Threat!"

The guy in the mouth of Beast Luo naturally refers to Ichigo.At this moment, although Ichigo's Thunder Roar Cannon's power is still lingering in Beast Luo's heart, but at the moment, what exists in Beast Luo's heart is more of anger because of not being able to hurt Ichigo. .

"There's nothing we can do about it. After all, that guy's power is something we've had a deep understanding of fifty years ago." The next moment, he shook his head helplessly, and then Long Luo said this, subconsciously looking at it. Looking at his left arm that has been completely restored, "But it's good, our body is very special. As long as the black fragments in the body are still there, no matter how much injury we suffer, our body can automatically recover. Otherwise, This time, the three of us are going to be crippled collectively."

"But in any case, I'm still very unwilling! If this goes on like this, how can we avenge the revenge for being killed in the past?" The face that originally seemed to be a little girlish now has an obvious sinister expression. color is revealed.In the next second, he tightened his hands holding the large feathered fan called "Red Evil Ghost Fan", and Xie Luo then said with an unwilling expression of hatred.

While Xie Luo was talking, looking at the entire Red Lotus Penglai Island, apart from Long Luo and the others, there seemed to be no other creatures on the island.

Those half-demon who originally lived on the island left this Penglai Island within a few days after Ichigo killed the Four Dou Gods fifty years ago.Because, fifty years ago, although the Four Fighting Gods were dead, the faint demonic aura that still lingered on the island, like the residual resentment of the Four Fighting Gods, made those half-demon feel uneasy, so they would choose Leaving Penglai Island, it is also a matter of course.

Right now, there is no other life on the entire island except Long Luo and the others, which makes this Penglai Island seem a little dead at this moment.It was also at this time that a creature that looked like a giant sea turtle suddenly emerged from the lake on the edge of the island of Penglai Island. Protected Gang Luo.

"Big brother, second brother, third brother, are you back?" After getting out of the lake, he lowered his long neck and looked at Long Luo, Xing Luo and Beast Luo, and there was a dull thunder like dullness from Gang Luo. Talking voice, "What's the result of this visit?"

Hearing Gang Luo's inquiries, the faces of the two monsters, Fierce Luo and Beast Luo, sank involuntarily.As for Long Luo, when he walked in front of Gang Luo at this time, he said calmly: "Gang Luo, I still failed this time. But it doesn't matter, I have a plan. If it succeeds, I may be able to report to us five. The feud of being killed ten years ago."

"Brother, what's the plan?" Originally, Gangluo's heart sank when he heard Longluo say he had failed.But immediately, Gang Luo, who heard Long Luo say that he had a plan, immediately asked Long Luo in a rough voice when he had hope in his heart.

"The Singing Furnace." The next moment, his eyes narrowed, and Long Luo immediately replied to Gang Luo, "This time, we need to use the Singing Furnace to make us more powerful."

"Brother, the Ringing Furnace is used to forge the demonic power in the monsters! How should we use that kind of thing?" And when I heard Long Luo's plan, the Ringing Furnace was actually used. Yes, Gang Luo was startled immediately, and immediately asked Long Luo in a slightly startled tone. ..

Chapter 1043 The Great Monster That Forged (Part [-])

"Gangluo, you'll know the details when the time comes. I'm just asking you now, do you believe me as a big brother?" Then he walked to Gangluo's front. With a serious and serious face, Longluo turned towards him. Gang Luo asked word by word.

"Of course I can trust you, you are my eldest brother!" Without any hesitation at all, Gang Luo immediately replied to Long Luo.

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