"Okay!" Long Luo was obviously satisfied after hearing Gang Luo's answer.In the next second, he shouted the word "good", and Long Luo jumped up to stand on Gang Luo's back.

"Gang Luo, before I go to the Singing Furnace, I want to become one with you now." Standing on Gang Luo's back, Long Luo immediately greeted Gang Luo.

"Well, big brother, I see." The next moment, without any objection, Gang Luo nodded directly to Long Luo and replied.

At the moment, when Gang Luo's response fell, Long Luo began to release a large amount of the demon power in his body to Gang Luo.At the same time, Gang Luo's body began to shrink gradually, and it seemed that Gang Luo was being eaten away bit by bit by Long Luo.

In the end, when the monster powers of the two monsters, Long Luo and Gang Luo, were completely merged together, the two monsters, Long Luo and Gang Luo, also completely merged into one monster.

It's just that, unlike when they fought against Ichigo fifty years ago, this time, the combined form of Ryūra and Gora is not the one that looks like a giant sea monster dominated by Gora's body, but rather Ryūra's body. body-dominated appearance.

This time, Gang Luo became the armor worn by Long Luo.Therefore, after combining with Gang Luo, at present, Long Luo has not changed significantly except for some changes in his clothes.

"Let's go, second brother, third brother, let's go to the Singing Furnace." Combining Gang Luo's demon power to form a set of seemingly incomparably hard armor outside his body, Long Luo, who was carrying two knives, immediately looked at Fierce Luo and Beast Luo said hello.


After ten minutes.

In Penglai Island, after walking through a wooden suspension bridge, Long Luo brought the two monsters, Fierce Luo and Beast Luo, to the place where the Ringing Furnace existed.

Walking up a flight of stairs, Long Luoshou came to the front of the Ringing Furnace, and then slowly pulled the Ringing Furnace away while holding the semi-circular iron ring above the square stone door.

"Big brother, it's so hot!" At the moment, when Long Lola opened the rumbling furnace, the two monsters, Xie Luo and Beast Luo, also came forward, feeling the scorching aura from the inside of the rumbling furnace, Beast Luo couldn't help but speak at this time.

"It's just hot, it's not a big deal." Just like Fierce Luo and Beast Luo looking down at the roaring sea of ​​fire inside the roaring furnace, Long Luo's eyes were calm, and he said indifferently, "We have black shards from Nai Luo on our bodies. , so jumping into this chirping furnace will not necessarily kill you by burning out the demon power."

"At that time, as long as you don't die from the forging of the demon power, then by being forged by the fire in the Ringing Furnace, our Four Fighting Gods will eventually be perfectly integrated into an unprecedented powerful monster!" Feeling the inside of the Ringing Furnace With the heat wave blowing at him, Long Luo calmly narrated this strategy of not being stingy with gambling.

"How about it, do you dare to gamble?" Looking at Xie Luo and Beast Luo after the narration, Long Luo narrowed his eyes and said with a solemn voice, "Anyway, we are all monsters who died once, even if we die again What are you afraid of? But, as long as we don’t die this time, then we have a chance to kill that human and the witch!”

"Betting! Why don't you bet?" The next moment, when Long Luo's voice fell, Beast Luo said in a rough voice, "As long as you can kill that hateful human being, anything will do!"

"Brother, although your approach is a bit risky, it's still a good strategy." Then, following Beast Luo, Xie Luo also said with a slightly condensed expression, "If you bet this one, we will have a chance to kill them. That human. But if we don't gamble, we will never have the possibility of killing that human! In this way, the choice is obvious."

"Haha, good! As long as our brothers are united, we will definitely have a chance to win a round! You say yes, the fourth..." So far, Long Luo and the others have reached an agreement.Immediately, with a loud laugh, Long Luo first patted the sturdy armor he was wearing, and then, without any hesitation, jumped into the furnace of sounding!

Following Long Luo, the two monsters, Fierce Luo and Beast Luo, both jumped into the ringing furnace.


The next day.

It was dawn, and when a layer of fish maw white had already appeared in the distant horizon, a cloud of black air entrenched over a certain area, attracting the attention of Yihu and his party.

"What a powerful monster! If it weren't for the powerful big monsters, they would definitely not be able to emit such a strong monster!" His eyes narrowed slightly, and Yu Luo, who was standing beside Ichigo, looked a little bit at this time. While dignified, he murmured.

"Let's go and have a look." Seeing that the group had condensed into a strong demonic energy like a black cloud in the air, Ichigo then greeted the girls standing beside him with a calm expression.


After ten minutes.

When I came to the bottom of the group of demonic energy that had condensed into a dark cloud in the air, in front of it was a wide lake.

"Kankyo, this is where we came fifty years ago." Standing by the lake and looking ahead, Ichigo said with a slight hook at the corner of his mouth towards Kikyo.

"Well, Ichigo, I remember we used to board the Penglai Island in this lake that appears every [-] years." At the next moment, he nodded towards Ichigo, and Kikyo then opened his tender lips. back.

At the same time, just as Ichigo and Kikyo were talking to each other, the demonic aura that had condensed into the air in front of him began to become stronger and stronger.It was also at this moment, as if the power that had been accumulated for a long time suddenly exploded. From the center of the lake in front, there was an extremely loud explosion!

Along with this explosion, the lake surface turned into waves!At the same moment, a dazzling flame of light rose into the sky from the center of the lake, and all of the demonic energy that had condensed into a "dark cloud" in mid-air was swept away in one fell swoop! ..

Chapter 1044 The Great Monster That Forged (Part [-])

"I'll go take a look, you're all waiting for me here." Looking at the pillar of flame rising into the sky in the center of the lake in front, Ichigo narrowed his eyes slightly, and then greeted Kikyo and other women standing beside him. It is to step on the Shunpo towards the center of the lake in front of the sky.

A few seconds later, I stepped on Shunbu to the center of the lake, and when I got close, Ichigo could see that there was a figure looming inside the flame column that was soaring into the sky.

"Really a few guys who don't give up." Looking at the figure that existed in the flame column, Ichigo couldn't help evoking a sneer from the corner of his mouth, and then said lightly.

It was also at this time that, as the flame column gradually dissipated, a three-headed and six-armed monster with two swords and armor appeared in front of Ichigo.

"Haha! Is this the strength that is fused after being forged by the fire of the Ringing Furnace?" Wrapped in a powerful demonic energy, this monster with three heads and six arms was able to float in the air.The next moment, with a loud laugh, the three-headed and six-armed monster said to himself in a arrogant tone, "In my current state, even if a powerful monster comes, I don't need to be afraid at all!"

Staring at the three-headed and six-armed monster in front of him, the head that made a sound was the same as Long Luo's, Ichigo then just smiled coldly: "It's just four monsters combined into one, you really Do you think you are invincible?"

That's right, this monster with three heads and six arms is the God of Four Fights who voluntarily threw himself into the rumbling furnace!Judging from the current situation, the Four Fighting Gods seem to have won the bet.At least, they didn't die from the demonic power burned by the fire in the Singing Furnace.Moreover, not only did he not die, but the Four Fighting Gods, who were originally separated from each other, smoothly and completely merged into one, becoming a real big monster.

At this moment, the four fighting gods integrated into one are led by the eldest Long Luo.Therefore, after the integration of the four gods, it looks like Longluo has three heads and six arms.

"...Human! You're here just in time!" At that moment, after hearing Ichigo's voice, he stared at Ichigo, and the integrated four fighting gods led by Long Luo immediately stared at Ichigo and smiled coldly. "We originally planned to come to you on the initiative, but I didn't expect you to come to the door yourself!"

"What? Why are you looking for me, do you want to be killed by me again?" Looking at the integrated four fighting gods indifferently, Ichigo directly ignored the arrogance emanating from the combined four fighting gods, and then it was just cold. Ran Yi smiled and said such words to Sidou God.

"Don't be long-winded! We won't be defeated so easily by you this time!" With a gloomy expression, the leader Long Luo immediately charged towards Ichigo with his two knives, and shouted loudly, " This time, we will definitely avenge the murder of those fifty years ago!"

"Heh, it's you, you bastard, right?" Looking indifferently at Long Luo, the leader of the Four Fighting Gods who kept talking, Ichigo just smiled coldly, "I want to avenge my revenge fifty years ago. Stop dreaming, even if you two fit together, you'll still be scum at the level of cannon fodder."

Saying that, Ichigo raised his hand and summoned the Zanpakutō, and when he released the spiritual pressure in his body and shrouded the God of Four Fights, his eyes narrowed and he slashed down: "Crescent Moon Sky Chong!"

Immediately, when Ichigo swung down the Zanpakutō, a dazzling azure blue crescent blade was immediately slashed out by Ichigo from the tip of the Zanpakutō, and with an absolutely domineering momentum, it rushed away from the demon of the Four Fighting Gods. Qi, and then cut their three-headed six-armed body into two!In the next second, four black fragments fell out of the body that had been cut into two, and were immediately twisted into powder by Ichigo's spiritual pressure.

With Ichigo's spiritual pressure, even with the Zanpakutō Zhanyue without a swastika, a slash with all his strength is definitely not something that monsters in this world can resist, not even Qu Ling, let alone. Tan is just the four fighting gods who have been combined.Even if you don't have to use all your strength, Ichigo can easily slash it under the sword.

Everything just happened between lightning and flint, and it took less than ten seconds for Ichigo to shatter the unreachable and stupid idea of ​​Sidou God.

Delusions of defeating Ichigo just by being forged by the fire in the Ringing Furnace?It's a fantasy!

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