These demons, they obviously see more openly.

As long as they can win, they are absolutely unscrupulous.And those renegade Righteous Dao forces are absolutely nothing compared to the Demon Sect.

Right now, as soon as the battle between their Demon Realm and the Right Way broke out, those originally rebellious Right Way forces were immediately caught in the middle.

Faced with the deployment of all the hidden back-hand forces of the righteous and the devil, those rebel forces knew how naive they were in their delusional desire to dominate the world.The power of these superpowers is absolutely irresistible to them.

For a time, these rebel forces were also a little disheartened, but they did reduce the strength of the superpowers of Zhengdao a lot.And those super sects of the Demon Sect, in their Demon Domain, have extremely powerful convening power.

And the monks in the entire Demon Domain are much more united than these righteous monks.All the year round, they have been compressed by the so-called righteous monks in the demonic realm that is not too big.

Every magic cultivator has a fire in his heart, and every magic cultivator is engraved with the belief that he will destroy the so-called famous sects.

So when they came up, all of those demon cultivators had a very high fighting spirit, while in contrast, the superpowers of the righteous path did not suffer much.

But the successive changes made their morale seem a little low. Although it was not a big problem, it was a lot worse than those magic cultivators.

Therefore, in the initial collision, those magic cultivators immediately took a lot of advantages, and the righteous superpowers were not inferior to them even though their strength was.

But in the face of those demon cultivators with high fighting spirit, these cultivators of the righteous path with low morale have suffered a lot in a short period of time.Their fronts are also retreating step by step.In the end, those magic cultivators successfully broke out of the Demon Realm.

At the same time, in this Myriad Spirit World, in a very hidden place, there are nine black shadows floating here, and the black energy of death is constantly coiling around them.

Here, the breath of death is so strong that it even seems to be turned into an entity.And in the void, there are many black spots that are constantly flickering. If you look carefully, they look like graves.

It's just that every cemetery exudes a very strange atmosphere.Just looking at it is enough to make one's scalp tingle.

If you look closely, you will find that in front of each cemetery, there is at least one person kneeling there.

These people's eyes are empty and lifeless, as if they have been numb. Only the constantly shaking body and the inadvertent look of fear in those empty eyes confirm that they are conscious. of.

On their bodies, rays of light continuously flowed out and poured into those cemeteries.These rays of light are the souls of living people, as well as their vitality.

And the nine figures floating in the air are also constantly flashing.However, the death energy in them became more intense as the silhouettes flickered.And every time they flickered, at least hundreds of people's souls and vitality were swallowed up by them! ..

Chapter 200 The God of Destruction

Those black shadows flickered from time to time, and life was constantly being swallowed by them.

The aura of death on everyone's body has become even more intense, the space seems to be constantly shaking, and the boundless magic energy is constantly spewing out, rushing into the sky.

The entire space has become extremely dark, and layers of space vibrate constantly, but this mysterious space seems to be boundless.

No matter how these death breaths expand, it seems that they will never end. The blood energy of hundreds of thousands of living beings fills this space with the breath of death.

The nine monstrous shadows just flickered, and the endless breath of death was locked.

Slowly, they stopped the pace of absorption, and the endless black space was filled with bursts of bloody smell.

The filthy and bloody death energy came oncoming, making people feel disgusting.If there is a normal person here, I am afraid that he will definitely not be able to spit it out.

However, these shadows not only did not feel discomfort, but felt extremely comfortable.

And if anyone is here, I am afraid they will find that in this mysterious and extremely dark space, the ground is covered with a lot of dust.

If you take a closer look, you will find that these dusts are the creatures that have been absorbed by the ghosts, but because of the accumulation of too much, the creatures that were originally annihilated have also left so much dust.

The dust alone shows how many lives have been lost.It is conceivable how cruel these ghosts are.

Each of these ghosts stopped after absorbing enough creatures.They didn't speak much to each other.

It's just that in this endless ghost space, the breath of death that pervades the air is getting stronger and stronger, and the people under pressure are almost out of breath.

The phantoms that were completely open to the sky seemed even more terrifying, and endless coercion continued to spread out on them.Om, a strange screeching sound echoed in this dark space.

As if this space was about to be penetrated, the sharp magic sound echoed everywhere, and this sound was also very strange.

It seems to be out of tune with the whole world. If there is a great power who has meritorious power and good fortune here, if he sees through this space, I am afraid that he will be able to find any difference.

Because in this dark space, the entire dim sky is constantly flickering, as if it is about to collapse at any time.

It can be vaguely seen that there is a God of Punishment's eye that keeps flickering.It's just that the power of the God's Eye of Punishment today is not on the same level as the one that Yihu encountered when he crossed the calamity.

As soon as this God's Punishment Eye appeared, the whole sky was shaking constantly, the endless pressure spread everywhere, and the eyes of the God's Punishment Eye had already been completely opened.

For a time, the boundless purple energy was gathering frantically. If the demon monks and the righteous monks who were fighting outside could see it, they would definitely feel incredible.

Because this is the first time in more than [-] years that the God's Eye of God's Punishment has appeared.Moreover, for those cultivators, the purple light emanating from the eyes of the God of Punishment that day was definitely very familiar.

To be precise, all monks would be terrified by this.Because, according to ancient records, when the Punishing God's Eye on that day emits that purple-black light, there is probably only one possibility.

That is, there will be a terrifying world-destroying god thunder.The purple-black thunder light that descended from the eyes of the God of Punishment was the real God of Destruction of the World.Under such world-destroying gods and thunder, absolutely no creature can survive.

And at this moment, the God's Eye of God's Punishment, after being hidden for two hundred years, appeared for the first time and brought this kind of world-destroying divine thunder.

At that time, in that dark shadow space, when this divine punishment eye appeared, to be precise, it was when the world-destroying divine thunder appeared.

Nine shadows exuded a powerful death energy, and their bodies began to shake.The original monstrous power and arrogance had long since disappeared at this moment, and the only thing left was trembling.

For the power of the world-destroying divine thunder, these nine ghosts can undoubtedly be truly felt.Moreover, they can definitely experience it more deeply than anyone else.

On them, the incomparably rich magic light seemed to dissipate a lot at this moment.But it would be really surprising if someone could see their bodies right now.

Because, in the shadows wrapped in layers of them, there is actually nothing inside!No bones, no flesh, as if they were nothing in the first place.

These nine ghosts are like creatures that should never appear in this world.Their figures are constantly flickering, and the boundless breath of death is mixed with bursts of bloody aura, pouring directly into their bodies.

The nine monstrous shadows seemed to be connected together out of thin air, and the boundless blood energy seemed to form a huge vortex out of thin air, pouring directly towards the nine shadows.

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