In addition, there were three more illusory figures in the void.These three figures appear even more illusory, and among the black ghosts that make up their bodies, there are also overlapping blood-colored shadows.

In front of the demonic energy emanating from these three figures, the nine demonic figures were completely insignificant.

The nine shadows, the momentum climbed again, and the nine auras were connected together, causing the entire space to vibrate.Immediately after, when the three black and red figures released their breath, the whole space actually boiled!

Especially one of the three figures, his somewhat illusory body is black and red, mixed with a hint of purple aura.But it is that little purple aura that makes his aura so strong that it is not comparable to the other two ghosts at all.

The three monstrous shadows just flickered and disappeared, as if they were worried about something.

And the god's eye of punishment outside was even more violent at this moment.Endless world-destroying gods and thunder began to gather continuously, causing the entire space where the ghost was to vibrate, and the heaven and earth kept shaking.

However, I don't know exactly where this place is. Even if the vibration is severe, it cannot be detected by the outside world. ..

Chapter 201 Blood sacrifice

At this time, if a cultivator with a high enough cultivation level looks down from the sky, I am afraid that at this moment, there are many people in a place that is not too far away from here.

It seems that the two armies are in a confrontation. There are also many practitioners in the two armies. Even the realm is not low. The strength of the spiritual power that erupts from them shows that they are at least one of the masters.

However, they seem to be unaware of what happened in the shadow space.

The boundless coercion of heaven's punishment was only directed towards the shadowy space.It seems that this ghost space is not on the same plane as the outside world.

Even if it is not in the same space, it seems that this shadow space is another world opened up.

Moreover, the world-destroying coercion of that day's punishment reached the edge of this endless ghost space, as if it was resolved by something, and it was impossible to really enter this space at all.

It is as if there is something in the void of the ghost space, which is enough to resolve these heavenly pressures.

At that time, the real Guangjie who read the notes left by the ancestor was deeply shocked when he read this.And at that time, when he read this notebook of his patriarch, his skill was not yet complete.

Although at that time, he was already famous all over the world.However, compared to the ancients, the cultivation base was far from enough.Regardless of knowledge, strength and realm, they are not very high.

Even what the ancestors described was something that Guangjie had never heard of, or even thought of.Because of the decline of modern monasticism, Guangjie's vision has been limited.

At that time, reading the notes of the patriarch can be said to have greatly broadened the horizons of the real person Guangjie, and even greatly strengthened his determination to practice Taoism and desire for strength.

It can be said that the Dayan Heart Sutra at that time gave Guangjie a way of cultivation.And his patriarch's notes gave the real person Guangjie endless cultivating motivation.

He is very longing for those ancient powers in the mouth of the patriarch.Therefore, this notebook has undoubtedly played a huge role in Guangjie's later practice.

And Guangjie Zhenren Patriarch was also a participant in that civil strife.Moreover, he was a peerless genius who joined the superpower, and even played a very important role in that battle.So, of course, you know a lot about these things.

It can be said that no one knows these things better than him.Moreover, the heights that Guangjie Renren's ancestors have reached in the world of Taoism, regardless of their realm, cultivation base or vision, are not what those who came after them could imagine.

The patriarch of the real person Guangjie later wrote in his notes that Nashumi was made of mustard seeds, opened the world for his own use, and the wind, fire, thunder and water were endless.According to the laws of nature, the changes of the world are played.

The so-called Naxumi Yu mustard seeds, I am afraid that people who practice will understand what it means.Things like the storage rings worn by wealthy monks use this principle.And the words that follow are not understood by everyone.

At that time, the boundless shadow space was probably created by a superpower.I don't know what kind of magical powers that almighty possessed at that time, and the space he created was able to withstand even such a terrifying punishment.

Due to the inability to break into the shadow space, the World Destruction Divine Thunder began to roar continuously, and the divine punishment eye also began to vibrate, and the terrifying divine punishment energy was constantly gathering.

The heaven and the earth seem to be about to crack, and if there is a great power of good fortune here, I am afraid to find that the eye of the god of punishment is faintly flickering, as if trying to maintain .

Although the God's Eye of Punishment can maintain manifestation, it can't function smoothly after all.In contrast, the nine ghosts were obviously even more sad.

The magic light around them seems to be in constant decline, even though the World Destruction Divine Lightning cannot penetrate this space.

It is impossible to really enter this world, but the powerful coercion is still very powerful.Even if separated by a layer of space, it is still powerful.

The entire magic shadow space began to vibrate non-stop, and the endless magic energy seemed to be rapidly dissolving, and the nine shadows became more illusory. The three ghosts have also become more and more illusory.

These heavenly demons who were sent into the world of ten thousand spirits, after all, are not the masters of their own clan, those who are capable of reaching the sky.Such masters are basically held back by the great powers who have left the world of myriad spirits.

Moreover, the self-protection mechanism of Wanling World also makes it impossible for them to enter.As for the extraterrestrial demons who came in, they were naturally unable to resist the most terrifying god-destroying thunder in this world.

In just a moment, as the shadows flickered, endless creatures were continuously sacrificed by these shadows, and these shadows roared along with the World Destruction Divine Thunder, and the sound was very terrifying.

Boundless magic energy surrounds the entire magic shadow space.

These demons are constantly gathering.And in this shadow space, those illusory shadows began to flash.

With the passage of time, these ghosts seem to be a lot more illusory, and if you just look at the number, they also become less.Compared with the demonic forces outside the war and the superpowers of the righteous side, it is obviously a drop in the bucket.

But at this moment, these illusory figures are flickering all over the body, and in this ghost space, the boundless breath of death and blood is absorbed by them.

In the entire space, like a huge storm, the boundless, sky-filled aura of death, mixed with a disgusting bloody aura, went directly towards those illusory ghosts.

Although in this ghost space, the breath of death seems to be endless.But in fact, it is far from enough to absorb these ghosts.In just a few breaths, the breath of death was absorbed by the ghosts.

After they absorbed these death breaths, their own breaths also increased slightly.

And those creatures thrown out by the shadows turned into a sea of ​​blood in an instant.The bloody aura in the entire ghost space is constantly expanding.

But the magic light on the nine monstrous shadows continued to flash, and in the whole space, it seemed like a storm had been blown up again, and many creatures were thrown out, and endless mourning continued.

This place is like the eighteen layers of hell, full of endless death and blood.Countless creatures kept turning into a bloody fog.

In this wave alone, I am afraid there will be no less than [-] million living beings, and many of them are cultivators, but at this time they are helpless and can only watch themselves being sacrificed by these heavenly demons. ..

Chapter 202 Endless Darkness

These creatures obviously have their own consciousness, they have not lost their own consciousness, and it is not only the ordinary human race.

There are even many monks, many of them are monsters, and some powerful people who have been transformed from monsters.But now, they have nothing to do.

Even the beasts and monsters that they transformed into, all had the strength of at least the transformation realm.But compared to those arrogant ghosts, after all, the difference is still too much, so that they have no ability to resist.

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