These fields are like different magnetic poles. Of course, they will constantly repel each other when put together, and this polar arctic ice sheet does not know what special power it has.

It can actually make these different fields rub together with each other, and it will not explode directly.

And when there are external forces, if you step into this extreme northern forbidden area, you will definitely be directly crushed by these intertwined rules and forces.This is one of the reasons why the Arctic ice sheet is called a forbidden place.

From ancient times to the present, no one can say clearly how this extreme northern forbidden area came into being.

And there are other reasons why that dark sphere can keep vibrating in this extreme northern forbidden area.

Inside this black ball of light, it is naturally the shadowy space full of darkness.Although from the outside, this black ball of light is relatively small, it is only relative to this vast northern forbidden area.

The extreme northern forbidden area has endless secrets. Although it is located in the northernmost corner of the extreme northern region of the Myriad Spirit World, no one knows how big the extreme northern forbidden area is.

Therefore, the shadow space inside the black ball is definitely not small.

Just from the fact that it can accommodate so many blood sacrifice creatures and so many black ghosts, it can be seen that this black ghost space is vast.

At this time, above the sky, the ever-increasing power of punishment is also shaking more and more severely.And if you have a heart, you will find that no matter how condensed this Tianwei is, it cannot penetrate into the extreme northern forbidden area, let alone directly affect the black shadow space.

The power of these days of prestige, as soon as it came into contact with the range of the extreme northern forbidden area, immediately dissipated.

The entire extreme northern forbidden area seems to possess a mysterious power, which directly dissolves this power of heaven.

And if there is an almighty-level powerhouse who can see that God's Punishment Eye, they will find that the gaze of that day's Punishment Eye is looking at the extreme arctic ice field here from time to time.

In those eyes, there was a rare hint of caution and resentment. If anyone saw this, it would definitely make people pale.

The way of heaven is ruthless, who can see the eyes of the god of punishment, the spokesperson of the way of heaven, revealing such an expression?And what is there in this polar arctic field, it is helpless to make this day's punishing eyes.

It seems that even the Dao of Heaven can't help this forbidden place in the extreme north.If this matter spreads out, it will definitely shock the eyes of countless people.

After all, this Myriad Spirit World is not governed by the Heavenly Dao of this Myriad Spirit World.It can be said that it is not too much to describe the way of heaven in this world of all spirits with the use of king soil under the whole world and king ministers on the coast of the earth.

As long as it exists in this world of all spirits, it is absolutely impossible to fight against that vast heaven.Although this northern forbidden area is special, it still exists in this world of all spirits.As long as Tiandao wants it to disappear, it absolutely has to disappear.

However, the Dao of Heaven has no emotions. Everything is constantly running according to the laws of the world of spirits, and no one can change the trajectory of the Dao of Heaven.

But this scene in front of me is really unbelievable.The power of Tiandao was actually blocked by this extreme northern forbidden land.Moreover, as the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao, that God's Punishment God's Eye actually showed such a humanized look?

This is something that can completely subvert people's three views.However, no one can see the scene here.

What people outside can see is only the ever-growing power of heaven and the golden light that fills the sky.

And at this moment, the only ones who can really feel these are the extraterrestrial demons that exist in the shadow space.

However, their current figures have become a lot more illusory under the constant crushing of Tianwei.Originally, the black brilliance that seemed to be substantive all over the body became a little blurry at this moment.

They can even see through their bodies directly. Although their bodies are inherently illusory, at this moment, they are definitely on the verge of extinction.

And feeling that the aura of the catastrophe outside has been transformed into a large part by the power of this polar ice plain, these nine monstrous figures are also shocked for a while!

Even the three black and red shadows that didn't seem to exist in this space were slightly revealed, appearing above the shadow space.

The three figures are very light, and at the same time, they seem to be intermittent, as if a gust of wind can blow them away directly.

However, just as these three shadows appeared slightly, all the demons in the entire shadow space knelt down and saluted in an instant, even the nine monstrous auras were no exception.

And when the three vague phantoms appeared, the entire phantom space began to vibrate more and more violently, and from time to time there was the sound of the wind whistling.

Bursts of yin wind, like the howling of a ghost, the evil and bloody aura in the entire space reached its peak in an instant.

Each of the three ghosts carries a monstrous aura, and under their breath, the nine ghosts are like a small witch.

Especially the one in the middle, there is still a little purple brilliance on his body, although it is very little, but his breath is much stronger than the two ghosts around him.

It can be felt that the ghost in the middle has heavier magic power and a stronger aura of death, and the bloody aura on his body is also getting stronger.

The top of his head seemed to have endless black qi tumbling constantly, and in that black qi, there was a deep blood-red aura.

If there are local monks from the Myriad Spirit World here, they will definitely find that the blood-red aura is actually entangled in endless karma, so that the boundless power of resentment is almost condensed into substance.

Such terrifying karma, how much sin must be committed, obviously no one can guess.

At this moment, as soon as the boundless resentment and karma appeared, the entire Heavenly Punishment seemed to explode, and it let out a silent roar! ..

Chapter 211 Ten Thousand Souls Eat the Sky

The boundless power of divine punishment was like throwing a pebble into a boiling oil pan. The manic power kept roaring, and the incomparably heavy resentment karma appeared directly.

The entire sky seemed to be shaking, and the purple divine light above the sky also became more intense.

The already very strong Divine Thunder of God's Punishment has become even more violent under this accident. The endless Divine Thunder of World Destruction seems to shred the sky directly.

And the Dao Dao phantoms in the phantom space naturally felt this strong coercion of divine punishment, as if the entire space was collapsing.

The heavy shadows are also swaying in waves, and the entire shadow space seems to be cracked inch by inch.

Even the most monstrous ghost in the middle is no different, and it is also swaying with it.And his body, compared to other ghosts, is more illusory.

Plenty of ghosts are constantly gathering, and the boundless karma of resentment just spews out, and the endless sea of ​​blood keeps pouring out, and those ghosts are also neatly arranged.

Moreover, there seems to be some kind of indescribable law between these ghosts.There seems to be a strange movement in the entire ghost space.

The boundless sea of ​​blood, like a medium, seems to connect the endless ghost aura.

At the same time, this boundless sea of ​​blood has also penetrated directly to the outside. Endless blood light is constantly flowing in the outside world of this ghost space, and the strange law of continuous spread is also constantly spreading to the outside world. on.

And when this breath finally came into contact with the edge of the extremely strange extreme northern forbidden land, it was turned into nothing by a wonderful power of heaven.

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