However, the blood aura of these hundreds of millions of creatures is also very terrifying. For a time, it can faintly compete with the power of the entire Heavenly Tribulation.

Although it is impossible to stop the power of these calamities, at least it can be resisted for a while.After all, no matter how powerful the power of the robbery is, it is impossible to directly resist the power of the blood sacrifice of so many souls.

And the ghosts are constantly conveying their own power, and they don't dare to be careless. No matter how conceited they are, they don't think they can really compete with the source power of this world.

Therefore, they never thought that just relying on their own strength, they would be able to stop the heavenly power of this calamity.However, they do so naturally with their own plans.

The three phantom shadows in the middle looked at each other, and there was a look of relief in the eyes of the three of them.

Ever since they entered the world alone and were repelled by the world's native inhabitants, they have lived on fear.

Although they are not very afraid of being completely wiped out by these indigenous people, what they fear most is to be wiped out by the power of the origin of this world.

After all, they are no better than the natives here in these days. They have fought all their lives, and what they have done is to invade other worlds.No one knows the power of a world better than they do.

If they changed their lords, they would naturally be able to break through the source power of this world, but their lords have disappeared for countless years.

Moreover, these extraterrestrial forces are not just in the face of this world to fight.

Among them, those demons with the strength of the emperor have been stopped by the masters of this world.Although their emperors are powerful, the strength of those aboriginal powerhouses is not weak.

Their lords, with all their strength, just sent them into this world of all spirits, and then they no longer have the strength to enter this world.

And when they came, the king once instructed them that this world of all spirits has gone through countless changes of times, and the origin of the whole world is very mature.

Naturally, the origin of heaven and earth cannot be erased by them, and all they can do is to interfere with the origin power of this world for some time.

And the time of this interference is only about a thousand years.Although this time is not absolutely accurate, it is definitely not too far away, so everything can only rely on their own efforts.

But now, only two hundred years have passed.

Although the power of the punishment in front of him is so terrifying, it can even emit an extremely terrifying divine thunder.

However, compared to the real World Destruction Tribulation Thunder, its power is not known to be much weaker.If it really destroyed the world, it is estimated that they would have been turned into ashes these days.

And since they dared to invade this world, they naturally made arrangements.Their lord, of course, would not let them die in vain.

Even if those sovereigns don't pay much attention to the lives of these lower-level demons, but after all, being able to open the door to the world of all spirits is definitely not too easy for their sovereigns.

Otherwise, they have coveted this world of all spirits for a long time, and they would not have waited until now to have the opportunity to enter this world of all spirits.

At that time, it was ridiculous that this world of all spirits was about to face disaster, and the indigenous people in this world were still killing each other, how pitiful and sad.

However, these are definitely the most beneficial to them these heavenly demons.Their estimates of the power of this world are seriously insufficient. Originally, Your Majesty judged that this world is approaching the end of the law.

Unexpectedly, there is still so much power, and the energy of heaven and earth in this world is still very sufficient, and the source power is very powerful.

Perhaps, only after these natives of the Myriad Spirit World consume themselves, they will be able to truly gain a foothold in this world when they are recharged by these foreign visitors.

Now, the most important thing for them is how to survive the bombardment of the source power of this world.Gu Junshang estimates that the source power of this world has been weakening for nearly a thousand years, but no one can say for how long.But the attack in front of him is already so terrifying, who can say that in the future.

The three illusory ghosts glanced at each other, and then three hoarse voices sounded at the same time: "Myriad Souls Eclipse Heaven Array!"

These three voices shouted, and the entire ghost army was shocked, and each ghost made a roar, and the boundless blood began to rush continuously, and an eclipse word was gradually drawn in the sky! ..

Chapter 212 Arranging the Enchantment

The boundless sea of ​​blood was constantly rolling, and a huge eclipse word was drawn in the sky, waiting for this huge word to appear.

There was a faint mourning in the entire sky, and the endless gust of wind blew around with heavy shadows, and the entire sky darkened in an instant.

At this moment, God's Punishment God's eyes seemed to sense the changes here, and began to flicker continuously, and the dazzling purple rays of light gathered directly.

This time, Tianwei is no longer accumulated there out of thin air!With the flashing of the thunderclouds in the sky, the divine thunder rolled, and the whole sky seemed to be torn apart directly.

The vast sky, as if it was directly divided into pieces by the World Destruction Divine Thunder, burst out with a violent aura.Although the power of the Heavenly Dao was not in its heyday, it was still extremely terrifying.

And those masters who watched this extreme northern forbidden area from the outside world also felt the power of this world-destroying divine thunder in an instant, and that feeling was as if the whole world had collapsed.

Although the power of the World Destruction Divine Thunder has been greatly reduced due to the issue of heaven, but since the place where it erupted at this moment is the southernmost place in the entire extreme northern forbidden area, it is still relatively close to the outside world.

Naturally, the breath that these masters felt was not really weakened by much, but they also didn't know that the power of this punishment was not at its heyday.

I saw that the vast Tianwei bombarded down with huge energy, and the mountain outside near the extreme northern forbidden area was directly cracked, and the entire ground was quickly cracked and collapsed.

The surrounding earth began to vibrate non-stop, and some mountain ranges collapsed in an instant, and huge rolling stones fell continuously, setting off an endless gust of wind raging.

The huge energy fluctuations directly caused some houses in the cities closer to the extreme northern forbidden area to collapse, and the ground in a radius of tens of thousands of miles cracked. The spiritual senses of those masters naturally felt all this.

At this moment, the spiritual incarnations of these masters all looked at each other, and then sighed, this is the real world-destroying divine thunder, although it did not really hit the world.

It was just the aftermath that came out, but it was still so terrifying. They asked themselves if there was no way they could block the power of this world-destroying divine thunder.

Moreover, according to rumors, this extreme northern forbidden area is a special space, and it is not on the same plane as the main body of the entire world of spirits, and this world-destroying god thunder is still so terrifying after the ablation of space.

As the mainstays of the superpowers, these masters naturally know the existence of special spaces, and even each of their forces has the existence of such independent spaces.

These are all created by some seniors with advanced cultivation in their sect, and after the cultivation reaches a certain level, they can naturally open up their own space.

Moreover, it can be said that these forces have survived countless times, and the independent space that exists among the forces is definitely not a few.

So they naturally know how difficult it is for the attacking power to penetrate from an independent space, it is almost impossible.And energy penetrates space, there are only two possibilities.

One is to open the door of the space, while the other is to directly penetrate the space.However, if it penetrates directly, it must require huge energy as support.

This power is even far beyond the power of space in this independent space.Moreover, the penetrated space will also collapse because of this.

At present, the power infiltrated from the punishment can definitely easily tear apart the independent spaces of those superpowers.This power is really too terrifying.

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