Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 100 Relocating the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Islands, Kaido’s plan

Are you kidding me? How could you leave the Charlotte family here? I want to take all of you away.

"Let Jhin and Quinn come over first. After the two of them were transformed by the power of evil, their strength has improved a lot. Together, they should be able to control this place." Kaido said.

With these two big signboards of the Beasts Pirates here, there shouldn't be any problems. After taking evil energy to stop bleeding, the two guys, Flame Calamity Jin and Quinn, have improved their combat effectiveness a lot.

Although he has not reached the level of Yonko now, he can already handle some other problems by himself.

"There is no need to go to such trouble at all. I plan to relocate all the islands in the entire world to the vicinity of Wano." Rhode said.

If you underestimate the power of the space gem, I will be very embarrassed. Do you think the energy of the space gem can just be transmitted casually in your world?

All the islands in Ten Thousand Kingdoms seem to be many, but they are just a sea area. It is not difficult for me to move this sea area to Wano Country.

"Didn't you say that you should save some space energy and use it to open the portal later? Don't waste too much, right?" Sylvanas said.

"Anyway, I have to go to the Marvel world in the future to replenish the space gem energy. This consumption is nothing, and I have reserved the space energy to open the portal." Rhodes said.

This teleportation will probably consume a little bit of energy, but the energy of the space gem is really terrifying. It can teleport an army across the stars. Just teleporting on a planet does not consume much at all.

After the portal between the two worlds is opened, Kaido's subordinates will go to Azeroth to learn anger.

It would be very disadvantageous if two big billboard-level combat forces left, and it would be easier to defend against powerful enemies if everyone got together.

Whitebeard and Kaido join forces, and the World Government does not dare to come to Wano.

Some other members of the Charlotte family were also stunned when they heard this. Is there anything wrong in moving all the islands in Wanguo to the vicinity of Wano?

"If you can do it, then do it Rhodes!" Kaido said.

After all, it doesn't seem impossible to open a portal between the two worlds and move the entire kingdom to the River Country.

In fact, although the place that Auntie rules is called Wan Guo, there are only more than thirty islands, and each island has only a few thousand to ten thousand people.

Only the tens of thousands of people living on the largest Cake Island are still slightly smaller than those in Wano Country, so they can definitely be accommodated.

Moreover, various islands in Auntie's Ten Thousand Kingdoms are rich in various food ingredients, which can also be used to replenish Wano Country with some supplies.

Then Rhodes took out his space ring, and there was still 2/3 of the space energy in it. He had been using the space energy in the world of Azeroth and Pirates before.

The only time that cost a lot of money was to relocate the entire Hellfire Citadel to the world of Azeroth.

This time all the energy should be consumed. Rhodes raised one of his palms and began to mobilize all the space energy in the ring.

Soon a light blue beam of light unfolded from Rhodes' palm.

Then it gradually spread, with Cake Island as the center, spreading in all directions.

At this time, the residents on some other islands had no idea what had happened on Cake Island, and everyone fell asleep.

More than two hours later, Rhodes' space gem energy enveloped the entire Wan Guo area, and then located the space mark left by Wano Country, and activated his teleportation ability.

As blue rays of light flashed, huge islands began to appear in the sea near Wano Country.

The geographical location of Wano Country is very special, it is in the upper reaches of Wano Country.

In fact, there is a large area of ​​free sea area, just enough to put all these islands, although it may seem a bit crowded.

At the same time, all the space energy in the magic storage ring in Rhodes' hand has been exhausted, but it doesn't matter, he still has a lot of space energy left.

"This! How is it possible, actually, all the islands of the Ten Thousand Kingdoms were actually moved to Wano Country." Charlotte Cracker said.

"This man named Rhodes is quite terrifying!"

"What a terrifying power this is. This isn't just moving one or two islands! It's moving the entire world."

"So, let's face the reality in the future! My brothers and sisters, we will have a new captain in the future." Katakuri turned to look at his brothers and sisters and said.

A bunch of stupid brothers and sisters, you never know how dangerous the world you live in is. Now that you have lost your mother's protection, you must learn to be independent.

Fortunately, there are a few reliable brothers and sisters at home who can help him out.

"You all should recognize the reality!" Katakuri roared angrily, unleashing his domineering aura and reprimanding all his younger brothers and sisters again.

"You members of the Charlotte Pirates will stay here for the time being. If I find out that anyone has left privately, you will know the consequences," Rhodes said.

"We understand. Lord Rhodes, please rest assured. I promise you that I will not do anything outrageous." Charlotte Perospero said.

This man named Rhodes has an unusual relationship with Kaido, and to a certain extent, Kaido will seek his advice.

The sudden appearance of many islands also startled some members of the Beast Pirates. Kaido immediately transformed into a dragon form, flew back to Onigashima, and then explained the situation to his crew.

He also told everyone in the Beast Pirates that he had surrendered to the Yonko Aunt, and had moved all the islands of the nations to Wano.

"Young ones! Don't worry, go and accept the loot I bring you now! All these islands belong to our Beasts Pirates."

"Ugh! You are truly worthy of Lord Kaido."

"He actually defeated Charlotte Lingling, who was also the Four Emperors."

"Including Whitebeard, there is only one red-haired Shanks left among the four emperors."

"Hahaha! It seems that Boss Kaido's ascension to the position of Pirate King is just around the corner."

After comforting his men, Kaido ordered someone to bring a large amount of high-purity seastones, and then tied up Big Mom.

"It's really the boss's style. This time he went out and made such a big fuss and came back. He captured Charlotte Lingling, the Four Emperors, and also brought back her kingdoms." Quinn looked admiring. He spoke.

"Do your own thing! The world will soon undergo great changes. Quinn, you loser, if you continue to hold back, I will kill you." Jhin said fiercely.

"Ha! What do you mean you bastard? You want to fight, idiot."

"Hmph!" Jin snorted coldly, spread his wings and flew away. After these days of training, he had successfully controlled the power of evil energy. Now some of the demonic features on the body's surface have disappeared.

Rhodes, Kaido and others don't need to worry about the next thing. All the cadres and members of the Beast Pirates are dispatched collectively and begin to take over everything in the nations.

After the arrival of the Wan Kingdoms, it was a good thing for the Wan Kingdom. The Wan Kingdom was seriously polluted and the food produced dropped significantly, while the Wan Kingdoms were rich in all kinds of food.

The arrival of the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Islands just solved some of Wano's food problems.

"In the future, all nations will be able to produce all kinds of food for us."

"Hahaha! It is said that the various desserts and pastries from Wanguo are very expensive."

"I heard that there is an entire island made of chocolate! I really can't wait to have a big meal." A group of members of the Beast Pirates said very excitedly.

That night, after finishing everything, Kaido came to Rhodes' room again.

"Rhode, I have one thing to discuss with you. Now that I have relocated Wanguo to Wazhi, I plan to completely turn Wazhi into a weapons factory. All the people will produce weapons for me, and Wanguo will It is to provide us with food. As for the Black Carbon Orochi guy, I plan to kill him directly, and then Yamato will be the new general." Kaido said.

"Hmm! Your idea is absolutely terrible." Rhodes touched his chin and said.

"Ha!! Why do you object, Rod?" Kaido said.

This bastard boy isn't just trying to please his daughter, let's put it that way!

Turning Wano into a complete arsenal was a little difficult before.

But now, with the food support from Wanguo Islands, there is no problem at all!

"Do you think the weapons in your hands are good and the weapons you produced are good?" Rhodes asked.

"Of course, the weapons in my hands are the best in the world. Even the world government wants to buy weapons from me. I produce part of the navy's weapons. The clown guy sells all the weapons from the underground world every year. I provided him with all the weapons," Kaido said.

You actually said that the weapons produced by me, the world's number one arms dealer, are not good? The Beast Pirates are the largest weapons manufacturer in the world.

"If you had seen another world, a company called Stark producing weapons and weapons, you wouldn't say that." Rhodes said.

"Tch! Is that company called Stark a country? Are the weapons they produce great?"

"Stark Company, whether it is the quantity or quality of the weapons it produces, they will crush you.

Kaido, your weapon factory needs some upgrades. " Rhodes said.

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