Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 99 Capturing Big Mom alive, the surrender of the Charlotte family

You stupid old woman, you are now here, and you still want to negotiate terms?

No way Lingling! There is only one way you can go now, and that is to surrender or be imprisoned by me.

"Damn it! Bastard Kaido! Have you forgotten how I took care of you and helped you before?

If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be able to stay in the Rocks Pirates. Charlotte Lingling said.

"Give up! Lingling, you have no chance! Although your knowledge, color and domineering are not very good.

But you should be able to sense some situations, right? The battle on Whitebeard's side is also over.

Your group of sons and daughters have also failed, and you have no hope of making a comeback. "

Under Kaido's powerful sense of knowledge and domineering, it can be clearly sensed that Whitebeard and Rhodes have cleaned up all the children of Big Mom.

All Aunt Mom's children have been restrained, facing the death knight Whitebeard at this time.

Kaido didn't even dare to guarantee that he could defeat him 100%, let alone Big Mom's children.

Besides, with his stupid girl, Rhodes, and that woman around, the battle there was even easier than on his side.

Hearing what Kaido said, Charlotte Lingling turned her head with difficulty, and used her own Haki to sense it. Sure enough, a group of her children had been defeated. At this time, Whitebeard and others were heading this way. Come.

"How's it going? What's Lingling thinking about? If you don't join, you'll have no choice but to die." Kaiduo said.

In fact, this old woman doesn't care about her children at all, but they do care about the mother's safety. Of course, maybe only a small part of them don't care!

After all, Kaido still knows Charlotte Lingling's usual virtues. She treats his children even worse than he treats Yamato.

Or just kill all his children, they are not very strong anyway.

On the other side, Rhodes came here with Whitebeard and a group of aunt's children captives.

"Mom! Damn Kaido, what did you do?"

"Mom, are you okay?"

"Damn bastard, let go of our mother." A group of children immediately roared.

At this time, all the children of Charlotte Lingling were taken care of by Whitebeard alone.

Or they were knocked down by Rhodes, Yamato and others, and then tied up one by one with sea tower stone chains, as for those who were not ability users.

Rhodes directly trapped them with evil spells.

"Shut up! You bunch of trash are really useless. You won't be able to handle anything I teach you." Charlotte Lingling yelled.

I couldn't defeat Kaido here, but I didn't expect that my children's plan also failed. Now my behavior is a complete joke. I originally wanted to control this kid.

Then he controlled Whitebeard, but his plan failed in the end!

So at this moment, Charlotte Lingling was already furious.

"Mom! This, you can't blame us for this! Whitebeard, Whitebeard is not affected by the Sea Tower Stone at all. We, we really have nothing to do." Charlotte Perospero said.

"What a bunch of useless things. How did I give birth to trash like you?" Charlotte Lingling said.

Hearing this, all the members of the Charlotte Pirates and all the children of Big Mom lowered their heads sadly.

In front of their mother, the children are just tools for her to rule. They can be used to marry others or do other things.

There were even older brothers and sisters who died tragically at the hands of their aunt. These children were afraid of Charlotte Lingling, their mother.

"You just said that your children are useless, aren't you yourself?

Look who was beaten into this embarrassing state, how embarrassing! Now I can only lie down on the ground and scream! Can't you even get up? " Rhodes said with an extremely mocking expression.

Big Mom's character is, to be honest, worse than Kaido's. Sometimes she can be very kind to some young children, but sometimes she can be extremely cruel and terrifying, just like the legendary old witch.

And why do you say that your children are useless?

They faced the Four Emperors Whitebeard, as well as their own warlock, the Banshee King Sylvanas and Yamato, even without Whitebeard taking action. The three of them can take down the aunt's children together.

The only one who is more difficult to deal with is probably Katakuri. Among the aunt's children, he is the only one who is truly strong.

But to deal with this kind of guy, Rhodes's evil spell can easily kill the opponent, as long as there is a front row tank blocking him.

For spellcasters like Master Fa and Master Shu, as long as they keep a distance, every spell is fatal, especially the evil magic of the warlock.

"You bastard brat, who do you think you are? How dare you come to mock me." Charlotte Lingling's eyes suddenly widened, she roared at Rhodes and said.

Kaido laughed at himself, but this newcomer to the Kaido Pirates actually dared to point fingers at him.

"Lingling, I'll give you one last chance. If you don't agree, we will really have to imprison you," Kaido said.

"You two bastards! I will never surrender, so give up!" Charlotte Lingling said.

"It seems that you are not going to surrender! Kaido, follow the original plan. Take her back to Wano Country and imprison her directly. After we go back, we will take some time to take out his fruit ability and seal her body. ." Rhodes said.

As soon as these words came out, Charlotte Lingling's eyes widened and she looked at Rhodes with a fierce expression.

Auntie's fruit ability is indeed very precious. As long as she takes it out and gives it to a trustworthy person to eat, it will be of great benefit to Rhodes.

After conducting a few more fruit capture experiments to ensure success, Rhodes planned to kill Big Mom directly and take out her fruit ability.

Then the body is sealed, and after returning to the world of Azeroth, a copy of the death knight's transformation materials is prepared.

Charlotte Lingling's soul fruit ability is very special, and Rhodes can't guarantee that there will be any problems with this ability.

It would be terrible if her fruit ability messed up when she signed the devil's slave contract.

Therefore, killing the aunt directly and then recovering this ability is the safest and safest way.

After returning to the world of Azeroth in the future, she can directly transform her body into a death knight. Although she will lose her fruit ability, Charlotte Lingling's strongest point is not her fruit ability, but Her perverted physical qualities.

In just a moment, Rhodes decided Auntie's fate.

"In this case, her children are useless. Just kill them all." Kaido turned to look at Charlotte Lingling's children and said with a fierce look.

This time Rhodes did not stop Kaido, because if he wanted to conquer these aunt's children, there was actually a better way.

At this time, all the children of Charlotte Lingling began to look frightened.

They were so proud that their mother, who felt invincible in the world, had fallen, and now even they would die in the hands of the other party?

"Wait for me, I can lead my brothers and sisters to surrender to you, Lord Kaido, and Lord Rhodes." Katakuri said at this time.

What he had just seen and heard clearly made him realize that if he did nothing, his younger brothers and sisters would be slaughtered one by one by Kaido.

And he also guessed what the other party meant. If he didn't lead his brothers and sisters to surrender, then there would be only one fate for all of them, and that would be death.

In other words, they will not live in peace after death, and their corpses will be used by this man.

And he seemed to have discovered something. This man named Rhodes doesn't seem to be Kaido's subordinate.

The conversation between the two of them didn't look like it was going to go on forever, it seemed like a kind of alliance.

"Brother Katakuri, you, you, how could you do this?" Charlotte Garrett, the 18th daughter of Big Mom, asked in disbelief.

"You're right, Katakuri and I, Lord Kaido, and Lord Rhodes will lead our younger brothers and sisters to surrender to you." Big Mom's eldest son Charlotte Perospero said.

Like his brother, he also saw the situation at this time. If they didn't surrender, they would be dead. In this case, they had no choice at all. This was the world of pirates.

"Brother Perros! Are you like this too?" Charlotte Smoothie said in confusion.

"Idiot, if you still think of me as your brother, all of you must listen to me and Katakuri." Charlotte Perospero said.

Working under mother's hands, or in other words, living under mother's hands, is a kind of torture!

Only their older sons and daughters can understand this kind of hardship. Auntie does not regard these children as human beings at all.

Even went crazy. Once Sireka attacks, he can even kill his biological son.

In the eyes of their mother, their status is not even as good as a delicacy.

"Really? Kid, are you willing to bring your brothers and sisters to surrender to me? You and a few other guys are pretty good, but everyone else is just rubbish." Kaido said.

It's not that he looks down on Big Mom's children, it's that these guys are too weak. The only one who truly looks like a man is this boy named Katakuri.

"Then we have decided happily. After we return to Wano Country, we will kill Charlotte Lingling and extract her fruit ability.

Then the body will be preserved until it reaches Azeroth, and then she will be turned into a death knight for our use. " Rhodes said.

When transforming the Death Knight, without the power of the Soul Soul Fruit, Auntie would not be able to make any waves. When the time comes, the Queen's Underworld Fruit can help her suppress Charlotte Lingling's soul and complete her transformation.

"Wait a minute! Kaido! I am willing to surrender to you." Charlotte Lingling, who was lying on the ground, said.

Even if she doesn't surrender to the opponent, the opponent can still gain her own abilities and be able to drive herself to fight. In this case, why should she persist?

"Really? Are you willing to surrender? Lingling, what a pity! We don't want you to surrender, so it would be better to kill you directly."

"Kaido! There will be a huge gap in strength between the living me and the dead me. You have to think clearly." Auntie said.

"Hahaha! Lingling, you were scared in the end, but unfortunately it was too late." Kaido suddenly swung his mace, and dropped it on Charlotte Lingling's head with great ferocity.

Charlotte Lingling was knocked unconscious in an instant.

"Ooooh! Mom, mom."

"Damn it! Mom."

"Shut up, everyone. If you want to live, just shut up." Katakuri looked at his brothers and sisters with a fierce expression and said.

His wish for many years was finally fulfilled, and this monster mother was finally defeated by others.

But the new crisis has not yet been resolved. Where should these brothers and sisters go? He must protect all his younger siblings and keep them alive.

This is your responsibility as an older brother.

"Lord Kaidu, I promise you that my brothers and sisters and I will be loyal to you." Charlotte Lingling's eldest son, Charlotte Perospero, spoke again.

The situation now is simply terrible. The situation on this sea has been completely messed up.

Kaido defeated two Yonko by himself. Now the only one who can compete with Kaido is another Yonko with red hair.

In other words, the red hair will soon die in Kaido's hands. With the power Kaido has shown now and the white beard, he really doesn't think the red hair has any chance of winning.

"Hmph! From now on, all nations will be my territory. Plant my pirate flag here. You guys will all be integrated into our Beasts Pirates. If anyone dares to be dishonest and disobey me, "That's what happened to your mother," Kaido pointed to Charlotte Lingling and said.

Rhodes and Sylvanas also used some special magic props to restrain Big Mom.

"Okay, let's take everyone back to the Country of Wano first!" After Rhodes said this, he planned to activate the space ability to collectively teleport everyone back to the Country of Wano.

This time with so many people, he didn't plan to fly back with Kaido. Besides, there were already spatial coordinates, so it would be very convenient if he wanted to travel back and forth.

"Wait a minute, Lord Kaido, and Lord Rhodes, if we leave suddenly, the entire world will be in chaos.

Why don't we leave some manpower to guard this place? "Charlotte Cracker said.

"You don't need to worry about this, now all nations are the territory of the Beasts Pirates.

I will send someone to take over soon. You all should come with me now. Anyone who disobeys me will die. Kaido said.

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