Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 29 Cultivating Haki, the fit between Kaido and the warrior profession

But at this time, it was not the time for Rhodes to think so much. After all, he hadn't even mastered the evil spells yet! I have just obtained some advanced evil spells from the Burning Legion, and I need to work harder to practice them.

And I have a full schedule of things to cultivate in the coming days. First of all, the three-color Haki of the One Piece world, and the fruit ability.

In a short period of time, there is no way for me to learn some psychic or shadow-type spells. The thing I lack most is time.

"Boy! You have a good grasp of the secrets of seeing and hearing the domineering power, and you can also control the overlord's domineering power.

As for armed domineering, you still need to continue to hone it. You haven't even started yet! "Kaido said.

Kaido was quite satisfied with the progress of Rhodes's Haki training. The boy realized Haki very quickly, so fast that even he, the Four Emperors, was a little surprised.

He also understood the overlord-colored Haki well, but it was only the armed-colored Haki that made Kaido quite dissatisfied.

"Seeing and hearing domineering energy, to put it bluntly, is actually a kind of spiritual energy, and the same is true for overlord domineering power. It is not too difficult for me to cultivate these two powers," Rhodes said.

The reason why the cultivation progress of Wisdom and Arms Haki and Armed Haki is so fast is due to Rhodes' strong spiritual energy. After all, he is a magic master, and playing with spiritual energy is his special skill.

Rhodes is now able to use the Haki of Wisdom and Information proficiently. Even with his eyes closed, Rhodes can now sense some of his opponent's attacks.

As for Overlord Color Haki, Kaido guided it a few times, and Rhodes also successfully mastered it, and now it can be released initially instead of unconsciously.

The next step to train is to further control one's Overlord's domineering energy, so that one can use one's Overlord's domineering energy to intimidate the enemy according to Rhodes' will, and be able to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.

"Overlord's domineering energy cannot be enhanced through practice in our world. It can only enhance one's own courage. I can only teach you how to control Overlord's domineering energy.

As for the hegemony of seeing and hearing, you need to hone it yourself. If you fight with people more in the future, it will help you practice your domineering skills. As for the armed colors, keep working hard! "Kaido said.

Kaido has been teaching Armed Haki for more than ten days, and this kid has no understanding at all.

Compared with his learning progress in practicing the Haki of Knowledge and Haki and the Haki of Overlord, it was far behind.

"I will practice this even more," Rhodes said.

Rhodes was originally a professional in the legal system. His knowledge, knowledge, and domineering aura were related to mental strength, so he naturally learned quickly.

This armed color and domineering spirit is equivalent to the training method of a warrior, so it is naturally slow to learn.

If one of the top warriors and paladins in the world of Azeroth comes to the world of pirates, he will definitely be able to quickly master the armed domineering skills. After all, this is a melee skill, but I am a master!

Do you expect me, a spellcaster, to fight in close combat? Then why did I find your daughter and Runti?

"It's up to you. Anyway, I can only teach you as much as I can." After Kaido said that, he took out a bottle of wine and drank it.

"Kaido, in addition to the power of evil energy, there is an energy that you can control in my world, and there is also a very superb combat skill. I think it should be very suitable for you." Rhodes said.

Kaido's physical strength is very powerful, and his armed color haki has been cultivated to the highest level.

If such a talent learns the way of a warrior, then Kaido will definitely go far, although warriors are a bad profession in the world of Azeroth.

But this does not mean that there are no masters among the warriors. You must know that the first generation of Paladins were actually the top warriors who transferred their professions. They received the infusion of the Holy Light.

A powerful warrior can release his anger and use some specific skills.

Whirlwind, Blade Storm, Execution, Destructive Strike, Bloodlust, Mortal Strike, Fury, Reckless Strike, Cleave, Charge, Storm Hammer, and even God Descends, these are all fighting techniques that only warriors can master.

With Kaido's abnormal body, as long as he learns the way of a warrior, Kaido's combat effectiveness will be further improved, definitely not much less than the improvement brought by the power of evil.

"Is it a special power in your world?" Kaido also became interested and asked.

"Yes, it is a melee combat skill. This profession is called a warrior, and it can master an energy called anger.

This is a kind of power generated by developing your own body, similar to your armed color Haki.

But because the world is different, if you want to learn it, you must go to our world. " Rhodes said.

After possessing the ability to travel, Rhodes had a vague suspicion that he wanted to learn the unique powers of other worlds.

Then you must learn it in this world before you can use it in other worlds. If you only know one cultivation method in other worlds, then you will not be able to learn this power.

For example, if you awaken the Overlord Color Haki in the One Piece world, you can also practice the Knowledge Color and Armament Color Haki.

Rhodes had done an experiment before. When he first came to the world of One Piece, he exchanged a Devil Fruit with the Golden Emperor Desolo, which was the animal-type wildebeest fruit.

After this fruit followed him to the world of Azeroth, it immediately turned into a strange fruit.

The fruit still retains some of the appearance of a Devil Fruit, but has lost that mysterious pattern.

It's a weird fruit that doesn't rot.

Rhodes speculated at the time that if one ate a Devil Fruit in the world of Azeroth, there was a high chance that one would not gain Devil Fruit abilities.

After traveling to the pirate world again, the Devil Fruit returned to its original appearance.

Therefore, Rhodes came to the conclusion that eating Devil Fruit in the world of Azeroth will not gain Devil Fruit abilities.

But after eating the Devil Fruit in the Pirate World, you should be able to obtain Devil Fruit abilities normally.

"When you said that, I became interested. Increasing strength has always been my favorite thing.

I can’t wait for the combat skills of another world. When are we going to set off? Kaido asked.

"Don't worry Kaido, after the artificial devil fruit is delivered, I will eat it and then practice for a while.

Let's go to the world of Azeroth, and I will find you a top warrior mentor to teach you the way of a warrior. " Rhodes said.

While the two were talking, a pirate came to report that the Flame Calamity Ember had returned and that the artificial Devil Fruit that Rhodes needed had been retrieved.

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