Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 30 Fusion of power, evil dragon transformation

After waiting for so long, the artificial devil fruit that I had been dreaming about finally arrived.

This Blue Dragon Artificial Devil Fruit is the key item to Rhodes' rise.

Soon, Flame Calamity Ember flew over Ghost Island in the form of a Toothless Pteranodon and came to Rhodes and Kaido.

After landing, he took out a box and handed it to Kaido.

"How's it going? There's no big problem, right? Is that clown guy still obedient?" Kaido asked.

"Don't worry! Boss Kaido, that guy is very honest. As soon as I arrived at him and explained my purpose, he handed me the artificial Devil Fruit." Yan Liangjin said.

"Well! Here, kid, this is the Devil Fruit you want. When Vegapunk made it, he said it had big flaws. If you have the guts, eat it!" Kaido threw the artificial Devil Fruit box to He looked at Rhodes and spoke.

Although Rhodes said that Vegapunk was a perfectionist and that this fruit perfectly replicated his fruit abilities, Kaido still didn't quite believe it. After all, he had seen a lot of artificial devil fruits.

For the artificial Devil Fruit users in his own legion, the animal-type artificial Devil Fruits they ate were made by Caesar based on Vegapunk's research data. There was no reason to be too different.

Rhodes chuckled and opened the Devil Fruit box, revealing a dark red Devil Fruit with various patterns on it, similar to an apple.

This is Vegapunk, a Devil Fruit created based on Kaido’s genetic factors. Can I tell you the exact information I learned from the anime?

Without any hesitation, Rhodes took a bite. Immediately, an unpleasant taste like shit began to spread in his mouth. He suppressed the feeling of nausea and finished the Devil Fruit in one go without changing his expression.

After all, this is an artificial devil fruit. Unlike ordinary devil fruits, you can gain abilities by eating just one bite. To be on the safe side, Rhodes ate all the artificial devil fruits.

After eating the artificial Devil Fruit, Rhodes could clearly feel that a new power began to transform his body.

This is a kind of power that is different from evil energy. It is transforming and strengthening one's body.

However, the evil power in Rhodes' body did not seem to be waiting for death, and immediately began to fight back. The powerful evil power began to compete with the power formed by this devil fruit.

Suddenly, a fierce battle began between the two forces within Rhodes' body.

Rhodes' whole body began to tremble and twitch, he knelt on the ground, began to breathe heavily, and veins popped up on his forehead.

Even half of the body turned into a kind of pink, while the other half of the body turned into a kind of dark green. The pink half of the body even showed a hint of dragon-like characteristics.

"Hey, hey, are you okay! Kid, don't scare me, you bastard!" Seeing Rhode's appearance at this time, Kaido was shocked.

Please! Our lives are tied together now. I, Kaido, don’t want to die so inexplicably!

"It does look like a mutilated fruit, but it is indeed your ability, boss. The other half of his body has transformed into a dragon, but the color is slightly different from yours," Yan Liangjin said.

He didn't understand why Boss Kaido was so nervous. He was just a newcomer, and the Beasts Pirates did get what he provided.

"Ahem! Fruit, there is nothing wrong with the fruit, but the evil energy in my body has a slight conflict with it, damn it!" Rhodes gritted his teeth and began to control the power of evil energy in his body, as if he wanted to find two powers. A balance point.

However, this balance point is not so easy to find. At this time, a fierce battle is taking place in Rhodes' body.

The two energies refused to give in to each other and began to compete fiercely with each other.

But the Devil Fruit ability is an outsider after all.

It's like rootless water, but the evil power in Rhodes' body does come from his years of practice.

Gradually, the power of evil energy began to gain the slightest upper hand, and Rhode's dragon-transformed body actually began to be eroded by evil energy.

Damn, what should I do? In this situation.

If the energy of the Devil Fruit is completely swallowed and transformed by the power of evil, then the power of evil in one's body will be overloaded, and the devil will be irreversibly transformed.

"Kaido! Feed me your blood quickly. The power of this Devil Fruit will be suppressed by the evil power in my body.

But it is made with your bloodline factors, so your blood contains its original power, which should strengthen its energy. "Rhode half-knelt on the ground and spoke with great difficulty.

"I understand, kid, you must hold on! Don't die." Kaido nodded, and then one of his hands began to partially transform into a dragon, turning into a dragon claw, and then scratched his other hand skin.

A large amount of blood dripped down and flowed into Rhodes' mouth, but Rhodes seemed to have forgotten one thing, that is, Kaido's blood factor is different now.

Kaido has been fused with the power of evil, and it is an extremely perfect fusion. The power of evil has become Kaido's power, but it has not corroded his body.

Therefore, even though his blood contains the power of a complete Devil Fruit, it also carries the power of evil energy.

After Kaido's blood entered Rhode's body, both forces were greatly enhanced, but it did not allow the two forces to continue to fight against each other.

Instead, a subtle change occurred, and the two forces began to merge together. The Devil Fruit and the power of evil energy merged.

The two forces seemed to have found a new balance point and began to fuse with each other in Rhode's body.

At this moment, Rhodes, who was half-kneeling on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes, and the muscles all over his body began to swell.

His height has grown from 1.8 meters to over 1.9 meters, and the muscles all over his body are bulging.

"Ah! Ah!" Rhode shouted loudly, his head began to transform into a dragon, and then his limbs began to turn into dragon claws. His whole body became slender, and then he took off and flew into the sky. .

"Ho! Roar!"

It is about a hundred meters long, with red and green brilliance shining all over its body. Its scales show a strange red and green color. It has antlers, snake body, fish scales, lion's mane, cow's mouth, tiger's eyes, and eagle claws. It is an extremely majestic and huge evil dragon. , appeared on Ghost Island.

Except for the slightly different color, it is basically the same as Kaido becoming a dragon.

"This boy has really become just like you, Boss Kaido!" Yan Liangjin said.

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