Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 71 The influence of the huge floating city, the invitation of Silver Moon City

"Okay Kaido, put down the Hellfire Fortress! Place it in the open space next to the Undercity." Rhodes said.

Such a huge floating city is suspended above the right half of the floor, which will inevitably cause some unnecessary trouble. You must know that there are many forces nearby that are watching the Undercity.

Although Naxxramas, the fortress of the Scourge, was driven away, there were still many minions of the Scourge. The fanatical Grand Prosecutor of the Scarlet Crusade was assassinated, but there were still some remaining forces entrenched in the Scarlet Monastery.

There are many remaining members of the Knights of the Silver Hand in Dawn's Hope Chapel and Hearthglen.

As long as your eyes are not blind, you can probably see this huge floating city from many places, and even the Dalaran magicians will come to investigate.

After all, they worked so hard to build a decent floating city, and you can make it just as you say. It kind of makes them lose face!

I don't have to come up to investigate you. Maybe you have some arcane artifacts from the past or secret treasures of the guardians.

Kaido nodded, controlled his abilities, and slowly lowered the Hellfire Fortress, landing on a huge open space next to the Undercity.

The evil orcs from the outer realm also came to this world for the first time. These evil orcs looked at the new world with curious faces.

The environment here is much better than where they lived before. There are three large orc clans in Hellfire Fortress, as well as several smaller clans, all of which are gathered under Kargas Blade Fist. This guy used to call himself The chief of the tribe.

"You guys will live here temporarily. If nothing happens, don't leave Hellfire Fortress. Let your magicians repair the sealing circle as soon as possible and bind this abyss lord again." Rhodes said.

Kaido had previously destroyed half of the Hellfire Wall with one blow, causing him to be responsible for the seal. The orc warlocks of the Abyss Lord were affected and let this guy run out.

However, the sealing circle carved by Illidan, some sealing instruments and the entire underground space are still well preserved.

"I understand, Master, we will help you complete it. I hope you will keep your promise and let us regain our past honors and return to our original appearance." Kargas Blade Fist nodded and said.

"You will not wait too long for this day. You must seize the time to rebuild a Dark Portal and repair the Hellfire Fortress where you live. The Forsaken will help you with the construction of the Dark Portal. As for Hell, Fire Fortress, you have to repair it on your own," Rhodes said.

Kargas Blade Fist and a large group of orc warlords, orc generals, high-level warlocks, etc. all nodded in agreement.

Sylvanas on the other side came to the Forgotten people, ordered some things, and announced to all the Forgotten people.

Due to some unexpected events, the Dread Lord Varimathras died heroically in the outer realm. From now on, there is no second-in-command in the Undercity.

"What a miraculous technology. Mr. Rhodes, do you still have a way to make a floating city?" The blood elf Lucis said the mage came over and asked.

This is about making a floating city. If they get this technology, they can make Silvermoon City into a huge floating city, just like Dalaran, which can not only protect the remaining blood elves, but also form a strategic deterrent. .

It's quite ridiculous to say that humans' magical abilities were clearly taught to them by the blood elves, but as time went on, humans became more capable than others.

There are even many young blood elf mages who choose to stay in Dara voluntarily, but instead of returning to Silvermoon City, they still maintain the title of high elf.

Dalaran has gradually developed into an organization even more powerful than Silvermoon City. Human mages who have practiced for more than ten years can compete with blood elf mages who have practiced for hundreds of years.

Coupled with the terrifying reproductive ability of humans, their blood elves are indeed at an absolute disadvantage.

"How do I put this? It's my personal special ability. I'm afraid I can't help you." Rhodes said.

Unless he and Kaido have been sitting somewhere, otherwise, the floating city must be lowered, and it cannot float permanently.

"Mr. Rhodes! In fact, we in Silvermoon City also welcome your presence. I think Lord Regent Lor'themar will definitely welcome you very much." Blood Elf Mage Lucis said.

In the view of the blood elf mage, Rhodes must have mastered some unknown technology, but he did not have a close relationship with the blood elf clan and was unwilling to share it with them.

"If I have the chance, I will definitely visit Silver Moon City," Rhodes said.

After all, when the Dark Portal is truly opened, you are going to push Kael'thas together, and I have to meet your regent Aqiang!

"We in Silver Moon City will definitely welcome you very warmly. The young girls of the Blood Elf clan are all beauties! They are very good at various dances. You can go and enjoy them when the time comes." The mage smiled and said.

Damn it, you, are you seducing me?

Looking at the beautiful blood elves in Silver Moon City, I have to say that as the real gathering place for the blood elves, the female blood elves there are definitely the best.

And to be honest, blood elf women are much more open-minded than human women. The blood elves who followed Illidan did not forget to enjoy their affairs even in such a harsh environment, and created countless adventurers, sharers, and footmen. A magical place that everyone dreams of.

The exclusive playground for blood elves, the palace of joy.

I really want to play in the Palace of Joy in the Dark Temple!

When I travel to the world of Azeroth, I have to fulfill my dream from back then. I want to blast through three dungeons all night long in the Palace of Joy.

I have decided that when I capture the Dark Temple, I must keep this place. I will use love to influence the banshees, elves, and succubi inside.

"Rhodes! What are you discussing?" Sylvanas's voice suddenly came from behind.

"Let's discuss it again and I will go to Silvermoon City as a guest in a while." Rhode turned to the Queen and smiled, saying.

"Dear Banshee King, I would like to invite Mr. Rhodes to go to Silvermoon City in the future to meet the Regent, and even to meet His Highness the Prince after he returns," Lucis said. said.

"I can accompany Rhodes then." Sylvanas said.

If this kid is allowed to go alone, the group of blood elf female mages and priests can eat up this kid to the last dregs.

"Ahem! I'm really sorry, Banshee King. Although Silvermoon City welcomes you very much, some ordinary blood elves are very resistant to the undead because of the last invasion of the Scourge." Lucis He spoke.

The literal meaning is: My Queen, we in Silver Moon City welcome you very much and respect you very much, but ordinary people cannot accept you.

There are some things that really can't be helped.

"Don't worry! I won't go there with this attitude, you're right! Rhodes." Sylvanas said.

Returning to her former hometown in this attitude even made her feel ashamed.

"Of course! I will never let you down, Sylvanas, you have helped me so much, I will definitely let you get what you want," Rhodes said.

After hearing this, Sylvanas smiled with satisfaction, then pulled Rhodes and left.

So does he have any secret deals with the former Ranger General, now the Banshee Queen?

Who is this Mr. Rhodes?

"Be careful, those female blood elves will eat you up and leave nothing behind." Sylvanas said.

"Hahaha! What? Are you jealous? I thought you didn't have that kind of emotion in your current state!" Rhodes said.

Although something happened with the Queen, if you want to control your private life, Queen, you think too much, and I will not be controlled by you.

"It's up to you! When will we go to your world? I can't wait a little bit." Sylvanas said.

With your boy's virtue and psychological quality, he shouldn't be played by those blood elves and mages. After all, this boy is not an innocent boy.

After all, not everyone has the courage to attack one of their own the first time they meet. But after you are resurrected, boy, I will let you know what the most beautiful woman of the high elves is.

(In the world of Azeroth, many female blood elves consider themselves to be the most beautiful women in their clan.)

"About three days later! You also need to arrange some things. This time we will probably stay there for a while. First, we need to build a dark portal there, participate in a war, and then find a certain existence. Help you get the Underworld Fruit out," Rhodes said.

There are quite a lot of things to do when returning to the pirate world this time. Build the Dark Portal and participate in the war on the top. There are two things to do, collect Whitebeard's body, and ask Blackbeard to help restore the Underworld Fruit.

However, with Kaido's cash-level combat power, these things are nothing. It will not be too slow to mobilize the power of the entire Wano Kingdom to build the Dark Portal.

"I understand. I will arrange things within the Forsaken clan in the past few days, at least let them get along well with these evil orcs." Sylvanas said.

The matter of her departure must be kept strictly confidential, and even some lower-level Forgotten ones cannot know about it. Otherwise, if they know that she, the Forgotten Queen, has left, the Scarlet Crusaders will definitely be ready to take action.

In the next few days, Sylvanas settled the evil orcs brought over by Rhodes and others, then rebuilt the trapping magic circle and locked a certain abyss lord in it.

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