Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 72 Visitors from Dalaran, the new concept of the floating city

Sylvanas has been having a headache these past two days. A few days ago, Hellfire Fortress suddenly floated above the Undercity. Although it fell down very quickly, it still attracted some attention from other forces.

First of all, the tribe sent people over to inquire. After learning that Rhodes and Kaido had done it, Thrall did not say much. He just said that Rhodes, Kaido and others will always be Friends of the Horde are welcome to visit Orgrimmar at any time.

The blood elves in Silver Moon City are very interested in this floating city. Although Rhodes has already explained that this is just the use of one's own abilities and cannot make a city a permanent floating city.

But obviously, some people don't think so. The magic of Theramore is that Jaina and a mage from Dalaran came to the Undercity and expressed their intention to meet Rhodes.

"How about it? Do you want to see them? If not, I will send them away." Sylvanas asked.

Although it was done very secretly, news of the floating city still spread. Dalaran's attitude was quite good. This time he did not send someone to sneak in secretly, but came to inquire openly.

Of course, the main reason for this is that the power shown by Rhodes and Kaido was noticed by Jaina.

Jaina stopped the mage from Dalaran from coming to investigate secretly, and instead chose to visit in person.

But this also gave Rhodes a headache. Please, they have one day before they leave for the pirate world.

And those orcs are building the Dark Portal! It wouldn't be good if these mages from Dalaran bumped into him.

"We must keep the matter of building the Dark Portal a secret," Rhodes said.

Building the Dark Portal is about Rhodes connecting the two worlds and completely integrating the connection between the pirate world and the Azeroth world, so there must be no mistakes.

“I will instruct my subordinates to build the Dark Portal underground and provide the tightest protection possible.

If possible, I would ask a blood elf mage to come over and do some blocking.

It's not easy for the mages of Dalaran to infiltrate, and we Forsaken are not vegetarians either. "Sylvanas said.

"Let's go meet this mage from Dalaran first! Find a way to send him away. At least buy some time. What I lack most right now is time," Rhodes said.

"Well! The Dalaran mage who came this time is a bit special, and he has a little relationship with me." Sylvanas said.

He has something to do with Sylvanas and is a mage from the Dara people. He can't be your brother-in-law, right?

Human Archmage Luo Ning! Vereesa, Windrunner's husband, the youngest of the three Windrunner sisters, and the most pink one.

such a pity! Luo Ning was attracted by this little pink flower.

"Let's go! Let's go meet this mage from Dalaran." Rhodes said.

Sylvanas nodded and followed Rhodes, and the two of them came to the reception hall of the Undercity.

"We meet again, Mr. Rhodes." As soon as they met, the human female mage Jaina stood up and waved to Rhodes.

"I haven't seen you for more than ten days. Master Jaina, haven't you returned to Theramore?" Rhode asked.

The last time I was in Orgrimmar, this girl actually wanted to come to the Undercity with me, but she was decisively rejected by me.

Unexpectedly, this time he came with the mage from Dalaran again.

"Hahaha! Theramore doesn't need me for the time being. You have made a lot of noise recently." Jaina said.

The appearance of a giant floating city is no joke. This is a strategic-level weapon.

Moreover, she also reported the matter about Kaido and Rhodes to the Human Alliance. After all, in a sense, Rhodes was a commoner of the Alliance.

Yes, they are the common people here in the Alliance. After all, they are people living in the Western Wilderness, under the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Stormwind.

The top leaders of the alliance never dreamed that such a master would be hiding on their side.

"I would like to say hello to you on behalf of Dalaran, Mr. Rhodes. I am one of the members of the six-person council of Dalaran, the mage Ronin." A middle-aged man wearing a violet robe and holding a staff said to Rhodes. He bowed, made a mage salute and said.

"Hello, Archmage Luo Ning, I have admired your name for a long time. You saved the Red Dragon Queen and thwarted Deathwing's conspiracy. You are well known to me." Rhodes nodded slightly and said with a smile.

"This is all in the past. I just happened to be lucky. I also had to thank my teacher for his help at that time." Luo Ning smiled and said.

"I'm going to tell you two straight, what's the reason for coming to the Undercity this time?" Rhodes asked.

"Mr. Rhodes is really direct, so let me tell you straight. Mr. Rhodes, I wonder if you have mastered a new method of making floating cities?" Luo Ning said.

The sudden appearance and landing of a huge floating city shocked the alliance.

You know, in the current world of Azeroth, not counting the Scourge, there is only one giant floating city, and that is Dalaran.

Although Dalaran is nominally a neutral organization, everyone knows that Dalaran is biased towards the Alliance, and it is very biased.

After all, the six-member council of supreme leaders are basically humans. Seventy percent of the residents in the city are humans, 20% are high elves, and 10% are dwarfs.

But now on the tribe side, especially in the Undercity, what appears to be a huge floating city suddenly appeared, which naturally attracted great attention from the alliance.

If a floating city fortress suddenly appeared in the tribe at this time, it would have a great impact on the alliance.

"How should I put it? This is just a special ability of my father-in-law and I, and it cannot be used for a long time." Rhodes briefly explained the Yanyun ability of himself and Kaido.

Jaina should have already passed on the information about Kaido and himself to the alliance, so there is no need to hide it.

Moreover, if you can avoid offending the Dalaran organization, it is best not to offend it. At least at this stage, Rhodes does not want to offend Dalaran.

"Mr. Rhodes, you mean that you can make a special kind of cloud.

This makes the city fly into the sky, but once you stop, the city will fall down, right? "Luo Ning asked.

Rhodes nodded.

“Then, can you make some special clouds and store them.

Is it possible to form a natural fuel and then allow the city to fly continuously? "Luo Ning said.

This is not an unsolvable problem. It is much simpler than the problem that made Dalaran fly.

If these two people mass-produce some of this special cloud, then as long as it is stored properly, it can form a kind of fuel that can make cities fly.

If this method is feasible, the resulting floating city will be even more perfect than the current Dalaran.

Sylvanas and Rhodes' eyes lit up when they heard this.

Damn, there is such a way!

After transforming into the dragon form, it is not difficult for him and Kaido to make flame clouds. As long as they have enough physical strength, they can get as much as they want.

If you can really store the flame cloud created by yourself or Kaido.

As a kind of fuel reserve, in theory, it is indeed possible to create a permanently floating giant fortress.

"This should be feasible, right? Mr. Rhodes, what do you need to consume to make this kind of flame cloud? Magic power or something else?" Luo Ning asked.

It is indeed feasible. As long as an instrument is made to store the special clouds they made and then use it as fuel, the city can be kept flying for a long time.

This effect is better than Dalaran Floating City, after all, it keeps Dalaran suspended in the sky.

It requires many great mages to spend their own magic power to maintain it, and even requires the power to connect to the magic network.

But for the man in front of him, all he needed to do was make a special kind of cloud.

The cost was extremely low, but he didn't know what he would need to consume to make this special cloud.

"Ahem! I never thought about this." Rhodes said.

I really didn't expect that Yanyun could be used in this way, so it was true that he was specialized in the technique. The imagination and creative ability of these mages were indeed not limited.

This method seems to be very feasible.

First, you need to store the flame cloud created by yourself and Kaido to create a continuous power device, and then release the flame cloud created by yourself and Kaido, so that a city can float permanently.

You and Kaido can make flame clouds. As long as there is enough food, you can produce a lot of them in a day.

Sylvanas quickly pulled Rhodes over and whispered in his ear. :

"This proposal is feasible. The wizards in Silvermoon City should be able to help you, and even the Forsaken wizards under my command can study it.

We can build a giant floating fortress alone, don't agree to any of their requests. "

Damn it! Why didn't I think of this trick?

This time, the meaning of Rhodes was completely different. He and Kaido had enough physical strength to create several flying fortresses.

You must first arm your own Forsaken or Blood Elves.

Rhodes gave Sylvanas a relieved look, and then came to Luo Ning and others again.

"Making this kind of special cloud is my personal secret. Please forgive me for not telling you too much about it," Rhodes said.

If this is the case, we can't talk about the fact that Yanyun can be produced infinitely by consuming a little physical energy.

The mage from the Undercity, or the blood elf mage from Silvermoon City can also help with this matter.

If Dalaran doesn't give any benefits, why should it get a share of the pie?

I’ll write a chapter for you tonight. I’ll write ten thousand words today. Just do it with Ollie.

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