Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 82 Kaido’s strong appearance, Rhodes’ pain warlock talent

This dragon's roar reaches the sky and the earth! Everyone present turned their attention to him, and a powerful domineering aura began to envelope the entire place.

Some of the weaker pirates or navy soldiers fainted with their eyes turning white.

"This guy, why did this guy come here?" Buddha Zhi Warring States said with an extremely ugly face.

Among the four emperors, Kaido is the most troublesome when he appears here. This guy is a complete madman.

"No way, what about that dragon?"

"Yeah! That's right, it's that guy, Kaido, the strongest creature in the world of sea, land and air."

"This guy, this guy! Why is he here?"

"Ah, isn't he in the new world? Why the hell did he get here?" At this moment, everyone present held their breath and looked at the huge dragon falling from the sky.

"Hahaha! Kaido of the Hundred Beasts appears here. Things are getting more and more interesting." Blackbeard laughed maniacally and said nothing.

However, his brows furrowed deeply, and a trace of cold sweat ran across his forehead, damn Kaido.

If this guy appears here at this time, he won't ruin his plan, right?

"Hey, Captain, do we still want to have that grand show you just mentioned?" the King of Evil said.

"If we fail, we will be disbanded." Big Wine Barrel said.

"Don't worry! Boss will not fail." Lafitra lowered his hat and said.

Kaido of the Hundred Beasts suddenly appeared on the battlefield, causing the two sides who were fighting fiercely to fall into a stalemate.

Kaido Jinbei took the opportunity to pick up the unconscious Straw Hat Luffy, and then ran all the way. Kaido appeared very timely!

After this guy appeared, he immediately attracted the attention of everyone present, and he was able to leave quickly with his straw hat.

Now in this war, Straw Hat Boy has no way to get involved, and he has to take him away quickly.

"Damn Straw Hat boy, you are lucky this time." Looking at Kappei who had run away, Akainu gritted his teeth and said, now the key is to deal with Kaido of the Beasts!

He no longer had time to hunt down the Straw Hat Kid.

The other two generals, Aokiji and Kizaru, also came to Akainu, looking at Kaido falling from the sky with solemn expressions.

"Are you okay? The battle with Whitebeard just now took a lot of energy." Aokiji glanced at Akainu beside him and asked.

"It's so scary! Kaido of the Hundred Beasts is here, and he has to face two Yonkos all at once!" Kizaru said.

"I need time to recover. My current condition is indeed not very good." Akainu said.

When he just fought with Whitebeard, he had already suffered a lot of injuries. Both his domineering power and physical strength were not in the best condition. At this time, it would be really troublesome to face Kaido, a hundred beasts. I hope that the old hero, or someone else, The two generals can be a little more powerful!

You can't let yourself go through this whole war alone!

After a huge burst of smoke, Beast Kaido appeared in the center of the battlefield with Rhodes and Sylvanas.

"Those two guys! Are they new members of the Beast Pirates? They both look quite young."

"I don't know, it doesn't seem like there is a reward."

"That woman is quite beautiful! And is her black-purple skin from an unknown race?"

Seeing Rhodes and Sylvanas appearing next to Kaido of the Beasts, everyone whispered.

After all, the people standing here now are all those who have just withstood Kaido's domineering power. In terms of strength, they are all big pirates with a bounty of hundreds of millions, or navy captains above the captain level.

"Lolo! Hahaha! Old man with white beard, I am here to take your life myself." Kaido of the Hundred Beasts said.

"Ku la la la! Beast brat, you want to take advantage, right?" Whitebeard used his weapon to support his body and said panting.

Now his condition has reached the extreme. Two bloody holes were opened directly in front of him, and his domineering energy has been almost exhausted.

Now he is barely fighting with a trace of consciousness. At this time, facing Kaido of the Beasts, let alone killing the traitor Blackbeard, whether he can catch his move is one thing.

"Whitebeard, it's a pity that a guy like you dies. Don't worry! I won't let you die so worthlessly. I will kill you and bring you rebirth." Baishou Kai Speak more.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present felt a little confused. I will kill you and bring you rebirth. I cannot let you die so worthlessly. What does this mean?

"Hahahaha! Kaido of the Beasts, if you want to take Whitebeard's life, we can join forces and the reputation of taking Whitebeard's head belongs to you, but how about giving his body to me?" Blackbeard said.

"Hmph! You are Blackbeard, right? I need your help with something later! But I want Whitebeard's life, and I also want Whitebeard's body." Kaido said.

"Damn it! Don't you guys take our Blackbeard Pirates seriously? Take the strongest elbow attack!" Badgers, the fighting champion of the Blackbeard Pirates, roared and rushed towards the Beast Kai many.

Just hearing a bang, Kaido stood still and didn't move. He didn't even take any defensive measures, and just received the blow forcefully.

"Is this your attack? It's not much different from scratching a child! Get out of here." Kaido roared, swung his mace, and knocked away the fighting champion Badgers with one blow. .

Badger suddenly felt like a kite with its string broken, flying continuously in the air and rotating 360°, and then hit the huge logo of the Navy headquarters hard, and fell into a coma.

In that blow just now, Kaido didn't use any force at all, he just hit it casually, otherwise the opponent would have turned into a puddle of flesh.

"Dark acupuncture points!" Thick black mist emitted from the palm of Blackbeard Tiqi's hand.

"Curse of Pain, Corrosion, Unconstant Pain, Haunting, Curse of Doom." Rhodes snorted and threw a Curse of Pain directly at Blackbeard, followed by a series of evil spells.

This time, let yourself play the role of pain!

Pain, etc., is the most disgusting ability for Blackbeard who can double the damage.

"Ah! It hurts! You guy, what did you do to me? Is it your fruit ability?" Blackbeard suddenly stepped back and looked at Rhodes with a fearful expression.

At that moment, his body suddenly felt extremely painful, as if his body had been corroded by something, and vaguely, he seemed to see some strange ghosts. Fortunately, with his powerful insight and domineering And Bawang Se Haki blocks these.

"It's not over yet! Sacrifice! Curse of weakness!" Rhodes' next spell followed directly.

Blackbeard's body suddenly burned with red flames.

No one saw how Rhodes attacked. Why did Blackbeard's body inexplicably catch fire?

"Is it some strange Devil Fruit ability? Our captain is not saying that his ability can invalidate any Devil Fruit ability?" The King of Evil complained in dissatisfaction.

"Look at the performance of our captain! I hope you won't disappoint us!" Yuzhiliu said.

"Damn it!" A black vortex erupted from Blackbeard's palm, and then absorbed all of Rhode's flames.

However, he still felt weak all over, and this or the fruit's ability was very tricky.

"Hmph! Disaster of Pain, Embrace of Shadows, Evil Curse, Dark Soul." Rhode held the staff and continued to unleash various skills on Blackbeard.

These pain warlock skills were learned from his mentor Treyson during this period.

Although the opponent is a warlock with a talent for destruction, it does not mean that he does not know the pain-based skills.

And there is a top-notch tank standing beside him! I'm not afraid of being approached, so I have to let go of my hands and feet and send out a wave.

"Damn brat, what on earth are you capable of?"

At this time, Blackbeard's body was stained with green and black unknown energy. Although he had used the ability of the Dark Fruit to eliminate it, it had little effect.

"Not bad! Boy." Kaido nodded and said.

Sylvanas took off her bow and arrow and stood next to Rhodes, so that her little man could cast spells with peace of mind.

Rhodes stood there, holding his staff, constantly rubbing various magic spells and throwing them at Blackbeard.

The Dark Fruit can indeed eliminate some rational damage from objects or elements, but there is nothing you can do about some cursed damage and corrosive damage.

If you use hell flames, burn out sacrifices and other skills. Then there are ways to remove black beard.

But if you use things like Unstable Pain, Pain Technique, and Permanent Corrosion Technique, the Devil Fruit ability cannot be eliminated.

At this moment, the flesh and blood on Blackbeard's body even began to fester. The frightened Blackbeard quickly used Armed Color Haki to protect his body, turning into a black man shining with metallic luster.

"Then let's try this! Life Siphon." Rhodes opened his hands and activated Story's signature skill Life Siphon on Blackbeard, absorbing its vitality.

A ray of green light was sucked out of Blackbeard's body by Rhodes. Blackbeard suddenly felt extremely weak, as if his whole body was exhausted and his whole body was weak.

"Ah! This guy, what did you do to me? Stop, stop it!"

"I am the cursed person who ate the cursed fruit, Blackbeard, you have been cursed by me, fear!" Rhodes said.

It cannot be revealed that what I ate was the Blue Dragon Fruit. From now on, I will be the cursed person who ate the cursed fruit.

"Ah!" Blackbeard let out a loud roar, and used his overlord's domineering energy to break free from Rhode's life siphon.

He immediately distanced himself and returned to his companions, looking at Rhodes with a wary expression.

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