Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 83 The cycle of life is over, but death is not the end

This kid's attack is really weird! The kind of ability that makes one's body feel extremely painful, and even sees some abnormal phenomena, and weakens one's abilities in all aspects, is really terrifying.

"Hahaha! I didn't expect that a man like you would appear in this sea. The cursed fruit really has a strange ability." Blackbeard said.

"Captain! This cursed fruit seems to suit me very well!" Poison Q, riding a super thin horse and a strong horse, came over and said.

This curse ability tortures enemies in a very strange way, which is very, very useful! Especially suitable for him.

Blackbeard rolled his eyes on the spot when he heard this, you bastard, I know this thing suits you very well.

But didn’t you see that he was Kaido’s subordinate? Moreover, the opponent's strength is not weak, and it is not that easy to seize the opponent's Devil Fruit.

And why would you say it, you bastard? The people here are all experts who are proficient in seeing, hearing, and domineering. Even if you speak softly, the other party can still hear you.

"Hahaha! Do you want my ability? Then come and try it!" Rhode said, holding the staff and looking at Blackbeard.

This bastard is hiding a little far away, my casting distance is not enough!

"Hahaha! Your curse ability should have a certain distance limit. As long as you keep a distance from you, your devil fruit ability will be invalid. Am I right?" Blackbeard saw that Rhodes was no longer there. He attacked and laughed with a proud look on his face.

"Haha! But can you undo the harm caused by my ability to you? Let me tell you, my ability is different from what you think. It will torture you forever." Rhodes said with a mysterious smile.

Just kidding, I was taking care of you with all my strength just now, casting all kinds of evil spells on you without risking your life.

Do you think the power of evil is just a warlock ability in the game? Just stay away and run around for a while, right?

No, no, no, you are wrong about Blackbeard. Evil energy will cause permanent pain to you. This is why warlocks are the most hated and feared people in the world of Azeroth.

The pain caused by evil energy to people is permanent, and I want to remove this pain.

You have to find a master of the nature system, a master of the life system, or a master of the holy light system to eliminate the continuous corrosion of the body by this evil energy.

After hearing this, Blackbeard's face changed wildly, and he looked at his body. The place where Rhodes had just used the Rot Curse was still festering.

And within his own body, a strange green energy was destroying his vitality and his own life.

"How could you have such a devil fruit when your ability is permanent?" Blackbeard looked at Rhodes and said with disbelief.

In this sea, there is a generally accepted common sense that no matter how weird the Devil Fruit power is, as long as your domineering power is strong enough, you can relieve the influence of this fruit on you.

In this sea, only domineering is everything!

But today, this iron law was actually broken. I am a master of the three colors of Armed Haki, Overlord Haki, and Knowledge Haki!

Running the Haki at full power failed to destroy this ability, no! It can't be said that it is completely useless. It can indeed alleviate some of it, but the intensity of my own domineering force is still not enough.

The worst thing is that the green evil energy he left in his body seems to swallow his own life and then grow stronger.

"Blackbeard, you have been cursed by my life, and your life energy will be slowly devoured. Unless I lift it for you, you will die soon.

And the death is extremely miserable. All the life energy in the body will be absorbed, and then turned into a mummy. It is extremely painful. You will watch your body wither and rot day by day. " Rhodes said.

"So can we disband? Boss, it seems you won't survive." The King of Evil said with a smile on his face.

"Disbanded! Disbanded!" The big wine barrel took a sip of wine and said with a drunken look.

Several other criminals who ran out of Impel Down City also looked at Blackbeard with mocking expressions.

There was absolutely no sign of worry for his captain on his face, and he even looked gloating about his misfortune.

They are a group of extremely vicious pirates. In this sea, they can only believe in themselves.

When the captain can bring benefits to themselves, they will follow the captain. If the captain cannot bring benefits, haha! They'll be the first to kill the captain.

This is how pirates survive.

"Damn it, you brat, what do you want to do?" Blackbeard looked at Rhodes with a sinister look on his face and said.

This time, he really couldn't laugh anymore.

"You should ask Boss Kaido what he wants from you? After all, I am just following orders." Rhodes smiled and said.

Kaido was very proud at this time. In front of everyone, Rhodes recognized him as his subordinate, which made Kaido very happy.

Although their relationship is reversed, you are giving me face by saying this in front of outsiders!

"Your name is Blackbeard, right? I heard that you can take away other people's Devil Fruit abilities. I'm going to ask you to do a favor and take out a guy's Devil Fruit for me later. If you do that, I'll consider not killing him." You." Kaido said.

Hearing this, Blackbeard's eyes suddenly widened!

Are you kidding me? Why? Why does Kaido know his own abilities?

After eating the Dark Fruit, the most special ability he gained was to seize other people's Devil Fruits. This ability he only revealed to a few of his subordinates.

Could it be that?

Blackbeard looked fiercely at the group of prisoners he had recruited, as well as the four subordinates he had recruited first.

"Hey! Captain, don't look at me like that. I didn't leak any information." Lafitte said speechlessly.

The sniper Fan Oka on the side was also speechless. Was there any mistake?

The first thing you should suspect shouldn't be the prisoners in Impel Down. Maybe one of them leaked the news.

"Okay Blackbeard, make a decision quickly! Do you want to help me?" Kaido put his mace on the ground and said.

"Hahaha, thief! You guys came here to seize the Zhenzhen Fruit, right? I didn't expect that a monster like you would also take a fancy to Whitebeard's ability." Blackbeard said.

"Hmph! I do value Whitebeard's ability, but this time the ability I want you to seize is not from him, but from another guy. Answer my question quickly," Kaido said.

"I know, I will help you, but after I finish my work, you have to let me and my companions go." Blackbeard said.

"Who wants to leave with you? Idiot, you can't complete the things you promised us before, right?" the evil king said with an impatient look.

Several other big pirates from Impel Down City also looked at Blackbeard with a joking look on their faces. If you can't do what you promised, we won't follow you.

"Isn't it just a chance to perform in a while? It's just a different target. What are you worried about? My ability will shock you sooner or later." Blackbeard said.

"Then I hope you will do what you say, Captain!" Yuzhiliu said.


"Do these bastard pirates take me seriously? Do they take our navy seriously?" Garp, the naval hero and the three generals led by Buddha's Warring States, stood in the distance and said angrily.

"Marshal, let's just wait and see what happens! Kaido's target doesn't seem to be our navy. Let the pirates kill each other first. We only need to show up at the end to clean up the situation." Akainu said.

In an all-out battle with the Whitebeard Pirates, although the navy's upper-level combat power did not suffer any losses, the consumption was very serious. Under this situation, it was really not appropriate to continue fighting.

After all, Kaido is not an ordinary pirate, but a top Yonko. Who knows if the Beast Pirates are also on their way.

Let Kaido of the Beasts fight Blackbeard or Whitebeard first, and he can take the opportunity to recover some physical strength to cope with the upcoming battle.

Hearing this, Warring States nodded, took several admirals, and retreated to the back with the entire navy. At the same time, they faced Kaido, Blackbeard, and Whitebeard. Their navy was really struggling.

The Navy's actions naturally did not escape Rhodes' eyes, but Rhodes didn't care, as long as he could complete his own affairs, he didn't care about anything else.

"I'll give Whitebeard a ride first, and we'll come back later to continue." Kaido smiled, raised his big stick, and looked at Whitebeard aside.

"You bastard, what do you want to do to daddy? Stop it?" Marco shouted anxiously.

"Marco, take all your brothers immediately, leave the Navy Headquarters and return to the New World." Whitebeard turned around and said, and then fought with Kaido.

But after just one confrontation, Whitebeard was knocked to the ground and seriously injured. Coupled with old age and frailty, he was no match for Kaido at this time.

"Hey, hey, don't break his body." Rhodes said.

"Hmph! I know, brat, Whitebeard, let me see you off for the last time! Blood Thunder Bagua." Kaido's mace, in addition to Armed Color Haki and Overlord Color Haki, also comes with A blood-red energy.

Then a fierce blow hit Whitebeard, breaking his weapon into two pieces.

Whitebeard staggered back a few steps, barely standing. At this moment, his consciousness began to blur, and his life finally came to the last moment.

"Ahem! One Piece is real!" After shouting this sentence, Whitebeard closed his eyes forever.

Farewell, my sons, this time it will be forever!


"Haha! The cycle of life is over, but death is not the end!"

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